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Reply to Colonel Harish’s open letter to General Kayani

Man! Why don't you mind your own business? Swat or Sweet, nothing is directly your concern. Please stop meddling in Pakistan's affairs. Do away with your old habit of poking your nose every here and there, though the old habits die hard, yet there is no harm in trying. In East Pakistan you Indians made your efforts to pitch Bengalis against the army and you succeeded and now again you are going the same thing in the tribal areas and Balochistan and wishing that army should intervene but that wont happen. Instead of the Swatians we would rather point our muzzles :sniper: towards our real enemy. Please go and have a good sleep.

:lol: Well.. its india who is meddling in balochistan.. its india who is meddling in swat.. its india who is reason for all the problems in pakistan..!! Well what are you doing about it.. cry out loud..!!! :tsk:

Well... I dont think you are not a person with whom anyone(atleat indians) can have a constructive debate brother.. Live peacefully in your own "blame it all on india world" ;)...!!!
swat is not india,s business.if people of swat want peace,they will have it. these indians cant see peace in our country that,s why they are barking
Discussing some issue by some other country is a different thing but no country would accept its issues discussed by their enemy. The problem with you Indians are that you forget about your torn trousers and start checking others’ front buttons.
Thanks this discussion forum where you are allowed to say whatever you want to but I have a bitter experience of a large number of Indian forums where no Pakistani is tolerated and the language used by your country mate is so vulgar that one doesn’t feel like staying there for a while even.
Once we both have our respective share of problems then why shouldn’t we concentrate on them to resolve? Why to start suggesting others to do this way or that way? Especially when it’s known that none of us is going to buy others advises, no matter how sincere those are. So my friend relax and let’s put our respective house in order.

PS: Thanks IceCold

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:

I dont know whether its the frustration and aftereffects of what you have experienced on some rougue forum which is taking or the autocratic enviornment that you have experienced in Pakistan during youtr formative years.

If you do not want Indian or any international opinion on Pakistani matters you can ask the moderators to either
A) Stop indians from joining the forum
B) Restrict them to certain topics / sections

I have lived in a free country and I feel free to comment on any issue i deem fit to reply to. As long as I am adhering to the rules laid down by the forum, I dont think any member can bully me into silence.

On the topic of Colonol's letter and reply, instead of peeping into others torned trousers and laughing at it, it'd be better if take care of your balls that are being chopped off.
I dont know whether its the frustration and aftereffects of what you have experienced on some rougue forum which is taking or the autocratic enviornment that you have experienced in Pakistan during youtr formative years.

If you do not want Indian or any international opinion on Pakistani matters you can ask the moderators to either
A) Stop indians from joining the forum
B) Restrict them to certain topics / sections

I have lived in a free country and I feel free to comment on any issue i deem fit to reply to. As long as I am adhering to the rules laid down by the forum, I dont think any member can bully me into silence.

On the topic of Colonol's letter and reply, instead of peeping into others torned trousers and laughing at it, it'd be better if take care of your balls that are being chopped off.

You know SHUKLA i hate one thing about PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT...i absolutely feel sick about it is the fact that PAKISTANI government never comments on indian matters such as ASSAM,KASHMIR,GUJRAT,JAGDISH TYTLER,ADVANI,RSS and so on....while in india every politician wants to be SHARKUH and come on tv be it Pranab MUKHRJEE or A.KANTONY or anyone you name it and the storm they can create i must say alot of succes in bollywood as well as indian drama serials have helped INDIANS know the art of propoganda....!!!!! great going boys :tup::tup:....keep up the drama i love it.....and yes please tell all your genrals to write open letters.....i think you should have an award for the best propaganda.....give him PROPAGANDA CHAKRA :rofl::rofl::rofl:....or better give it to a muslim leader and call it another "PROOF" of indian secularism....
Before you jump the gun SHUKLA and say hey look at HAMID GUL,ZAID HAMID and i dunno who...but hey "WE ARE BARBARIANS,SAVAGE,INHUMAN PAKISTANIS" come on show us to be better than you don't u think so after all "INDIA IS A BIG SUPER POWER" ahd you care about your neghibours....

this letter is just another in a long list of indian propaganda
swat is not india,s business.if people of swat want peace,they will have it. these indians cant see peace in our country that,s why they are barking

swat is not India's business.
but when the people who were responsible for the kandahar hijack and almost half of the kashmiri terrorism....are allowed free lunches in pakistan...it becomes our business...all of us have witnessed how these 'afghani' people entered into pakistan...and have crept so deep into pakistan that they are mere kilometers away from our border...and all this while...pakistan is busy deciding whether to fight them or not...
a troubled pakistan would have an immediate fallout in india....which is our concern.
You know SHUKLA i hate one thing about PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT...i absolutely feel sick about it is the fact that PAKISTANI government never comments on indian matters such as ASSAM,KASHMIR,GUJRAT,JAGDISH TYTLER,ADVANI,RSS and so on....while in india every politician wants to be SHARKUH and come on tv be it Pranab MUKHRJEE or A.KANTONY or anyone you name it and the storm they can create i must say alot of succes in bollywood as well as indian drama serials have helped INDIANS know the art of propoganda....!!!!! great going boys :tup::tup:....keep up the drama i love it.....and yes please tell all your genrals to write open letters.....i think you should have an award for the best propaganda.....give him PROPAGANDA CHAKRA :rofl::rofl::rofl:....or better give it to a muslim leader and call it another "PROOF" of indian secularism....

I am replying just because you quoted my post and I find your entire post absolutely insane. I dont see any material relevant to the current discussion. Pakistan leaders have already done their bit of crying on Kashmir issue on every possible forum and the response has been zip. Shunya. Zero.

Probably they are too demoralized by the futility of their efforts.

Whatever your polititions miss on TVs you guys are filling the gap on this forum. You have conciously tried to derail every possible thread by bringing up same issues but to no avail.. The result has been the same. Zip. Oh. Zero. Shunya.
I am replying just because you quoted my post and I find your entire post absolutely insane. I dont see any material relevant to the current discussion. Pakistan leaders have already done their bit of crying on Kashmir issue on every possible forum and the response has been zip. Shunya. Zero.

Probably they are too demoralized by the futility of their efforts.

Whatever your polititions miss on TVs you guys are filling the gap on this forum. You have conciously tried to derail every possible thread by bringing up same issues but to no avail.. The result has been the same. Zip. Oh. Zero. Shunya.

Well shukla this is how we feel about you and your media and your politicians the only diffrence is we won't call it "SHUNYA" but SIFARRR!!!! and whatever india cried about to the world i guess miliband answered on our behalf as for the US well it wants to get in bed with INDIA...let it we got no issues...we know what will come once this love affair is over.....:bounce::bounce:
and yes one more thing US backs ISRAEL...and u know the atrocities ISRAEL does...however the pleas and proof against there atrocities go unheard.......does that mean ISRAEL is a good country and not harming anyone....
I hope colonel Harish would soon write an open letter to the indian president and US president!

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Thank you BATMAN....i think now indian government and media and RETIRED COLONEL...can write open letters to them and say hey we are not meddling into your business we are just expressing ourselves......

@ afriend...."blame it all on india" well i am sorry we haven't perfected the technique from you yet....you seem to blame us for everything...
Well shukla this is how we feel about you and your media and your politicians the only diffrence is we won't call it "SHUNYA" but SIFARRR!!!! and whatever india cried about to the world i guess miliband answered on our behalf as for the US well it wants to get in bed with INDIA...let it we got no issues...we know what will come once this love affair is over.....:bounce::bounce:

Whatever we have achieved through diplomacy and restrain is bigger than any milletary coup. I think when you will reach the voting age you will realise the reality of all these fairy tales. Keep on jumping over Pakistan's diplomatic victories till you get your wisdom tooth because after that reality will hit hard that Pakistan has been isolated on the issue i International community.

Back to the topic, I am yet to see the reply to the questions raised in the letter. And what if this letter was not written by an Indian Colonol as same questions were asked by many Pakistani members as well? Would you still be jumping with joy and thumping you chest that you know the Urdu translation for zero?
Pakistan leaders have already done their bit of crying on Kashmir issue on every possible forum and the response has been zip. Shunya. Zero. Probably they are too demoralized by the futility of their efforts.

Yes I think you are right that our voice at every forum remained fruitless, because our forefather wasn’t Chanakiya but please do let us know that who lost a part of Kashmir to Pakistan in 1847? Who took the Kashmir issue to the UNO after losing a major part of Kashmir to Pakistanis? Remember that the Taliban of ’48 were on our side. Who promised to the world body to resolve the issue? Who lost Chhamb (Kashmir) to Pakistan in 1965 and who was returned Akhnur (Kashmir) back after the battle?

Now since all the rascals of the world are together against Pakistan so the only way left is……. I think you know what I mean? Good day.

:pakistan::bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :pakistan:
Let me first acknowldeg your ability to mock the things up at the right time, i bet your colleagues in your NGO thing must be enjoying your presence as you laugh their days out.
Whatever we have achieved through diplomacy and restrain is bigger than any milletary coup. I think when you will reach the voting age you will realise the reality of all these fairy tales. Keep on jumping over Pakistan's diplomatic victories till you get your wisdom tooth because after that reality will hit hard that Pakistan has been isolated on the issue i International community.
We are already isolated from the international community, thanks to many, but due you really think, isolating a nuclear power completely would be in favor of the international community?

Atleast, with most of the world against us we still manage to stay and fight back, nitty gritty 'victories' of diplomatic relations, as you call them can pamper you and you can carry on with the amusement, we atleast are thankful and proud that despite the conspiracies against the only Muslim nuclear and a powerful military state, we still manage to give sleepless nights to many who are not happy with our existence.

You have tried earlier, you may like to try again, let's see when you will make major headway!

And then you complain that india is surrounded by 'foes'..lolzz. God that is funny.
Sooo, given I'm neither Indian nor Pakistani either ethnically nor nationally, would someone be so kind as to inform me why the PA is incapable of defending its own people? I'm pretty sure if someone in NZ started killing the police officers and tying up people and sawing off their heads in the middle of the road, my army such as it is would be there tout de suite, dealing rough justice to the miscreants. Where is the Pakistani Army, and what is the point of having it?
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