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Reply to Colonel Harish’s open letter to General Kayani

Whatever we have achieved through diplomacy and restrain is bigger than any milletary coup. I think when you will reach the voting age you will realise the reality of all these fairy tales. Keep on jumping over Pakistan's diplomatic victories till you get your wisdom tooth because after that reality will hit hard that Pakistan has been isolated on the issue i International community.

Back to the topic, I am yet to see the reply to the questions raised in the letter. And what if this letter was not written by an Indian Colonol as same questions were asked by many Pakistani members as well? Would you still be jumping with joy and thumping you chest that you know the Urdu translation for zero?

Ok please define isolation....because china is still with us so is Saudi...so is japan so is Iran(to an extent) ....and so on and so forth....now if US and its NATO allies and ISRAEL are supposed to be the party that you are judging by then i guess maybe you are right....but makes me wonder why JOHN KERRY type people care about pakistan and pakistan's point of view.....

as for indian voting...its a farce you are telling me ADVANI of the BJP who is running for Prime Minister is called democarcy that man is behind so much murder and he is allowed to run.....hmmm...well i guess then ZARDARI getting elected is also called DEMOCRACY shukla.....:bounce::bounce::bunny::bunny:
Sooo, given I'm neither Indian nor Pakistani either ethnically nor nationally, would someone be so kind as to inform me why the PA is incapable of defending its own people? I'm pretty sure if someone in NZ started killing the police officers and tying up people and sawing off their heads in the middle of the road, my army such as it is would be there tout de suite, dealing rough justice to the miscreants. Where is the Pakistani Army, and what is the point of having it?

Before i answer you answer this please where the NATO army what is the point of having them if in 8 years in IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN you haven't been able to defeat AL QAEDA or TALIBAN....and you know NATO has superior weapons and technology and use local army as decoy and bait....like the afghan national guard and the iraqi army is trained to play bait...and that is the reason minimum number of NATO soliders die.....so yes i will answer you where the pak army is first you answer my question....:hitwall:

parihaka....you are from newzeland right.....how is the weather there in june....i might be coming down there in june
Sooo, given I'm neither Indian nor Pakistani either ethnically nor nationally, would someone be so kind as to inform me why the PA is incapable of defending its own people? I'm pretty sure if someone in NZ started killing the police officers and tying up people and sawing off their heads in the middle of the road, my army such as it is would be there tout de suite, dealing rough justice to the miscreants. Where is the Pakistani Army, and what is the point of having it?

i never knew that NZ is under dictatorialship now a days, since when the martial law is in effect there, never heard it on the news, strange indeed.
Ok please define isolation....because china is still with us so is Saudi...so is japan so is Iran(to an extent) ....and so on and so forth....now if US and its NATO allies and ISRAEL are supposed to be the party that you are judging by then i guess maybe you are right....but makes me wonder why JOHN KERRY type people care about pakistan and pakistan's point of view.....

as for indian voting...its a farce you are telling me ADVANI of the BJP who is running for Prime Minister is called democarcy that man is behind so much murder and he is allowed to run.....hmmm...well i guess then ZARDARI getting elected is also called DEMOCRACY shukla.....:bounce::bounce::bunny::bunny:

Glad you asked.I dont even need to answer the point
The Pot calling the Kettle Black

We hear that for the first time some of Pakistan's most steadfast friends are on the same page as its detractors with regard to what the country must do to save itself from descending into chaos and endangering world security.

The Chinese are said to have fallen in line with the US view that Pakistan must fight religious extremism as a threat to itself first and foremost.

And that the Saudis are on the same page. apparantly, what has irked the kingdom most of all is that every terrorist they apprehend on their soil traces back to Pakistan's tribal areas where Al-Qaeda's Leadership is safely esconded. The saudis are mightly irked by this and have made their view well known - sort them out at the root, they've said, and make your country and the world a safer place.:enjoy:

Sooo, given I'm neither Indian nor Pakistani either ethnically nor nationally, would someone be so kind as to inform me why the PA is incapable of defending its own people? I'm pretty sure if someone in NZ started killing the police officers and tying up people and sawing off their heads in the middle of the road, my army such as it is would be there tout de suite, dealing rough justice to the miscreants. Where is the Pakistani Army, and what is the point of having it?

Typical of Indians. Man! You cant hide your identity. Please dont try to pose as some innocent.

:rofl: :chilli: :victory: :bounce: :taz: :wave: :wave:
parihaka....you are from newzeland right.....how is the weather there in june....i might be coming down there in june

Zob! Nope................ this poor innocent soul doesnt know that from where he belongs. :rofl: In sleep he said that he is from NZ land:yahoo:
Zob! Nope................ this poor innocent soul doesnt know that from where he belongs. :rofl: In sleep he said that he is from NZ land:yahoo:

Probably in is sleep he also dreamed that NZ's Police force has been disbanded, therefore its Army has to do every damn thing. NZ's military is now a days catching thieves, car snatchers, traffic signal breakers etc etc.
Before i answer you answer this please where the NATO army what is the point of having them if in 8 years in IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN you haven't been able to defeat AL QAEDA or TALIBAN....and you know NATO has superior weapons and technology and use local army as decoy and bait....like the afghan national guard and the iraqi army is trained to play bait...and that is the reason minimum number of NATO soliders die.....so yes i will answer you where the pak army is first you answer my question....:hitwall:
Okay. NATO has done poorly in Afghanistan primarily because it has been under-resourced and because it has been unable to strike at the training and re-equipping sites in the FATA.
The difference however is that NATO has engaged the Taliban and taken the fight to them and continues to do so. The Pakistan Army has in the words of its commander 'disengaged' and only the FC is left to fight. Soooo, your turn.
parihaka....you are from newzeland right.....how is the weather there in june....i might be coming down there in june

I am indeed, not the best time to visit as it's late autumn but the ski season won't have started, still lots to do and see though.
Typical of Indians. Man! You cant hide your identity. Please dont try to pose as some innocent.

:rofl: :chilli: :victory: :bounce: :taz: :wave: :wave:

rest assured my impercipient correspondent, I am anything but innocent.
As to my nationality however, Asim Aquil, Neo and Agnostic Muslim, all of whom while harbouring no great liking for me can all vouch for my country of origin.
Please don't question the identity of the posters, its a complete distraction from thread topic and has no bearing on the validity of the posts.

If you have concerns, you can approach a Moderator through PM.
Probably in is sleep he also dreamed that NZ's Police force has been disbanded, therefore its Army has to do every damn thing. NZ's military is now a days catching thieves, car snatchers, traffic signal breakers etc etc.

Actually, quite a few of them are employed putting Timor Leste, the Solomon Islands and Bamyan province back together, the later after the tali-mufsidun did their best to wipe out the local population and culture.
As I said, should such insane little irhabi as those currently infesting your fair land turn up on our soil, it would be a race as to whether the army or the armed part of our constabulary got there first. Being a small country we do tend to job-share and act as jack-of-all-trades.

Sooo, why was it again that your army is sitting in it's barracks while madmen are out shooting policemen and sawing peoples heads off in your streets?
Ok let me clear this Army blame game for once and all, Armies don't do things at their own in democratic countries.

i had replied regarding this already in some other thread so just quoting it over here:


Well Asim, with due respect i think you and others need to understand the working of any Army.

Is it that you believe that an Army is supposed to take unilateral decisions?

Or is it that the military makes plans that are independent of political patronage?

Ok, most will argue that this had been happening atleast in Pakistan previously, but this fight with terror is not the issue that the military is handling at its own.

Why you always skip the political decision making process that is part and parcel of every military operation?

Lal Mosque was slapped on the Army as if it was an act undertaken by Corps Commander Pindi! Yes the Musharraf was the sitting President at the time, but does it mean that the Army went inside just because it was itching to consume its old ammunition lots?

The Army came back from Swat because it was a political decision, if you decide to criticize the military for it please do so, but it's also an humble request not to blame everything sh!t on the military, try to keep in view the political scenario also.

No ones thinks that these Talibans and other separatist/terrorist movements within the country are justified and they are required to handled properly (hard handedly to some extent), but i think many have forgotten that a 'dictator' is no more in command of this country.

Our beloved democracy is back on track and steering "well"!

So everything that happens now is due to our weak, short sighted and ever fluctuating governmental policies.

And let me see anyone talking about Army's lack of interest in solving the taliban problem, again, i kill you :cheesy:(remember the Achmed the Dead Terrorist)
Ok let me clear this Army blame game for once and all, Armies don't do things at their own in democratic countries.

i had replied regarding this already in some other thread so just quoting it over here:


And let me see anyone talking about Army's lack of interest in solving the taliban problem, again, i kill you :cheesy:(remember the Achmed the Dead Terrorist)

Okay, so it is therefore primarily a political problem, where the army would go in to fight but the GoP doesn't wish them to. Why would the GoP not want them to fight?

Okay, so it is therefore primarily a political problem, where the army would go in to fight but the GoP doesn't wish them to. Why would the GoP not want them to fight?
Well, the current Government is very weak and PPP party knows if war goes into wrong direction then Pakistan's People Party future is black and will never win an election again.We need a strong government then ask Army to go ahead with full power.
Well, the current Government is very weak and PPP party knows if war goes into wrong direction then Pakistan's People Party future is black and will never win an election again.We need a strong government then ask Army to go ahead with full power.

So for fear of loosing an election, the PPPP risks loosing the country?
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