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Reply to Colonel Harish’s open letter to General Kayani

u spoke my heart major dad... The sole purpose of this piece of writing seems to stimulate the liberal brigade within Pakistan, tarnish the image of the army and overturn Swat peace deal which would never happen Mr. Col…. Not before dismemberence of India at least where dozens of liberation movements and insurgencies are creating havoc. Just try n do something for ur own country if u really want to save the region rather tittle-tattle about Pakistan and cook flogging stories... it might be worthwhile... lollzzz:rofl:
all the best :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

I think I can summarize the whole affair as below:

Col Harish - I am not a foreign affairs man, but I have fought PA and I thought you guys were similar to us (even though we are faar better!!).Anyway, we being friends and all, let me ask why did you surrender in Swat ?
Reply: No, we kicked your ***!! Your army kills fluffy bunnies! And mind your own business, Kayani is in charge. We do not surrender ever!

Neither letter is informative. The first one was aimed at provoking a response, and the second contained absolutely nothing in the way of a response. It may help diverting attention from the first letter if that is what the author was aiming at.
...and in which of these provinces, have the security forces signed a peace deal with the so called insurgents ?

To quote Mr muse, you missed the forest to hit the tree.

Nope Mr. Ill-informed! Please remove your dark glasses and look deep in to the troubled Indian provinces with utmost honesty and you wont find "All Good" there.

I think I can summarize the whole affair as below:

Col Harish - I am not a foreign affairs man, but I have fought PA and I thought you guys were similar to us (even though we are faar better!!).Anyway, we being friends and all, let me ask why did you surrender in Swat ?
Reply: No, we kicked your ***!! Your army kills fluffy bunnies! And mind your own business, Kayani is in charge. We do not surrender ever!

Neither letter is informative. The first one was aimed at provoking a response, and the second contained absolutely nothing in the way of a response. It may help diverting attention from the first letter if that is what the author was aiming at.

One reply!!!................. I mean just one reply and that much smoke?

:chilli: :chilli: :chilli:
Nope Mr. Ill-informed! Please remove your dark glasses and look deep in to the troubled Indian provinces with utmost honesty and you wont find "All Good" there.


I am sorry but i have to say this.. your reply is very childish..!!! Indians pointed out an issue concerning or affecting you.. you are pointing another issue in our country..!!! It seems you are rather intrested in mudslinging rather than having a constructive debate on how you can help your country.. and brother its you, who have to remove the dark glasses of hate.

And engima.. i agree with you, on the people accusing army, army cannot and should not take unilateral decisions.. its the will power of the government officials that should be questioned... and if that is to be questioned largescale peoples movement should happen.. like what we so in the long march.. why these politicions are not comming out against these talibanis.. because they are either spinelss or afraid that the pakistani system cannot save them from the bullets of taliban.. but SOME ONE have to take the first step.. be it the army atleast for one last time.. or the civilian leadership or the people of pakistan before it is too late..!!!
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Ask your conscience if you are justified in making such remarks. Taleban, which is active in SWAT is a real threat to India as well.

Is it the threat that is real to India or the paranoia? Think twice before replying.Seriously don't you guys have something better to do other then creating war hysteria and paranoia. :tsk:
Is it the threat that is real to India or the paranoia? Think twice before replying.

We in India do perceive the threat for real. Taliban have proclaimed their enimity on India openly. Only a few hundred kilometers and PA are between them and India. How can you say this is paranoia?

I understand this is a Pakisthani forum, but I nevertheless request Pakistanis to consider the Indian point of view also seriously, and not to dismiss it outright just because you do not agree with it.

Seriously don't you guys have something better to do other then creating war hysteria and paranoia. :tsk:

Why do you think my reply creates War Hysteria? Request you to kindly enlighten me.
We in India do perceive the threat for real. Taliban have proclaimed their enimity on India openly. Only a few hundred kilometers and PA are between them and India. How can you say this is paranoia?

Because Taliban are far from taking over Pakistan yet alone India, it could happen only if suddenly the whole of PA disappears. What happened in Swat was not because Taliban wanted sharia but because people of swat were themselves interested in sharia law, the rest of the country isn't. Remember Taliban take their power from the ordinary people and well masses don't support them anywhere. Pakistanis majority are very liberal people and specially if you move away a bit from Swat you will realize how modern and liberal Pakistanis really are. So i will say again this so called threat presumption is nothing more then a self created paranoia.

Why do you think my reply creates War Hysteria? Request you to kindly enlighten me.

You misunderstood, i wasn't pointing to you specifically it was a general comment meant for your kind.
You misunderstood, i wasn't pointing to you specifically it was a general comment meant for your kind.

OK. However there are people of both tha nationalities who are hell bent on just spitting verbal venom on the other country. Such people are definitely not of "My Kind". Let us ignore them.
by Ice Cold

Because Taliban are far from taking over Pakistan yet alone India, it could happen only if suddenly the whole of PA disappears. What happened in Swat was not because Taliban wanted sharia but because people of swat were themselves interested in sharia law, the rest of the country isn't. Remember Taliban take their power from the ordinary people and well masses don't support them anywhere. Pakistanis majority are very liberal people and specially if you move away a bit from Swat you will realize how modern and liberal Pakistanis really are. So i will say again this so called threat presumption is nothing more then a self created paranoia.

As if ice read my mind, he took word out of my mouth and he is exactly right, we the Pakistani can use more people like Ice cold with the wits he possesses and the understanding he has of the jargon by our adversaries.

My recommendation for Indians is to read the following.

Ulema and Mashaikh Convention Rejects " Taliban Brand of Sharia"
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I am sorry but i have to say this.. your reply is very childish..!!! Indians pointed out an issue concerning or affecting you.. you are pointing another issue in our country..!!! It seems you are rather intrested in mudslinging rather than having a constructive debate on how you can help your country.. and brother its you, who have to remove the dark glasses of hate.

And engima.. i agree with you, on the people accusing army, army cannot and should not take unilateral decisions.. its the will power of the government officials that should be questioned... and if that is to be questioned largescale peoples movement should happen.. like what we so in the long march.. why these politicions are not comming out against these talibanis.. because they are either spinelss or afraid that the pakistani system cannot save them from the bullets of taliban.. but SOME ONE have to take the first step.. be it the army atleast for one last time.. or the civilian leadership or the people of pakistan before it is too late..!!!

Man! Why don't you mind your own business? Swat or Sweet, nothing is directly your concern. Please stop meddling in Pakistan's affairs. Do away with your old habit of poking your nose every here and there, though the old habits die hard, yet there is no harm in trying. In East Pakistan you Indians made your efforts to pitch Bengalis against the army and you succeeded and now again you are going the same thing in the tribal areas and Balochistan and wishing that army should intervene but that wont happen. Instead of the Swatians we would rather point our muzzles :sniper: towards our real enemy. Please go and have a good sleep.

:pakistan: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns:
Man! Why don't you mind your own business? Swat or Sweet, nothing is directly your concern. Please stop meddling in Pakistan's affairs. Do away with your old habit of poking your nose every here and there, though the old habits die hard, yet there is no harm in trying. In East Pakistan you Indians made your efforts to pitch Bengalis against the army and you succeeded and now again you are going the same thing in the tribal areas and Balochistan and wishing that army should intervene but that wont happen. Instead of the Swatians we would rather point our muzzles :sniper: towards our real enemy. Please go and have a good sleep.

:pakistan: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns:

If you are so scared of the Indian Nose being poked, or if you are so ashamed of your internal politics then who has prescribed subscribing to an Open Internet forum which is here to promote cros border discussions.

If you are so afraid of other countries meddling in your affair, then cut off dilomatic ties with all the countries and turn yourself into a NK of sorts.

If sleeping in an enclosed shell makesyou feel comfortable, then get internet connection disconnected and TV switched off, you will have all the privacy you need to wash your dirty linen.

I dont think this argument hold when you are discussing things on an open forum.
can we say , that the letter of col. puri was in fear/response/reaction of the manawan police training incident , that it was only 10 Km away from india ?
If you are so scared of the Indian Nose being poked, or if you are so ashamed of your internal politics then who has prescribed subscribing to an Open Internet forum which is here to promote cros border discussions.

If you are so afraid of other countries meddling in your affair, then cut off dilomatic ties with all the countries and turn yourself into a NK of sorts.

If sleeping in an enclosed shell makesyou feel comfortable, then get internet connection disconnected and TV switched off, you will have all the privacy you need to wash your dirty linen.

I dont think this argument hold when you are discussing things on an open forum.

Discussion is one thing, meddling is an altogether different. And by the way we are not ashamed of our internal politics, every country has its fair share of problems so do we what is there to be ashamed off?
Discussion is one thing, meddling is an altogether different. And by the way we are not ashamed of our internal politics, every country has its fair share of problems so do we what is there to be ashamed off?

Agree 100%.

I dont think either the letter or the reply caused any meddling of sorts, how can you meddle in international affairs by writing open letters that too by a retired colonel. It was basically statement of interest in the proceeding and querry about what exactly is being done. These questions arealso being raised by Pakistanis.

I never said you should be asamed of anything... I have always maintaained that India has its fair share rather more than fare share of problem, but if that stops us from commenting and discussing (not meddling) with issues then hardly any nation would qualify for that. But if you are shy of discussing the issues them defenitely you are ashamed and insecure.
Agree 100%.

I dont think either the letter or the reply caused any meddling of sorts, how can you meddle in international affairs by writing open letters that too by a retired colonel. It was basically statement of interest in the proceeding and querry about what exactly is being done. These questions arealso being raised by Pakistanis.

I never said you should be asamed of anything... I have always maintaained that India has its fair share rather more than fare share of problem, but if that stops us from commenting and discussing (not meddling) with issues then hardly any nation would qualify for that. But if you are shy of discussing the issues them defenitely you are ashamed and insecure.

Discussing some issue by some other country is a different thing but no country would accept its issues discussed by their enemy. The problem with you Indians are that you forget about your torn trousers and start checking others’ front buttons.
Thanks this discussion forum where you are allowed to say whatever you want to but I have a bitter experience of a large number of Indian forums where no Pakistani is tolerated and the language used by your country mate is so vulgar that one doesn’t feel like staying there for a while even.
Once we both have our respective share of problems then why shouldn’t we concentrate on them to resolve? Why to start suggesting others to do this way or that way? Especially when it’s known that none of us is going to buy others advises, no matter how sincere those are. So my friend relax and let’s put our respective house in order.

PS: Thanks IceCold

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
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