If you call God & he comes to save you, when your family life & house is at stake, then I can accept God & religion should come first.
If Pakistan's Islam is greater than nationalism, then why none of the Muslim countries respect you or your approach & deeds. Why every country whom you called brother nation like Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE treat Pakistanis worse than trash even worse than Indians. Why could Bangladesh not stay together if Islam should be considered higher than nationality.
This is a raw proof, if you put your religious interest higher than national interest it will only lead to your destruction. Jordan, Egypt & Saudi fought war with Israel, but today they have peace treaty. The reason is national interest.
If religion is more powerful, Muslim countries should have been able to defeat Israel being such a small country surrounded by so many Muslim countries. Israel was attacked by 6-7 countries in 1948 & 1967. The war of 1967 ended in 6 days. Israel defended it's country even though they were attacked from all sides. The casualty of Arabs were 1:20.
If Islam was greater the God should have come to protect its followers. Where was he. Why most Muslim countries is always in blood & violence. This is what will happen if you are too obsessed with religion. Islam is the only religion who are too sensitive to religion. That's why world wide Muslims are ill treated.
I am not trying to offend Muslims, but it's time Muslims wake up & treat religion just as a belief to be practiced at home. Once Muslims become tolerable to critics & stop reacting to it, It will be treated as a normal religion. And it's time like Jordan, Egypt, Saudi have ties with Israel to have national interest first & try to build relation with India putting aside all your Islamic obsession. This will bring peace in the entire region. And both Hindus & Muslims can live like any other countries. The biggest regret is we lived in one house one day & we have the same blood line. It's like fighting with your brothers & family.
So please NATIONAL INTEREST should be the first important factor in relationship between countries & religion should be the last.