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Reformed Taliban: Possible?


Jul 31, 2009
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Already before the NATO invasion, there were signs of discord between the Taliban and AQ. The Taliban were unhappy with OBL because he had defied their order/request to refrain from terrorism. The Taliban never had international aspirations and were unhappy with OBL drawing international ire with his antics.

During the NATO campaign, they have portrayed their resistance as a nationalist resistance to occupation, rather than as an Islamist campaign, so it might be possible to wean them away from AQ extremism towards a more moderate Islam. That would certainly make it easier for them to find legitimacy with the Afghan population, although not hardcore NA types.

Pakistan could, and should, do its utmost to help this transformation, not just for the Afghans, but also since an extremist ideology on the doorstep is not good for Pakistan either. In the bargain, Pakistan might lose a "weapon" of non-state actors, but hopefully the strategists have learned their lesson.
Already before the NATO invasion, there were signs of discord between the Taliban and AQ. The Taliban were unhappy with OBL because he had defied their order/request to refrain from terrorism. The Taliban never had international aspirations and were unhappy with OBL drawing international ire with his antics.

During the NATO campaign, they have portrayed their resistance as a nationalist resistance to occupation, rather than as an Islamist campaign, so it might be possible to wean them away from AQ extremism towards a more moderate Islam. That would certainly make it easier for them to find legitimacy with the Afghan population, although not hardcore NA types.

Pakistan could, and should, do its utmost to help this transformation, not just for the Afghans, but also since an extremist ideology on the doorstep is not good for Pakistan either. In the bargain, Pakistan might lose a "weapon" of non-state actors, but hopefully the strategists have learned their lesson.

Even if the Taliban were to reform a difficult task in itself would Americans accept a reformed Taliban who did not agree with the designs that America has for our neighbourhood?
Even if the Taliban were to reform a difficult task in itself would Americans accept a reformed Taliban who did not agree with the designs that America has for our neighbourhood?

True, but a reformed Taliban that is fully backed by the Afghan population would be better able to resist external pressures. Otherwise, internal divisions and dissent would be exploited by foreigners.
Perhaps those that assisted with finance in producing Taliban could do the same now in clearing the mess. Sad reality Americans have never tried winning hearts and minds. They could learn from Chinese,
The T faction never liked the Islamization of their war and resistance by AQ, so displeased were the Afghan commanders by the arrival of Arab fighters during the Afghan-Soviet war that they regularly escorted them back to Pakistan border or limited them to social services and religious teaching. Most of the Afghan back then fought for the Pashtun struggle and not really under the banner of religion.
Perhaps those that assisted with finance in producing Taliban could do the same now in clearing the mess.

Do you think they will have a change of heart, or will they continue funding extremism? Certainly, thy would love to see trouble in Baluchistan continue.

Violence brings violence, not only reform Taliban reform everybody, our army, isi, mi politicians police so there is personal and political agenda

Pakistan would have to accept that radicalization has really bad blowback and cannot be controlled.

The T faction never liked the Islamization of their war and resistance by AQ, so displeased were the Afghan commanders by the arrival of Arab fighters during the Afghan-Soviet war that they regularly escorted them back to Pakistan border or limited them to social services and religious teaching. Most of the Afghan back then fought for the Pashtun struggle and not really under the banner of religion.

Yes, but they did get cozy after a while. OBL was treated reasonably well, at least until he started getting adventurous internationally. If the rift is there, it should be exploited to eject AQ completely from the neighborhood once and for all.
Do you think they will have a change of heart, or will they continue funding extremism? Certainly, thy would love to see trouble in Baluchistan continue.

I think Taliban would be tolerated as they are without any ideological change by the Americans provided they became an instrument for their vision in our neighbourhood. After all Americans don't have a problem with the sophisticated Taliban in Saudi.

I don't think American's care about Taliban or what they do as long as they don't export terrorism a la al Qaeda style and allow India to play the role of regional proxy.
After seeing their terrible rule in Afghanistan post Soviet war, do you really think they can reform?
They need to reform, compromise, negotiate and deal this time because they don't have any other option; Afghanistan is not in a situation like 90s the population is now doubled, educated, progressed. If they withstand with the same ideology/governance they had before I am sure a revolution of 1 to 3 million people will overthrow their government within a year if in case they comes in to power.

There are some major and minor things Taliban have to change the rest is all accepted to the people.
Mullah Omar for President.

Where is this only alive Taliban veteran?

If there is any alive Taliban army some where in void.. why would they re-conciliate with invaders,, who carpet bomb them and let AQ walk free out of Tora Bora!!!
Pakistan must maintain good ties with all "relevant" groups in Afghanistan, which includes the Taliban as well of course, regardless of what the Taliban do inside Afghanistan (it is none of Pakistan's business, as long as it is not affecting Pakistan adversely). The Taliban are the Afghan people, & Pakistan must do all it can to maintain its influence over Afghanistan, for its own security.
^^ Afghanistan is occupied by Indians and Americans... which one of them is willing to accept Pakistan influence?
After seeing their terrible rule in Afghanistan post Soviet war, do you really think they can reform?

That was an ugly time in Afghanistan's history and there was brutality by all sides. History is written by the victors, as they say, and the American narrative whitewashes the brutality of the Northern Alliance. Certainly, the hardline AQ ideology worsened matters, which is why I am suggesting a reformed Taliban adopting a more moderate Islam.

They need to reform, compromise, negotiate and deal this time because they don't have any other option; Afghanistan is not in a situation like 90s the population is now doubled, educated, progressed. If they withstand with the same ideology/governance they had before I am sure a revolution of 1 to 3 million people will overthrow their government within a year if in case they comes in to power.

There are some major and minor things Taliban have to change the rest is all accepted to the people.

Unfortunately, the first priority will be to settle scores (with the NA). Hopefully, that phase can be minimized so that Afghanistan can progress to ethnic reconciliation. As for reformation of the Taliban, that will depend greatly on whether external sources of funding these ideologies can be controlled.

Pakistan must maintain good ties with all "relevant" groups in Afghanistan, which includes the Taliban as well of course, regardless of what the Taliban do inside Afghanistan (it is none of Pakistan's business, as long as it is not affecting Pakistan adversely). The Taliban are the Afghan people,

Pakistan lost a golden opportunity to play a reconciling role after the Soviet withdrawal. For whatever reason, we decided to rebuff the NA, rather than help mediate between them and the Taliban. I hope Pakistan gets a second chance to play that role, although I am skeptical.

Pakistan must do all it can to maintain its influence over Afghanistan, for its own security.

Given Afghanistan's geography and resources, everyone will try and maintain "influence". It's a mixed blessing for Afghanistan.
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