Would you also say that it was wrong to free the Qaaba when the lunes from Yemen took it over???
And you are entirely mistken about what I want.
What I want is free, conscious, educated, FAITHFUL Muslims - not Muslims who imagine that change in society can arrested, not muslims who imagine that islam is merely a bunch of Dos and Dont's and that God is a God of fashion and outward appearances, of prudish busybodyism, and who do not understand that Certitude flows from Faith, not the other way around.
Being Muslim is a complex challenge, only concious, not by accident of birth, is FAITH even approachable.
This is not for everyone - and that's OK - but forcing people into the halls of Heaven is neither Islam nor the proper behaviour for Muslims. And this idea is not for everyone either, but you will find that it meets with wide approval among the Faithful.
You say "Liberal" as if you were ashamed of it, if being a free muslim is good for you, why not others? After all, we force no one to accept any of this, we only want to be free of the coersion of the Islamist - it is the Islamist who breaks laws of society, who takes up arms against the state, who kills innocent Pakistanis with suicide bombs, who murders in the name of what he says is his religion.
That Islamists call would call the likes of you and me, Kafir, is a badge of honor for us, because we unmask them by being free Muslims.