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only the blasts and incidents happening in pakistan are not inside job rest all are be it us or india carry on
With respect , why are certain Pakistanis such conspiracy theorists ? It is always that there is a conspiracy against either or both Muslims and/or Pakistanis. Some of the comments here are rather brazen, insensitive to the deaths of thousands of innocent people and simply cold. I would think that such an inhumane approach would be adopted by Godless people who are incapable of embracing humanity and not from people who embrace a religion called Islam which promotes a brotherhood amongst mankind irrespective of race , class or creed. Shame on you. :undecided:
Anyone who believes that the 9-11-01 plane hijackings and attacks were an "inside" job and not planned and executed by al Qaeda is just plain stupid. That's right STUPID. There is no way to sugar coat it. Such people cannot THINK clearly or do not have the mental capacity to understand simple facts. They are doomed to a life of paranoia.
Innocent lives were lost for no reason from a cowardly act to proof wat ? wat did the gain by it ? nothing yet have put all muslims around the world in prob's . It always takes one bad apple in a bunch to screw up the things for the rest in the bunch wat was done was totally wrong and uncalled for . My heart goes out to those who died period .
Anyone who believes that the 9-11-01 plane hijackings and attacks were an "inside" job and not planned and executed by al Qaeda is just plain stupid. That's right STUPID. There is no way to sugar coat it. Such people cannot THINK clearly or do not have the mental capacity to understand simple facts. They are doomed to a life of paranoia.

if you can prove how wtc7 fell down, ill agree it was not an inside job.
Are you a professional, it is not us that created the conspiracy theories, it were the Americans that did. Go look at the temp required to melt steel, once you digest that we can move on. They say only Muslims are brainwashed :lol::lol::lol:.

We got so many videos of trade center, how come there isn't a video for pentagon?? that place is covered with cameras??

A few ppl managed to high jack planes with knives?? dam Americans sure are puccies.

anyways innocent lives were lost, which should not have happened, either it was an inside job or not.

you pay for ur deeds.
With respect , why are certain Pakistanis such conspiracy theorists ? It is always that there is a conspiracy against either or both Muslims and/or Pakistanis. Some of the comments here are rather brazen, insensitive to the deaths of thousands of innocent people and simply cold. I would think that such an inhumane approach would be adopted by Godless people who are incapable of embracing humanity and not from people who embrace a religion called Islam which promotes a brotherhood amongst mankind irrespective of race , class or creed. Shame on you. :undecided:

these wern't started by pakistanis/muslims.
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if you can prove how wtc7 fell down, ill agree it was not an inside job.

No one can "prove" how any of the buildings came down. It is not possible to do an experiment that would satisfy people with a paranoid predisposition to believe in the evil intent of the Jews or the
Americans. Just like no one can "prove" that Americans landed on the Moon. No one can "prove" that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated John F. Kennedy.

For the 9-11 deniers, stupidity or craven paranoia are the ONLY possible explanations.
It's done by Ai Qaida or Neocon-Jewish Alliance, but one thing is sure that USA did not learn its lessons and operessions and superessions of Palestinians is going on and on without a hault. Palestine conflict is the root cause of what has happened if it is carried out by Al Qaida.
By the way US ha s started it's march towards decline of an empire after touching it's peak and no Bush, or Obama or any one else can stop it.
There is a supereme power over this "Super Power", who is taking care of US crimes against humanity from Vietnam to Korea, From Panama to Nicaragua, from Iraq to Afghanistan and so on.
No one can "prove" how any of the buildings came down. It is not possible to do an experiment that would satisfy people with a paranoid predisposition to believe in the evil intent of the Jews or the
Americans. Just like no one can "prove" that Americans landed on the Moon. No one can "prove" that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated John F. Kennedy.

For the 9-11 deniers, stupidity or craven paranoia are the ONLY possible explanations.

1. American flag planted on the moon.

Science proves and did prove that, buildings can stay on fire for couple of days and will not fall down. Even if a building falls down due to a fire it does not fall as if it was a controlled demolition.

btw nice name you got.
By the way .....
There is a supereme power over this "Super Power", who is taking care of US crimes against humanity

By the way there is a supreme power who is taking care of the Muslims by bringing them chaos in Palestine, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen, Kosovo, China, Russia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and so on ......
Following buildings in China didn't fall after burning like a furnace..... 911 fires were not even close... & WTC-7(Solomon's building) had almost NO fire...


Building after fire...
Even slanting angles at top & fire closer to ground with huge weight to bear above, didn't let building fall...

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su-47... whether i disgust you or not see the other side of the story 42 Years Palestinians land and lives ruined the destruction of their land estimates in more than 30+ billion dollars, the ruins of Afghanistan, Iraq and not a single TV shows those images of ruins over and over again and exclusively to the world as people show sympathy of that twin towers!

When the west truly by all means comes to Afghanistan/Palestinians and Iraqis, Lebanon and Kashmir that would be the day i might start showing sympathy for others for now i keep my love and sympathy for Muslims only you don't like it live with it for that even you call me Nazi i would gladly accept it...
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