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Rebuilding Pakistan Navy Aviation.

222 Sqn comprising the 3 Lynx helo's has not seen service for many years now. The Lynx were flown for only 4 years after being inducted in 1995/96. They have been withdrawn from service and their are no plans to return them to service either. Given their current status, the airframes will require a major overhaul to return them to flying condition.

very surprising indeed! are u sure!
222 Sqn comprising the 3 Lynx helo's has not seen service for many years now. The Lynx were flown for only 4 years after being inducted in 1995/96. They have been withdrawn from service and their are no plans to return them to service either. Given their current status, the airframes will require a major overhaul to return them to flying condition.

very surprising indeed! are u sure!

Yes fatman very sure and unfortunately true. One of the Lynx has been grounded permanently owing to an accident and although repairable, the cost quoted by Wesstland Helicopters has sealed its fate - at least for PN service. When the T-21 FFG's were acquired during 1994-1996 for a unit cost of £10million apiece, the Lynx were sold as part of the ships primary weapon system. Three of the T-21's are equipped with towed array sonars (TAS) for ASW ops, the remaining three were supposed to be equipped with the ship borne Lynx, the latter three thereby providing an effective ASuV capability. There is of course nothing to suggest that a TAS equipped T-21 cannot carry a Lynx as well. But you have to bear in mind that PN was restricted by budgetry constraints. All this was happening at a time when £60 million had been used to buy 6 T-21's. Another £60 million (in 1996-98) was spent on modernising them. £6 million was spent on acquiring the 3 Lynx helos, albeight without any ASuV armaments - no Sea Skua or Sea Eagle AShM. In fact only provision was for depth charges and torpodoes.

I dont really want to give my opinion as that would only open a debate about what us arm chair experts think might have happened versus should have happened. However I would rather state the facts as they are and let the readership draw their own conclusions.

On a slightly different note however, it would make sense to assign 2-3 Alouettes to SSGN mission support as a temporary stop gap measure in the absence of a dedicated helo platform. This is my opinion and not a fact!!! As even MARCOS have their own organic air wing in the shape of 6 Sea King Mk 42C's.
^^u must be right but i work very close to PNS Mehran, and i can actually see all naval / airforce air assets landing and taking off on a daily basis. Sea Kings, Alouttes, F-27s, C-130s, P-3Cs an occassional C-5A and I am darn sure I have seen Lynx's albeit rarely. anyway i am not trying to prove anything.
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C5's have flown into Mehran/Faisal on at least 4 occasions in the past two years in support of US SEALs who were in training with SSGN. SEALS brought their own equipment including surface craft by air and this was then transported by road to Dockyard. These flights were around the same time as Inspired Siren exercises.

I am not one to be involved in personal opinions and will respect those of all members. However if you still feel that PN Lynx are flying even on are occasions, then feel free to drop an email to Westland Helicopters. They will be more than happy to confirm their grounded status. Afterall they are responsible for supplying life cycle components for their helo's worldwide including Pakistan, bearing in mind that PN (as with most Sea Kind and Lynx operators) is nowhere near self sufficient in maintaining its fleet without aquiring fresh supplies for spares and support.

Do ensure that you send your email to Westland's PR dept to ensure a reply.
C5's have flown into Mehran/Faisal on at least 4 occasions in the past two years in support of US SEALs who were in training with SSGN. SEALS brought their own equipment including surface craft by air and this was then transported by road to Dockyard. These flights were around the same time as Inspired Siren exercises.

I am not one to be involved in personal opinions and will respect those of all members. However if you still feel that PN Lynx are flying even on are occasions, then feel free to drop an email to Westland Helicopters. They will be more than happy to confirm their grounded status. Afterall they are responsible for supplying life cycle components for their helo's worldwide including Pakistan, bearing in mind that PN (as with most Sea Kind and Lynx operators) is nowhere near self sufficient in maintaining its fleet without aquiring fresh supplies for spares and support.

Do ensure that you send your email to Westland's PR dept to ensure a reply.

my apologies if i offended you!
my apologies if i offended you!

Hey, please. No apologies as no offence. Sorry if thats how it came across as it was never intended. All I meant to convey was that you'll be surprised as to how much information is readily available from manufacturers/suppliers if it is requested from them. They may not have the exact piece of information to hand, however they will generally try to do their best to assist. The only exception to the norm is if it is commercially sensitive. But with PN Sea King helos over 35years old and Lynx around 20years old there will be no problem in the manufacturer volunteering information.

So once again my apologies. :wave: Its easy to inadvertantly convey the wrong impression especially on an online forum, which is why I generally keep my posts factual rather than opinionated unless I have direct experience of the subject matter. :coffee: But I do like to volunteer the source so that individuals may should they wish be able to verify information directly.

Best regards and have a good weekend.

j7h would be great for navy china made it specially for its naval use and it carries deadliest antiship missile system and bombing system it is not always that naval fighter jets have to destroy enemy ship also some time they need to destroy enemy naval instalations jh 7 would be great for us atleast 50 to 70 would be graeat.
We have talked about this before so many times regarding j7h but no ones wants to agree!
i think that if PN has a separate aircraft squadron that will be welcome for the PAF coz they wont have to worry abt the PN needs bcz they will be looking after their own
.coz one reason y the german navy suffered immensely in WW2 bcz they were all too independent on the land air force and they were niot in the possesion of their own avviation wing .
the next question comes of equipping the squadron with which aircraft .in the current scenarion of economic dont even think of rafales or any other aircraft esspecilly procured for PN.in short term MIRAGE might be the answer and in the long term modified JF17 will definitely be the aswer
jf 17 cannot carry heavy bombs to destroy ships it only harm a ship to 25 percent jh7 can carry powerfull paylods to destroy heavy destroyryers.
jf 17 cannot carry heavy bombs to destroy ships it only harm a ship to 25 percent jh7 can carry powerfull paylods to destroy heavy destroyryers.

thats bull****

Jh-7 is nothing more then a improved jaguar, with the capability to carry AShM. Naval Jf-17 variant will be different from the air force with naval warfare systems. and mind you, this is not WWII where you drop dumb bombs and torpedoes at point blank range to destroy ships! naval JF-17 will most probably be fitted with Exocet AShMs and maybe RAAD, no need for dumb bombs here..
thats bull****

Jh-7 is nothing more then a improved jaguar, with the capability to carry AShM. Naval Jf-17 variant will be different from the air force with naval warfare systems. and mind you, this is not WWII where you drop dumb bombs and torpedoes at point blank range to destroy ships! naval JF-17 will most probably be fitted with Exocet AShMs and maybe RAAD, no need for dumb bombs here..

Well if that is the case then we are long ways away to see that version !!
I really dont think any time soon Nabeel there is no need for it nor can we afford the funds to run it maybe in the far future who knows how the world and region change and specially how will PAK change . Second i think we need to stick with the plan on wat we can afford these silly wish lists dont make any sense like i said before and say again PN is more interested in taking care of its surface fleet first and its subs anyhow wish them all the best GOD bless Pakistan!:pakistan::smokin:

thx so much for your reply i really appriciate u r right that we don't have enough funds..but u know every pakistani want to see their armed forces strong i know they r still strong without carier. lets hope for the best for pakistan and lets pray that pakistan could get itself out of great depression....:pakistan::cheers:
have we received the new P-3C already? (the ones with anti-ship missiles)

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