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Real Taliban are not terrorists.

I don't care if they fight in afghanistan, i don't care if they fight in Pakistan. They kill innocent civilians, under the guise of islam. They should all be killed like the dogs they are, and should be hung in the centers of our cities to show an example to all of these so-called "mujahideen".
Real taliban were Afghani freedom fighters who defeated soviets.
its funny that today even a foreigner sponsored teen age boy can be labeled as "talibani" by media and it never comes to our mind that real taliban were only freedom fighters 20-25 years ago. Its in colonists of Afghanistan interest to defame and dismantle this very effective organization in order to achieve its strategics goals which many super powers have try doing in the past.
i dont care who takes responsibility of terrorists attacks because now it has become a confirmed joke and not to forget their fake leaders are even bigger joke.

Taliban is the Arabic word for Students dude i am not trying to tell you some thing you already dont no simply pointing out even the ones fighting Russians werent Real Talibans.
"that's only because there aren't any foreign troops on my soil...yet."

Willfully blind or simply obtuse? I see the leader of the defeated taliban afghan gov't is living near Quetta. Most of his army is either fighting in Afghanistan or resting comfortably in the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan.

Have you counted the chechan, uzbek, egyptian, Libyan, and gulf fighters making residence on your lands? Perhaps you might wish to...or not as the truth fits.

"Learn to walk a balanced path and leave the jingoism in small town, USA."

I'll listen to your pontifications on balance when you display some yourself. Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone...

That doesn't describe you.:agree:

Real taliban and unreal taliban and any variety in between are terrorists or hoping to be. That unfortunately is truth we experience. The source, the fountainhead, well spring, feeding, growing terrorism is the ideology of Islamism itself. It is both an abomination and a blasphemy. The eradication of this ideology is not just an imperative and an existential imperative for Pakistan but for the world -- The world cannot live in peace so long as Islamism haunts Pakistan and the world as the demon it is.
Taliban is the persianised/urduized plural for the Arabic word, Talib...a seeker...

The Arabic plural is Tulabaa....The name is a derivative from the fact that many of the leaders and footsoldiers of this movement, wwere Afghani refugees studying at madrassas along the AFghan-Paak border.
Et Tu, Brute ?

Fazlullah and Mehsud and their thousands of supporters call themselves the Taliban (TTP) and proudly claim many acts of terrorism.
They are being supported by many clerics and madrassas at least in spirit if not monetarily or in terms of manpower...this is all open to us all

TTP is the Taliban we are referring to and they are the ones who burned SWAT and quite openly have admitted to many acts of terrorism throughout their onslaught on the people of Pakistan.
Their spokesmen have given interviews and flaunt their atrocities as a righteous wrath on the enemies of Allah.

This site is full of such recorded admissions and countless references to the situation and the brutality of TTP...

Whether they are Mullah Omar's Taliban or not is something we should not be bothered about...should it matter when we have names, faces, profiles of many of the leaders of TTP?

Crush TTP and if they are not Taliban then surely we shall be helping Taliban get rid of people who have taken their name...

What a clever tactic by TTP to confuse so many people in Pakistan and sidetrack them from what they should be thinking about...how to get rid of TTP...instead many are always wondering where are the real Taliban, the mujahideen, the heroes.

Sorry but this is the lot that is facing us and it is not one with many holy qualities though certainly it claims to be the shining knight of Islam

TTP Taliban just emerged recently. They were not the original Taliban, they just call themselves Taliban to create confusion for the world. The original Taliban who ruled Afghanistan were nothing like these TTP Taliban headed by Baitullah Mehsud who kill fellow Pakistanis. TTP is being funded by RAW and CIA.

We have to differentiate between these groups, we cant be like U.S. and say kill them all. If you say kill them all then 50 new ones emerge.
We have to differentiate between these groups, we cant be like U.S. and say kill them all. If you say kill them all then 50 new ones emerge.

To get rid of weeds, we have to get rid of them from the roots - the root, the fountainhead, the well spring of Islamist terror is the ideology of islamism and this evil is being spread in madaress - it must be stopped.

Enablers will argue that we must differentiate - Why must we differentiate, Weeds are weeds, Afghanb talib kill free Muslims for being free Muslims and Pakistani talib kill free Pakistanis for being free Pakistanis - the Afghan talib force their ideology and the pakistani talib force their ideology on us by arms - Afghan talib accept money where they could get it, and pakistani talib accept money where they can get it. Judge for yourself.
Willfully blind or simply obtuse? I see the leader of the defeated taliban afghan gov't is living near Quetta. Most of his army is either fighting in Afghanistan or resting comfortably in the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan.

Most of his army is hiding in the 90+ % of Afghanistan that Karzai and ISAF couldn't control if it was the last objective left in their satanic manual.

Have you counted the chechan, uzbek, egyptian, Libyan, and gulf fighters making residence on your lands? Perhaps you might wish to...or not as the truth fits.

Not personally but from what I read in the obituary section of the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan Journal, there are many as you state, though according to the same rules and laws applied and adhered to by your government and NATO countries, these aren't soldiers or troops but enemy combatants and criminals and what I was referring to were foreign soldiers on Pakistani soil, not hired assassins who spread terror. Therefore the point I made earlier still stands.

I'll listen to your pontifications on balance when you display some yourself. Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone...

That doesn't describe you.:agree:

Only according to you, but the vast majority of the members here would say otherwise.

You're welcome.
Please refrain from the zionist rantings...

"against the jewnited snakes"

Very poor form. One might think that you aren't able to control your emotions with such rabid outbursts.


Save us from the BS that the jews dont run your country and you idiots are dying for them while they laugh at you.....another stupid goyim dead for the state of israel.

Your the invading force and the taliban are from the area fighting for freedom......try to get it into your skull.....Your not from afghanistan the taliban are.
To get rid of weeds, we have to get rid of them from the roots - the root, the fountainhead, the well spring of Islamist terror is the ideology of islamism and this evil is being spread in madaress - it must be stopped.

Enablers will argue that we must differentiate - Why must we differentiate, Weeds are weeds, Afghanb talib kill free Muslims for being free Muslims and Pakistani talib kill free Pakistanis for being free Pakistanis - the Afghan talib force their ideology and the pakistani talib force their ideology on us by arms - Afghan talib accept money where they could get it, and pakistani talib accept money where they can get it. Judge for yourself.

Afghan Taliban existed long before 9/11 and they didnt kill any Muslim from Pakistan, I'm not Afghan so I cant speak in behalf of Afghans.

Pakistani Taliban (TTP) headed by Baitullah Mehsud just emerged a few years ago after 9/11. TTP did not exist before 9/11 and it did not exist before foreigners made their way into Afghanistan. They are trying to fool the world with their name and trying to convince everyone they are Taliban when they are a totally different group from the original Taliban.

Now tell me why should Pakistan harm the original Taliban when they never gave any problems to Pakistan and never harmed any Pakistanis?

Why did this TTP emerge? When did this TTP emerge? Whose funding TTP?
TTP headed Baitullah Mehsud is a threat to Pakistan and that threat came into existance when U.S. and India made their way into Afghanistan.
Afghan Taliban existed long before 9/11 and they didnt kill any Muslim from Pakistan, I'm not Afghan so I cant speak in behalf of Afghans.

Curious, you are a Muslim though, right? and still cannot find your conscience??

They are trying to fool the world with their name and trying to convince everyone they are Taliban when they are a totally different group from the original Taliban

How do you know this? On the other hand, there are reports that Pakistani Talib have now consolidated with the Afghan talib.

the primary reason Pakistan ought help rid the world of terrorist islamists such as the Talib, is because they are hated in Afghanistan - the same terror unleashed in Swat is what they unleashed in Afghanistan. And Afghans are you muslim brothers, are they not?

Where do you personally stand, with the Talib or with Pakistanis? I would appreciate a straight forward answer.
TTP is paying money to their terrorists whereas Afghan Taliban has nothing to offer their fighters. This little fact speaks volumes about the support TTP is getting "From enemies of Pakistan" and everyone knows who they are.
Where do you personally stand, with the Talib or with Pakistanis? I would appreciate a straight forward answer.

Afghan Taliban are the same people who told "Pakistan Taliban" TTP not to fight with Pakistani army.
I stand with Pakistanis and whoever are on the side of Pakistan. :pakistan:
Careful Omar, testing times are at hand, and speaking from both sides of one's mouth are bad manners and reflective of a charcter deficiency. mean what you say, you will be known by that, whereever you go. You understand what I have said to you?:cheers:
muse, Please cut out the personal stuff...no talking about other member's alleged character deficiencies...let's be civil here.
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