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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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I knew from the beginning those that who expected that Raymond Davis would remain in Pakistan prison for long time are not realist enough.
shame on your ownself for hiding behind time period just for trolling against Pakistan here.

so according to you Bhopal tragedy in 1984 is ok because it was in the past ??

if India is so much dignified what happened

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I wonder what is the reaction of ordinary Pakistanis to this. Respect the Sharia law or protest against the release?
Poor families have Money and US citizenship .....
Politicians pockets are filled with $$$
and we are here ,hitting our head against wall.....GREAT....!
And these scars will become wounds and then only USA will pay the price in this region as USA paid in Vietnam war..... History is recording everything,....
Dude! Wake up.

Our military is making preparations to launch an offensive in North Waziristan. And ISI chief got 1 year extension.

More Pakistani have died in this WOT then Americans in Afghanistan.

The following messages has been clear from the beginning:
  • With us or against us. You don't want to mess with the most powerful nation on Earth.
  • Beggars can't be choosers.
I feel ashamed. Though, I am hardly surprised.

When we will stand on our feet?
It does ring a bell. A big one. That wasn't how a self respecting nation should've acted, India was weak then.

I may troll sometimes here, but this incident reminds of how India was. You shouldn't follow our mistakes

well sir even if it happens today the outcome will be same. India wasnt as weak as we are even in 84.

as far as mistakes are concerned well honestly more than mistakes it has more to do with the respective position we are at. he would have been released at last we all know that.
He's a nobody. His career is over. He F' up big time. Even if his cover wasn't blown, would you trust him on another mission?
The trial and punishment of this loser isn't worth 50 F-16's for Pakistan. Pakistan played it smart.
He'll get a nice million dollar book deal if the CIA approves (they probably won't), but his career is over.
At least he could have been declared as diplomatically immune. But today morning itself pakistani court convicted him on count of 2 murders. And in afternoon he is released? WHat the hell? Height of bay-gairati..
I condemn this way of releasing RD as he symbolises american bullying.

why are u so offended? your here just for flame posts .... if u guys had so much of GAIRAT .. you would had neva let the man behind bhopal tragedy free.. so spare this is lectures on gairat ..
He's a nobody. His career is over. He F' up big time. Even if his cover wasn't blown, would you trust him on another mission?
The trial and punishment of this loser isn't worth 50 F-16's for Pakistan. Pakistan played it smart.
He'll get a nice million dollar book deal if the CIA approves (they probably won't), but his career is over.

So are the innocent people he killed.

Always think other side of the box.
You are reported for trolling and offtopic rants.

you are the one who is trolling here. Bhopal is as much connected with your rant about dignity .

You dont have any right to speak about dignity at all first you should ask your own government over bhopal to show some dignity before speaking against Pakistan
I'm Feeling So Angry at all the So Called Nationalists, The So called Nationalists who are living outside of Pakistan Making Hand sum Earnings and having no idea what people in Pakistan Go through everyday, If the So Called Nationalists have Guts, Why didn't they supported the families? Can they support them on Monthly Basis? If they Had assured the families, the Obviously victim families would have not acted this way.

All the So Called Nationalists, The aggrieved victims had only One Son, Faheem, They could not have survived without him, they didnt have any hope for their Future, Yes Their Future which could only be made Through Money, Think your Self in their Positions, and then come out Thumping Chests

Disgusting Emotional Rants! And You Indians, "Jin Kay Gher Sheeshay kay ho, Un Ko Dusro Par Pathar Nahi Phenkna Chahye"

Dude, fine, we'll kill every ghareeb because we're all supposed to be 2 dollar hos right? In no civilized nation of the world you can forgive anyone for murder in exchange for money. We are so proud of Pakistan for behaving like a 2 dollar ho.
Davises and ‘Mikes’

The driver and passengers of the Land Cruiser are believed to have been spirited out of Pakistan.

Anil Datta

The shooting of the two young men by Raymond Davis in Lahore on Jan 27 was only the latest incident in which Americans have carried out violence against Pakistanis. However, the crime carried out by the sharpshooter called "Davis" (whose real name the State Department has refused to reveal) was the first time an American running an errand for his government killed Pakistanis in cold blood.
Last summer, the US embassy in Islamabad had settled out of court two cases of hit-and-run mortalities caused by its vehicles. The embassy paid out blood money to the victims' families under Pakistan's Qisas and Diat laws. The reported compensations were a modest ten thousand dollars each.
The Lahore tragedy in which Faizan Haider, 22, and Faheem, 20, lost their lives was compounded by the Land Cruiser of the US consulate general, speeding the wrong way to pick up Davis to prevent his arrest: it crushed a third motorcyclist, Ubaidur Rahman. Days later, the teenage widow of one of Davis's two victims committed suicide.
The driver and passengers of the Land Cruiser are believed to have been spirited out of Pakistan.
The US government claims diplomatic immunity for Davis. However, in the more than six weeks since the shooting, it has come to be known that the 36-year-old sharpshooter is a professional security contractor, a euphemism for mercenary.
However, even Davis did not cite diplomatic immunity when he was arrested, as he would have done as a matter of routine - and right - if he indeed had diplomatic status. Instead, he took the plea of self-defence.
He informed police interrogators he was a "consultant" at the US consulate-general in Lahore. It was later that the American government insisted that the man was an employee of the US embassy in Islamabad, and thereby "our diplomat," as President Obama referred to him.
Among the organisations for which Davis is known to have worked are the CIA and the notorious Blackwater, renamed XE Services. The unlicensed weapon he used to shoot the motorcyclists in Lahore's crowded, traffic-choked Mozang area is the advanced Glock pistol, which fires extra-lethal flat-nosed bullets and is used only by trained professionals in Davis's specialised trade.
Unlike Davis, Americans Tire Johnson and a man only identified as "Mike," for whose extrication money changed hands, had actually based in Islamabad.
Johnson was an officer of the force protection department of the US embassy. Just before dawn on July 25 last year, he hit and killed a teenager standing beside his motorcycle. Then he fled, with the motorcycle's wreck riding above the front bumper because it was meshed with his car's grille. Jawwadur Rehman bled to death. On June 4, "Mike" had hit 45-year-old Muhammad Yameen at the capital's Constitution Avenue.
Fortunately, there was no casualty when an American diplomat, reportedly drunk, ran a red signal in Islamabad in October 2009 and rammed a fire-brigade vehicle of the Capital Development Authority.
Back in 1960, when I was a boy living in Lahore, a speeding pickup belonging to the US air force communications base then existing in city knocked down a woman and her child at Ferozepur Road. A press photographer who happened to be present at the scene was prevented at gunpoint from taking the photograph of the corpses.
Before the Pakistani media woke up, as it has now, many incidents and crimes involving Americans had taken place over the decades, with little attention given to them by the press. However, the crushing of the mother and child had caused uproar in the press back then. Which is why I still remember the name of William Bridges, the American who grabbed the photographer's hair before his colleague pulled out the gun at the journalist.
All the People who have Satirical tunes And also who are Thumping chests Saying, Pakistani Nation is a sold out? What's your Problem at all, The aggrieved parties have reached a settlement, you all are not a aggrieved party, then you have no rights to say they have sold out the nation? They have acted as per Islamic Laws, if you got any problem then change that Law, or ask the victim families, Until then, tone down you Rhetorics please.
Whats the point then, of having the Judiciary. Dismantle your courts, rip apart your law books. Rape, loot and murder merrily. All you have to do to get away with crime is to pay the victim, handsomely.

It is nauseating to see how people are coming out with pathetic excuses to put up this 'all is well' face.
Good arrangement. the families will have a good living standard in US.

your peole have no guarantee of justice in their own country(some one can kill anybody & can free from jail by throwing some money on the decesaed's family members face !!)
& you are saying it "a good arrangement" !!!!:disagree:

how can you expect these families will have a good living standard in US,when they can't live in their own country with dignity??
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