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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Under International Law the judiciary of Pakistan cannot stand in place of the Pakistani Foreign Office whose job it is to face up the the fact of Diplomatic Immunity.

Trying to loose this threshold fact in all this rhetoric is "your game" but it is the Pakistani Foreign Office which until this moment has failed to do it's duty.

No single nation can self change the International Diplomatic Immunity facts that recognize administrataive and consular staff as having Diplomatic Immunity.

Secondly, Pakistani's using media hype to try to avoid the hard fact that at issue were two identified as such now armed illegally common crooks who failed in this their four robbery attempt is astounding to the free world.
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Under International Law the judiciary of Pakistan cannot stand in place of the Pakistani Foreign Office whose job it is to face up the the fact of Diplomatic Immunity.

Trying to loose this threshold fact in all this rhetoric is "your game" but it is the Pakistani Foreign Office which until this moment has failed to do it's duty.

No single nation can self change the International Diplomatic Immunity facts that recognize administrataive and consular staff as having Diplomatic Immunity.

Secondly, Pakistani's using media hype to try to avoid the hard fact that at issue were two identified as such now armed illegally common crooks who failed in this their four robbery attempt is astounding to the free world.

There is a tired old joke which best describes some on this site and their "blather." An American victum is buried in a hole up to his neck, cannot move arms or legs, these are buried under ground. A group of six or so Pakistanis are circling the buried up to his neck American, hitting him all over parts of his only exposed part, his head. Whack, thump, whack. Then one "brave" Pakistani bends down close to the buried up to his neck American and says in his face: You are a vile person and we will 'get even' with you...at which point the buried American reaches his head forward and bites the Pakistani's ear off. The wounded Pakistani pulls back in a stream of blood and pain and he and his five bully Pakistani thugs shout: "Fight fair American!"

The subject is in judicial custody.
Any member of the forum that want to defend this cold blooded maniac can protest outside the court at his next hearing.

Only the courts will decide the matter now. FO the PM the President in fact the whole gang of thugs and goons have said the matter will be decided by court.

This not about US or Pakistan
this is about a cold blooded killer and his accomplice that collectively killed two people while crushing another biker to death. :pakistan::usflag:
Why does not Pakistan openly stop recieving K-L funds ? This was the tag line after all of Kerry initially and then Hillary clinton.....

"Why does not Pakistan"?

Because GoP led by Pres. Zardari, accepts the KL aid which apparently supports the a specific segment of the civilian sector. I hope that answers your very difficult question.
"Why does not Pakistan"?

Because GoP led by Pres. Zardari, accepts the KL aid which apparently supports the a specific segment of the civilian sector. I hope that answers your very difficult question.

One or the other reason - K-L ends up in Pakistan in Billions - which will be difficult to maintain once you refuse to set free an American........

You can not have it both ways.
Under International Law the judiciary of Pakistan cannot stand in place of the Pakistani Foreign Office whose job it is to face up the the fact of Diplomatic Immunity.

Trying to loose this threshold fact in all this rhetoric is "your game" but it is the Pakistani Foreign Office which until this moment has failed to do it's duty.

No single nation can self change the International Diplomatic Immunity facts that recognize administrataive and consular staff as having Diplomatic Immunity.

Secondly, Pakistani's using media hype to try to avoid the hard fact that at issue were two identified as such now armed illegally common crooks who failed in this their four robbery attempt is astounding to the free world.

I think most people understand this. Though the "robbery" claim has not been verified it is merely an allegation on the part of "Mr. Davis".

The Police and Judicial investigation is taking place and we hopefully will know the truth.

If if turns out Mr. "Davis" possibly registered with a false name is assigned Diplomatic Immunity, then so be it.
The subject is the duty and international law responsibilities of the Pakistani Foreign Office, which is apart and separate from the Pakistani courts.

Last time the world looked the courts of Pakistan are not the Government of Pakistan and by no means are they outside of nor above International Law regarding Diplomatic Immunity.

Someone must be looking in a mirror to be shouting that someone is a "maniac."
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One or the other reason - K-L ends up in Pakistan in Billions - which will be difficult to maintain once you refuse to set free an American........

You can not have it both ways.

You type as if your in charge of US Government policy or as if you sit or are the Chairman of the Foreign affairs committee in Congress.

What did I just tell you, nobody really gives a damn about K-L Bill it was the Americans who offered it, Pakistan didn't request it, K-L Bill is the bill founded by senators Kerry and Luger.

If you want K-L bill for Hindustan go and tell them, since you keep talking about K-L bill with such a passion in a thread about an American embassy worker killing two people in Pakistan.
The subject is the duty and international law responsibilities of the Pakistani Foreign Office, which is apart and separate from the Pakistani courts.

Last time the world looked the courts of Pakistan are not the Government of Pakistan and by no means are they outside of nor above International Law regarding Diplomatic Immunity.

Someone must be looking in a mirror to be shouting that someone is a "maniac."
cry as you may but the reality is the killer is in judicial custody facing two counts of murder and another count of carrying illegal firearm and only the courts will decide his fate.
The people looking for immunity, we need to know two very basic things to ascertain his position:

1. What is the guy's real name (which isn't 'Raymond Davis' btw)?
2. What is the guy's exact job description?

Simply saying he has immunity without answering the above 2 questions does not cut it. I also realize that is exactly what the US government, and the US embassy in Pakistan is doing. This is not grounds for immunity. The End.
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Under International Law the judiciary of Pakistan cannot stand in place of the Pakistani Foreign Office whose job it is to face up the the fact of Diplomatic Immunity.
I don't believe the judiciary is standing in place of the foreign office. The Foreign Office is not being prevented from clarifying Raymond Davis's status in front of the courts, establishing his diplomatic immunity, explaining the circumstances around his alleged identity and passport, and having the courts order his release.

What is likely happening is that the foreign office is attempting to determine whether the relevant conventions do indeed grant Davis diplomatic immunity given his job title, and is likely dealing with pressures from the US government, GoP and possible the military on the issue.

Trying to loose this threshold fact in all this rhetoric is "your game" but it is the Pakistani Foreign Office which until this moment has failed to do it's duty.
Given the circumstances surrounding Davis, I don't believe it is a simple decision for the FO.

No single nation can self change the International Diplomatic Immunity facts that recognize administrataive and consular staff as having Diplomatic Immunity.
I do not believe Pakistan is self-changing anything, but whether diplomatic immunity applies in RD's case is yet to be determined, and the FO and the courts are the relevant authorities to do that.
Secondly, Pakistani's using media hype to try to avoid the hard fact that at issue were two identified as such now armed illegally common crooks who failed in this their four robbery attempt is astounding to the free world.
At least Pakistan is not using 'media hype' and concocted WMD evidence to launch an illegitimate war against another nation.
Pakistan refuses to reveal US official’s status, says matter is sub-judice: The Times of India

ISLAMABAD: As the US toughened its stance for the release of its citizen who killed two persons in Lahore, Pakistan's government has been reluctant to publicly reveal the true status of the killer, saying the matter is sub-judice.

Washington has once again called upon Pakistan's government to abide by its obligations under international and Pakistani law and immediately release Raymond Davis who gunned down two persons in Lahore's crowded marketplace on 26 January.

The US authorities have repeatedly claimed that the murderer enjoys diplomatic immunities under the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations. Reeling under pressure, the external affairs ministry has refused to be publicly drawn into the controversy of American murderer Raymond Davis.

fThe subject is the duty and international law responsibilities of the Pakistani Foreign Office, which is apart and separate from the Pakistani courts.

Last time the world looked the courts of Pakistan are not the Government of Pakistan and by no means are they outside of nor above International Law regarding Diplomatic Immunity.

Pakistan's foreign office spokesperson Abdul Basit said, "I am not in a position to comment in the Lahore incident. I do not have any information to share at this stage when the matter is sub judice before the court."

Someone must be looking in a mirror to be shouting that someone is a "maniac.

However sources within the government are saying that Raymond Davis' diplomatic status was dubious and Pakistan's foreign office had not issued the 'diplomatic card' to Raymond Davis, a US consular employee in Lahore.

Some of the questions frequently asked by media persons from government officials are: How many more Americans like Raymond Davis are present in Pakistan? Does the foreign office keep a record of such people?

Why the foreign office is not clarifying its position on the status of Raymond Davis?

Has the driver who killed the third person while rushing to rescue Davis left Pakistan? Officials of the internal and external affairs ministries have so far failed to address these queries.

Meanwhile, every day a new petition is filed against US citizen in Lahore's district, sessions and High Court. A writ petition was filed in the Lahore High Court (LHC) on Friday, seeking directions that the government prosecute Davis for allegedly committing forgery.

One of the petitioners, Barrister Iqbal Jafree, submitted that Davis had obtained a visa under a false name, which made the whole process doubtful and his visa stood cancelled ab initio (from the beginning).

Yet another petition was filed in the LHC, challenging the alleged special treatment being given to Davis. A local court in Lahore has already extended Davis's physical remand to another eight days as police investigators into the double murder case have not found the murderer's claim of self-defence convincing.

According to the investigators, Davis's act was an excessive and disproportionate use of force, which was against the definition of self-defence as per the law of the land.

Without having been fired at or threatened to death, the police sources said, Davis killed the two young men by excessive and disproportionate use of force.

While requesting to extend his remand, the investigation officer Munir Ahmed told the court that they are anxious to get answers from the killer to questions like who did he call for help after committing a crime? Why did he gun down the two men without having being fired at? Who was in the back-up vehicle that killed another young man? What was he doing there? Why was he carrying illegal weapon, global positioning system, four magazines, more than 70 bullets, pictures of sensitive installations? What was his assignment in Pakistan? What was his real identity? And so on.
Pakistan is trying hard to avenge the death of 3 murders by US man. BUT, What about 938 Pakistanis died of drone attacks in 2010 by US ?

Why GOP IS silent to the core?
Pakistan is trying hard to avenge the death of 3 murders by US man. BUT, What about 938 Pakistanis died of drone attacks in 2010 by US ?

Why GOP IS silent to the core?

Pakistan does not have any personal vendetta against this person. It is a simple matter of criminal act that is in the court.

As for your question regarding drones

Pakistan and US have various shady deals that are not in the public domain. These deals need to be declared so that people could at least know what the real situation is.

Raymond Davis case would not have been at a stage that it is now because it was out of the hands of the GOP. This incident happened in broad daylight with crowded streets and media and people had too many witness so because of the hue and cry of the media and people the police kept him in custody.

If it would have been at a unnamed location in mysterious circumstances i think Raymond would be cruising down the jail road Lahore instead the Jail itself.
Pakistan and US have various shady deals that are not in the public domain.

These deals far outweigh raymond davis case which is just a peanut against the complex heavy hand that US maintains vis a vis Pakistan.
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