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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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your british couins regularly get killed by your guys in 'friendly firing' by trigger happy americans .. lol

British soldier died in friendly fire incident, MoD says | UK news | The Guardian

(Not so) Friendly Fire Video

POPOV no friendlies this far north....
BOOM **dead brit cousin on the ground ***

Watch from 7:00 onwards , they blow away their own 'cousins' and then just say 'Ahhh '

********.com - Shock: U.S. Friendly Fire Bombing Video Leaked

Irrelevant and pointless.
So an american non diplomat drives crazy to save himself and crushes another innocent man and "they" demand to release him.
According to International Traffic Rules everyone driving vehicles must drive safe protecting pedestrians and other vehicles. So he can even be dragged into case of driving rash blindly putting others at danger.
Maybe those shot are not martyrs, but the third one killed is a victim. One of the fathers wants a hanging. The worst move for the USA would be to see this guy released. The drones have killed anywhere from 1,374 to 2,189 Pakistanis. Hanging Davis (for real, or simulated) will be like opening a release valve to alleviate pressure. Pakistanis will calm down, USA Black Ops(?) and drone can continue.
Maybe those shot are not martyrs, but the third one killed is a victim. One of the fathers wants a hanging. The worst move for the USA would be to see this guy released. The drones have killed anywhere from 1,374 to 2,189 Pakistanis. Hanging Davis (for real, or simulated) will be like opening a release valve to alleviate pressure. Pakistanis will calm down, USA Black Ops(?) and drone can continue.

No one is getting hanged... Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
Hes not even a Diplomat... ??

Diplomatic status, having a Diplomatic Passport and accompanying Pakistani Visa with a future expiration date are what any and all Amricans, career employees or contract employees, have in the service of the US Department of State.

There are two main career tracks in the US State Dept. one of which is now done sometimes, in part, based on overseas locations, by contract instead of career service employees.

1. So called "Diplomats" are in the US Foreign Service and are Foreign Service Officers, which includes the most senior rank of being a US Ambassador.

2. Diplomatic Service includes US Department of State Consular Services employees and contract hired related personnel as in this case Security Consultant or Service Performance Personnel.

Both these two categories have DIPLOMATIC PASSPORTS...don't confused the term Diplomat with the broader term Diplomatic...both categories have diplomatic immunity.

3. A third category, which I was at the old Karachi US Embassy, are US military personnel who have Official US Military Passports. These folks, also, as I used to be one, ALSO have Diplomatic Immunity although we were not "diplomats" per se.

All three categories have "Diplomatic Immunity."

For other nations where the US has military bases run and operated by US Armed Forces you have In Country Status of Forces Agreements which lay out the legalisms and terms and conditions, and protections, for US military personnel serving in a particular, uniquely so, foreign nation with one or more US military bases.
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we cannot allow mercinaries to be smuggled into the coutry through diplomatic channels , this guys is blackwater-type mercinary and has been booked for murder , he cannot be released and public pressure will ensure that he is not released.
Diplomatic status, having a Diplomatic Passport and accompanying Pakistani Visa with a future expiration date are what any and all Amricans, career employees or contract employees, have in the service of the US Department of State.

There are two main career tracks in the US State Dept. one of which is now done sometimes, in part, based on overseas locations, by contract instead of career service employees.

1. So called "Diplomats" are in the US Foreign Service and are Foreign Service Officers, which includes the most senior rank of being a US Ambassador.

2. Diplomatic Service includes US Department of State Consular Services employees and contract hired related personnel as in this case Security Consultant or Service Performance Personnel.

Both these two categories have DIPLOMATIC PASSPORTS...don't confused the term Diplomat with the broader term Diplomatic...both categories have diplomatic immunity.

3. A third category, which I was at the old Karachi US Embassy, are US military personnel who have Official US Military Passports. These folks, also, as I used to be one, ALSO have Diplomatic Immunity although we were not "diplomats" per se.

All three categories have "Diplomatic Immunity."

Incorrect. He is not a State Dept Employee but a consultant attached to Islamabad Embassy so he comes under one of No.2 of the following:

1. Ordinarily Resident (OR): A citizen of the host country or a citizen of another country who has the required work
and/or residency permit for employment in country.

2. Not-Ordinarily Resident (NOR): Typically NORs are U.S. citizen EFMs (Eligible Family Members) and family members of United States Government personnel who are on the travel orders and under Chief of Mission authority, or other personnel having diplomatic privileges and immunities.


NOTE: Key word here being...
Typically NORs are U.S. citizen EFMs (Eligible Family Members) and family members of United States Government personnel

personnel who are on the travel orders and under Chief of Mission authority, or other personnel having diplomatic privileges and immunities.

This is clear that they are not accorded the same right's and privileges as Diplomats or State Department Employees or Members of say MSG Battalion would be accustom to having.
the brits smuggled in and built an entire army under the guise of a trading company .. the east india company only to use that to overthrow the local rulers when the opertunity presented itself and put the sub-continent under the brtish boot for one hundered years , it would be supremely foolish on our part to let history repeat itself.
So an american non diplomat drives crazy to save himself and crushes another innocent man and "they" demand to release him.
According to International Traffic Rules everyone driving vehicles must drive safe protecting pedestrians and other vehicles. So he can even be dragged into case of driving rash blindly putting others at danger.

Your facts and premise are 100% wrong as in incorrect.

The driver of the vehicle that hit a third person, a motor cyclist per the police reports, not a pedestrian, was not an American driver. It was a Pakistani national employed to drive by the US Consular Service in Lahore. Please get your facts correct and straight.

Then you are dealing with a mere traffic accident, no one was either shot nor murdered to use tough language. Someone was killed in a vehicle collision. Happens every day, not a good thing, but happens every day, in Paksitan and all over the driving world.
the brits smuggled in and built an entire army under the guise of a trading company .. the east india company only to use that to overthrow the local rulers when the opertunity presented itself and put the sub-continent under the brtish boot for one hundered years , it would be supremely foolish on our part to let history repeat itself.

The old RAJ didn't sneak in anywhere. They made trading contracts, treaties with overlords among the natives, and were very upfront in who and what they were in India.

Old RAJ trained teachers, doctors, all skills from raw laborers up to top administrators which stood old India, and eventually after partition, Paksitan, in very good stead. The RAJ incubated and created what became the Civil Service and military of both nations today.

Ever noticed the Pak and Indian military bands, in British style garb, playing bag pipes even today? Memories in the historic Civil Service and Military service, all ranks, are very good and may still living now in the Subcontinenet draw Brisish late in the 1940s era UK pensions.
He will not be released , there is a poltical angle to this as well , this happened in Punjab where the PML-N is in government , if it comes to light that they came under pressure from the yanks and released this murderer then they know that their rivals will use this against them , the Federal government will try to keep its hands off this case as its already quite weakened so in all this guy will be in Pakistani hawalat for some time to come.
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