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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Don't count your Chickens as of yet ..I mean he is still here in India naa, maybe it can be still arranged!!..Infact I like your thinking..How quick you were to relate the two cases...so Every Pakistani abroad should be arrested by the respective governments, demanding the release of Raymond Davis.:azn:

Naaa- incase you didn't noticed yet-- i was joking- but the covert message is delivered, work on it :azn:
govt is rather confused , the tactic is give a statement measure response .... wtf !? why cant the geniuses in the govt figure out for once what to do and stand by it

The old tug of war is on between PPP and PML-N--

PPP is in very awkward position now-- and PML is taking full advantage of it-
Civilized style to fix rate of nationalism.
Why is this mr mastan is insulting us all I think he isn't very proud to be a Pakistani or maybe he's just arrogant but a very misinformed arrogant I must say
The old tug of war is on between PPP and PML-N--

PPP is in very awkward position now-- and PML is taking full advantage of it-

ridiculous this is ... what about pakistan ? they are making the country look like a joke ... is it the lack of skilled diplomats and policy makers ?
For the love of God, who the Fcuk cares what this lowlife is saying. If that would have been true, Qureshi wouldnt been removed ... Bhuttos PPP is dead ... ! Long liv the PPP ...

Looks like PPP is going for its end of session. She didn't only explain weak motives in securing national interests but convey message that PPP doesn't deserve leading Party of Pakistan. Worst PPP member ever observed.
From their belongings, one thing is quite clear now that they were not working for the ISI.

‘Raymond Davis tried to trick investigators’

Daily Times
February 15, 2011

By Raja Riaz

LAHORE: The challan submitted by the city police against US national Raymond Allen Davis in a court reveals that the accused tried to cheat the police by concealing the facts.

The challan reads that “Davis continuously told lies to the investigation team and completely refused to help them reach the facts, saying that the American consulate had directed him not to reply to any query of the police”.

The text of the incomplete challan submitted in the court is being produced here:

“The case was handed over to Lytton Road Police Station In-charge Investigation Inspector Muneer Ahmad. During the investigation, the inspector took the dead bodies of the two (victims of Davis) – Faizan Haider and Faheem Shamshad – from the emergency ward of the Services Hospital and in the guard of policemen sent them to the mortuary. Lytton Road Police Station SHO, Atif Meraj Khan, took the belongings of the dead and other material in his custody and got them registered in fardats (the relevant papers) and handed over to the investigation officer. The detail of the things is as follows: one belt, one pistol pouch, one handbag, two wallets, five mobile phones (Nokia 18910, Samsung, A1303, Sony Ericsson T 700, Nokia 1616, 6300), Pakistani and foreign currency (Yen 58,915, Omani Baisa 1100, Piso 10), two national identity cards bearing Faizan Haider and Zohra Shahzad’s names and different pieces of papers. Later, the IO visited the crime spot and took in possession the following things: the deceased persons’ Honda motorcycle bearing number LOV 4030, the blood of the two deceased on cotton buds, two pistols of 30 bore belonging to the deceased, pieces of shattered windowpanes of the accused’s vehicle, two empties, a 9mm pistol.

They were sealed and registered in relevant documents. The IO drew a rough sketch of the crime scene and recorded the statements of eyewitnesses. The witnesses said that the accused first shot at the deceased from inside his car and then came out of the car and fired two shots at Faizan Haider from the back. He took pictures of the dead Faheem and then called someone through his wireless to rescue him. The witnesses, traffic wardens Muhammad Hussain and Waqas Khaliq, told the IO that when the accused (whose name, according to his passport, is Raymond Allen Davis) ran from the crime scene in his car (Honda VTI) bearing number LEC-10/5545, they chased him and managed to overpower him at Old Anarkali Chowk and with the help of local police handed him over to Old Anarkali circle DSP, Raza Safdar Kazmi. The police also took in possession the following things from the custody of the accused: 9 mm Glock pistol, five magazines, 78 live bullets of 9mm, a passport, a long-range wireless set, global positioning system (GPS) with charger. From the car of the accused, the police took in possession the vehicle’s registration book, four empties of 9mm, two mobile phones, a telescope, an infrared light, a digital camera, a cutter, head torch, small torch, survival kit, memory card, 19 cards of different nature, a packet of niswar, Rs 5,805 and $126 in cash, ATM card, a PIA ticket, receipts of money changer and Bank Al-Falah, chit of the embassy, blank cheque of Federal Saving Bank, USA, etc.

All things were recorded while the two traffic wardens signed the papers as witnesses. The IO collected all these things from the custody of the Old Anarkali circle DSP and now this all material is being sent to the federal government through the Ministry of Interior for action and research. The DSP handed over a hand-written statement of the accused, written in the presence of the DSP, to the investigation officer. This statement reads that when the accused “halted his car at the traffic signal of Qartaba Chowk, one of the two motorcyclists pulled his pistol at him. He took out his pistol and fired at them in self-defence. The driver of the motorcycle ran away and the second fell on the motorcycle. He came out of the car and took three pictures of the boy and informed his embassy for his rescue”. He also said that when people gathered he managed to escape with his car.

The investigation officer inquired from the accused and he verified his statement word to word. The accused was officially taken into custody in this case and was shifted to a safe place for his security. A Land Cruiser which came to rescue Davis violated the one-way and ran over a citizen Ibadur Rehman. The Land Cruiser, which had a fake number plate, LZN-6970, while moving recklessly went to the US consulate. Different things fell off the Land Cruiser, and were found near the Faletti’s Hotel and Shimla Hill. These included: four magazines, 100 bullets, four battery cells, a scissor, a pair of gloves, compass with knife, battery, black coloured mask, a piece of cloth having American flag, special battery, small stick with pouch, a piece of iron, cloth bandage, a cloth magazine bag.

The FIR number 48/11 was registered on January 27 in the Lytton Road Police Station under Sections 302/34/427. On January 29, the dead bodies of the deceased - Faizan Haider and Faheem Shamshad - were handed over to their families after autopsy for burial. The accused, Raymond Davis, was produced in the court of Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Sial, judicial magistrate, with the written permission of district and sessions judge, Lahore. Davis was remanded for six days. The special investigation team formed to look into the case interrogated the accused and he could not produce licence of the pistol and another case, 49/11 of carrying illegal weapon was registered against him. The map of the crime scene was made. The postmortem reports of the deceased were received and according to that report the deceased Faizan Haider received five arm injuries. Two injuries were on the backside left buttock near the spinal cord and three in the front - right side of the chest, two on the left thigh. The deceased Faheem also got five arm injuries – two injuries on the back side in lumber area. One bullet entered the left elbow and crossed in front, second entered in the head from the upper side of the ear and third entered from the left side of the belly and came out from the right and another bullet hit the left thigh. The parcels of the material related to the case have been submitted to a chemical examiner and the Forensic Science Laboratory.

The car used by the accused is the property of one Sohail Nisar, a resident of Gulberg, who has given it to a company ‘Capital Car Rental’ and the company has given it on rent to American consulate on annual basis. The car has also been sent for forensic examination. On 11 February, on the conclusion of physical remand, the accused is being sent to jail on judicial remand.

During investigations it has come to light that the stance of the accused that he fired in self-defence is not correct on the following grounds: The postmortem report says that (1) Faizan and Faheem received three injuries each from the back side. (2) witnesses say that the accused fired at Faizan Haider at a time when he left the motorcycle and ran to save his life (3) the accused himself admitted that he fired at Faizan from the back when he was running (4) two empties recovered from the crime scene prove that the accused fired at the deceased after coming out of the car (5) the accused claims that one of the deceased cocked his pistol and pointed at him while the investigations reveal the chamber of the deceased’s pistol were empty and the bullets were in the magazine. And no one saw them aiming at the accused. (6) if the accused had to fire in self-defence he could fire at the lower part or legs of the deceased as he was an expert at using arms.

The accused has said in his written statement that he was coming from the embassy while the GPS record says that he was coming from his private residence at Scotch Corner, Upper Mall. The accused has concealed the fact. He refused to reply to any question during investigations, saying the American consulate had forbidden him to answer any question.

The blood samples are examined and proved that it is human blood. A forensic expert has confirmed that the empties had been fired from the same pistol recovered from the possession of the accused. The statements of the witnesses, recovery of weapon, and other evidences prove that the accused Raymond Allen Davis is guilty of committing a crime under section 302 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and an incomplete challan is being submitted against him. It is requested that the case be heard”.
Why is this mr mastan is insulting us all I think he isn't very proud to be a Pakistani or maybe he's just arrogant but a very misinformed arrogant I must say

Fear & pressure is a great combination, and someone got into.
ridiculous this is ... what about pakistan ? they are making the country look like a joke ... is it the lack of skilled diplomats and policy makers ?

Why drag the PML-N into this? AFAIK they haven't issued any statements warning the PPP against granting Davis immunity - they have pretty much left the decision in the hands of the GOP, as they should, since this is a Federal matter in the hands of the Foreign Ministry experts.

It is the PPP that is taking its sweet time announcing Davis's status, ostensibly because the Foreign Ministry has refused to endorse immunity for Davis, and the US is threatening the GOP with 'consequences' if Davis isn't granted immunity.

Tough spot to be in, but that is what you get when you are running the government. Make a decision and face the consequences either way.
The Ghairat Brigades and the truth

Kamran Shafi
Feb 15 2011

THE Ghairat Brigades are in overdrive over the Davis issue. Raucous ‘news’ items are appearing in Ghairatmand newspapers and TV channels over how even the police are convinced that the man is a cold-blooded murderer who shot two innocent young Pakistanis minding their own business on a bright afternoon at one of Lahore’s busiest traffic junctions.

Of course, as is the Ghairat Brigades’ (and their handmaiden’s) wont, truth has nothing to do with anything so long as their needs are served — in this case to fan the flames of anti-Americanism come hell or high water. As just one example, there is no longer any mention on any of the channels or newspapers about the first reports describing the two men as armed robbers who had, just prior to being shot, robbed mobile telephones from two people in the same area.

Indeed, news items told us last week that when they were taken to hospital, the two phones which had been robbed were recovered from the persons of the dead men. More than anything else there is no attempt on the part of the police to investigate Davis’s motive for killing these two heroes. From what we know, now buttressed by the CPO Lahore’s statement in a press conference that there was no self-defence involved, we can only surmise that Davis is a lunatic who just got it into his head to kill two young men in broad daylight, while he was stuck in a traffic jam.

Yes, the man should be stark raving mad to have done what he did (for no reason at all) for he could have been lynched there and then. After all, barring Somalia, Pakistan must number at the very top of the list of countries where mob justice leading to sure lynching has become the norm. Which reminds me: the traffic wardens who arrested Davis should be awarded medals for doing their duty diligently and keeping him safe from bodily harm from the mob that had gathered.

Let us take another example of the media trial of other players who have become involved in this affair, our ambassador in the United States leading, who is being pilloried mercilessly for issuing visas to Americans without informing other state agencies, specially the Mother of All Agencies.

This is poppycock of the worst kind for several reasons, the first being that all visas issued — including those without prior approval — are reported to the Ministry of Interior which then shares the lists with the other agencies concerned. It is inconceivable that an ‘agency’ that routinely causes the disappearance of people, that rides roughshod over other institutions of state, particularly civilian institutions, that roughs up and thrashes people at will, that is accused of the most vile actions in Balochistan, and that virtually dictates this poor country’s foreign policy such as it is, should not know about Davis and his fellow travellers.

It is a travesty of the worst kind to put all the blame for the various security contractors serving American needs on the present government alone. These operators first came to this country in the early days of the war on terror when the Commando was ruling the roost with the help, aid, political machinations and shenanigans of the Mother of All Agencies. If Aabpara did not know the extent of the protocols exchanged with the Americans, who did? And all this helped in American lucre in the billions of dollars being showered upon the dictator and on the armed forces. So let’s get off this one, gentlemen, shall we?

Before moving on, let me give one more example of the skulduggery at work. About two years ago a ‘scandal’ to do with a security company called Inter-risk broke in our Ghairatmand press. One of the charges laid against the then newly elected government was that it had allowed Americans, probably of the security firm then known as Blackwater, space at the Police Training College, Sihala, from where the Americans were spying on our ‘bum’ factory etcetera. It turned out that the Americans had indeed been given accommodation in the police college by the Commando’s government, kindly note, and that they were training the Islamabad police in anti-terrorism SOPs. So there.

Every anchor on our screeching channels is fatuously demanding that ayeen (the constitution) and qanoon (the law) be strictly followed when it comes to Davis, with not a thought about our sordid history of almost never following the ayeen and qanoon where it did not suit the Deep State. Recall Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s judicial murder and his subsequent burial attended by ten people, Larkana being surrounded by a whole army brigade, and which even his wife and daughter were not allowed to attend? Now juxtapose this with the funeral of Maulana Rashid Ghazi (of the Red Mosque fame), attended by 50,000 people after his body was ferried to DG Khan via a government helicopter.

ZAB had been the elected president and prime minister of this country, who pulled it out of the bog into which it had been thrust. He gave our armed forces their pride back by banning anti-military talk on pain of imprisonment; he gave our people hope. Maulana Ghazi was a rebel against the state, occupying state property and killing the state’s servants — the police and the Rangers. Where was the ayeen, where the qanoon then? Where indeed is the ayeen and the qanoon when it comes to Salman Taseer’s murderer, to prosecute whom has become a major problem for this government because it cannot find a prosecutor?

Let the law take its course but let us at least accept that we live off America. Let us accept the fact that it has come to our aid whenever we have been in trouble, whether helping in the aftermath of the Kargil adventure or sending its helicopters to fly hundreds of sorties helping in relief efforts after our devastating earthquake and floods.
Why is this mr mastan is insulting us all I think he isn't very proud to be a Pakistani or maybe he's just arrogant but a very misinformed arrogant I must say

As much as we are all angry about this killer walking free, MastanKhan is right in his analysis. In our calmer moments we know that we cannot play chicken with the US. The better approach is to work on our domestic situation (economy, politicians, etc.) to make ourselves stronger.

One thing we have achieved is to expose the US policy of using diplomatic cover for covert operations. The next time an American operative is apprehended anywhere in the world, he will likely fall victim to an 'accident' before the matter even reaches official channels. People will work on the basis of "it's easier to get forgiveness than to get permission".
Sir ur right that we need to work on economy but tell me jub tam hum log America ki turf dekhtay rehayn gay or ghulam rehangay Kia economy better hogi? Ya ghulami abb khutum kurni hogi werna Pakistan Aisa he reh gay Davis or no Davis but I see it as a step towards freedom of Pakistan enuf is enuf or ya Konsay pay grade ke baat ker rha hai I am not a student jitney $$$ usay mil rhay hain na he should come here and work for me I will give him more and there are 10000 like me who is he to underestimate us a whole nation Sir bast yah hai idher Pakistan def pay log islsmmki insult Murray Bain Pakistan ki insult Murray hain racism kurtay hain or owner says nothing abhi few days say kuch change ahi hai but I feel senior member ko sub much Kenna allow hai woo kuch be kehay yesterday a member was warned cuz he was fighting aethists who was attacking our GOd ya sub Kia hai ? And Pakistan and it's pol can live and survive without us aid Best regards
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