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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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The more I think about this issue and look at the reaction of the united states---the more I am convinced that the U S has a concern---and that is of " SETTING OF A PRECEDENCE"----davis is basically an illegal---someone who does the dirty work for the state----happened in afg---happened in iraq and many other places, but got caught in the open by the police or public like this one.

If pak govt decides to do something about it---all the poor nations of the third world will grow a stronger spine----and the super powers don't like that to happen---even if the U S has to make an example out of pakistran---it will do so---.

Because if the U S lets pak get away with it---then they have cut their own legs and the legs of their operatives-----. Pakistan on the other hand needs to understand the consequences very well---which---I believe from the past experiences---they are not in a mental position to analyze what could be forthcoming---or what will happen after the fact.

This issue doesnot pertain to pakistan alone---it will change the way U S operatives work overseas---a country like pakistan need not fight the wars for the other third world countries---it has enough troubles of its own creation---pakistan needs to find reason witin all these screams of blood letting.

When would you learn----when the united states makes a precision strike on one of the sensitive locations.

Pakistanis sound like their counterparts the palestinians----every time the palestinians raised a hue and cry---they lost more to their opponent---pakistan does the same to itself in a different manner---after 8 years of war on terror they just begun to realize that suicide bombers are a bad thing for the people and nation---8 years people 8 years it took you to wake up---what does it say about your assessment capabilities---on a grade of 1----100----you may give yourself a failing grade of 10----THAT IS WHERE YOU STAND INTELLECTUALLY.

So---please my pakistani colleagues----trust me----it is beyond your PAY GRADE to understand the significance and the consequences of pursuing the Davis issue any further than it deserves.

You can dig a little deeper and see what his connection were with the taliban and what he was upto---but when it comes to prosecution----you may sentence him----but then expel him from the country declaring him a persona non grata. Governments come and governments go---it is not the first time that it may happen to PPP and it will not be the last time that it will happen to them or to others.

Raymond Davis is not worth taking the wrath of the americans at this time or at any other time.

You have a BLACK president in U S A----who has been extremely poor in managing the country----found out that he is just talk and blabber just like most other blacks and nary a substance----pretty much a failure till this time---why should pakistan give him a crutch to stand up on---he desperately needs a punching bag---he is looking to break some SPINES---- he wants to make some people spineless cowards after he is done with them---. He ratings have suffered badly and he is looking for an opening to do something to prop himself up.

Pakistan on the other hand has been prepared very well by the american media to be taken out now----the steak has been marinated and just needs to be put on the grill----just waiting for the grill to get to the right temperature---.

wao, what a seemingly biased argument ... Yeah we should be like those bloody Realistic people. So its not that America afterall which has true intentions of world peace , but only one desire and that is everything should go its way no matter what, there are no ifs and buts ... Thers no reason for Pakistanis to belive in American efforts to build trust and improve its image in Pakistan, Its all just bullcrap when they say, we are your strategik Partners,We want to help Pakistani People, Help!! By launching helfirs and sending in mercenaries of some Christian cult controlled by corporate saints to kill innocent people out of cold blood, We want to help you root out religious fundamentalism and Extremism in the light of which they are unleashing attacks upon the Religion , George Bush rightly said it that ITS A CRUSAD a war on Islam.. A super power waging war on ISLAM and attacking the only Muslim country being founded in the name of Islam theyl prove it , there are making an example out of it by launching a multi pronged war against it.
No wonder its the same Dajjal which would have an all seeing eye , the Anti Christ who would literally rule the world and would even make the dead live through advances in biological sciences of course , And the jews will be doublecrossed bigtime.
Raymond Davis should be hanged, if not then atleast i wish another fanatic should rise up to the occasion as in case of Taseer. Taseer was good guy btw.And then we could say , We Regret this Sad incident..!!!!
Same thing happend to SRK and you people all start jumping but now just because it's Pakistani guy situation is different. thanks
No we should after all be worried more about a black mans health his ratings and the fact that the poor soul is considered weak in his own country and thus we should make him a hero at the expense of some dead Pakistanis. Also not to forget that as some people are worried about the fact that this might set a wrong precedent, and many a nations will bully the americans to which they are at fault at the first place. And if they are so worried about their people then they shouldnt act as every ones father and start shooting and harrasing people even in their countries. What about the trend it is going to set for any tom, d!ck and harry I mean any gora to come to our country and shoot some Pakistanis in the name of self defense.
Same thing happend to SRK and you people all start jumping but now just because it's Pakistani guy situation is different. thanks

c'mon.. that's like comparing apples & oranges!! SRK didn't break any law of US land, whereas this guy broke the law point blank. i know it doesn't look good to see one of the hero's of your country gets apprehended by the law enforcement agency of another country.. specially by the one which is considered as a nemesis. this guy should have been clever enough to guard his reputation, knowing full well that any sort of misadventure could snowball into a diplomatic hot potato!!
Ms Fauzia Wahab's statement was her personal opinion-- not the party official stand--
Look what is she saying "even the technical and administrative staff has the immunity."

For the love of God, who the Fcuk cares what this lowlife is saying. If that would have been true, Qureshi wouldnt been removed ... Bhuttos PPP is dead ... ! Long liv the PPP ...
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RAW failed again-- RAW should have collaborated with CIA and should have used his arrest to put pressure on Pakistan- Demanding the release of Raymond Davis--
govt is rather confused , the tactic is give a statement measure response .... wtf !? why cant the geniuses in the govt figure out for once what to do and stand by it
RAW failed again-- RAW should have collaborated with CIA and should have used his arrest to put pressure on Pakistan- Demanding the release of Raymond Davis--

Don't count your Chickens as of yet ..I mean he is still here in India naa, maybe it can be still arranged!!..Infact I like your thinking..How quick you were to relate the two cases...so Every Pakistani abroad should be arrested by the respective governments, demanding the release of Raymond Davis.:azn:
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