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Raw, Mossad, NDS behind terrorism in Pakistan


Jan 21, 2013
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July 07, 2013


LAHORE - Intelligence agencies of India, Afghanistan and Israel are involved in terrorist activities in various parts of Pakistan.

Reliable sources told WAQT NEWS on Saturday that in Karachi mostly Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) of India was involved in killings. In Balochistan, RAW and Afghan intelligence agency, NDS, have joined hands to encourage separatists. At a broader level, it becomes a troika with Mossad as its third wing.

Daily killings in Karachi have become a serious challenge to the government and the steps taken by it so far have failed to bridle the criminals. “The security agencies have the evidence of RAW’s involvement in Karachi terrorist activities,” said the sources.

According to them, after committing heinous acts, terrorists go to the RAW offices along the Afghan border, show the videos to the officials, collect money from them and get directions for further operations. Evidence about the RAW providing millions of dollars to such elements is available with the Pakistan Intelligence agencies.

The RAW, in collaboration with Afghan intelligence agency, NDS, is also actively providing covert financial and weapon support to Baloch militant groups, Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Republican Army (BRA) and Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), for terrorist activities in the province. These outfits are pursuing the separatist agenda and are responsible for playing havoc with the province. “Irrefutable evidence” suggests that Baloch militants are being harboured at various places and training camps located at Kabul, Nimroz and Kandahar in Afghanistan by RAW in collaboration with NDS since 2006.

RAW is also providing sustained financial and monetary support to Baloch feudalists and militants, both in Afghanistan and Balochistan. Besides, RAW, with the complete support and patronage of Afghan authorities, is also providing arms and ammunition to Baloch militants for terrorist activities inside Pakistan. Sources privy to the situation also claim they have evidences that RAW is involved in providing fake identity and travel documents to Baloch militants for moving out of Afghanistan to India, UAE and Western countries.

“It is arranging visits of Baloch sub nationalists and militants to India for training purposes. In this regard, RAW arranged a visit of Riaz Gull Bugti (a leading militant commander of Brahamdagh Bugti) to India in September 2009, where he was trained by RAW for terrorist activities. In order to overcome the linguistic problems, RAW is also arranging Balochi language courses in India for Afghan intelligence operatives through Baloch instructors so that their expertise could be utilised to intensify terrorist activities in the province.

RAW, in collaboration with prominent Baloch sub-nationalists round the globe, is also persistently utilising various international forums, NGOs and think-tank organisations like United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to malign Pakistan through arranging stage events such as preplanned anti-Pakistan interventions, media briefings, protests and demonstrations. “Their convergence, facilitation and media coverage is managed and funded by RAW and other agencies through their operatives.

Tarek Fateh, a Canada-based political activist and sympathiser of Baloch sub-nationalists, after spitting venom against Pakistan during the UNHRC 22nd session at Geneva in February this year, visited India on RAW’s sponsorship for future directions. He also held one-and-one meetings with RAW ex senior officers, Vikram Sood and AS Daulat.

According to the sources, the close relatives and friends of Hakim Ullah Mehsud, Maulana Fazlullah, frequently visits Afghanistan to meet RAW officers under diplomatic cover in their embassy and consulates, and collects money for terrorist activities in Pakistan.
The Swat militants are being harboured in camps in the areas of Kunar and Nuristan. They are imparted training and given weapons for organised militant actions against Pakistan’s regular and civil armed forces in FATA areas. Maulana Fazlullah and his commanders openly travel in Afghanistan and visit Indian Embassy/consulates, RAW and NDS offices as if Afghanistan were their hometown.

RAW and Mossad are also preparing plans against the nuclear installations of Pakistan.

Raw, Mossad, NDS behind terrorism in Pakistan
So they gave CIA a clean chit........... Btw congrats to all on finding out the forces behind pakistan trouble......

God help you guys

What is the purpose of this article other than making people sheeple? :hitwall: I really pity Pakistani public..They are made bakras for nth time but they never realize that...this article provides enough ammunition to talk about India in drawing discussions..and that is what this article is targeted for...

but they can never provide evidence to anyone in the world!!! as long as Pakistani people are made bakras, their purpose is server fine..
So, that's news? What are you going to do about it? Squat! India has lived with cross border terrorism for the past more than two decades. You guys need to live with it too. There's absolutely nothing you can do about it. You can crib all you want, bash your keyboards, write blogs, issue statements, and holler from the rooftops that RAW, MOSSAD, CIA, KHAD, DIA, AMAN etc are supporting terror in Pakistan, but nothing is gonna change.

So as I mentioned, learn to live with it. Exporting terror is not the prerogative of only Pakistan. Others can play the game too!

Pakistani journalists & bloggers give R&AW free publicity. This is also dirty conspiracy of the R&AW to become famous:taz:
But you have to believe all this, because their "sources" told them. :rolleyes1:

"Sources said, sources said, sources said."

BTW, my "sources" said today that the naxalites are a Bulgarian conspiracy. Just like all the terrorism in Pakistan is done by conniving foreigners to defame the pure name of the angelic, peace loving Pakistanis, who spend all their time meditating and contemplating, and wouldn't hurt a fly.
Lol @ Bharatis and their hypocrisy. They believe any random conspiracy theory their media or Afghanistani government spits out from their rear about ISI. Yet they talk like this. Do you guys have any shame? I really don't get how one can live with themselves with being such epic hypocrites.
Lol @ Bharatis and their hypocrisy. They believe any random conspiracy theory their media or Afghanistani government spits out from their rear about ISI. Yet they talk like this. Do you guys have any shame? I really don't get how one can live with themselves with being such epic hypocrites.

No we don't. Contrary to what you may think, we don't blame every problem on ISI. We don't believe that Maoists are Pakistanis in disguise. We don't believe that bodo or naga militants are created by ISI. We know and admit that some of our people are capable of working against the interests of the nation, and we try our best to eliminate them, and don't pretend that they are all a foreign conspiracy.

It is time that Pakistanis face the fact, that thei county is a haven fo terrorism, and that hakimullah and baitullah and such people are actually Pakistanis, and not jewish or hindu agents pretending to be Islamic terrorists by growing beards. The sooner you admit the failings of your society, the sooner you will be in a position to tackle them.

Or you can keep crying about the CIA or Mossad or NSD or raw till the cows come home.
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