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Featured RAW behind multiple hand grenade attacks in Sindh, find investigators

Precisely as you have stated many times in your rant - India has no business there. This is the land that brought ancient Hindu empires to their knees repeatedly. Why would a Hindu nationalist entity have any relation with such a land?
Let me answer only that one.

Despite a Hindu nationalist government, perhaps there are reasonable people in charge of the Secular Republic.

They cannot sit idle while the Afghans continue to kill each other off, and the hospitals, roads, and infrastructure won't build itself. There has to be a boots-on-the-ground approach for that purpose.

Now as you said, you want a big Trumpian wall on the Durand Line. What happens next? NATO will pull back. No other country is willing to get involved. Also, India shouldn't, and I support a complete withdrawal of Indians from that country.

But when will the Afghans learn to stand on their own feet? No Sir, it's the modern world, and when women and children are being killed in blasts, and innocent men are getting handicapped, someone has to do something.

The interests of India might be strategic from a Central Asia point of view, but if the Pakistanis want to build a big, Trumpian wall, and stay away from Afghan business, we will not disturb your peace either.

I did say I'm in favour of India and Pakistan working jointly to help the Afghans settle down properly. That would be the kind of bold initiative and vision required in this modern world.
Your ban on positive ratings continues, I suppose? All three of your posts deserved one. The only thing wrong imho was your mollycoddling of an utterly ridiculous argument about what India did to Afghanistan to turn her against Pakistan, based on Bacha Khan's doings.

Not a single event in south Asia can match the dauntless courage of unarmed volunteers of the Khudai Khidmatgar who stepped up to the bullets with calm and serenity in the Qissa Khwani Bazar massacre. Bacha Khan was a leader of eminence, and to see him introduced into the narrative by a self-pitying ignoramus is pretty galling.

The same person probably could tell you jack squat about how the referendum put to the people finally went; what was the winning percentage, and the position of the Khudai Khidmatgar on the referendum, and their numbers.

But you are right; India has done what it could for the people of Afghanistan, without trying to twist or manipulate them, or using the full range of Chanakya niti, as others have done: everything has been in use by those others - daan, sam, dwanda, bhed. Isn't it amusing when they tell you about what RAW did, and, when people laugh at them, what we should do about it if they didn't do it after all?

Indian trade lines to central Asia shall be choked in revenge for this terrorism exports policy of terror mata.

The great Indian depression is about to start during phase 2 of the cold war. Pakistan shall not be bullied by such 3rd world antics of the Indian state.
Your ban on positive ratings continues, I suppose? All three of your posts deserved one. The only thing wrong imho was your mollycoddling of an utterly ridiculous argument about what India did to Afghanistan to turn her against Pakistan, based on Bacha Khan's doings.

Not a single event in south Asia can match the dauntless courage of unarmed volunteers of the Khudai Khidmatgar who stepped up to the bullets with calm and serenity in the Qissa Khwani Bazar massacre. Bacha Khan was a leader of eminence, and to see him introduced into the narrative by a self-pitying ignoramus is pretty galling.

The same person probably could tell you jack squat about how the referendum put to the people finally went; what was the winning percentage, and the position of the Khudai Khidmatgar on the referendum, and their numbers.

But you are right; India has done what it could for the people of Afghanistan, without trying to twist or manipulate them, or using the full range of Chanakya niti, as others have done: everything has been in use by those others - daan, sam, dwanda, bhed. Isn't it amusing when they tell you about what RAW did, and, when people laugh at them, what we should do about it if they didn't do it after all?

India has done what it could for the people of India, nobody else.

Here's the litmus test for you Joe. Bugger off out of Afghanistan for the first time since 1947 and follow my plan. Let's see if Afghans can't build a better future for themselves without Indians whispering in their ears. I guarantee you, if Indian regimes desist from their stated aim of "isolating Pakistan" and let smaller south Asian nations like Afghanistan and Bangladesh evolve of their own free will, they will quickly realise the futility of war with Pakistan and stick to developing their nations.

If Afghanistan finds a way out of its mess without India's help, you and Shantanu owe me a coke.

Let me answer only that one.

Despite a Hindu nationalist government, perhaps there are reasonable people in charge of the Secular Republic.

They cannot sit idle while the Afghans continue to kill each other off, and the hospitals, roads, and infrastructure won't build itself. There has to be a boots-on-the-ground approach for that purpose.

Now as you said, you want a big Trumpian wall on the Durand Line. What happens next? NATO will pull back. No other country is willing to get involved. Also, India shouldn't, and I support a complete withdrawal of Indians from that country.

But when will the Afghans learn to stand on their own feet? No Sir, it's the modern world, and when women and children are being killed in blasts, and innocent men are getting handicapped, someone has to do something.

The interests of India might be strategic from a Central Asia point of view, but if the Pakistanis want to build a big, Trumpian wall, and stay away from Afghan business, we will not disturb your peace either.

I did say I'm in favour of India and Pakistan working jointly to help the Afghans settle down properly. That would be the kind of bold initiative and vision required in this modern world.
Where to begin? Is Pakistan comparable now with the land of opportunity USA? Can Pakistan cope with millions more Afghan immigrants? Sorry but the answer is a resounding "no". People can't just waltz into Pakistan because life is better there. Now you're making me think the sooner a wall is built, the better. I assure you, a militarised hard border, strict limits in movement of people and aid managed by Pakistan (multiple international donors are of course welcome) or even China if India gets all sensitive about Pakistan would fix Afghanistan in under a decade.

Now if India is truly all bleeding heart snowflakey about the gun toting afghans being deprived of some God given right to flood into Pakistani lands, my advice is get Congress into power asap, reformat the CAA to include Afghan Muslims fleeing Afghanistan because of war and economic reasons, and there you go. Pakistan will even open an air corridor to allow afghans OF ALL RELIGIONS (that's the important bit that needs to be changed in your laws) to go to the promised land of hope, secularism and yoga.
India has done what it could for the people of India, nobody else.

Here's the litmus test for you Joe. Bugger off out of Afghanistan for the first time since 1947 and follow my plan. Let's see if Afghans can't build a better future for themselves without Indians whispering in their ears. I guarantee you, if Indian regimes desist from their stated aim of "isolating Pakistan" and let smaller south Asian nations like Afghanistan and Bangladesh evolve of their own free will, they will quickly realise the futility of war with Pakistan and stick to developing their nations.

If Afghanistan finds a way out of its mess without India's help, you and Shantanu owe me a coke.

Where to begin? Is Pakistan comparable now with the land of opportunity USA? Can Pakistan cope with millions more Afghan immigrants? Sorry but the answer is a resounding "no". People can't just waltz into Pakistan because life is better there. Now you're making me think the sooner a wall is built, the better. I assure you, a militarised hard border, strict limits in movement of people and aid managed by Pakistan (multiple international donors are of course welcome) or even China if India gets all sensitive about Pakistan would fix Afghanistan in under a decade.

Now if India is truly all bleeding heart snowflakey about the gun toting afghans being deprived of some God given right to flood into Pakistani lands, my advice is get Congress into power asap, reformat the CAA to include Afghan Muslims fleeing Afghanistan because of war and economic reasons, and there you go. Pakistan will even open an air corridor to allow afghans OF ALL RELIGIONS (that's the important bit that needs to be changed in your laws) to go to the promised land of hope, secularism and yoga.
Nah mate. India is all friendly and nice. Never in the history of India and Pakistan has any indian even looked at Pakistan with bad intentions. Its all just made up stuff a according to our respected sir Shantanu and Joe. I am 100% sold on India's good intentions for the region.
India has done what it could for the people of India, nobody else.

Here's the litmus test for you Joe. Bugger off out of Afghanistan for the first time since 1947 and follow my plan. Let's see if Afghans can't build a better future for themselves without Indians whispering in their ears. I guarantee you, if Indian regimes desist from their stated aim of "isolating Pakistan" and let smaller south Asian nations like Afghanistan and Bangladesh evolve of their own free will, they will quickly realise the futility of war with Pakistan and stick to developing their nations.

If Afghanistan finds a way out of its mess without India's help, you and Shantanu owe me a coke.

Why only Coke? I will dine you at Rang Mahal restaurant, Pan Pacific Hotel. Most amazing high quality food here.

But the Afghans are leeches who constantly need a host to feed off for eternity. They just don't want a resolution to their tribal warfare problems. Absolutely zero desire to live like normal people.

The treat still stands. :azn:

Now if India is truly all bleeding heart snowflakey about the gun toting afghans being deprived of some God given right to flood into Pakistani lands, my advice is get Congress into power asap, reformat the CAA to include Afghan Muslims fleeing Afghanistan because of war and economic reasons, and there you go. Pakistan will even open an air corridor to allow afghans OF ALL RELIGIONS (that's the important bit that needs to be changed in your laws) to go to the promised land of hope, secularism and yoga.

No, no. No way. We don't want 40 million Afghans in our country. :woot: There are like 40,000 of them here now thanks to George Bush and his WOT, and even that's too much.

We will provide you money to keep all of them within your borders, and help in enriching the great Pakistani race. May the Pakistanis and Afghans come together to create a supermutant race that builds a first world country together. All the best! :cheers:
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Your ban on positive ratings continues, I suppose? All three of your posts deserved one.

No, I'm really better off without those positive ratings. But thanks for a verbal appreciation.

The only thing wrong imho was your mollycoddling of an utterly ridiculous argument about what India did to Afghanistan to turn her against Pakistan, based on Bacha Khan's doings.

Not a single event in south Asia can match the dauntless courage of unarmed volunteers of the Khudai Khidmatgar who stepped up to the bullets with calm and serenity in the Qissa Khwani Bazar massacre. Bacha Khan was a leader of eminence, and to see him introduced into the narrative by a self-pitying ignoramus is pretty galling.
The same person probably could tell you jack squat about how the referendum put to the people finally went; what was the winning percentage, and the position of the Khudai Khidmatgar on the referendum, and their numbers.

But you are right; India has done what it could for the people of Afghanistan, without trying to twist or manipulate them, or using the full range of Chanakya niti, as others have done: everything has been in use by those others - daan, sam, dwanda, bhed. Isn't it amusing when they tell you about what RAW did, and, when people laugh at them, what we should do about it if they didn't do it after all?

It's called playing to the gallery. If you want to address the core argument, always better to stay away from the diversions.

Source: I was a part of my ICSE School debate teams, 6th grade .
Mirza, I'm not here to change your views but I take it very personally when you accuse my country of sponsoring terrorism in Pak (OK, I'm an ex-citizen of India...still I consider it my motherland).

I would feel very guilty if innocent civilians - men, women, children died in Pakistan because of Indian State's involvement. That's a burden I just cannot bear. I will not be able to look any Pakistani in the eye if any/all of it was true.

So, I will examine all these accusations against India (mostly a fan fiction created by Pakistani media) on their own merit. I never said that RAW elenents are not present in Pakistan just like ISI elements are also present in India. But is it India's State policy to kill innocent civilians there through cross-border terrorism? I don't think so.

I believe both RAW and ISI have inconsequential influence in each other's countries. Both countries media suffer from mass hysteria which leads to all these fairy tale accusations.

Many Pakistani posters tell me here that the Pushtoons of NWFP are very proud Pakistanis. If that is true, then no matter what India did during Partition is now irrelevant.

It's been 73 yeasrs, a bit too late to discuss Partition events. I agree Indian leaders had tried to block the very creation of Pakistan. But all that's now past: Pakistan is a reality.

You need to move on from that narrative.

Which countries? India and Afghanistan? That's just a diplomatic treaty. Even Pakistan surely had established relations with this newfound Afghanistan at a much later date.

Almost 23 years after. I find this very interesting. It took India 23-24 years to even officially recognize that country of bandits and tribal warlords. What does that tell you? Indians were far too busy in their internal problems to bother about that place west of Durand line.

Cold War era, India was almost a vassal state of the former USSR. Whereas Pakistan was the baby of America. Both our countries were relatively poor. Back then, we did what the superpowers told us to do.

So far, none of the points you mentioned have any relevance to your arguments for Indian cross-border terrorism support in your country's western borders.

That was before the Taliban era. India was maintaining its diplomatic relationship with Afghanistan. We did not care which bandit ruled the throne in Kabul. Once the Talibans conquered the territories, the Indians had no choice but to deal with them. Now that they're out of power, we are again dealing with Ashraf Ghani and team.

Why blame us if the Afghans are such an incohesive group of people that just can't create and sustain a stable government for their own people? We will have to begrudgingly support whichever tribal warlord comes next. It's the Afghans internal decisions, and we don't interfere in that (unlike the USA and some other NATO countries).

I agree, we did. Frankly we shouldn't have gotten involved in that messy country in the first place. The US and NATO were enough. Probably not? Even they want to pull back.

As for the Shumali Ittehad, I don't give a damn about them. What difference does it make? The Afghans are simply happy to trade one set of warlords for the other. Frankly, not only India, but most countries in the world are getting tired of their internal bickering.

All those warlords should get together and support Mr. Ashraf Ghani. Also they should stop gunning each other down over minor disagreements.

At least he's trying to bring a semblance of law and order to that *hole. When will Afghanistan join the civilized order of nations? For the last 1000 years, we have seen no such evidence. Maybe even longer. Even Alexander the Great got tired of their internal bickerings when he conquered Bactria.

Honestly, I'm in favour of India immediately withdrawing all our embassy staff and other personnel engaged in humanitarian missions in Afghanistan. The damned Afghans can't be helped...fighting is in their DNA. The concept of peace is alien to them.

None of this has anything to do with Pakistan.

Do note I am aware that Afghanistan is not only a Pushtoon country. I believe the Tadjiks are currently a majority there, and there is a significant population of Hazaras.

So, if someone accuses me of anti-Pukhtoonism here, please get your facts right. I am discussing the country of Afghanistan, not NWFP.

Like India was alone? Pakistan even offered its territory and armed forces for the US-led invasion of Afghanistan. Not a single American-NATO soldier was allowed to pass through Indian territory to invade Afghanistan as India's official position was a neutral stance.

What the hell, Mirza? Didn't expect this line of reasoning for you. During the WOT, both our countries sucked up to Uncle Sam. Pakistan did a lot more than us though.

What's wrong with that? You expected India to stay silent while the Afghan warlords murder each other with brutality, leaving widows, orphans, and people with broken limbs all around the country?

Of course, they needed help to rebuild their lives. India did everything it could to help that country stand back on its feet. Building libraries and hospitals, roads and highways in that country at great personal risk to many Indian staff. What do they have to look forward to, but to get killed by one of the depraved Talibani warlords

Imagine being a skilled engineer in India. You have your whole life ahead of you. MIT, Stanford, a possible internship with Google in Silicon Valley. Instead duty calls, and you decide to help your government build roads and highways for a people you have no connection to. And then you get killed in the line of duty!

I am still in favour of Indian government pulling out of that accursed country, and let the Afghans to their own devices. I also support the Pakistanis to go and build that country with their own money. Your own PM Imran Khan has washed his hands off Afghanistan, cribbing in UN General Assembly on how Pakistan paid such a huge price for Afghanistan, had 70000 of its own people killed etc. etc.

Almost no country is willing to help the Afghans except India. That's the kind of reputation they have - nobody likes them. Even we don't like them but we can't abandon them to kill each other off.

On top of it, we are accused by the Pakistanis, and Pakistani media of sponsoring terrorism in their country. That's very rich, and so damn convenient.

If Pakistan doesn't want terrorism on its western borders, perhaps it can work jointly with India, and help the Afghans settle down properly. Now that's a radical idea which I would definitely support.

What was India supposed to do? Let the Taliban kill more of our engineers and doctors?

The reason India had to deploy its own soldiers was because the government of Afghanistan is full of cheapskates. They will not spend a dime out of their own pockets to help the Indians trying to build their country.

I don't blame them. That country has been an economic basketcase for the last 100 years or so, always depending on foreigners for handouts.

All the Indian staff in Afghanistan are involved in humanitarian missions. We need them there so that in the event the Afghan warlords blow up another hospital or ambulance, those services can be quickly replenished.

Why don't the Pakistanis go there and help Afghans rebuild their lives with Pakistani taxpayer money? I would welcome it. That country should not be India's botheration. You guys love them more, so you take care of them. We'll be glad to recall all the Indians living in that *hole.

@Joe Shearer @Peshwa

You're forgetting one important event that cemented our hate for the Taliban and our support to the NA.
The hijacking of the Indian Airlines flight to Kandahar and the subsequent path the Taliban gave to terrorists who not only caused mayhem in India, but killed innocent passengers on that flight.
The same fellows got a royal treatment in Pakistan after being allowed passage by the Taliban and ended up decapitating Daniel Pearl.

What more reason does India need to support NA over Taliban when the latter clearly aided and abetted the very terrorists that hurt India and its civilians.

Our presence in Afg is humanitarian and business. We want to ensure that the next govt. in Kabul is not anti India.
The investment in Libraries, infra etc that we have made is to benefit the common afghan and to assist the people of Afg to have the infra that would enable to build a proper democratic nation state that believes in stability, one that does not support Anti-India elements or is a factory for Jihadist mercenaries to be used as proxy for Pakistans agenda in Kashmir.
Here's the litmus test for you Joe. Bugger off out of Afghanistan for the first time since 1947 and follow my plan. Let's see if Afghans can't build a better future for themselves without Indians whispering in their ears. I guarantee you, if Indian regimes desist from their stated aim of "isolating Pakistan" and let smaller south Asian nations like Afghanistan and Bangladesh evolve of their own free will, they will quickly realise the futility of war with Pakistan and stick to developing their nations.

Bangladesh, did someone say? A country that has done rather well for itself, revealing in its exuberant growth how decades of development were sucked out of the system and converted into toys for the boys; all this witoothout the presence of dozens of armymen advising it how to convert spare time into bloodshed, as has been done in Afghanistan. We have been whispering in their ears, frankly, but more than that, there is an open conversation, not always a charade of agreement between a stern patron and her clients sheltered in the patron's safe houses.

We don't have to see what might or might not happen in Afghanistan; the example is right there, right in front of you. Look at the metrics. We did let Bangladesh evolve of her own free will; the results stare those burrowing deep into Afghanistan in the face.

Just for a joke, try this sentence on for fit and finish: "if Indian Pakistani regimes desist from their stated aim of "isolating Pakistan achieving strategic depth" and let a smaller south Asian nations like Afghanistan and Bangladesh evolve of their her own free will, they will quickly realise the futility of war with Pakistan two out of three neighbours and stick to developing their nations." Developing their nation - ah, 72 years of neglect needs some serious graft. Better get down to it. Nobody looks like they are planning to pull this particular chestnut out of the fire, not even the iron brother, once you put your financial glasses on.

Can you send the case of Cokes - I would prefer @Shantanu_Left to do the awards and send me Famous Grouse instead, but boys will be boys, Coke will do nicely, thank you very much - to India, or do I have to drink them, one at a time, in Heathrow?
You're forgetting one important event that cemented our hate for the Taliban and our support to the NA.
The hijacking of the Indian Airlines flight to Kandahar and the subsequent path the Taliban gave to terrorists who not only caused mayhem in India, but killed innocent passengers on that flight.
The same fellows got a royal treatment in Pakistan after being allowed passage by the Taliban and ended up decapitating Daniel Pearl.


Yes, that Kandahar hijacking is the reason most Indians hate the very word "Taliban." That was a very disgusting thing to do, and the Talibanis supported the hijackers in full view of the media.
Can you send the case of Cokes - I would prefer @Shantanu_Left to do the awards and send me Famous Grouse instead, but boys will be boys, Coke will do nicely, thank you very much - to India, or do I have to drink them, one at a time, in Heathrow?

I already promised a bottle of the Grouse to @Imran Khan

It costs more. You will have to make do with something cheaper I am afraid.
I already promised a bottle of the Grouse to @Imran Khan

It costs more. You will have to make do with something cheaper I am afraid.
Sath main chakhna bhi lana yaar kabab bhi hoon
Bangladesh, did someone say? A country that has done rather well for itself, revealing in its exuberant growth how decades of development were sucked out of the system and converted into toys for the boys; all this witoothout the presence of dozens of armymen advising it how to convert spare time into bloodshed, as has been done in Afghanistan. We have been whispering in their ears, frankly, but more than that, there is an open conversation, not always a charade of agreement between a stern patron and her clients sheltered in the patron's safe houses.

We don't have to see what might or might not happen in Afghanistan; the example is right there, right in front of you. Look at the metrics. We did let Bangladesh evolve of her own free will; the results stare those burrowing deep into Afghanistan in the face.

Just for a joke, try this sentence on for fit and finish: "if Indian Pakistani regimes desist from their stated aim of "isolating Pakistan achieving strategic depth" and let a smaller south Asian nations like Afghanistan and Bangladesh evolve of their her own free will, they will quickly realise the futility of war with Pakistan two out of three neighbours and stick to developing their nations." Developing their nation - ah, 72 years of neglect needs some serious graft. Better get down to it. Nobody looks like they are planning to pull this particular chestnut out of the fire, not even the iron brother, once you put your financial glasses on.

Can you send the case of Cokes - I would prefer @Shantanu_Left to do the awards and send me Famous Grouse instead, but boys will be boys, Coke will do nicely, thank you very much - to India, or do I have to drink them, one at a time, in Heathrow?

Also for your aching sentiments good sir @Shantanu_Left

Talking a great talk about Bangladesh as usual Joe. Delhi supports and sustains Sheikh Hasina, who literally has locked up her political opponents and hindered democratic progress in Bangladesh, all in order to preserve a government as hostile to Pakistan as possible - to continue to feed the "isolation of Pakistan" obsession that sustains Hindustan.

Bangladesh will do better once it ditches the emotional baggage thrust upon its shoulders by Hasina's patrons in Delhi, and moves away from its restrictive sphere of influence. By obsessively trying to isolate Pakistan, Delhi also coincidentally enforces a resistance to Beijing among its puppet governments. Even if Dhaka and Kabul can well afford to remain stoked against Islamabad, the damage of resisting cooperation with Beijing is truly hindering their progress. Dhaka is starting to realise this latter point - much to Delhi's recent chagrin of course.


India never really learns that attempting to control south Asian nations results in a backlash, whether done openly or by clandestine methods. Sri Lanka and Nepal have also tasted what it's like to have their history directed by the Delhi regime. Let's not digress and dwell on the countless deaths due to documented RAW funding and training of LTTE separatists.

As for Afghanistan, the same "isolation of Pakistan" menace that plagues south Asian peace has been at play for decades. India has no business in the nation of Afghanistan other than to thwart simple Pakistani peace in its western regions, never mind the pipe dream of strategic depth. By underwriting a hostile government of thieves, brigands and racketeers that sits in Kabul, India has held Afghanistan under its thumb for decades. False promises to ethnonationalists who wish to dismantle Pakistan are clearly a part of that strategy. Do you expect us to believe that India innocently stokes such fires without considering that some miscreants will accept some generous assistance from RAW and quietly slip across the border to wreak havoc?

@Shantanu_Left this isn't some tinfoil conspiracy theory. RAW operatives themselves know this. This is how India has always done realpolitik. Seems they're keeping you and Joe out of the loop on this "shockingly unbelievable conspiracy theory".

I might get those cokes sooner than expected at this rate.


Citing a former RAW official by the name of B. Raman (the author of the 2007 book, The Kaoboys of R&AW: Down Memory Lane.):

".......In retaliation, in the mid-1980s, RAW set up two covert groups of its own, Counter Intelligence Team-X (CIT-X) and Counter Intelligence Team-J (CIT-J), the first targeting Pakistan in general and the second directed at Khalistani groups. The two groups were responsible for carrying out terrorist operations inside Pakistan (Newsline), writes Pakistani military expert Ayesha Siddiqa. Indian journalist and associate editor of Frontline magazine, Praveen Swami, writes that a “low-grade but steady campaign of bombings in major Pakistani cities, notably Karachi and Lahore” was carried out. This forced the head of ISI to meet his counterpart in RAW and agree on the rules of engagement as far as Punjab was concerned, writes Siddiqa. The negotiation was brokered by then-Jordanian Crown Prince Hassan bin-Talal, whose wife, Princess Sarvath, is of Pakistani origin. “It was agreed that Pakistan would not carry out activities in the Punjab as long as RAW refrained from creating mayhem and violence inside Pakistan,” Siddiqa writes."

"....However, experts point out that India has supported insurgents in Pakistan’s Balochistan, as well as anti-Pakistan forces in Afghanistan."
Also for your aching sentiments good sir @Shantanu_Left

Talking a great talk about Bangladesh as usual Joe. Delhi supports and sustains Sheikh Hasina, who literally has locked up her political opponents and hindered democratic progress in Bangladesh, all in order to preserve a government as hostile to Pakistan as possible - to continue to feed the "isolation of Pakistan" obsession that sustains Hindustan.

Bangladesh will do better once it ditches the emotional baggage thrust upon its shoulders by Hasina's patrons in Delhi, and moves away from its restrictive sphere of influence. By obsessively trying to isolate Pakistan, Delhi also coincidentally enforces a resistance to Beijing among its puppet governments. Even if Dhaka and Kabul can well afford to remain stoked against Islamabad, the damage of resisting cooperation with Beijing is truly hindering their progress. Dhaka is starting to realise this latter point - much to Delhi's recent chagrin of course.

Most Bangladeshis I meet aren't anti-India. Yes, they do have some crazy elements but India isn't worried about them to the same extent as LeT or other groups operating from Pakistan.

They benefit from a huge market for the trade of goods and services, many Bangladeshis avail of healthcare and educational benefits in India. Some Bangladeshis are even working in India on legal employment visas. There is a process going on to ensure Visa-on-arrival or visa-free facility for Bangladeshi passport-holders in India.

It's in Bangladesh's own interests to remain on India's side.

India never really learns that attempting to control south Asian nations results in a backlash, whether done openly or by clandestine methods. Sri Lanka and Nepal have also tasted what it's like to have their history directed by the Delhi regime. Let's not digress and dwell on the countless deaths due to documented RAW funding and training of LTTE separatists.

I wonder how long Nepal will continue its independence streak. Millions of Nepali citizens are working in India, getting their livelihood from the country. Of course, they can substitute India for China....that's a major worry.

But their country can't exist independently without either India or China backing them.

The same goes with Sri Lanka. They do not oppose India generally, whatever happened with LTTE and IPKF in the past is now firmly in the past.

I did check that link. If Indian RAW did some activities in Pakistan as a retaliation to Pakistan's sponsoring of Khalistan elements in Punjab, then wouldn't you agree it's fair?

Anyway, from the same link you shared (CFR - a very prestigious link no doubt), I see very weak evidence of India sponsoring any covert activities in Balochistan.

In the past, Pakistan also accused RAW of supporting Sindhi nationalists demanding a separate state, as well as Seraikis calling for a partition of Pakistan’s Punjab to create a separate Seraiki state. India denies these charges. However, experts point out that India has supported insurgents in Pakistan’s Balochistan, as well as anti-Pakistan forces in Afghanistan. But some experts say India no longer does this. As this Backgrounder explains, Pakistan is suspicious of India’s influence in Afghanistan, which it views as a threat to its own interests in the region. Experts say although it is very likely that India has active intelligence gathering in Afghanistan, it is difficult to say whether it is also involved in covert operations.

It is not India's policy to kill civilians in Balcohistan, and NWFP regions. They are Pakistan's homegrown problems. If anything, India would like to help you solve those problems through intelligence cooperation. You only need to ask us!
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