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RAW analysis - India And Bangladesh Must Come Together

Since when your country surplus production of electricity or become self sufficient on any social sectors that you will go your way to help us when the fact is we do not really need your help. It's your arrogance that irritate us and that you are not capable of undertand.
It is precisely because we are not power surplus state, supply of electricity to BD qualifies as 'going out of the way'.
What we are demanding is that you stop intervening with our internal politics and stop patronizing mushrik elemements that trying to impose low qulaity bharati culture on our people. :tdown:

It's ture because political status has chanced in recent days. Half way to grave BNP has finally got it's life back. This up coming meeting will not do no damn things interms of improving our relation because end result would be zero. It will just be face saving meeting for you and la-hasina. You were expecting many selfish deal including Corridor through us to your eastern state but that won't take place as anti-awami forces are united to give her a high quality shake up if she signs any deal that will harm bangladesh. She already in deep hole as internal politics is heating up. She will face hard time in cumming days any way as most of us hate to see her presence in Bd and that is the real truth wheater you believe or not. :smokin:

Most of us genetically anti bharat and she and Awamis are known dalal. You guys wasting time.....:coffee:
You never get tired of peddling your tribal culture. Do you?
How can you work towards better relations if your too afraid to take India's hand in friendship because you think we will let go halfway.
How can you work towards better relations if your too afraid to take India's hand in friendship because you think we will let go halfway.

indian definition of "friendship" means hegemony, bully and interference. India with long history of interference and hegemonic act, created distrust and suffereings; much more today then year before. Indian can create artificial friend like Awami stooge govt but people of Bangladesh will have deep resentment of india in years to come. Who needs enemy if india is the friend?
Indian can create artificial friend like Awami stooge govt but people of Bangladesh will have deep resentment of india in years to come. Who needs enemy if india is the friend?

Yeh man ... and just imagine ... people voted this very same AL in MAJORITY. This stupid people. What a shame being called a Bangladeshi .. whose Government, Election Commission and Armed forces .. all are on Indian Pay Roll. I can feel your pain for living in a subservient society.
indian definition of "friendship" means hegemony, bully and interference. India with long history of interference and hegemonic act, created distrust and suffereings; much more today then year before. Indian can create artificial friend like Awami stooge govt but people of Bangladesh will have deep resentment of india in years to come. Who needs enemy if india is the friend?

case and point

What hope is there.
What do you want from India.
I have been following the discussion on Power transmission + supply and it was nice to see that my Indian friends cleared the fog.

The use of the power grid infrastructure in Bangladesh by India if both the countries agree is a service that India will pay for if used and will not be a freebie. This cannot be a hidden agenda as this is a revenue generation medium. Some of my friends from Bangladesh want to resist a move that will benefit India purely because it benefits India! Any understanding between two countries should be based on mutual benefit and I would request you to view this as a business relationship instead of casting a negative view on the same.

As far as I can see, India has no inclination to boss over Bangladesh but requires a strong and vibrant country that will bring significant trade and hence revenue to India.

I would like to point out that in England several Bangladeshi restaurants are know as Indian restaurant because of their names such as "Dil raj", "Gateway to India", "Taj Mahal", etc. I have frequented them and find that the cooks can prepare very good Indian dishes. :cheers: to Bangladesh-India friendship.
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