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'Rationalists' hold Mangalsutra removal function in Chennai

mangalsutra is voluntary and I dont think everywhere women wear it... men also wear marriage ring.. if people are opposed to it they dont need to wear, nobody is forcing them.

attention whore is a phrase used to describe anybody who seeks attention.. both male and female. I dont agree because they have been doing this since periyar's time... nothing new.

what would you say about cowerdice of muslims who wont take such public stand even in countries where they are majority(pakistan/bangladesh).. @jamahir
Be an expression but when you are using towards women you should watch your language. This is so sick

well, if muslim in other countries are progressive, where are the muslims taking progressive stand, in pakistan/bd. Its only a few hopeless leftists who write articles in paper, public or any ngo is sh*t scared to take on islamic back to basic movement.
Yes, they come out to codemn 'terrorism'.. but not deep rooted cultural/religious practice that seems unfair.
Eating beef publicly hits at core of hindu practice, its equivalent to drawing prophet homammed(as somebody else pointed out)... but people are brave enough to do it publicly.
Either hindus are brave, or hindu right is not yet scary.
Hell lot of baloney . Are you feeling ok that you are drawing comparison between insulting sketches and beef eating. Ok beef eating is insulting, the whole world eats beef. But does the whole world draws sketches. What stupid comparison.
And one more thing,you get beef bans, but the same maharashtra etc govs export beef to other states ,and intl exports.
Where goes the revernce then???
Be an expression but when you are using towards women you should watch your language. This is so sick

Hell lot of baloney . Are you feeling ok that you are drawing comparison between insulting sketches and beef eating. Ok beef eating is insulting, the whole world eats beef. But does the whole world draws sketches. What stupid comparison.
And one more thing,you get beef bans, but the same maharashtra etc govs export beef to other states ,and intl exports.
Where goes the revernce then???
the language was not for women I think..its for org.. not sure.
as to comparison.. I was saying just to draw picture not even offensive cartoon..
the comparison is with a group of muslims who consider such idea silly and publicly draw mohammed. (let alone expect non muslims to respect such sensibility.. just like nobody expect non hindus to stop eating beef).
I was simply saying such group does not exist.. not in India ..not in muslim majority countries... coz either muslims are coward or they face bigger threat to life.
@jamahir.. its one thing to oppose cow slaughter ban here(I do) another to actually do it publicly.
Number of muslims ready to burn burqa publicly=0 as of now. you can oppose burqa here on pdf as much you like.
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mangalsutra is voluntary and I dont think everywhere women wear it... men also wear marriage ring.. if people are opposed to it they dont need to wear, nobody is forcing them.

I will just copy paste something that I wrote on reddit, in reply to a similar argument made by someone else:

Suppose I buy a land close to a busy junction in Chennai, build a Periyar statue there and garland it with chappals in full public view, will there or will there not be an outrage? My land, my chappal, but the statue, albeit having been built by me, is not owned by me because it is a symbol of a movement that I am not part of. Same case with mangalsutra. These are not Hindus. They don't identify themselves with Hinduism. The mangalsutra is however a symbol of matrimony in Hinduism. If they want to defile it, then there ought to be an outrage.

I will also say, the same thing applies to Burqas. If Muslim women choose to lose it and do it in a public function, then that is reformist (or regressive, depending on whose view it is). But if some atheist women or some Hindu/Xian women who wear and throw away that burqa, that is mockery.

Didn't E.V.Ramasamy marry his foster child or something?

He married a woman (Maniammai) who was like 60 years his junior. Just to save his wealth from going to his nephew EVK Sampath, who had split from his movement and founded the DMK along with CN Annadurai. The rumor is that, the current leader of DK, Veeramani took Maniammai as his mistress after Ramasamy's death. EV.Ramasamy's life history is very "colorful" (however, that can be said about almost all Dravidian movement leaders)
Ok beef eating is insulting, the whole world eats beef. But does the whole world draws sketches.

valid point.

Education and awareness is already eliminating most of these stupid practices.

what is this "education and awareness"??

why is "honor killing" happening now?? why do youngsters prefer being wage-slaves??

look at this insanity ( Female foetuses in Beed fed to dogs to hide evidence | Daily Mail Online )... despite this, there are dog shows conducted every month or so in various cities in india... and many youngsters prefer to do nationalistic propaganda whereas they should have been talking of radical change in india ( and the world ).

well, if muslim in other countries are progressive, where are the muslims taking progressive stand, in pakistan/bd. Its only a few hopeless leftists who write articles in paper, public or any ngo is sh*t scared to take on islamic back to basic movement.

the whole nations of syria and egypt fight at government level against the reactionaries... the nation of algeria had fought in the 90's... the people of libya fight, as do the tunisians in their own way.

in pakistan, previous decades have seen active leftists ( not hopeless ) fight the reactionaries in street battles and in colleges.

in bangladesh, there is no taliban government because the people actively don't want it so.

Either hindus are brave,

this is a mixed things... many hindus question old old beliefs and customs or discard them outright, but many of the hindu young are bringing back wrong traditional things that had been discarded in the socialist fervor and modernization of previous decades... think of how many young software engineers or finance people attend sri sri ravishankar's yoga sessions.

tell me, could the film industries have been started in these moralistic/religious times in india??
I dont care or judge people based on ornaments... desi ladies like bling, they are not wearing for their men, lets be clear.:lol:
:sarcastic:Now a days Hindu girl swearing so small Mangalsutra that you cant even reconize it....and at same time I even seen many muslim girls wearing it such a way you can spotted it from distance (one time underneath the Burakha also) ... ...WHF...Role reversal here...:mod:
Number of muslims ready to burn burqa publicly=0 as of now.

i agree it is shameful... most muslim males are now reactionary type, not worth a shadow on the progressives of the earlier decades.

you can oppose burqa here on pdf as much you like.

i do it off-line too.

Role reversal here...:mod:

indian muslim females in the 60's...


typical indian muslim females now...

i agree it is shameful... most muslim males are now reactionary type, not worth a shadow on the progressives of the earlier decades.

i do it off-line too.
you still did not get my point... I would excuse Indian muslims because they are minority and hence they are under pressure to hold onto their religion/belief/culture. Which is why I specifically mentioned muslims in muslim majority countries.
Where are the people(even small section will do) who oppose daft cultural/religious practices in islam.. in muslim majority countries. only exception is turkey.. where the fate still hangs in balance.
rest of the muslim world, secularists either have either considered defeat or delaying the inevitable(by using brute force, which never works in long run)

I know many muslim countries are liberal and advanced compared to India..even there, the direction points to less fortunate situation in future.
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secularists either have either considered defeat

technically, the only "secular" muslim society has been turkey... the other so-called seculars have been socialist/socialistic societies... a big difference.

or delaying the inevitable(by using brute force, which never works in long run)

i disagree... it works until western government conspiracy brings back the reactionaries that the progressives had removed.
Removing burqa or mangalsutra in a public show is going to do more harm than good in creating tensions. I'm an atheist myself and do not believe in such nonsense, but you have a country of a billion people who do. Education and awareness is already eliminating most of these stupid practices. Making other people feel low will only take them back to their roots of being dogmatic.

Just for the record, I did not turn atheist because of these dravidian movements - I became an atheist because I started learning science.
I fail to see how mangalsutra or wedding ring are related to atheism/rationality and removing the same will improve anything...
I fail to see how mangalsutra or wedding ring are related to atheism/rationality and removing the same will improve anything...

The purpose though is to tell others that they're married and can't be courted but people believe god will poke your eyes if you remove mangal sutra and it's a divine holy thing...
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technically, the only "secular" muslim society has been turkey... the other so-called seculars have been socialist/socialistic societies... a big difference.

i disagree... it works until western government conspiracy brings back the reactionaries that the progressives had removed.
'western conspiracy' is a constant factor for non western countries.. but somehow its a bigger factor in some countries than inherent social/cultural/religious factors... I suspect its overemphasized in certain societies which is afraid to face reality.
Actually, we were born naked and will die naked. These clothes are a bane for humans and causes a lots of misery!! I want to hold a ******removal demonstration!! Any one to come with me??:D
actually marriage itself is a symbol of bondage kind of slavery...they should have done a divorce ceremony...
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