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Rape victim sentenced 200 lashes by Saudi court

"The victim's sentence was increased because her lawyer had spoken out..."

This is the worst part.

The very fact that Judges have this discretionary power means that at some point they are bound to become dictators drunk with power and detached from reality.

Empowering the accused ( in this case judiciary ) to punish accuser creates legal and moral perversion which would lead to arrogant and egoist judges.

why not 400 for her ? rape is almost imposible in saudi in 99% cases its adultery not rape

Kaise Imran bhai?

Zaraa torch maarna.
Amnesty International | Saudi Arabia: Lawyer must not be punished for defending gang rape victim

Saudi rape lawyer hearing delayed - CNN.com

You can find loads of "non crusader" sources for the same. Mate, cross your heart and tell me how you can defend your country's laws. A few days back you told me that in your country you would kick the *** of anybody who doesn't follow the law, and I replied that it is the laws themselves that I'm questioning.

Since you told me that you are a religious moderate (I don't remember the exact words), I have to ask you how you can stand your country's laws and society, let alone be proud of it. It would take some amazing cognitive dissonance.

True, and frankly why should the "west" care, as long as their interests are met? It's not American or British or Chinese or Indian women who get lashed for driving a car or talking to a man, it is Saudi arab women. Ignore their plight, and the economies of North America and Europe and Asia keep rolling, with the oil drilled from Saudi. But take up the issue, and risk the flow of that oil - which option do you think any country that cares for its self interest would take?

Exactly the only reason Saudi is around is because over the years it has had such huge backing from around foreigners. If Saudi was left to deal with its people and neighbors on its own it wouldn't be able to stand. I'm pretty much said what you're saying now. But what I'm also saying is when countries like the US put out statements telling a countries government to treat its people better it's not because they're humanitarians it's just because it supports their political agenda.
This is sad... But atleast rapes get reported in Saudi... In India only 1/400 rapes are reported :cry:
Kaise Imran bhai?

Zaraa torch maarna.

please come here and see its almost impossible to just say hi a women let alone rape . its restricted highly policed country you need biggest balls on earth to just say i love you a strange women . believe me its impossible . do you know a brother cant sit with wife of another brother here . and saudi police is one of the best in solve cases they dig roots and bring out real issue from root . i lived with them and i know them .most of these cases they meet and and captured so they blame each other . its not rape . a saudi don't need to rape he just need to enter any of its border country visa free for sex on his car . do you know abut UAE BHRAIN QATAR EGYPT LEBANON and every border state of saudi is visa free for them . why should they take risk of beheading ? go bhrain and take 15 naked women in bedroom .
Exaggerated and false news by the usual anti-Muslim and anti-Arab news outlets that know nothing.

KSA has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. I doubt the authenticity of this story.

Funny that we have a horde of Indian (Hindus with all due probability) and a Brazilian commenting here when their countries are leading the world charts in criminality, murders, rapes etc. Worry about your own backyard which in many aspects is WAY worse than that of KSA.

KSA don't need anyone in the region to protect her. There is a reason why we were never invaded or colonized unlike other countries despite being the biggest and probably most important country in the region on many fronts. Anyone who tries is welcome but will not succeed. At least from the region. The rest are unrealistic. (USA, China, Russia etc.).

Most of the laws in KSA are good and work well to prevent crimes. Unlike in some other countries...

Anyone who lives in KSA can correspondent to that. In the meantime ignorants and people who have never stepped on KSA soil let alone Arab soil or that of the Middle East can have their usual rants.

Like we give a FPuck.
please come here and see its almost impossible to just say hi a women let alone rape . its restricted highly policed country you need biggest balls on earth to just say i love you a strange women . believe me its impossible . do you know a brother cant sit with wife of another brother here . and saudi police is one of the best in solve cases they dig roots and bring out real issue from root . i lived with them and i know them .most of these cases they meet and and captured so they blame each other . its not rape . a saudi don't need to rape he just need to enter any of its border country visa free for sex on his car . do you know abut UAE BHRAIN QATAR EGYPT LEBANON and every border state of saudi is visa free for them . why should they take risk of beheading ? go bhrain and take 15 naked women in bedroom .

What about those who cannot afford 15 naked women.:D
Funny that we have a horde of Indian (Hindus with all due probability) and a Brazilian commenting here when there countries are leading the world charts in criminality, murders, rapes etc. Worry about your own backyard which in many aspects is WAY worse than that of KSA.

I agree bro... These Hindus on this thread are acting like their country is heaven for women... When we can actually see the state of women in their own country... Whole Saudi Arabian YEARLY crime rate is Delhi's DAILY crime rate...
This is sad... But atleast rapes get reported in Saudi... In India only 1/400 rapes are reported :cry:
How do you know? I mean, do you really think judgement like this encourage victims to report rape? Also, not all form of rapes are even considered rape in saudi, like domestic rape.... Now s*u and keep on topic.....
Wow...sick subhumans.....I hope everyone who supports this tyranical regime burns in eternal fire........blame the victim....say shes lying.....call her a whoar..say she asked for it......call her an adulterer......and give her 6 months in prison and 200 lashes to shutt her up.....

Uncivilized animals..........this thieving corrupt dictatorship needs to fall and its slaves.....women.....blacks.....shias......minorities..........need to be liberated........

But there will always be apologists and sympathizers.......especially from the servant class...............you cant blot out the sun with a finger......their time will come.........
I agree bro... These Hindus on this thread are acting like their country is heaven for women... When we can actually see the state of women in their own country... Whole Saudi Arabian YEARLY crime rate is Delhi's DAILY crime rate...

The point is that they should fix their own backyard (way worse in terms of crimes than KSA) before lecturing about a country, region, people they know JACKSHIIT about to put it mildly.

Amnesty International and other organizations considered the execution of a woman from Sri Lanka that MURDERED a young Saudi child as a breach of the human rights. They are also against the death penalty. Again like we give a Pfuck. It would only be a problem if most of our laws did not function. But they do that. Some need a change or refreshment but that will come.

Still not seen any local Saudi Arabian, Arabic or leading news outlets talking about this supposed case.
That's impossible, the news is either fabricated or played with.

The amount of bullshit and false reports about Saudi Arabia, other Arab and Muslim countries on this forum is astonishing. I even proved the falsehood of many of such reports posted here before by the usual 4 types of users.

The extremists Hindus here, the Shia's who have serious pains in their ***** because they only form 10% of the Muslim population and can't get over the fact that they do not control Makkah and Madinah and the third group are false flaggers like that GoodOldBoy psychiatric patient that escaped from the local psychiatric ward and is yet to be banned. It is amazing how he is still around here. The fourth are the Farsis.
You can find loads of "non crusader" sources for the same.

Yes, the news go viral in one site, and other site will copy-paste.

Mate, cross your heart and tell me how you can defend your country's laws.

As long as the law isn't preached by any individual, be it a Saudi or whoever, I will support the role of law to its fullest.

A few days back you told me that in your country you would kick the *** of anybody who doesn't follow the law, and I replied that it is the laws themselves that I'm questioning.

Again, Yes, I DID say this, but the reference I made for abiding the laws doesn't suit a case when some chick slept with her boyfriend, in other word, there are no such law for this. Aside, I don't chase 20ish something trying to make some love :lol: I have got serious business to take care of that makes you and your Gov't too happy about how good the Saudis are to counter terrorism in your country. I'm not assigned to the subcontinent though..

Since you told me that you are a religious moderate (I don't remember the exact words)

I never said such thing; I would greatly appreciate not to misquote me. I said I'm not religious, a moderate is something else.

I have to ask you how you can stand your country's laws and society, let alone be proud of it. It would take some amazing cognitive dissonance.

I don't have any problem abiding by the law myself. But, here was the thing :-

1- The chick lied to her parents - she claimed she was sexually assaulted " raped " while in fact she was sleeping with the dude on her well - The news came to her family by the girl herself, they were traumatized by this incident, and they believed her.

2- When the girl went to the Investigation Bureau to report to them, she mentioned different things she mentioned to her parents.

3- The attorney her family appointed tied to approach the defendant to double cross the the Investigation Due Process. Basically he said " we want you to admit that the girl was assaulted whilst you were tipsy, contradicting point 1, and 2.

Later, both of the defendant and plaintiff plead guilty for all the made-up drama both created. It isn't our responsibility that they choose to sleep with each other, our responsibility came when she approached the authority to report her made-up story.

I guess that's all what she wrote for me now.

Amnesty International | Saudi Arabia: Lawyer must not be punished for defending gang rape victim

Saudi rape lawyer hearing delayed - CNN.com

You can find loads of "non crusader" sources for the same. Mate, cross your heart and tell me how you can defend your country's laws. A few days back you told me that in your country you would kick the *** of anybody who doesn't follow the law, and I replied that it is the laws themselves that I'm questioning.

Since you told me that you are a religious moderate (I don't remember the exact words), I have to ask you how you can stand your country's laws and society, let alone be proud of it. It would take some amazing cognitive dissonance.

True, and frankly why should the "west" care, as long as their interests are met? It's not American or British or Chinese or Indian women who get lashed for driving a car or talking to a man, it is Saudi arab women. Ignore their plight, and the economies of North America and Europe and Asia keep rolling, with the oil drilled from Saudi. But take up the issue, and risk the flow of that oil - which option do you think any country that cares for its self interest would take?
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