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Rangers Intel men among 7 killed in Karachi target killing

Shia bombing is politically related. LeJ and all its sub outfits need to be targeted and funds should be frozen.

Lyari harbours political wing militants specifically of pro-PPP nature. I will not be surprised that before Rangers operation info was given to flee the spots.

liyari is hub of elite drug king pins of pakistan, & it runs the biggest trade & tranportation system in the region?
yes poors do vote PPP, but its now a battle field of different gangs fighting for no1 spot?
baluchi gangs were used by PPP in the past even in the killing of MIR MURTAZA BHUTO BB, MQM has its support with kacthi-memon fishermens who does illegal smmugling of all contra-band items from liqur to garments,just became rich in past 15 years wants to be seperated from the rule of baluchi drug kings, so they too hve thier own small army?
then comes my own tribe niazi,s from mianwali who, hve complete qabza on transport from trucks to big busses, traficking illegal weapon trade they hve pushtoons drug lords who, supply the best quality of white powder gathered from allover afghanistan & from the tribal areas of pakistan?

right now, balouchi drug distributors kingpins & pushtoon drug lords who are supporting extermists like TTp & BLA, for known reasons are holding liyari & its peoples hostage, with all the high quality heroin , going out of karachi port, this the biggest distribution center in south east asia since , past 30 years?

it bring in TTp & BLA in too play, who are hving fun of thier life time in karachi & in queeta!
& these 2 intell mens allegedly were the victims of axis of evil in liyari!:agree::angry:
i was born & grown in krachi, did i proved that yet?;)
news is many genrls even in GHQ , hve showen thier anger, to KIYANI & they want a strong butt-kick action in karachi, liyari specially?
also MQM with its silent support through its leadership, wants cleanup even in its own areas?
i dont know why they dont just impose cufew and Section 144 in that god damn city

it's common fcking sense

declare PPP, MQM and ANP terrorist organizations and ban them from politics until they stop keeping armed militant hooligans and turf wars

never seen such a disgusting state of affairs
Hand it over to army, conduct an operation against all banned organizations and things will be fine.

actually it's not just the banned organizations. the ANP,JI, PPP and MQM are completely involved in this war in Karachi. it's an established fact that each of these parties have their own armed group who fights for their interest. That's why all the arrested terrorist get freed with no delay.
They were working under cover so wont rule out local armed groups. TTP is not the only one LEJ is also very active as Ahlesunat waljamat got a very strong hold in some areas.

it's sad to see these people using violence in the name of Allah. They should be behind the bars not hiding in the mosques and Madrassas.
news is many genrls even in GHQ , hve showen thier anger, to KIYANI & they want a strong butt-kick action in karachi, liyari specially?
also MQM with its silent support through its leadership, wants cleanup even in its own areas?

did they wipe out TTP from Wazisristan first? come and talk when Waziristan is declared safe. And what the heck is the ISI doing? The terrorists are coming all the way from Waziristan and doing suicide blasts in Pakistan's biggest city and no one's stopping them. Really think there are some real flaws in our intelligence network and they needs to be sorted out asap.
did they wipe out TTP from Wazisristan first? come and talk when Waziristan is declared safe. And what the heck is the ISI doing? The terrorists are coming all the way from Waziristan and doing suicide blasts in Pakistan's biggest city and no one's stopping them. Really think there are some real flaws in our intelligence network and they needs to be sorted out asap.

so you are juxtaposing a rural, remote and geographically complex terrain and environment to an all-out urban city (incidentally the financial capital?)

the realities are completely different

the problem is more than just about TTP; you also have the sectarian element and most of those groups exist in rural Punjab; some even shifted to Karachi/Sindhs neighbour -Balochistan.

Yeah the state of affairs is abysmal to say the least and there have been intelligence failures; for every 5-10 terrorist plots that are averted there will be failures on intel's part and while they do share some of the blame - the blame should also go to the federal and provincial governments especially to the Interior Ministry which is supposed to be promoting police reform and protecting the people rather than allowing political parties to engage in turf wars. Priorities arent in order.

by the way, who was it that declared that "Waziristan is safe"? How can it be when there is a full blown insurgency in Afghanistan and when there is a massive porous border with that country? There have been ongoing operation and "peace-keeping" presence in South Waziristan for past 3 years or so and militancy there is not any higher than it is in other agencies like Orakzai which has been more problematic in my opinion

at the end of the day - you cant just scape-goat the intel spooks....collective blame goes to the government inaction and to certain segments of society within who have been misguided and led astray
i dont know why they dont just impose cufew and Section 144 in that god damn city

it's common fcking sense

declare PPP, MQM and ANP terrorist organizations and ban them from politics until they stop keeping armed militant hooligans and turf wars

never seen such a disgusting state of affairs

Don't you remember, how media, lawyers and rest of the world spanked us, when we imposed emergency last time!

Army shall stay away and even rangers shall stay away.. because RAW mouth pieces are waiting for opportunity to blame security agencies.

Police and various intelligence agencies have budget bigger than army, they shall perform, whereas Rehman Malik is head of them... and public shall pressure him instead of army.
Don't you remember, how media, lawyers and rest of the world spanked us, when we imposed emergency last time!

Army shall stay away and even rangers shall stay away.. because RAW mouth pieces are waiting for opportunity to blame security agencies.

Police and various intelligence agencies have budget bigger than army, they shall perform, whereas Rehman Malik is head of them... and public shall pressure him instead of army.

well as far as i am concerned those media people and "lawyers" can jump off a mountain and drown in a frozen lake and a part of me really wishes they would

in a civilized country "lawyers" and "activists" dont throw stones at law enforcement people; political parties dont operate the way the Russian mafia and Mexican drug cartels do...and the police themselves arent paid to chew paan and waste precious resources on VIP escort services while 1/4 of the city burns
Chairman of PPP is Asif Ali Zardari, are you suggesting all murders were ordered by Zardari?

Its a turf war. I don't think zardari even cares about people dying as long as he has power.
Its a turf war. I don't think zardari even cares about people dying as long as he has power.

Its nt a truf war!
Its a dam big war between a weak state & a criminal terrorsist mafia called TTp!
Non of the so called political parties from karachi wants to see their armed members going out of their hands,but with huge drug trade,TTp has come over the every top in karachi why?
Poverty in past 5 years!
Who is responsible?
Every one who voted for,this govt & damocrazy & this includes gen.kiyani too!
Clear your mind ,karachi is been controlled by TTp & its urban wings like LeJ & many other!
It will be judged in very near future!
There is more to come! Wait !!!
Deal is done, 7 days given to rangers to find the terrorists who killed, 2 of its intell personals!
Its a free hand,they hve been allowed to go any. Area they want ,MQM PPP ANP all agreed!
Since raid in liyari ,just 1 murder & 1 robbry reported in 36 hours!
That's incredible ???
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