@Bratva @balixd @Jango @Irfan Baloch @Rafael you guys seems to post some sort of good post so as i know nothing about guns and its bullets ,or even how rangers or army work ...
can you please answer my questions ...
1. as clearly see in the video posted above , the mob which hardly contains 100 people , were no violent , than what is the need of this Hawai Firing ??
2. If the boy was killed by someone from Public , why would Rangers didn't react ? they should immediately arrest the man ? no ?
3. Should i consider this that if I am living in 90 , and killed by anyone and a rangers car is standing there , so they will not even come to rescue me ? why ?
4. Even a kid can understand that if a bullet was fired from a very close distance of any Law enforcement Agencies they can easily know the direction of the bullet , they are trained for that too ?
5. So many People say that Rangers dont have a TT , dont they use a small side Arm ?? which is probably fit in their thigh area , i am asking this cause i see army use them ?
6. Does it matter if the kid was MQM worker or just a random guy ?? even if a MQM worker is killed by another MQM worker , why did they Ranger shot the killer ??
7. After this incident why did they leave 9-0 ? they must have increase the scale of their Operation no ?? and call for more backup ??
8. If you guys remember the Paris shooting , the terrorist shot the police officer at point blank range from a Ak , and there was no Blood on the ground ... so if i compare that , here in pic of that boy , it clearly show the wound on his head .. and behind its a lot of blood .. one of the incident is fake , Paris shooting or this ... ??