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Ramzan Kareem Mubarak

Rabbanaa walaa tahmil alaynaa isran kamaa hamaltahu alallazeena min qablina

Our Lord ! do not lay on us a burden as Thou did lay upon those before us

Surah Al-Baqarah ,verse 286
Rabbana ma khalaqta haaza baatila subhaanaka faqina azaabannaar

Our Lord ! Thou has not created this in vain.Glory be to Thee ! Guard us against the punishment of the fire

Surah Al-Imran,verse 191
‎"Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil."
I just finished a 24 hour fast :D
I ate yesterday at iftaar and forgot to wake for suhoor :P

But surprisingly it is no more difficult than keeping a normal 14-15 hour fast, I could have probably easily gone on for few hours.

It also makes me realize how poor people who cannot get food and people stuck in floods, etc feel when they starve due to absence of food. But while good and filling food awaits us at the end of a fast, all they get is more starvation. May Allah help those who needs help most.
I don't go out much these days so fasting is very easy for me.I can fast for over 24 hours without any problem but the main problem is water..food is not really a problem.
I don't go out much these days so fasting is very easy for me.I can fast for over 24 hours without any problem but the main problem is water..food is not really a problem.

Strangely water isn't a problem for me at all. It is food.
Whenever I fast, I am hungry rather than thirsty. I guess it depends on people.
Rabbanaa innaka man tudkhilinnaara faqad akhzaytahu wamaa lizzaalimeena min ansaar

Our Lord ! surely whomsoever You admit into the Fire,You will have abased and the harmdoers shall have no helpers

Surah Al-Imran,verse 192
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