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Ramadan Greetings from United States CENTCOM

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Oh please, stop your whining. You could give a rat's-*** less about whether those terrorists kill Americans. Your country only acts out of self interest and that is all I am arguing for, i.e., that America do the same and ONLY the same. You guys allowed the biggest terrorist in history, Osama bin Laden, to live comfortably for years and years, right under the noses of your military in a city dominated by the presence of your armed forces. And when Pakistan is threatened, you strike across boarders to protect her. Why are you arguing that America be held to a different standard than that?

Do you seriously believe that Pakistan is engaged in this war because of self interests? No. But it must be and that is what they are aiming to do now.

Pakistan was forced to start this war to protect American citizens, and we now continue to conduct operations against Taliban to protect America and now what has become protecting ourselves.

Pakistan had zero interest safe guarding OBL, he was hiding like a rat at the most unexpected place. Sounds pretty normal unless you have become a fan of conspiracy theories.
Then chapter is closed.you work for your country's benefit and we work for ours,which again questions our relationship.
and this clearly highlights the point the our interests may collapse with each other.then stop whining and complaining to us dear.
Oh, I will and do. No more complaints from me. That is the whole point. I no longer am foolish enough to think Pakistan a friend. As I have said, the scales have fallen from my eyes.
Do you seriously believe that Pakistan is engaged in this war because of self interests? No. But it must be and that is what they are aiming to do now.

Pakistan was forced to start this war to protect American citizens, and we now continue to conduct operations against Taliban to protect America and now what has become protecting ourselves.

Pakistan had zero interest safe guarding OBL, he was hiding like a rat at the most unexpected place. Sounds pretty normal unless you have become a fan of conspiracy theories.
Oh, give me a break! Pakistan is NOT conducting anything to "protect America" and poster after poster here, from your own country, have and will testify to that fact, and have to me, in thread after thread! And if Pakistan is, then you are fools because enough people from your region and enough actions, (or should I say, LACK of actions, by your government.), have convinced Americans that such is not the case. Let's just stop this nonsense about how you "care" about American lives. No you don't. And I will stop caring about how many Pakistanis we kill in our drone attacks. Just look out for Pakistan and America will look out for America. That is the lesson I have learned here on PDF. Maybe you should as well.
Oh, give me a break! Pakistan is NOT conducting anything to "protect America" and poster after poster here, from your own country, have and will testify to that fact, and have to me, in thread after thread! And if Pakistan is, then you are fools because enough people from your region and enough actions, (or should I say, LACK of actions, by your government.), have convinced Americans that such is not the case. Let's just stop this nonsense about how you "care" about American lives. No you don't. And I will stop caring about how many Pakistanis we kill in our drone attacks. Just look out for Pakistan and America will look out for America. That is the lesson I have learned here on PDF. Maybe you should as well.

Pakistan, as many believe was forced to protect America and fight the enemy it didn't need to.

I think we all have learned. Drone strikes will have to stop as it is Pakistani interest.
Your "level of concern" was ignorant, to say the least.
Pregnant women are exempt from fasting. As are those who are travelling on long journeys or those who are unwell or unfit to fast.

This is why that comment was removed.

Why so? Nothing you say changes anything about what I said about malnourished Muslim kids, either in Michigan or in Uganda. Refer the book "Superfreakonomics" that documents the phenomenon clearly on a worldwide scale . So I would appreciate you not unloading your Islamic righteousness on me.

I know a few moderators myself. I don't think I need any permission to ask them why my comment got erased, much less ask about it from you.
Pakistan, as many believe was forced to protect America and fight the enemy it didn't need to.

I think we all have learned. Drone strikes will have to stop as it is Pakistani interest.
No, Pakistan was forced to fight for the same reason that America was. Because your own ISI, your own Pakistani security services, gave assistance to those terrorists for years and years, who now attack and kill Pakistani soldiers and people and use your country as a base of operations. We both deserved what we got. Pakistan was not "forced" to do anything. She is dealing with the consequences of cozying up to savages, just as my country is. And ending drone strikes may be in your countries interest...but it is not in mine. Where we find terrorists, America needs to strike and no longer listen to those, (like I used to be), who think we have any friends in the area. Countries don't have friends, only self-interests.
Happy Ramadhan Mubarak to all!

I wish a very happy Ramadan to every Muslim in the world
Oh, I will and do. No more complaints from me. That is the whole point. I no longer am foolish enough to think Pakistan a friend. As I have said, the scales have fallen from my eyes.

My dear nobody is friend in this cruel world..relationships are only made on the basis of interests.Today's enemy can be your friend tomorrow.
The way you think about us,we have the same complaints and conceptions about specific group of Americans.
The fact is that none of us can get out of this war that easily,whether we care about each other's interests or not,this is now our war,we are stuck in it,instead of complaining and getting emotional and making situation worse,we should work out on solutions.Anyways like I said.chapter is already closed after your comment.
My dear nobody is friend in this cruel world..relationships are only made on the basis of interests.Today's enemy can be your friend tomorrow.
The way you think about us,we have the same complaints and conceptions about specific group of Americans.
The fact is that none of us can get out of this war that easily,whether we care about each other's interests or not,this is now our war,we are stuck in it,instead of complaining and getting emotional and making situation worse,we should work out on solutions.Anyways like I said.chapter is already closed after your comment.

:omghaha: Why does everyone think I am "emotional". Lol, I assure you, I am not. I am agreeing with you! See my post above, i.e., I agree, countries do not have friends, only self interest. No more foolish idealism from me. Be happy, I have seen the light! :cheers:
Why so? Nothing you say changes anything about what I said about malnourished Muslim kids, either in Michigan or in Uganda. Refer the book "Superfreakonomics" that documents the phenomenon clearly worldwide. So I would appreciate you not unloading your Islamic crap on me.

I know a few moderators myself. I don't think I need any permission to ask them why my comment got erased, much less ask about it from you.

Seems you respond to others with childish rants filled with a fake pride, overly-spiced with arrogance.

Malnutrition is a problem in another country altogether (some overly-large South Asian one FYI). And your point about pregnant women fasting is garbage btw and stems from a seemingly unhealthy obsession and hatred for Islam. You want to check records, check those about the said country.

And you knowing mods is supposed to make you superior?? Childish self-assured superiority at it's full display.
:omghaha: Why does everyone think I am "emotional". Lol, I assure you, I am not. I am agreeing with you! See my post above, i.e., I agree, countries do not have friends, only self interest. No more foolish idealism from me. Be happy, I have seen the light! :cheers:

Well what do you expect..we all were having chit-chat with cent-com,suddenly an angry professional showed up,who looked extremely downhearted..and then he started saying that we damn care,we are ignorant etc..:P
Seems you respond to others with childish rants filled with a fake pride, overly-spiced with arrogance.

Malnutrition is a problem in another country altogether (some overly-large South Asian one FYI). And your point about pregnant women fasting is garbage btw and stems from a seemingly unhealthy obsession and hatred for Islam. You want to check records, check those about the said country.

And you knowing mods is supposed to make you superior?? Childish self-assured superiority at it's full display.

Well, I am a growing boy!!!

To the rest, all I did was to highlight a part of a book that undeniably places the blame on irreversible learning disabilities on the fasting undergone by Muslim mothers.

Not my fault, not my problem either. Do you have a specific argument against the same? I don't have time for rhetoric.
Well, I am a growing boy!!!

To the rest, all I did was to highlight a part of a book that undeniably places the blame on irreversible learning disabilities on the fasting undergone by Muslim mothers.

Not my fault, not my problem either. Do you have a specific argument against the same? I don't have time for rhetoric.


If you had read my earlier post, instead of ranting, you would have seen the point I made in this regard. Here it is again for you: "Fasting is not supposed to be undertaken by pregnant women and those who are declared unfit for it".
Well what do you expect..we all were having chit-chat with cent-com,suddenly an angry professional showed up,who looked extremely downhearted..and then he started saying that we damn care,we are ignorant etc..:P
Oh, not downhearted at all, but "chit-chat"? Did you actually read the responses to CENTCOM's foolish and unwanted OP? I was just agreeing with those posters here and pointed out in my first post in the thread, how idiotic CENTCOM's sentiments are. Such sentiments just makes my country look foolish. They are not wanted.
As Ramadan nears we send our salutation to the Muslim world on this blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of reflection and giving; a time for compassion, happiness and hope. We hope and pray for peace and tranquility for all in this blessed and holy month.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Since you have posted under a Muslim name this time, its worth repeating what everyone has said - Ramadan is a time to promote peace so I hope you are able to carry this sentiment to your superiors that primarily we like to see peace initiatives take some shape or form and not just remain mere words written for PR purposes.

Ramadan Kareem, and hope you the bombings stop, against US armed forces and by US armed forces.
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