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Ramadan Greetings from United States CENTCOM

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I remember I went to Yahoo Islam chat room once. The room was full of Americans hating on Islam, saying unmentionable things about Islam, also they were passing photos of American military raping Iraqi Women, that was quite disgusting and disturbing. But I see no mention of such human rights violation by the Champions of Human rights? Why....?

Also, why would the Americans think they should meddle in the affairs of other countries? They should mind their own geography.

The "American values" which you talk about, have been conservative by the most part of its history, but now they have been replaced by new values just within these last few decades. The homosexualizing of their army, the legalization of **** industry are a proof of it, it would have been unimaginable by the Americans 60 years ago.
Please CENTCOM, read these posts!!! This is where three billion dollars of American tax-payers money is going every year!

You are right about one thing sir, we need to cut all ties and not allow my evil county to contaminate such a moral, human rights respecting, land like Pakistan! We need to cut all ties. We Americans need to eject all Pakistanis here so they are not poisoned by our culture that you hate so much.

And no, I am not mad, not upset, not emotional. I just no longer have any illusions about those who have nothing but scorn for us. I am no longer a fool and will no longer think of Pakistan as America's friend or ally. I will work hard to ensure that the only contacts we have is when we need to violate your airspace to kill terrorist that you harbor. You have won the argument. I have no illusions anymore. It's best we separate and America only count countries that share our corrupted values as our friends, you know, the rich democratic ones that so many of you Pakistani "patriots" are living in. :P
Please CENTCOM, read these posts!!! This is where three billion dollars of American tax-payers money is going every year!

You are right about one thing sir, we need to cut all ties and not allow my evil county to contaminate such a moral, human rights respecting, land like Pakistan! We need to cut all ties.

And no, I am not mad, not upset, not emotional. I just no longer have any illusions about those who have nothing but scorn for us. I am no longer a fool and will no longer think of Pakistan as America's friend or ally. I will work hard to ensure that the only contacts we have is when we need to violate your airspace to kill terrorist that you harbor. You have won the argument. I have no illusions anymore.

So you are saying, three billion dollars of American tax-payers money, went to raping Iraqi women and boasting about it on Yahoo?

Aren't you gonna condemn that?

Are you gonna kill suspected baby terrorists as well?
Where did I ever say this? :what: Please, I beg you, please read my post that you quoted. Does it say anything about terrorist attacking "democracy"? NO! It's like you guys just don't seem to get that I am agreeing with you! Please, please, actually read what I posted that you quoted. I am agreeing with you that the terrorists attacks on us were due to America's decision to arm the Afghani people to defend themselves against the Soviet's invasion and in response to American efforts in ejecting Saddam's Iraq from Kuwait. I agree with you!

I am simply saying that along with those mistakes has been the mistake of trying to foster democracy, individual rights, religious toleration, economic development, in countries that we are in, or have alliance with but again, I agree with you! All of that has been a colossal mistake and a complete waste of the American taxpayers money and I will work to end it. So what's the problem?

You don't agree with me. You think USA decided to arm the Afghan people so that they can defend themselves against the Soviet's invasion. I think USA did this to stop communism and expansion of super power USSR which was threat for another power USA/capitalism. You did not care about Afghan people once USSR withdrew and you had achieved your political objectives

You think United states do poke its nose in internal affairs of other nations for establishing democracy, individual rights,economic development etc but i think united states even supported dictators like those of Musharraf /Saddam etc when they were working for American interests. United State also violated human rights and sovereignty of many nations and went for illegal wars and committed many war crimes just because they had military power to do so. It will not be diificlut to see if you count number of innocent people lost their lives because of your war adventure
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