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Rally in Lahore sends alarm bells ringing

By your logic..why you cry against Zardari when nothing has been proved against Him and infact he is your president. And why to talk about the misapropriation of funds when no proofs against anyone ??

I defy it when it doesn't suit my logic

Thankfully I've never broken into tears over Zardari... But I campaign against Zardari... Even I acknowledge that not a single case has been proven against him and he should not be jailed. The effort to try him in court should always be done, but never forcibly jail him.

The effort to try Hafiz Saeed is going on as well and I support it.

---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

Getting support in pakistan is not a big deal... U just need to open your mouth and start anti India tirade..

Pretty much same in any country when you speak against an enemy who causes you harm, you get support from the masses... It happens in India... The US... Probably in Timbaktoo as well... Your point being?
Getting support in pakistan is not a big deal... U just need to open your mouth and start anti India tirade..

You may live in a world where India is your epicenter of the world. We don't. I think we have other far more important issues to handle and deal with. We are not obsessed with our neighbors Sachin.
I still believe Zardari will have the cocoon around fall down and eventually his theft of the nations coffers will be soon brought out. He cant keep all of the people quite he has surrounded himself with.
Nothing is proved against JUD so as long as anything against JUD is not proved in Court they are free and They are not guilty of anything .
Why are we advocating Pakistan's internal case with Indians? These religious groups were there since the creation of Pakistan, and they will be there as long as Pakistan is there. There existence is a threat to those 5% english-class of Pakistan, for whom Dawn and ExpressTribune writes, and one would not be so surprised at these jackass Indians who are on a rampage as usual.
This is really a serious situation!

Leader of a banned terrorist organisation Jud by UN getting such support out there..

None of your buisness........:sick:

In Indiaa bajrang dal, shive saina and all those M.Fs are supported by Indian government/ people we never said anything.
But when Pakistani nationals gather to defend their country you feel pain in @ss.
The worst lot among Pakistan is the current President - Zardari. He is Mr. Clean, there isn't a single case proven against him.

The worst lot among these guys is Hafiz Saeed. There isn't a single case proven against him.

So the word allegedly should have been added by the dude who wrote the article.

By associations, Hafiz Saeed is as much a terrorist as Kashmir is a disputed area (both by UNSC resolution).
Nothing is proved against JUD so as long as anything against JUD is not proved in Court they are free and They are not guilty of anything .

Anywhere anything proved against AL and their mentor Osama?
leave those hafiz lol.. they have tried so hard but even a pich of sand of IOK is not with them with all these 60 years of struggle....India will remain the way it is ....our demands for the prosecution of this guy will stay as a demand and nothing more...let them keep on waging jihad against us...mean while lets enjoy :coffee:
Some nice chaps who had sent a few of their children to die in india and afghanistan were there to ''inspire'' the other illiterates. Touching. Also one of these erudite leaders of the nation boasted that 4500 of his young illiterates had died so far. Inspiring.

As always this is not a problem in Pakistan, and the Indians are unnecessarily crying instead of concentrating on their own problems.

In this case that problem being what to do with the bodies of these illiterate punjabis? Burying them is a PR problem, also takes up valuable Indian land. There's no tradition of taking this expendible cannon fodder back, so that option is out. We could cremate them or throw them in one of the rivers flowing into Pakistan. Culturally insensitive, but so is murdering civilians.
Anywhere anything proved against AL and their mentor Osama?
yes nothing is proved against Osama and i strongly condemned his extra judicial killing by USA . US was afraid of Osama thats why they killed him instead of arresting him . they should arrest him and place charges against him in court . Its a simple law anyone is innocent until proven guilty by court of law
Defending Pakistan is good, when attacked as should every single Pakistani... - attacking people from Pakistan unprovoked not so good.

As long as that distinction is made - its fine.

nice speech !!! now lets be realistic . are those who are standing on the dais ever going to pick up a gun and defend Pakistan ? or will they put it in the hands of some teen and tell him to go fight?
thats brings me to the second point . how exactly will the ordinary citizen fight ? if and thats a big if you are attacked by any country ? with what will you fight fighters planes? (because i do not think any country in their right minds will do a ground invasion)
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