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Rajnath to spell out BJP’s Afghanistan policy

That Rag Tag Guerillas have not been defeated by the British, the Russians , the mighty NATO and THE MIGHTY UNITED STATES.

So it would be interesting to see what they will do to your people in Afghanistan.

I will bet big bucks that after the NATO Exit you will QUIETLY leave Afghanistan with YOUR TAIL SNUGLY TUCKED BETWEEN YOUR LEGS.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

We may leave Afganistan overtly. But, we will improve our presence covertly. And you know how.

You need re-education on Afghan history.

I know Afghan history which is why I say so.
BJP's policy will look like this.

* Re-inventing Northern Alliance.

* Begging Americans to not allow Taliban to become a political partisan which would mean civil war or peace otherwise.

* Indian interests lie at non reconciliation of the two Afghan sides. If Pakistan succeeds in its Qatar initiative to bring a national representative govt, with Taliban getting the piece of the pie in govt making, India cannot fabricate instability in Afghanistan as instability and economic situation in Afghanistan justifies Indian presence there.

* India's key objective is to create a hostile border for Pakistan which in turn will weaken our non nuclear deterrent capability against India. Through that it can keep a window open to funnel arms and aid to its proxies in Pakistan's tribal belt and Balochistan .India has come to realize that Pakistan will not be eradicated,therefore it wants to maintain instability in Pakistan to keep it economically stagnant using its proxies to create a dangerous security environment where foreign investment dries up, Pakistan isn't economically competitive to India and therefore will remain a non competitor which will allow India to compete with China.

* Pakistan's key objective is to bring about a national reconciliation govt in Afghanistan which includes the Taliban and other Pashtun majority into the fold of governing Afghanistan. Pakistan has been secretly negotiating with Northren Alliance elements to bring about a peace and reconciliation process leading into a national representative govt as well as a national representative Armed forces.

* Pakistan's key interest is to have a "secure" Afghan border, which allows us to focus our non nuclear deterrent totally committed towards India. It becomes more important to have a full conventional deployment on the Indian border with the rise of the extreme right in India. This will allow Pakistan to maintain a balance of power both conventional and non conventional which in turn will improve the security situation in Pakistan and will result in a better growing economy.

* This is where Indian and Pakistani interests collide, India will try everything it can to maintain an Afghanistan it can exploit for its sinister purpose of destabilizing Pakistan and Afghanistan, so that it could attain its long held dream of regional hegemony. This visit is just a reflection of the mindset that directs Indian strategy towards Afghanistan.

* Qatar process may not be the last Pakistani effort to bring about a national representative govt in Afghanistan,however if India succeeds in sabotage of this process it can delay it further and with a speeding up US pullout the security cloud is about to be changed which will allow any unwanted civil conflict to spark in Afghanistan. Pakistan knows what its doing,India knows what its doing. Whoever wins BEFORE the NATO pullout will have a stronger say in what happens in Afghanistan post 2014.

Best Regards.

@A-Team @Pak-one @Armstrong @Hyperion @Xeric @Icarus @F.O.X @Luftwaffe @Last Hope @muse @Argus Panoptes @Yzd Khalifa @TaimiKhan @Neptune

WoW even BJP wouldnt have these much idea on how to formulate Afghan policy..

It would be better if this is forwarded to them.:laughcry:

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We know their Pakistan's policy. They live inn Pakistan ( both Mullah Omar and Haqqani ) and they tell us what they are going to do to your people in Afghanistan after NATO leaves in 2014.

First Pakistanis used to have wet dreams of conquering India and taking an Indian state from India. Then those dreams died due to repeated contact with reality. So the next national dream was that big daddy china would fight India for Pakistan's sake. China has not shown any inclination to do so, and Indo-China trade is already comparable to Pakistan's GDP. So the new dream seems to be that afghans will do to India what pakistanis want and can't.

I don't know when this will sink in for you. Nobody is coming to fight your fight with India. If they do, they will occupy the same mass graves that their predecessors glumly occupy. Even the pak army with its armour and artillery and air support is no match for India. Talibunnies are, all said and done, a bunch of gunmen who can do random acts of violence and conduct guerilla warfare in their country. That does NOT mean that they can come to India and win where Pakistan and its proxies could not.

You may romanticize them all you want, but the fact remains that a bunch of gunmen with beards and a ridiculous ideology ae NOT going to take an inch of land from India. Our border guards will take care of them when they try to sneak in, failing which, our rashtirya rifles will kill them like the scum they are. Just because those lunatics with rifles are giving a hard time to your vaunted army, does not mean that they can do the same in India. Because you see, they will find no local support here, and no suitable conditions to live in our lands and conduct guerilla warfare. The can do that in Pakistan because many pakistanis support them ideologically and join their ranks. India is NOT Pakistan. Sorry, but that is the harsh reality.

Of course, the above scenario is entirely hypothetical. Only Pakistanis are living in the delusion that when the magic year of 2014 comes, their latest saviours will come marching from Afghanistan to fight India. After 2014, they will do to India what they did before 2001. A big nothing. What they may do to Pakistan is another story.
What would this mean to Afghan-Indian relations?

This is reply to @Aeronat comment as well

BJP Government Policy will be clear on middle east.
1. Iran : Have friendly business relation with Iran.
2. Israel: Have good relation with Israel.
3. Afghanistan: Make Indi-Afghan-Iran transit to use Afghanistan resources.

What Afghanistan will recieve :
a) Infrastructure: The Roads and Rail network made for mining will be used for domestic usage.
b) Investment in Education sector: India is a cheap destination for education, there are many private players who will invest in education in Afghanistan. For Afghan industries and mines, local technician will be needed (to maximize the profit).
c) The money gain by Afghanistan can be used for social purpose (Hospitals, Electricity, water etc).. (Note: I am assuming that political class will not do mass level corruption)

What Pakistan will loose?
i) There in-bed partner Taliban: Taliban was a tool to exploit entire world, Pakistani made million of dollars in name of Taliban (first by persuading west later by scaring them).
ii) Pakistan will loose control over Afghanistan
iii) Afghanistan may cause issue on disputed terrirtories .
iv) Pakistan may fear of Balochistan, they are afraid that they will loose Balochistan as they lost Bangladesh.

What world will get:
I) Terror free world...

Note: Many Pakistani believe that Afghans are quarreling animal (Rag Tag Guerillas ), which is not true. In my view Afghans too want a peaceful life and they deserve it.. Every human deserve a peaceful free life, A life where he has freedom to live, freedom to eat, freedom to choose cloth, freedom to express...

Those who restrict the freedom are animals..
We know their Pakistan's policy. They live inn Pakistan ( both Mullah Omar and Haqqani ) and they tell us what they are going to do to your people in Afghanistan after NATO leaves in 2014.

seems Pakistani Punjabis laid down their weapons and now relying Afgans to wage war on Kashmir.anyway we welcome Taliban to Kashmir though we need some big unmarked graves there anyway we can dig that.
seems Pakistani Punjabis laid down their weapons and now relying Afgans to wage war on Kashmir.anyway we welcome Taliban to Kashmir though we need some big unmarked graves there anyway we can dig that.

That would be a win win for India and Afghanistan - Pakistan funnels in their Taliban, Haqqanis, LET, HUM etc in large numbers into India and Indian forces mow them down in quick time.

We have our target practise and Afghans get free from their taliban menace.
That would be a win win for India and Afghanistan - Pakistan funnels in their Taliban, Haqqanis, LET, HUM etc in large numbers into India and Indian forces mow them down in quick time.

We have our target practise and Afghans get free from their taliban menace.

True a win win for both and guess what after that we can simply return the favour by just funding some groups and no body will cry over that.
This is reply to @Aeronat comment as well

BJP Government Policy will be clear on middle east.
1. Iran : Have friendly business relation with Iran.
2. Israel: Have good relation with Israel.
3. Afghanistan: Make Indi-Afghan-Iran transit to use Afghanistan resources.

What Afghanistan will recieve :
a) Infrastructure: The Roads and Rail network made for mining will be used for domestic usage.
b) Investment in Education sector: India is a cheap destination for education, there are many private players who will invest in education in Afghanistan. For Afghan industries and mines, local technician will be needed (to maximize the profit).
c) The money gain by Afghanistan can be used for social purpose (Hospitals, Electricity, water etc).. (Note: I am assuming that political class will not do mass level corruption)

What Pakistan will loose?
i) There in-bed partner Taliban: Taliban was a tool to exploit entire world, Pakistani made million of dollars in name of Taliban (first by persuading west later by scaring them).
ii) Pakistan will loose control over Afghanistan
iii) Afghanistan may cause issue on disputed terrirtories .
iv) Pakistan may fear of Balochistan, they are afraid that they will loose Balochistan as they lost Bangladesh.

What world will get:
I) Terror free world...

Note: Many Pakistani believe that Afghans are quarreling animal (Rag Tag Guerillas ), which is not true. In my view Afghans too want a peaceful life and they deserve it.. Every human deserve a peaceful free life, A life where he has freedom to live, freedom to eat, freedom to choose cloth, freedom to express...

Those who restrict the freedom are animals..

Yeah if the afghan govt survive,all this dreaming may come to reality.
BJP's policy will look like this.

* Re-inventing Northern Alliance.

* Begging Americans to not allow Taliban to become a political partisan which would mean civil war or peace otherwise.

* Indian interests lie at non reconciliation of the two Afghan sides. If Pakistan succeeds in its Qatar initiative to bring a national representative govt, with Taliban getting the piece of the pie in govt making, India cannot fabricate instability in Afghanistan as instability and economic situation in Afghanistan justifies Indian presence there.

* India's key objective is to create a hostile border for Pakistan which in turn will weaken our non nuclear deterrent capability against India. Through that it can keep a window open to funnel arms and aid to its proxies in Pakistan's tribal belt and Balochistan .India has come to realize that Pakistan will not be eradicated,therefore it wants to maintain instability in Pakistan to keep it economically stagnant using its proxies to create a dangerous security environment where foreign investment dries up, Pakistan isn't economically competitive to India and therefore will remain a non competitor which will allow India to compete with China.

* Pakistan's key objective is to bring about a national reconciliation govt in Afghanistan which includes the Taliban and other Pashtun majority into the fold of governing Afghanistan. Pakistan has been secretly negotiating with Northren Alliance elements to bring about a peace and reconciliation process leading into a national representative govt as well as a national representative Armed forces.

* Pakistan's key interest is to have a "secure" Afghan border, which allows us to focus our non nuclear deterrent totally committed towards India. It becomes more important to have a full conventional deployment on the Indian border with the rise of the extreme right in India. This will allow Pakistan to maintain a balance of power both conventional and non conventional which in turn will improve the security situation in Pakistan and will result in a better growing economy.

* This is where Indian and Pakistani interests collide, India will try everything it can to maintain an Afghanistan it can exploit for its sinister purpose of destabilizing Pakistan and Afghanistan, so that it could attain its long held dream of regional hegemony. This visit is just a reflection of the mindset that directs Indian strategy towards Afghanistan.

* Qatar process may not be the last Pakistani effort to bring about a national representative govt in Afghanistan,however if India succeeds in sabotage of this process it can delay it further and with a speeding up US pullout the security cloud is about to be changed which will allow any unwanted civil conflict to spark in Afghanistan. Pakistan knows what its doing,India knows what its doing. Whoever wins BEFORE the NATO pullout will have a stronger say in what happens in Afghanistan post 2014.
Is this the BJP policy or your own fictional scenario? :what: This was pretty hilarious. :omghaha:
I believe regardless of who's in power the core objectives of Indian Afghan cell will remain the same. There will only be a few politically motivated differences depending on who's in office.


In which case it would imply that the BJP's policy is in sync with the nations ..
Guys so what will be India's or Pakistan's policy on the remaining troops in Afghanistan? Because a couple NATO folks will stay there after the withdrawal (Germany, Turkey...etc.)

@Aeronaut Well made analys bro.
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It is for you, with your Pushtoon population, to be scared of Taliban. We have nothing to fear from a bunch of desperados.

Saying all that is easy on the internet.Try saying that to them face to face.
What Rajnath will say will remain in Rajnath's custody. I believe if BJP comes in power they will do much better to Pakistan like Vajpayee did back in 1999.

We can leave aside personal agenda to national policies.
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