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Radical US pastor burns Holy Qur’an again

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I would happily die for a single copy of Quran.

Extremists converting a girl is different from burning a Holy book under the Law's nose.

Dafuq did I just read? Are u trying to tell us that in your opinion a holy book is more valuable than a human life? If thats you opinion sir, I have nothing left to say to u.
Dafuq did I just read? Are u trying to tell us that in your opinion a holy book is more valuable than a human life? If thats you opinion sir, I have nothing left to say to u.

You seriously need to get your act together.
I said that if extremists convert a girl in regions that are unfortunately not in our control then we cant do much about that though i condemn it but some red neck burning a Holy book in the presence of the law is simply unacceptable.
Jeez,,,now i have to explain a simple sentence to people.Wasted my time.:sniper:
this is far far far better than beheading of americans or britishers on pak soil
I think US being a constitutional democracy has freedom of speech, and this guy's actions though delirious are protected under the right. This guy has a difference of opinion and thats about it. He hasn't physically harmed anybody. Emotional distress can be varied depending on the extent and manner in which a follower of the religion translates the texts.

Many sane minded muslims would think of the guy as a buffoon while some would make a mockery of the institution that allowed such a thing to happen.

While on the other hand, since all the muslim majority countries in the world follow Islamic law, same level of acceptance towards other religions can not and should not be expected there.

Anyhow, the guy should not be punished by the state but civil people should definitely shun the person for such an intolerant act.
this is far far far better than beheading of americans or britishers on pak soil
You really wanna open that chapter of "Better then that...."
Believe me you don't.So simply remove your comment and avoid a flame war.
Its not crap Zarvan. Living with honor doesn't mean you forget to forgive. We are living in civilized world, There are many way to deliver justice. Rather than killing him you can go to the state law department. Under no circumstances killing,riots,arson,procession,rail blockade is justified.

Due to aggressive Muslim, ppl are afraid of Islam. This is not 7th century where ppl get afraid of hooligans. If you kill one they kill 10. By showing your aggression Muslims are creating wrong image of Islam.

Both are wrong my brother, "My freedom of speech ends where your nose starts". RazPak, I have seen your comments I know what kind of ideology you follow, Bt remember my brother, At end you will get 6X3 feel land and I will get fire and wood. Lets make the world better. If you are hurt by koran burning, protest it, but peacefully.

Last time during danish cartoon issue, I saw ppl burning public properties, buring flags, doing riots (In India,Pakistani,BD ...). Is it right?????
Sir we don't need Indians and Non Muslims to tell us how to protest on burning of Quran the answer remains the same who ever burns Quran or insults Islam will face the most brutal consequences which he never would like to imagine Sir we don't tolerate every **** we will fight to the end for our religion that is final and INSHALLAH to the last drop of our blood
If you guys get a chance visit delhi. Use metro and get down at Mehrouli station. From there the old delhi sites are walkable. If you reach Qutub-Minar (Qutub-e-din Aikab). You will see many stone pillars. In stone pillars you will see these things


I am not off topic, I am just saying that every one loves there religion and no one disrespect other religion. The person who burn Koran is wrong, The person like you who want to kill him is also wrong. Learn to forgive.

At last we are Human, not animal. Imagine As you said "Disrespecting Koran deserve death" On similar way WHat if Hindus say "Disrepecting our deity deserve death"?? An eye for an eye will make world blind.

What is that?
No Sir we doesn't tolerate this kind of crap because Islam tells us to live with honour not like a bloody coward in the name of forgiveness we don't tolerate this kind of **** that who ever wants come insult our religion us and get away with it Sorry Sir he will INSHALLAH not get away with it

Sorry my friend but there are thousands of your mullahs and clerics sitting everywhere in the world disrespecting other religions,they are not persecuted.If we apply the same standards then there will be bloody hatred and violence on every street.
Sir we don't need Indians and Non Muslims to tell us how to protest on burning of Quran the answer remains the same who ever burns Quran or insults Islam will face the most brutal consequences which he never would like to imagine Sir we don't tolerate every **** we will fight to the end for our religion that is final and INSHALLAH to the last drop of our blood

There is a very famous saying from where you reside. "Ibkay Maar" .. Used for when a bunch of Punjabi's surrounded and slapped a "Bhaiya" back in the 90's .. How many Qurans will they have to burn for YOU personally to apply for a visa to the United States to start this last drop of YOUR blood to actually spill in the name of your religion? Inshallah you will include your entire lot in this holy crusade. I think for the past 2 years I have been hearing your "Ibkay Maar" statements, but seems like the more you cry about it ..the more they make cartoons and burn Qurans.. So maybe YOU are directly responsible for the disrespect of our Prophet and our holy book.. the adequate reply to anything you say should be "Ibkay Maar".
Sir we don't need Indians and Non Muslims to tell us how to protest on burning of Quran the answer remains the same who ever burns Quran or insults Islam will face the most brutal consequences which he never would like to imagine Sir we don't tolerate every **** we will fight to the end for our religion that is final and INSHALLAH to the last drop of our blood

People like u do nothing more than to tarnish the image of Muslims and Pakistanis worldwide. I know so many Muslims where I live. None I have ever met harbor such radical views.
best thing to do is ignore this kind of bigotry.
They are like children trying to get attention.
If you don't pay them any mind, they will just get bored and go back to their caves.

This is act of terrorism and must not be ignored. As a corrective measure, Muslims must distribute 1000 times more copies of Quran. take this event positively and spread the message of Quran as a reaction.
There is a very famous saying from where you reside. "Ibkay Maar" .. Used for when a bunch of Punjabi's surrounded and slapped a "Bhaiya" back in the 90's .. How many Qurans will they have to burn for YOU personally to apply for a visa to the United States to start this last drop of YOUR blood to actually spill in the name of your religion? Inshallah you will include your entire lot in this holy crusade. I think for the past 2 years I have been hearing your "Ibkay Maar" statements, but seems like the more you cry about it ..the more they make cartoons and burn Qurans.. So maybe YOU are directly responsible for the disrespect of our Prophet and our holy book.. the adequate reply to anything you say should be "Ibkay Maar".
Sir I know what I am doing what I am saying is where ever these morons are found they will be taken out because that is order of Islam all those who insult Quran and Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW will face the most brutal end but some secular morons are bound to fail because they are to ashamed of what they are
Sir I know what I am doing what I am saying is where ever these morons are found they will be taken out because that is order of Islam all those who insult Quran and Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW will face the most brutal end but some secular morons are bound to fail because they are to ashamed of what they are

Ibkay Maar...
Sir we don't need Indians and Non Muslims to tell us how to protest on burning of Quran the answer remains the same who ever burns Quran or insults Islam will face the most brutal consequences which he never would like to imagine Sir we don't tolerate every **** we will fight to the end for our religion that is final and INSHALLAH to the last drop of our blood

If you want war , you will get a war. If you want peace you will get peace..

Read Post # 38, You will get answer
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