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Racial attack: Indian killed in Australia

Excuse me, but what? What do you mean isolate and i identify these incidents? The victorian police are investigating these attacks very very well, infact they invesitgate any crime very very well.

xdrive, I dont doubt the Officers integrity in anyway shape or form, hell I have friends gone from the UK Police now working in the Melbourne Police and know first hand how professional these guys are.

My point is, it takes time to identify and isolate a pattern in criminal activity, and setup up a team to firstly, identify the crime, secondly to detect the crime and thirdly to prevent the crime from happenning again.

Have the Indian students complained to their embassy and had they been bought to the attention of Police?.

Had the Australian Police known about the incident then preventative measures could have been taken to isolate the matter, WHICH I BELIEVE STRONGLY WOULD AND IS BEING DONE RIGHT NOW, but whatever the measures, the current Indian attitude has made the matter worse and bought forward an issue which may have been non existant or very low key, race. Having read alot of Australian forum recently, most of them are all talking about sending the Indians back and in place of the sponsors and Visas given to the Indians, to give them to other nationals, whose visas are rejected. So Australia doesn't really loose much anyway by Indian students going back, but this is not the issue. Issue is, most Indian forum members do not understand that in Australia, unless you have proof and evidence of a crime being racially or religiously motivated then it cannot be classed as racism, unless it is perceived to be BY THE VICTIM, and even then he/she need to clarify why they believe so.
Hahaha! why lie? Infact i wouldn't even go to India, it's a very dangerous place.
No Man Seriously, I never did that, and i am an insomniac.
I agree india is far more dangerous that Australia (Crime wise) no two ways about that, much higher crime rate and more corrupt police, but seriously - this goes against your arguments. As Australia is a very safe place for everyone, why its not so for Indians. Nemisis article points out how ratio of a crime happening is some 40% more if you are an Indian (from Australian sources).

Lies. Most Australians condemned it. We have a large muslim community. Please don't mistake us for Americans.
Arab journalists arrested in cartoon controversy | World War 4 Report
The cartoons have now been published in Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Fiji, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, the United States, Ukraine and Yemen.
xdrive, I dont doubt the Officers integrity in anyway shape or form, hell I have friends gone from the UK Police now working in the Melbourne Police and know first hand how professional these guys are.

My point is, it takes time to identify and isolate a pattern in criminal activity, and setup up a team to firstly, identify the crime, secondly to detect the crime and thirdly to prevent the crime from happenning again.

Have the Indian students complained to their embassy and had they been bought to the attention of Police?.

Had the Australian Police known about the incident then preventative measures could have been taken to isolate the matter, WHICH I BELIEVE STRONGLY WOULD AND IS BEING DONE RIGHT NOW, but whatever the measures, the current Indian attitude has made the matter worse and bought forward an issue which may have been non existant or very low key, race. Having read alot of Australian forum recently, most of them are all talking about sending the Indians back and in place of the sponsors and Visas given to the Indians, to give them to other nationals, whose visas are rejected. So Australia doesn't really loose much anyway by Indian students going back, but this is not the issue. Issue is, most Indian forum members do not understand that in Australia, unless you have proof and evidence of a crime being racially or religiously motivated then it cannot be classed as racism, unless it is perceived to be BY THE VICTIM, and even then he/she need to clarify why they believe so.

Oh i see what you are saying now. Sounds reasonable.

And yes, i have also heard alot of people talking about sending the Indians back and giving the study visas to other nationalities. I think it's a good idea if the Indian media keeps spewing it's lies and tarnishing Australias reputation by acting as if Australia is as dangerous as Afghanistan.

"but this is not the issue. Issue is, most Indian forum members do not understand that in Australia, unless you have proof and evidence of a crime being racially or religiously motivated then it cannot be classed as racism, unless it is perceived to be BY THE VICTIM, and even then he/she need to clarify why they believe so."

Exactly. This is what frustrates me.
No Man Seriously, I never did that, and i am an insomniac.
I agree india is far more dangerous that Australia (Crime wise) no two ways about that, much higher crime rate and more corrupt police, but seriously - this goes against your arguments. As Australia is a very safe place for everyone, why its not so for Indians. Nemisis article points out how ratio of a crime happening is some 40% more if you are an Indian (from Australian sources).

Lies. Most Australians condemned it. We have a large muslim community. Please don't mistake us for Americans.

You think just because it's published it means that everyone condones it? The majority of people condemned it here. Yes it was published, it's called freedom of press and freedom of speech.
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You make yourself look like a complete fool. You think just because it's published it means that everyone condones it? The majority of people condemned it here. Yes it was published, it's called freedom of press and freedom of speech.
Exactly, but if another cartoon is published in Indian Daily, it has to be the official statement of all Indians. Yeah right...and intelligent
Anyways personal attack - Post reported.
Exactly, but if another cartoon is published in Indian Daily, it has to be the official statement of all Indians. Yeah right...and intelligent
Anyways personal attack - Post reported.

I never once said it was the official statement of all Indians. I said its from the racist Indian media and i said all you indians supporting it in this thread are racist to.

Also grow up. I said you make yourself look like a fool, which is true. It's not a personal attack, and i am not insulting you. You are insulting yourself by making yourself look like a fool. And even if i did call you a fool directly, how old are you? 12? getting called a fool hurts your feelings? I bet you know you are making a fool of yourself so you are angry.

Hmm maybe i should report your posts for "personal attacks" lol.
And yes, i have also heard alot of people talking about sending the Indians back and giving the study visas to other nationalities.
Hey dude, I would personally like that happening but with a condition that the students be compensated for their investment of time and money....Will Australia oblige??

I think it's a good idea if the Indian media keeps spewing it's lies and tarnishing Australias reputation by acting as if Australia is as dangerous as Afghanistan.
Are all those attacks lies?? Oh! how much I would have loved if that had been the truth...the fact is, ur country has a problem which is not unique but which u want to hide....Calling Indian media a liar wont help u guys..they hvn't stooped to the level they normally do!! Rather they are doing a commendable job....in India issues such as these are normally settled back-doors by politicians by taking bribes..but now since the media has made a point the whole of India is looking for answers both from Australian & Indian govt...
"but this is not the issue. Issue is, most Indian forum members do not understand that in Australia, unless you have proof and evidence of a crime being racially or religiously motivated then it cannot be classed as racism, unless it is perceived to be BY THE VICTIM, and even then he/she need to clarify why they believe so."

Do, u believe the law is any different in India where people are indicted without any proofs and evidences? I hope not!!

On a personal note, I would like to ask, where did the term Curry Bashing come from?? Why is it that only Indians seem to be targeted when there are other students too, why aren't there any other cases coming into limelight?? Although I believe all attacks are not racial but what has been the sentences where there is conclusive evidence?? Finally all those videos on youtube/websites which clearly show the the attacks and the attackers intentions, false/doctored...??

The fact is, rather than getting the problem solved and not acting against the attackers,ur govt. wants to subdue the issue...which is more instigating!! Accepting that there has been an hint of racism would do more good than bad!!
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I never once said it was the official statement of all Indians. I said its from the racist Indian media and i said all you indians supporting it in this thread are racist to.

Also grow up. I said you make yourself look like a fool, which is true. It's not a personal attack, and i am not insulting you. You are insulting yourself by making yourself look like a fool. And even if i did call you a fool directly, how old are you? 12? getting called a fool hurts your feelings? I bet you know you are making a fool of yourself so you are angry.

Hmm maybe i should report your posts for "personal attacks" lol.
So by the same standards, by re-publishing Denmark cartoons, it Australian Media showed their anti-Muslim sentiments. BTW we are moving into an entirely tangential discussion lets stop here. My age and Cartoons have nothing to do with suspected racial attacks.
Hey dude, I would personally like that happening but with a condition that the students be compensated for their investment of time and money....Will Australia oblige??

Are all those attacks lies?? Oh! how much I would have loved if that had been the truth...the fact is, ur country has a problem which is not unique but which u want to hide....Calling Indian media a liar wont help u guys..they hvn't stooped to the level they normally do!! Rather they are doing a commendable job....in India issues such as these are normally settled back-doors by politicians by taking bribes..but now since the media has made a point the whole of India is looking for answers both from Australian & Indian govt...

Do, u believe the law is any different in India where people are indicted without any proofs and evidences? I hope not!!

On a personal note, I would like to ask, where did the term Curry Bashing come from?? Why is it that only Indians seem to be targeted when there are other students too, why aren't there any other cases coming into limelight?? Although I believe all attacks are not racial but what has been the sentences where there is conclusive evidence?? Finally all those videos on youtube/websites which clearly show the the attacks and the attackers intentions, false/doctored...??

The fact is, rather than getting the problem solved and not acting against the attackers,ur govt. wants to subdue the issue...which is more instigating!! Accepting that there has been an hint of racism would do more good than bad!!

I am not going to respond to you. All we are doing is going in circles. Gazzi explained everything perfectly for you, yet you choose to ignore it. It is clear you are ignoring what he has said because you ask the same questions and talk the same way.
When i came here in Sydney i was coming back form a shopping mall with my 3 year old son in a pram. I saw few people looking up towards a 2nd floor of that mall and laughing. I when walked few steps out side i saw few drops of forming water droppings of the roof of my son's pram. I saw up towards the building there were few fair colored insects spitting on passerby. I ran towards the side and shouted at them. They kept doing it sparing all same coloured peoples but spitting on all dark coloured men women and kids. That was enough for me. I took my son back to my unit draw my cricket bat and rushed back to them. The people sitting in a open bar and enjoying that scene were all stopped laughing and sided me by telling their location to me. I was able catch one of those cowards astonished and shaky scumbag. It was funny if i feel today that I was abusing all of them in Punjabi cause i was not well versed with good and effective English names. But they ran like rats and one of the Indian food court guy told me that it is every weekend trend here. I lived in hornsby for next 7 months and for that period of time the same never happened again.
I was new and then i discussed this incident with my friend who was living and studying here for last three years. He said to me that you did over reacted. You could be in trouble by showing open aggression in a mall. But trust me guys one should try their luck it does worked for me. Other wise i could have never spared myself that i didn't showed my anger to them when they were spitting on me and were able to see my son in pram.

@ skeptic ..wow can not say better then this. I agrees with you.

Its a natural phenomenon that water runs downhill.
As Abu Zolfiquar Sir has mentioned either pack yours bag or fight the hell out of them. These people need to be taught lesson for sure. Other wise they are going to make Indians life as hell.

Rather winging on womanly Police. Basics of self defence without worrying for your police record, court hassle or PR should be used in these situations. There are notorious people out there doing these crimes on Indians with a view that Indians are weak and easy target. Few may be attacking Indians just for fun, trust me.

For a so called multi ethnic society the police, politics, media, bureaucracy and judiciary is overwhelmingly white. It is very difficult for anyone suffering to convince this white supremacy. White people are living in their safe white bubble; insensitive enough not to feel the stigma of an Indian as community going under such circumstances. One has to shake them up to burst their bubble or has make that bubble transparent.

To do that Indians needs to retaliate, defend and keep reverberating their voices against these people.

Yesterday they avenged by showing news of an Indian already under court trail for last 2 years in Melbourne who unfortunately was involved in an Accident killing a women and related his story by saying his counterpart another Indian was involved in an accident in Sydney who fleaded country before presenting himself in front of court.

What happened during previous waves of Racist attacks was the same they are doing now. A media will start giving news before any investigation or perpetrator caught that the recent attack on Indian is not racist. If a non Indian will be a victim of such attacks they will start showing pictures of his family in grief and telling his family size. If a non indian will be caught red handed commiting crime they will not show his picture (sketch as they did for that driver yesterday) but may tell you the list of mental disorders he is suffrring from and disfunctional family adding to the reason why he may have attacked.

These people are giving message to a racist out there that keep doing it bravo we are with you. Such favoritism is starting from PM's office. A buffoon who was suffering from functional aphonia for a long time when Indians were being attacked of streets every hour, was up on his tail to speak like a parrot to warn Indians when they started retaliating next day.
I am not going to respond to you. All we are doing is going in circles. Gazzi explained everything perfectly for you, yet you choose to ignore it. It is clear you are ignoring what he has said because you ask the same questions and talk the same way.

What Gazzi mentioned was just the thing u want to hear..only an australian perspective...nothing else...being a pakistani himself I can understand why he chose to do so...he may not understand if its Indian today, its a pakistani/chinese tomorrow.....

As far as U not replying, its ur call ...if u don't want to..u don't have too...since neither u/me can change the facts....so no worries..

Hope all Australians are not the same....
When i came here in Sydney i was coming back form a shopping mall with my 3 year old son in a pram. I saw few people looking up towards a 2nd floor of that mall and laughing. I when walked few steps out side i saw few drops of forming water droppings of the roof of my son's pram. I saw up towards the building there were few fair colored insects spitting on passerby. I ran towards the side and shouted at them. They kept doing it sparing all same coloured peoples but spitting on all dark coloured men women and kids. That was enough for me. I took my son back to my unit draw my cricket bat and rushed back to them. The people sitting in a open bar and enjoying that scene were all stopped laughing and sided me by telling their location to me. I was able catch one of those cowards astonished and shaky scumbag. It was funny if i feel today that I was abusing all of them in Punjabi cause i was not well versed with good and effective English names. But they ran like rats and one of the Indian food court guy told me that it is every weekend trend here. I lived in hornsby for next 7 months and for that period of time the same never happened again.
I was new and then i discussed this incident with my friend who was living and studying here for last three years. He said to me that you did over reacted. You could be in trouble by showing open aggression in a mall. But trust me guys one should try their luck it does worked for me. Other wise i could have never spared myself that i didn't showed my anger to them when they were spitting on me and were able to see my son in pram.

Good on you. I would have done the same. Kids are stupid these days, and they do vile things like that. You are well in your rights to defend yourself.

I also would have called the police, you can actually get them charged for assault just for spitting and it hitting you. They would have been locked up.

What Gazzi mentioned was just the thing u want to hear..only an australian perspective...nothing else...being a pakistani himself I can understand why he chose to do so...he may not understand if its Indian today, its a pakistani/chinese tomorrow.....

As far as U not replying, its ur call ...if u don't want to..u don't have too...since neither u/me can change the facts....so no worries..

Hope all Australians are not the same....

The real facts have been layed down by me. I get all my facts from legitimate sources, also i live in Australia so i know whats going on here. However you live in India but you act like you know exactly what is going on here, but you really do not have an idea of what is going on here accept for what your racist lying media tells you.

I was just about to write "I hope all Indians are not the same as you" But i kind of find that pointless as i already know all indians are not the same as you, infact less then 5% would be like you.
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At the end of the day, it's the Indians loss. If they want to act like this (make racist cartoons, spread racist lies, make everyone believe Australia is a very dangerous place) then most likely all indians will not be welcome in Australia.

People will say "oh those indians, causing trouble for us"

No my dear boy, it is not India's loss at all. Our students are customers, you are providing a service. If we don't like the service, we'll move on to better places. It is Australia's third biggest industry that will be hit. Not India. Why do you think your PMs and deputy PMs keep coming to India to reassure us? Because your government knows what will happen if we leave.

never once said it was the official statement of all Indians. I said its from the racist Indian media and i said all you indians supporting it in this thread are racist to.

So when Australia publishes some cartoons which some people consider offensive, it's not representative of the Aussie media. But if one delhi paper (which no one reads) publishes a so called offensive cartoon, the entire Indian media becomes racist? Hypocritical much?
It is Australia's third biggest industry

No it's not. It's our third largest export though. See you fail with the facts. You once again act like you know what goes in Australia when you really really have no clue whatsoever.

Why do you think your PMs and deputy PMs keep coming to India to reassure us?

The PM has been once in the last 2 years.

Because your government knows what will happen if we leave.

If all the Indians leave, more people from china will come to learn. You see there is only a limited amount of spots at schools, there is so many people that get turned down, so if all the indians leave the spots will be filled instantly as Gazzi also said.

So when Australia publishes some cartoons which some people consider offensive, it's not representative of the Aussie media. But if one delhi paper (which no one reads) publishes a so called offensive cartoon, the entire Indian media becomes racist? Hypocritical much?

No, Indian media is racist and spreads misinformation. Nearly all Indian tv news stations have been reporting about the incidents in Australia and have been making into a bigger thing then it really is. They also have convinced Indians that Australia is a very very very dangerous place and should reconsider coming here. They also called the death of that indian man a racist attack even before a police investigation had begun. They also said that white people attacked the man, yet the attacker hasn't been caught so therefore they are trying to say white people are to blame.

As for that prophet muhammed picture, only 1 newspaper published it. 1 out of atleast 100 aussie newspapers. You see my point? Your point is invalid.
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