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QUESTIONS asked by, gen KIYANI & CJ choudhry! who is right?

If that was the case then why the apex court of justice Choudhry has wasted its precious time and funds on NRO implementation case, it even sent an elected PM back home for not writing a letter to Swiss authorities?

Many reasons:

1) There are 10s of other beneficiaries of the NRO against whom cases can be re-opened.

2) Zardari's immunity may not apply in Switzerland.

3) Eventually Zardari will not be President and then he can be tried.
Many reasons:

1) There are 10s of other beneficiaries of the NRO against whom cases can be re-opened.

2) Zardari's immunity may not apply in Switzerland.

3) Eventually Zardari will not be President and then he can be tried.

These all are the facts bassed on raw assumptions, time to reopen case against Zardari in swiss has already gone & the money over there also gone!
Now even if he will nt be a president of pakistan , u can open the cases bt nothing can be prove & nothing can be done in swiss, cause expiration & given time to re-open the case as finished!
A country can't be run , with opening of the old casess ,Cj openned these casess just to prove his worth & power on the political leaders!
What pakistan has gain from this?
These actions already hve brought , slowness in the running of a cruopt govt, which is showing to the nation that just because of all these casses , they don't hve the time to do anything else!
Infact pakistan has becom petionistan!
& this is the process, which is sponsored & taught by CIA, cjs judicial activities for the independence of baluchistan are great!
Which can be found in a minute on google any time!
Dear asim , sir!
Plz wake up from the magical dream of PTI , its magic is getting finished, its support to talibans has openned the eyes of pakistani nation!
Wah re peace ke pujari, talking about peaceful Pakistan in the same breath you advocated the assassination of the honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan.

Pakistan main law se law breakers ko hi takleef ho sakti hai.

Who told u Cj is hounrable!
Ohh I know faisal abidi! Lol really he has showen the nation Cj & his sons true colour! Isn't he?
Who told u Cj is hounrable!
Ohh I know faisal abidi! Lol really he has showen the nation Cj & his sons true colour! Isn't he?

Actually he hasn't, he just made some claims about his son - claims which need to be proven in court - the CJ is still clean. Usage of the honorable prefix is a accorded according to Pakistani regulations as it is pre-determined by his title that he is an honorable person. Have him removed first, until then you are in violation of Pakistani regulation.
These all are the facts bassed on raw assumptions, time to reopen case against Zardari in swiss has already gone & the money over there also gone!
This hasn't been acknowledged by the Swiss government.

A country can't be run , with opening of the old casess ,Cj openned these casess just to prove his worth & power on the political leaders!
A country can't be run where you jail a person for 100 rps theft and are arguing to let go a person who has robbed the nation of over 100 million.

What pakistan has gain from this?
Pakistan gained adherance to law n order and procedure. Top leadership finds it harder to cheat Pakistanis. Judiciary is important, that shouldn't be rocket science.

These actions already hve brought , slowness in the running of a cruopt govt, which is showing to the nation that just because of all these casses , they don't hve the time to do anything else!
The nation is seeing that they HAVE all these cases against them, hence they should elect clean individuals.

Infact pakistan has becom petionistan!
& this is the process, which is sponsored & taught by CIA, cjs judicial activities for the independence of baluchistan are great!
Which can be found in a minute on google any time!
Dear asim , sir!
Plz wake up from the magical dream of PTI , its magic is getting finished, its support to talibans has openned the eyes of pakistani nation!

The law states anyone can file a petition, it is the right of every Pakistani citizen. Perhaps if there weren't as many law breakers in Pakistan, the courts won't be so busy either.
Kiyani Sahab's The Most Professional General, probably on par with Late General Asif Nawaz. His patience is being mistaken for his weakness. Make no Mistake, Chaudhary PCO, he's still COAS.

Shouldn't his weakness post Abbotabad raid and every day drone strikes be considered infertile and criminal?
This hasn't been acknowledged by the Swiss government.

A country can't be run where you jail a person for 100 rps theft and are arguing to let go a person who has robbed the nation of over 100 million.

Pakistan gained adherance to law n order and procedure. Top leadership finds it harder to cheat Pakistanis. Judiciary is important, that shouldn't be rocket science.

The nation is seeing that they HAVE all these cases against them, hence they should elect clean individuals.

The law states anyone can file a petition, it is the right of every Pakistani citizen. Perhaps if there weren't as many law breakers in Pakistan, the courts won't be so busy either.

Nation has elected already the sons of gillani, so ur question is just a joke, cause in this country cure of every ill is money, & thts why Cj & his son is made the dam billions ?
I think you need to see all, the faisal abidi episodes care fully, he on the behalf of zardari blackmailed CJ & had showen all the evidences live, now after doing that they just backed away,thts why NAB was taken out of the investigation of Arsalan CH.because govt closed its eyeson it & why SC gave ARsalan his choice of investigator thts another dam question!
Isn't it!

Well, there many others who wants to know the answers of many different questions!
Some of them are!
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid [Official]
We want to ask 3 Questions from the CJ:

Pakistan has been destroyed by the Terrorists, the Media and the corruption. But we want to ask 3 questions about the role of judiciary?

1. Why the Judiciary has NOT punished a single terrorist in the last 10 years??? When courts refuse to do their primary responsibility of punishing the criminals, then what good is this judicial system? What should army do when suicide bombers are released by the courts???

2. Why the courts do not take up cases against the anarchist media??? All petitions filed against media in the supreme court are either rejected or being dragged without being formally admitted? It is clear that courts are avoiding the accountability of media despite blatant proof that media needs strongest accountability for treason and creating anarchy?

3. When Supreme Court has themselves proved that political governments in Baluchistan and Sindh have failed constitutionally and the ruling parties are involved in terrorism and corruption, then why doesn't Supreme Court dismiss these governments and is allowing the political parties to destroy the nation??

Iftikhar chaudrey sahib, Nation want answers! Pakistan is being destroyed and we feel that courts are that NOT doing their duty in these times of war. This Pakistan is sacred, not any man made law. We feel that you are also very harsh against the pak army.

You have not done anything yet to prove that our analysis is wrong. You need to punish the terrorists. You need to restrain the traitor media. You need to remove the corrupt regime. If you are not doing this, then whats the point of having a judiciary??

They say judges don't speak. Their judgements speak. But we see that you speak a lot but there are no judgements of substance. Why is that so Mr. CJ? Nation is asking

Why your stupid mouth, is still in work , against army?

Yesterday we saw how much the army respects the judiciary: CJ
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
From Print Edition
*492 *160 *10 *1

Says authority to render final decision rests with SC; no one should remain under any delusion; judiciary is strong; Constitution and tanks should not be compared
ISLAMABAD: Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry observed on Tuesday that no one should remain under any delusion as the authority to render the final decision rests with the apex court. He made this observation while heading a three-member bench of the Supreme Court during the course of hearing of a petition on the media’s role after the Abbottabad operation.
Raja Irshad, the counsel for the petitioner, argued that the media had pitted the army chief and chief justice against each other. He said no one should see the statement of the army chief from a wrong angle.
On this, the chief justice observed: “We have seen yesterday (Monday) how much respect the army gives to the judiciary. Our position is quite clear. No one should remain under any delusion.”
The chief justice called for President Asif Ali Zardari’s article published in a US newspaper after the Abbottabad operation. Raja Irshad read the president’s article before the bench.
Raja Irshad said that Pakistan armed forces were maligned in a planned manner, but it had always respected the court and implemented all its orders. The chief justice said the apex court had not asked the army to implement its any order so far.
Raja Irshad contended that violation of constitutional provision enshrined in Article 19-A was going on without being checked.
The chief justice told the counsel to go through the relevant record, a press statement by the ISPR and former Pakistan ambassador to the US Husain Haqqani’s statements on the May 2 incident and then substantiate his points.
Justice Iftikhar said the SC was not weak and all points raised in the petition were being seriously scrutinised.
Raja Irshad said the institution had been maligned in the garb of accountability of generals. He said anyone working against the Constitution should be brought under the scanner of the law. He said the enemies of the country were launching attacks from the four sides due to Pakistan’s nuclear capability. He said the enemy would have ruined Pakistan had the nuclear power not been acquired.
At that point, the chief justice reminded Raja Irshad that he was the counsel for petitioner Sardar Muhammad Ghazi, not the Pakistan Army. “The Constitution and tanks should not be compared,” the chief justice said, adding that it was the responsibility of the army chief to give a statement on the maligning of the institution.
The court later adjourned the hearing till November 22.The petition filed in the apex court states that following the incident of May 2, 2011, the media played a role in discrediting the country’s judiciary and its army.The petitioner is seeking a ban on the media for criticising the armed forces, intelligence agencies and other defence and security institutions.

So from now, on wards !
He is wishing for something, extra?
Well, he,ill going to get!sure.
Shouldn't his weakness post Abbotabad raid and every day drone strikes be considered infertile and criminal?

Only technically. Due to my lack of understanding of technicalities, I won't comment on Abbotabad Raid. As for Drones, Army's fine with them, as long as they don't strike upon Afghan Taliban. See the thing is, I firmly believe in ''One step at a time''. I believe Pakistani Political Culture is headed in right direction and Army has co-operated. I, for one, can't ask for more as of now.

When was Civilian Government strong enough to oppose The U.S. not once, but multiple times?
When was Judiciary strong enough to try Generals? And credit for that goes to Army as well, given their co-operation. Now is everything alright? No. Am I optimistic? Sure.
Only technically. Due to my lack of understanding of technicalities, I won't comment on Abbotabad Raid. As for Drones, Army's fine with them, as long as they don't strike upon Afghan Taliban. See the thing is, I firmly believe in ''One step at a time''. I believe Pakistani Political Culture is headed in right direction and Army has co-operated. I, for one, can't ask for me as of now.

When was Civilian Government strong enough to oppose The U.S. not once, but multiple times?
When was Judiciary strong enough to try Generals? And credit for that goes to Army as well, given their co-operation. Now is everything alright? No. Am I optimistic? Sure.

Rightly said,
Army wants to cut the crap, & a smooth functioning of the govt, no intruption from itself or from anyone else, but as you can see this stupid piece of crap CJ is trying to dictate army & the political govt making it vry difficult for the army to carry on its fight against terror?
Why its happening?
Cause Cj is a traitor & used by CIA as a check on army & the civilian govt, no one is stopping him doing his job but he is stopping evryone?
Really army don't hve intentions to come to the power bt it seems peoples think its weak now, belive me they are wrong tht times have changed!
They r living in the fools paradise!
1. Viewing from a distance, two important institutions of Pakistan, Bureaucracy and Political, have lost the confidence and respect of the people. Lately a portion of the Media has also become tainted. In recent years the Judiciary has been struggling to establish itself as an institution that people have respect for, and to which people can turn to to get justice after all avenues have failed.

2. The Military has emerged from the shade it had been put under by Mush. It is now well established as an honorable institution enjoying full confidence of the people. With all the goings on - seen / unseen, this is remarkable indeed, and speaks highly of the principles, ideology and tradition that the Pak military has been built with/from. The high command emerges as a group of wise and patriotic lot who have learnt a lesson from the Mush era. I understand, in a departure from Mush, Kiyani listens. It would appear he listens to also what is not spoken but conveyed all the same.

3. In a war that Pakistan is involved in, the state institutions are as much targeted as the drone targets one reads daily about. The enemy will attack these from within and from the outside. They will slowly degrade till a complete destruction. They will wedge division and distrust among the institutions. This is the current form of warfare. A disillusioned, dazed and demoralized adversary is an easy prey.
1. Viewing from a distance, two important institutions of Pakistan, Bureaucracy and Political, have lost the confidence and respect of the people. Lately a portion of the Media has also become tainted. In recent years the Judiciary has been struggling to establish itself as an institution that people have respect for, and to which people can turn to to get justice after all avenues have failed.

2. The Military has emerged from the shade it had been put under by Mush. It is now well established as an honorable institution enjoying full confidence of the people. With all the goings on - seen / unseen, this is remarkable indeed, and speaks highly of the principles, ideology and tradition that the Pak military has been built with/from. The high command emerges as a group of wise and patriotic lot who have learnt a lesson from the Mush era. I understand, in a departure from Mush, Kiyani listens. It would appear he listens to also what is not spoken but conveyed all the same.

3. In a war that Pakistan is involved in, the state institutions are as much targeted as the drone targets one reads daily about. The enemy will attack these from within and from the outside. They will slowly degrade till a complete destruction. They will wedge division and distrust among the institutions. This is the current form of warfare. A disillusioned, dazed and demoralized adversary is an easy prey.

Yes & CJ has been made by CIA lord of this war in pakistan!
Rightly said,
Army wants to cut the crap, & a smooth functioning of the govt, no intruption from itself or from anyone else, but as you can see this stupid piece of crap CJ is trying to dictate army & the political govt making it vry difficult for the army to carry on its fight against terror?
Why its happening?
Cause Cj is a traitor & used by CIA as a check on army & the civilian govt, no one is stopping him doing his job but he is stopping evryone?
Really army don't hve intentions to come to the power bt it seems peoples think its weak now, belive me they are wrong tht times have changed!
They r living in the fools paradise!

Chief Justice is repeatedly violating his constitutional domain. Hindering army to deal with Terrorists. Disqualifying Elected Governments, Elected representatives and ya name it. Do ya know the pending cases within last 5 years have virtually doubled? Where's the justice for common man? I'm sick and tired of hearing ''Chief Justice nain falan falan baat per 'Azkhud' notice le liya hai''. It's about time Chaudhary PCO depoliticizes The Supreme Court. He CONSTANTLY degrades Army and Government in his remarks.
Army is educated, trained and professional institute. But people without education, professionalism and training thinks they have defeated PAK ARMY, but remember when ARMY will strike everyone will be wiped.

Successful defence means ARMY is Good
No Justice high crime rate means JUDICIARY IS ...."

:shout: if it is true it is alarming situation
An editorial from Dawn:

from: Army

As the country digests the army chief’s latest foray into, strictly speaking, non-military matters, it appears that Gen Kayani’s comments on Monday were directed at his principal constituency: the armed forces itself. The discomfort within the rank and file and the leadership too in recent weeks is not very difficult to fathom. Mehrangate, the NLC scam, inquiries into a luxury resort in Lahore, and myriad other questions about the army’s political role and management of security affairs have all combined to probably create a sense of siege. For an institution as proud and domestically predominant as the army has been over the decades, it may well be bewildering to be subjected to the kind of scrutiny and commentary that non-uniformed leaders have long been used to. So Gen Kayani’s words — targeted as they appear to have been against the judiciary and sections of the media, and not really the civilian political leadership — were probably intended to allay concerns within the armed forces that somewhat legitimate criticism of narrow problems, from the army’s perspective, were growing into wanton and gratuitous criticism of the entire institution.

Questionable as the army’s concerns may be — those never subjected to intense scrutiny will always resist a changing order — it is perhaps a sign of the times, and a good one at that, that the army chief chose tough words instead of strong action. In eras past, a discreet phone call or a public swipe would have been enough to tamp down criticism and make unwanted investigations disappear. So perhaps in time, even the dubious use of the ISPR to put out such controversial statements will be a practice curbed.

For the long road to civilian control of the state to be travelled, however, one of the key elements is the question of who determines the ‘national interest’. Gen Kayani was correct in saying that “no individual or institution has the monopoly to decide what is right or wrong in defining the national interest” and that it should emerge through a “consensus”. But in truth, it must go much further than that in a truly democratic polity. While other institutions do have some role to play, the central pivot has to be the civilian leadership that represents the will of the people through parliament. It cannot and must not be forgotten that the internal and external instability the country faces today is largely rooted in policies pursued by the army itself in the name of the national interest. But if a few court cases and investigations so unsettle the armed forces, can they really be willing to cede control of the ‘national interest’?

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