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Qatar revives proposal to send an Arab force to Syria

The irony is that the same Bashar Al-Assad proposed for ARAB/OIC combined force for peacekeeping/ intervention in Moslem countries in the OIC head of the state meeting few years back. Its petty that they are trying to apply his medicine on hos wounds only.

Bashar tried to stop the killings in his country by any means necessarily from the beginning, but the gulf states at the time refused and were expecting Libya-style change where Bashar would be caught and executed. They were expecting it to be a matter of months at most. That is why they preached for war and funded the FSA with money and weapons. That didn't go so well for them. the Syrian army was "loosing" in the beginning because the FSA focused on checkpoints manned by just a few soldeirs.

The Syrian army changed it's strategy and pulled out of the ruler areas and into the strategic areas. That way they could wait for the FSA to come to them and kill them in mass. That's what the Syrian army has been doing recently and they have managed to kill tens of thousands of the FSA fighters.

The gulf states finally realized that they can't take out Bashar by force so now they are trying to stop the bloodshed that they started in the first place. That's why they are calling for peace forces now. It has nothing to do with applying his own "medicine". otherwise its going to continue the way it is for years to come

I do think it's a good Idea, but without any troops from the gulf. I would propose, Egyptian, Algerian, Jordanian, and Iraqi troops; I doubt it will happen though.
Bashar tried to stop the killings in his country by any means necessarily from the, but the gulf states at the time refused and were expecting Libya-style change where Bashar would be caught and executed. They were expecting it to be a matter of months at most. That is why they preached for war and funded the FSA with money and weapons. That didn't go so well for them. the Syrian army was "loosing" in the beginning because the FSA focused on checkpoints manned by just a few soldeirs.

The Syrian army changed it's strategy and pulled out of the ruler areas and into the strategic areas. That way they could wait for the FSA to come to them and kill them in mass. That's what the Syrian army has been doing recently and they have managed to kill tens of thousands of the FSA fighters.

The gulf states finally realized that they can't take out Bashar by force so now they are trying to stop the bloodshed that they started in the first place. That's why they are calling for peace forces now. It has nothing to do with applying his own "medicine". otherwise its going to continue the way it is for years to come

I do think it's a good Idea, but without any troops from the gulf. I would propose, Egyptian, Algerian, Jordanian, and Iraqi troops; I doubt it will happen though.

The scenario that I had put forward was of 2006 way back of Syrian crisis. My intention was not to discuss the military tactics of Syrian Armed forces or the FSA what I simply put forward that Al-Assad’s urge for combined OIC forces in the troubled member countries at that time has become the medicine of his own decease. He never asked for peacekeeping force since the uprising started in Syria against his rule
Yeah, a tyrant, with othe brutal tyrants, are standing against a tyrant.The irony that Arabs never cease to amuse us with.

And you are the one who is amused? Man even their prisons have luxury more than your rich people, Qataris get the highest subsidiaries and salaries in the world, best education, medical treatment and social needs, the best of everything is afforded to them, they are simply kings ruled by a king. And come here, an Iranian talking about brutality of the Qatari regime? it must be the joke of the millenium!
The problem with Al-Assad is lack of trust like with other dictators before, they do not resort to popular vote because they know they may lose in free and fair elections (one does not need high degree of IQ to understand this). UN or any other agency cannot conduct the free and fair elections in a country where Dictator dictate the terms (where Legislature, executive & judiciary is handpicked by dictator himself).

Al-Assad wants election under his rule and that is no way possible.

A piece of news of Al-Assad’s election in 2007

Syrian President Bashar Assad won 97.62 percent of the vote in a referendum that confirmed him for a second 7-year term, Interior Minister Bassam Abdel Majeed said on Tuesday.
"This great consensus shows the political maturity of Syria and the brilliance of our democracy and multi-party system," Majeed told reporters.
"There has been some repetition of votes but we caught them by reviewing the voting lists," Majeed said in response to a question about the possibility of vote-tampering.
Assad was the only candidate allowed to run in Sunday's referendum, which had been widely regarded as a formality and boycotted by the opposition.
The 41-year-old president won 97.29 percent of the vote when he succeeded his late father, Hafez al-Assad, seven years ago.
Bashar controls the ruling Baath Party, which took power in a coup in 1963, banned the opposition and imposed emergency law.
Parties attached to the Baath are the only other political groups allowed to exist legally.

Assad wins 97.6% of vote en route to re-election victory - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
The problem with Al-Assad is lack of trust like with other dictators before, they do not resort to popular vote because they know they may lose in free and fair elections (one does not need high degree of IQ to understand this). UN or any other agency cannot conduct the free and fair elections in a country where Dictator dictate the terms (where Legislature, executive & judiciary is handpicked by dictator himself).

Al-Assad wants election under his rule and that is no way possible.

A piece of news of Al-Assad’s election in 2007

Syrian President Bashar Assad won 97.62 percent of the vote in a referendum that confirmed him for a second 7-year term, Interior Minister Bassam Abdel Majeed said on Tuesday.
"This great consensus shows the political maturity of Syria and the brilliance of our democracy and multi-party system," Majeed told reporters.
"There has been some repetition of votes but we caught them by reviewing the voting lists," Majeed said in response to a question about the possibility of vote-tampering.
Assad was the only candidate allowed to run in Sunday's referendum, which had been widely regarded as a formality and boycotted by the opposition.
The 41-year-old president won 97.29 percent of the vote when he succeeded his late father, Hafez al-Assad, seven years ago.
Bashar controls the ruling Baath Party, which took power in a coup in 1963, banned the opposition and imposed emergency law.
Parties attached to the Baath are the only other political groups allowed to exist legally.

Assad wins 97.6% of vote en route to re-election victory - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

You must be the dumbest person ever... till today you can't answer my questions.... because my questions show the truth.. and you want to ignore them...

Qatar is a proxy of KSA which, as we all know, is one of two largest funders of worldwide Jihad. The other being Iran.
No matter which side you are on this war in Syria is a battle between one evil and another. Iran's evil or Salafist evil.

The only good outcome of this war is if Turkey kicks out the Islamists and influences these Arabs for the better.
Qatar is a proxy of KSA which, as we all know, is one of two largest funders of worldwide Jihad. The other being Iran.
No matter which side you are on this war in Syria is a battle between one evil and another. Iran's evil or Salafist evil.

The only good outcome of this war is if Turkey kicks out the Islamists and influences these Arabs for the better.

You know it makes me slap my forehead when I see Iran Shia vs. Saudi Wahabi argument,
All the while poor people of Syria are being butchered by the black faced sob Assad.

Nothing against you PteX. I know what you are saying and why you are saying the above quoted text.

Let me propose this hypothetical solution.

I say f Qataris and f Saudis and F Iranian governmental role in this HUGE fiasco.

Let's get a mix religion military force form Pakistan and Bangladesh. The two armies have mix of officers and soldiers from Sunni, Shia, and Christian backgrounds. Send a couple of divisions and kick the salfites rebels and the allawite butchers out of Syria and save the hapless masses.

Otherwise we are all shameless ******** standing around while a major travesty of justice and genocide is being conducted mercilessly right in front of our own eyes.

Where is our moral compass, sense of fairness, desire of justice, where the f it is.

Can't we find an iota of humanity in us, even a darned iota's worth of humanity. Is it too much to ask?


peace to you, peace to all.
You know it makes me slap my forehead when I see Iran Shia vs. Saudi Wahabi argument,
All the while poor people of Syria are being butchered by the black faced sob Assad.

Nothing against you PteX. I know what you are saying and why you are saying the above quoted text.

Let me propose this hypothetical solution.

I say f Qataris and f Saudis and F Iranian governmental role in this HUGE fiasco.

Let's get a mix religion military force form Pakistan and Bangladesh. The two armies have mix of officers and soldiers from Sunni, Shia, and Christian backgrounds. Send a couple of divisions and kick the salfites rebels and the allawite butchers out of Syria and save the hapless masses.

Otherwise we are all shameless ******** standing around while a major travesty of justice and genocide is being conducted mercilessly right in front of our own eyes.

Where is our moral compass, sense of fairness, desire of justice, where the f it is.

Can't we find an iota of humanity in us, even a darned iota's worth of humanity. Is it too much to ask?


peace to you, peace to all.

Or instead we can use something called PEACE??

All you have to do to end this conflict, is to stop sending arms to the so called "rebels" aka terrorists... and the fighting will be done... as soon as the fighting is over... there is something called elections which will be hosted under the UN Monitoring... Alasad have been calling for elections under the UN eyes for over a year now...

so no need for outside forces... just stop arming terrorists and stop supporting the bloodshed...
dumbest, liar, ignorant, fooled by west , influenced by Zionist media etc etc... you have honored me with such a great titles, did i reply in the same manner? That shows it self who the ignorant is...

You can't even reply... because you CAN'T or you DON'T want to know the truth ....:coffee:
You can't even reply... because you CAN'T or you DON'T want to know the truth ....:coffee:

May be, because you do not have resilience to absorb the different opinion or difference of opinion. For you the reply means that satisfies your belief and judgment but that is not possible all the time.

Maybe I am much older to you or you are quite immature, and I do not like to turn public platform in to maligning and insulting platform.
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