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Qandeel Baloch, NOT just a honor killing case.

And no problem you can use the same words I won't mind
Hi, that last comment wasn't addressed to you, as you can clearly see I quoted @Delnavaz B -- and the comment was aimed at her for her use of language addressed to a young kid ...

Thanks and I never wanted to feed trolls. But some mates here put all the blames on Islam without having enough knowledge.
Ok now as per media, see the problem is, she wanted fame at any point but those anchors are some mature people they needed to sit and talk with editorial and keep all the afterwards consequences in mind before giving her the platform to seek attention. Social media didn't kill her electronic did play a major role. How? She was on socials media since last few years and on electronic last 2 months or something and she is been killed? Because news channels are watched from an elite class to a person sitting in a small village having no access to social media at all. Another point I want to make here, if you see her pictures of now and back then when she was Fauiza Azeem, one can't tell she is the same person. She was silently winning the breads for her family with wearing a new get up on (yes her way of feeding her family was wrong) but at least rarely people knew who was she. Media started finding out her real name and pictures and break a news about her real identity, and about her marriages, it did nothing but lead to her murder.
Who was she? She wasn't a super model, or role model or anything then what was the point to give her so unnecessary attention and making every news related to her a breaking news? Not just in this case overall media is feeding evil in society.
And no problem you can use the same words I won't mind

Agreed, so lemme just take it one point at a time ..

-Regarding blaming it on islam and Pakistan, your right -- but saying that "things aren't any better at your house" isn't really an argument right ? ... but I would agree with the premise though, that there is indeed a blind blame game going on whenever its Pakistan and any muslim country/individual in the mix ...

-Regarding the media, well it's easy to say that in hindsight. Ofcourse, I'd agree with your thoughts regarding how media should be mindful regarding what they are airing and the consequences. But that is more or less an idealistic thought process. Realistically speaking, every channel may seem goody toshoo but when business interests are at stake, people tend to forget where the lines are. Hence, you have all this "spicy" gossip news and entertainment segments because every channel wants to be among the big boys.This by the way is not the first time someone crossed the lines with subject matters like this. Remember the morning show host with Samaa and her whole drama of going to a park to "talk to" couples and "informing the public". This is what it boils down to .. ratings and shenanigans that derive better ratings. The state of the media is what it is because of competition and the rating game and the consumer response to it.

HOWEVER, coming back to Ms. Baloch, no matter how much we criticize the role of media in this .. lets ask ourselves ... did SHE reject any appearance on electronic media ? No she didn't ... she wanted to transcend from social media to electronic media, the move to Pakistan got talent and appearing in a show fighting with a rival star on electronic media, doing eid shows and other shows on mainstream telly ... indicates that she wanted to roll with the big girls herself.. Heck, SHE aired the dirty laundry and caused consequences for a regular at electronic media using both electronic and social media (the whole maulana saga) in the name of "sharing the truth" .

So the question remains the same ... How/why should media nitpick as to which dirty laundry to air and which to sit on ?
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Good Write as usual but i stand with @Mav3rick stance on the matter.

Unfortunately, I am banned from posting in the other thread on QB murder. Interestingly, I was banned for trolling......something that I have never done and never intend to do. However, such things are at the discretion of mods/admins and there is no quick process to remedy that.
Unfortunately, I am banned from posting in the other thread on QB murder. Interestingly, I was banned for trolling......something that I have never done and never intend to do. However, such things are at the discretion of mods/admins and there is no quick process to remedy that.
The exact reason i didnt post.
Unfortunately, I am banned from posting in the other thread on QB murder. Interestingly, I was banned for trolling......something that I have never done and never intend to do. However, such things are at the discretion of mods/admins and there is no quick process to remedy that.

What is your take on this?


@Assailiant thanks though.

But the question remains the same ... How/why should media nitpick as to which dirty laundry to air and which to sit on ?

Well Yes more questions more concerns more comments and the case will be forgotten like rest of the serious cases but we won't learn our lessons.
Seems Qadeel might get Nobel prize .....but Eidhi ??????
Well Yes more questions more concerns more comments and the case will be forgotten like rest of the serious cases but we won't learn our lessons.

What lessons exactly ? ... more responsibility when it comes to journalism ?.. :blink:

Realistically speaking, that won't happen because of the never ending cat and mouse ratings game the media is involved in ... There is a reason why even the most serious channels that deal with current affairs are technically "News & Entertainment" instead of simply "News/ Information" ...
What lessons exactly ? ... more responsibility when it comes to journalism ?.. Realistically speaking, that won't happen because the never ending cat and mouse ratings game the media is involved in ... There is a reason why even the most serious channels that deal with current affairs are technically "News & Entertainment" instead of simply "News/ Information" ...

No lessons for society. This is another point wether we will or we will not. But we should. we shouldn't give unnecessary attention to anyone. This can create so many problems in one's life. Secondly, we should help such help who are going through some emotional problems and take their frustration out disgracefully. Such people need help rather attention.
Seems Qadeel might get Nobel prize .....but Eidhi ??????
Man atleast have some self respect.... you are comparing two different class of people. Not to troll but pakistans placement of Hafiz syeed in the same league as Eidhi may be the reason.
Seems Qadeel might get Nobel prize .....but Eidhi ??????

Different characters, different stories. He deserved for Nobel Prize though. In one of the video, he said, "I don't care if I get Nobel Prize or not, but I care for humanity."
Man atleast have some self respect.... you are comparing two different class of people. Not to troll but pakistans placement of Hafiz syeed in the same league as Eidhi may be the reason.
Our social media is more concern about a women (no doubt it was wrongful death) , but leave behind Eidhi's loss of nation. Humanity lost the hero , but we Pakistani fail to give him tribute.
Investigation reveal , it was money issue of her drug addict brother. Motive of murder was money , not honor killing. She stop giving money to drug addict brother and divert all her funds to her parents.
Plus, what my self respect has to do with her acts. She is responsible for her own acts. Like any other individual.
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No lessons for society. This is another point wether we will or we will not. But we should. we shouldn't give unnecessary attention to anyone. This can create so many problems in one's life. Secondly, we should help such help who are going through some emotional problems and take their frustration out disgracefully. Such people need help rather attention.

I'm feeling like a wrinkly old person saying this again, but this is also somewhat of an ideal train of thought. Whether people like it or not Reality TV has its consumption, and its right up there with the best products the telly has to offer. Just look at the consumption of keeping up with the Kardashians, and just think for a second as to what talent does that clan have that it's so famous that it can easily rub shoulders with the best and most talented in Hollywood ? What lengths does it go to, to create controversies, from controversial dating, to implants to funny baby names ... as sad as it is but they are the gold standard of reality tv, and anyone who aims for that (reality tv) is following their lead and it seems every country has a market for such things, one way or another. The case with Qandeel isn't much different if you see the whole "career path".

Frankly I don't know the answer to the problem, it is definitely a societal problem -- Hence to change that, the change must grow from the bottom, the young generation. Like you said in your first post, education. That probably is the only key Pakistan can actually rely on and HOPE that it works. But then you look at the state of schools and its almost at a stage where it should be sobbed over. We literally have classicism brewing from the one place that should be the place that should bring opportunities. However, it is what we have right now and initiatives should be taken to improve it ..
Frankly I don't know the answer to the problem, it is definitely a societal problem -- Hence to change that, the change must grow from the bottom, the young generation. Like you said in your first post, education. That probably is the only key Pakistan can actually rely on and HOPE that it works. But then you look at the state of schools and its almost at a stage where it should be sobbed over. We literally have classicism brewing from the one place that should be the place that should bring opportunities. However, it is what we have right now and initiatives should be taken to improve it ..

Yes and you have point out another problem of Pakistan. This might derail the topic, but that is one MAIN reason of all the problems Pakistan is facing today. Lack of eduction. Poor schooling system and different courses for different schools and different levels delivering no wisdom to kids/students at all. It's all about taking a degree and graduating. No improvement in our schooling system means no change in society and mindsets. And society will face these shortcomings for more years. Unfortunately!
Yes and you have point out another problem of Pakistan. This might derail the topic, but that is one MAIN reason of all the problems Pakistan is facing today. Lack of eduction. Poor schooling system and different courses for different schools and different levels delivering no wisdom to kids/students at all. It's all about taking a degree and graduating. No improvement in our schooling system means no change in society and mindsets. And society will face these shortcomings for more years. Unfortunately!
Need to add new issue, " flashy media" , lime light. Too many tv channels and too much competition . Anything that sells TV air time is welcome. A person from lower lower class will some time try to break all social taboo to reach on top. Sometime price is very high. Yes, then come education, which leash the untamed wishes of person.
Need to add new issue, " flashy media" , lime light. Too many tv channels and too much competition . Anything that sells TV air time is welcome. A person from lower lower class will some time try to break all social taboo to reach on top. Sometime price is very high. Yes, then come education, which leash the untamed wishes of person.

I already have discussed it. Honestly, wether one agree with me or not (and I respect their opinions) but I personally believe media is playing a major role to spoon fed the problems in society. Electronic media has a great influence on society. But no one is drawing the limits or even if one does, no one follows it.
I never justified killing but state has to make laws against Vulgarity and those who break should be sent to Jail for two to 6 months. Jail for these kind of offensives should also act like a counselling centre where they are told about their mistakes and taught religious books. Yes we have to educate masses to do that best way is to teach Quran and Sunnah in detail in schools and up to University level. All things have to happen together only doing one thing won't work.

Sir why do you always emphasize on punishments. This is not done; punishment, that is not done; punishment. Islam is not punishment based religion. But when state makes a law, everyone has to follow it.

Now give me an example from Islamic history where vulgarity was a punishable offence. There is none. Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H cursed vulgar people. That is it. You are becoming more loyal to master than the master.

For a true Muslim it is enough that the Prophet dislikes vulgarity.

Coming to the law part. Choosing a dress is basic right of every human. You can't force them to wear a particular dress. Still, to make a law, you need exact definition of a thing law to be made upon.

This is how 'vulgar' shows up in the dictionary:

2. making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude.

There starts a slippery slop. You will find this definitions fit on many dresses and bodily functions. Of course laws can't be made on your thoughts and imaginations. This slop will take you to a dress code like this:


Prophet P.B.U.H is telling you a better way to encourge people to have a decent dress, so that when western type cultures choose Islam they find it a convenient religion.
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