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PYD's Muslim: Ankara agreed to conditional autonomy

@Keyxusraw - Bro, are you a Kurd ? :what:

Yes I am dear friend

Mate, if you think Turkey is ever going to let anybody or any country to obtain land from Turkey, you are dead wrong. We fought against all star-combination and kicked them from our country.

Let me remind you, Our border didn't drawn by a ruler but by blood, only blood can erase.

And do not forget that your father figure ataturk fought alongside Kurds against French and Brits at Galipolli, but that he later betrayed Kurds and mass murdered them in their hundreds of thousands in Dersim, Zilan and Kocgiri massacre. Kurds will never forget that.
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Yes I am dear friend

Just a friend - I thought we were brothers ! :cray:

Rozh Bash ! :)

We've got some Kurds here in Pakistan too ! :agree:

But our Kurds are a very well integrated ethnic minority...just like me ! :tup:

I suppose that in our case the fact that our Nationalism isn't based around any one ethnicity (race) or language but instead on the notion that - We are One Nation - because we are Muslims, has managed to allow us to maintain a healthy ethnic balance & harmony in an otherwise extremely....extremely ethnically & linguistically diverse Pakistan !
Mate, if you think Turkey is ever going to let anybody or any country to obtain land from Turkey, you are dead wrong. We fought against all star-combination and kicked them from our country.

Let me remind you, Our border didn't drawn by a ruler but by blood, only blood can erase.

Well I believe that the Kurdish homeland will be inevitable in the future. I am not taking any sides and I respect your opinion. The Kurdish problem is not an "Arab problem" besides the tiny territories in Syria and Northern Iraq (KRG). I am neutral here but I am just given my views of what I THINK is going to happen and that I think that Kurds deserve their own homeland just as much as the Palestinians.

Oh, if your last comment is somehow a comment towards my country (KSA) then I will remind you that we were never colonized by any foreigners but conquered others and our borders have been drawn by our own people and in fact the British had to stop us from conquering more land....
Just a friend - I thought we were brothers ! :cray:

Rozh Bash ! :)

We've got some Kurds here in Pakistan too ! :agree:

But our Kurds are a very well integrated ethnic minority...just like me ! :tup:

I suppose that in our case the fact that our Nationalism isn't based around any one ethnicity (race) or language but instead on the notion that - We are One Nation - because we are Muslims, has managed to allow us to maintain a healthy ethnic balance & harmony in an otherwise extremely....extremely ethnically & linguistically diverse Pakistan !

Well roj bash to you as well biremin ( my brother)

What is your ethnicity then?

Well brother, do not forget that the vanguards of an Islamic nation were more than once carried out by Kurds. Ie Selahattin Eyyubi and Beduizzaman Saidi Nursi :)
Well roj bash to you as well biremin ( my brother)

What is your ethnicity then?

Well brother, do not forget that the vanguards of an Islamic nation were more than once carried out by Kurds. Ie Selahattin Eyyubi and Beduizzaman Saidi Nursi :)

Kashmiri - We're less than 3% of Pakistan's population but more than 9% of Pakistan's Army ! :pakistan:

Yes - Salahudin Ayubi is loved & celebrated in Pakistan with great pride with many a Pakistani having named their sons after the Great Man ! :)

And I saw an animated movie on Said Nursi & I read things about him - He seems like a very progressive & enlightened Muslim Scholar. Its a shame that many in the Muslim World don't know that much about him.

Oh, if your last comment is somehow a comment towards my country (KSA) then I will remind you that we were never colonized by any foreigners but conquered others and our borders have been drawn by our own people and in fact the British had to stop us from conquering more land....

Ummmh...the Ottoman Empire - Anyone ! :undecided:
Ummmh...the Ottoman Empire - Anyone ! :undecided:

Not really for a lot of reasons. First Hijaz was ruled by the Sharif of Makkah and Madinah who was even revered by the Ottoman Sultan/Caliph and all the Arab Caliphs before them who ruled the Muslim world for nearly 1000 years before the Ottomans took the throne and proclaimed themselves as Caliphs.

Most Muslim territories pledged alliance to the Caliph but local ancient rulers ruled in KSA. We never had any Mamluks etc. Besides large parts of KSA did not even pledge their alliance to the Caliph and were thus not even part of the Caliphate formally.

I know this since I am a Makkawi Hashemite myself and actually some of my paternal ancestors in the direct line were born in Istanbul.
So you think because you are having some talks it's no problem for PYD to become autonomous. You're even maybe sure that PKK will never come back to Turkey? well don't be suprised if they tomorrow, just like Turkey, also change their opinion. And they you do have a problem.

I think nobody is disregarding the possibility of PKK coming back. That's why Turkey is still building posts, modernizing existing ones and developing weapons. We would be ready if they decide to come back.

If it's purely business then Turkey should let kurds of Syria and Turkey get Autonomous.

Nope, i gave those examples but that doesn't mean it's purely business. It's for the favor of Turkey to be more precise.

A dynamic foreign policy is not a problem, but Turkish foreign policy is somehow chaotic. However their domestic policies are respectable.

Well... We often criticize Erdogan's foreign policies. even among Turkish members, myself included. But there is the reality Turkey has not yet to suffer from it's foreign policies. Maybe we will suffer or not in the future, we can't be sure but what we are sure is Erdogan is very intelligent and cunning man.

About isolation, having an indepentent policy means isolation. It has a price. For being puppet, you will be loved by the masters. Who would isolate their puppets? no one

Yeap, who ever doesn't bash on your enemies are puppets of zionists, we know this old story. :)
Kashmiri - We're less than 3% of Pakistan's population but more than 9% of Pakistan's Army ! :pakistan:

Yes - Salahudin Ayubi is loved & celebrated in Pakistan with great pride with many a Pakistani having named their sons after the Great Man ! :)

And I saw an animated movie on Said Nursi & I read things about him - He seems like a very progressive & enlightened Muslim Scholar. Its a shame that many in the Muslim World don't know that much about him.

I have both Kashmiri and Pakistani ( Urdu) friends. I am wrong to believe that Kashmiris are more down to earth? I believe one of my friends is from Kashmiri Azad and he takes great pride in being Kashmiri :D

Beduizzaman was oppressed a lot by the Ataturk government back in the days. He was more or less isolated from the rest of the world, but his sect still managed to survive through the ordinary Kurdish and Turkish population for a long time.
Not really for a lot of reasons. First Hijaz was ruled by the Sharif of Makkah and Madinah who was even revered by the Ottoman Sultan/Caliph and all the Arab Caliphs before them who ruled the Muslim world for nearly 1000 years before the Ottomans took the throne and proclaimed themselves as Caliphs.

Most Muslim territories pledged alliance to the Caliph but local ancient rulers ruled in KSA. We never had any Mamluks etc. Besides large parts of KSA did not even pledge their alliance to the Caliph and were thus not even part of the Caliphate formally.

I know this since I am a Makkawi Hashemite myself and actually some of my paternal ancestors in the direct line were born in Istanbul.

Okay don't hit me...don't hit me - I apologize ! :fie:

Makkawi - That sounds like more like a mouth watering dish than someone hailing from Mecca ! :ashamed:
And do not forget that your father figure ataturk fought alongside Kurds against French and Brits at Galipolli, but that he later betrayed Kurds and mass murdered them in their hundreds of thousands in Dersim, Zilan and Kocgiri massacre. Kurds will never forget that.

Kurds fought besides Ottoman Empire not Ataturk. And their contribution to independence war is like %2.

Who betrayed who. You say Dersim Zilan Koçgiri, i can count you 20 more. You revolt against state, kill Turkish soldiers. You will face the consequences.
I have both Kashmiri and Pakistani ( Urdu) friends. I am wrong to believe that Kashmiris are more down to earth? I believe one of my friends is from Kashmiri Azad and he takes great pride in being Kashmiri :D

Beduizzaman was oppressed a lot by the Ataturk government back in the days. He was more or less isolated from the rest of the world, but his sect still managed to survive through the ordinary Kurdish and Turkish population for a long time.

I dunno about us being down-to-earth but we're unparalleled food connoisseurs - We've got the most developed food palate amongst all Pakistanis & that is precisely why we cook the best food - I'll treat you to some when you visit Pakistan ! :D

And as for your friend from Azad Kashmir - Tell him to heed Quaid-e-Azam (the Father of our Nation) 's words & take pride in calling himself a Pakistani First Second & Last, instead of a Kashmir, a Punjabi, a Pukhtoon or any other ethnicity ! :)

Or his fellow Kashmiri - Armstrong from Pakistan is going to whoop his buttt ! :whistle:
Oh, if your last comment is somehow a comment towards my country (KSA) then I will remind you that we were never colonized by any foreigners but conquered others and our borders have been drawn by our own people and in fact the British had to stop us from conquering more land....

Sorry my knowledge is limited about this issue, i meant Syria and Iraq, as i know their borders decide with British.
Kurds fought besides Ottoman Empire not Ataturk. And their contribution to independence war is like %2.

Who betrayed who. You say Dersim Zilan Koçgiri, i can count you 20 more. You revolt against state, kill Turkish soldiers. You will face the consequences.

And was not your father figure a commander in Ottoman forces? And were not majority of the ones fighting in Galipolli Turks? It was a grave mistake for Kurds to aid turks at all, but they did, and turks returned the favour by massacring hundreds of thousands of Kurds.

20 more what? Kurds never committed one single massacre against Turkish civilians. Only Turks are notorious for that. Adolf Hitler learned a lot from ataturk. Kurds revolted against a state that wanted to annihilate the Kurds much like the ataturk administration annihilated the bosniaks, cherkez, laz, Pontic greeks, armenians and Assyrians. But their dream of turkifying everyone living in Anatolia stopped when they met the Kurds. The Kurds resisted. And for that they got massacred. And are you proud of massacring innocent people in their thousands? I think there is only one people in middle east that take pride in such things and that is the turks.
Okay don't hit me...don't hit me - I apologize ! :fie:

Makkawi - That sounds like more like a mouth watering dish than someone hailing from Mecca ! :ashamed:


Makkawi = Meccan.;)

Oh, Kashmir looks absolutely beautiful. Must be special to belong to such a small minority in Pakistan (3% as you said). Speaking about Kashmiris then I just saw a documentary about Salman Rushdie yesterday, LOL.
That still does not change the fact that Kurds are not Persians nor speaking Persian, that they face political oppression in Iran and that they want their own land including the territories situated inside Iran to be part of Kurdistan. Besides many Iranian Kurds are also Sunnis in the first place.

It's like saying that there should be no problems between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews because both are Semitic, speak a Semitic language and are closer to each other than for example Turks or Iranians if we exclude religion. Besides even Islam and Judaism are fellow Abrahamic religions with A LOT of similarities given that both religions emerged in Semitic lands.....

Once the Kurds will call for more rights then what is going to happen with all the other minorities inside Iran? After all 40% of all Iranians are non-Persians.

Hence why Iran will never be interested in giving the Kurds any autonomy - especially not the current Mullah regime. Your regime even complains about Afghans whom you are the closets too of all Iranian peoples.

Funny iranian mullah shares his concern about the afghan takeover of iran(English subtitles) - YouTube

I'm not sure about that. They are 7% of Iran and 30% of them are shia. Actually there was a Soviet mahabad republic created from parts of Iran, however it collapsed directly as soon as Soviet union stopped supporting it because of no popular support.

Some external kurdish parties like Pjak (PKK) tried to create a PKK VS Turkey situation in Iran, however that also failed because the nature of Iranian kurds, their history and the country differs. You can't copy a PKK and put it in Iran to succeed.

Also comparing Israeli-Palestinian situation is to extreme to be compared to Iran-Kurd situation and you know that very well.

The refugee problem is going on very long time and we had 8 years war and we have extreme sanctions, so it's difficult to receive millions of refugees for almost 20 years. Countries are complaining for receiving Palestinian and Syrian refugees, now think about Iranian problem with refugees. We receive most of the refugees in the world together with pakistan I think.

That stupid mullah from a corner in Isfahan is a nobody in Iran, they have warned him to shut up.
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