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PYD's Muslim: Ankara agreed to conditional autonomy

So do you think that the Syrian Kurds, who were not even considered as Kurds, allowed to call themselves Kurds or speak Kurdish (the language was not recognized and oppressed) and severely discriminated by the Syrian Arab Ba'ath party for the past 50 years, will suddenly forget all that?

There is no point to even talk about the Child-Murderer and the future of Syria in the same sentence because he has no future in Syria. The 2 million Syrian Kurds or so and their small territory will probably obtain autonomy and good for them.

The Kurdish "problem" is much bigger in Turkey, Iran and Iraq since their territories are much, much bigger and they are much more numerous as well.

Besides all GCC/Arab states should kick out foreign anti-Arabs - not sure you are one so apologizes beforehand.

Of course Kurds will not forget it. That is also why we are not allied to Assad even though many analysts believe that we should have done it long time ago since Turkey was funding the jihadists and the FSA who for a long time was attacking Kurds. But Kurds managed to create peace with the moderate FSA with whom they have been at ceasefire with for a long time now. The problem at the moment being is the Turkish funded jihadists who attack Kurds and Arabs randomly. Even Turkey and FSA has now taken distance from these. As of today, Turkish intelligence and foreign ministry met with Nechirvan Barzani of KRG and told him that they do not support Al Nusra anymore... Whether it is true or a lie, we will see in the future.

The Kurds in Syria are hardcore Apocis ( Ocalan loyalists) as Ocalan stayed in this area for many years during Hafez era. The Kurds in Syria have shown themselves to be very capable of both creating military and civilian structures. There are Kurdish and Arabic parties who have been active in the Kurdish areas for almost 50 years now. PYD has only been active for 5-6 years and they have been able to build an almost secure Kurdish autonomy in Northern Syria. PYD is very well organized and have massive funding from Kurds in Europe and USA.
I am not an expert when it comes to the social structures of Syrian Kurds or the political parties among them but the Kurdish question, once solved in Syria, will impact all the 3 remaining countries (Iraq, Turkey and Iran) that have significant Kurdish minorities and territories. Since all those Kurdish areas are connected across the borders then they will sooner rather than later try to unite. I think that this is a reality that the 4 countries mentioned should learn to live with somehow. At least in terms of autonomy.

I am all fine with that since those areas are inhabited by Kurds only (more or less) so why not let them have autonomy? They already have that in Iraq.

The Syrian Kurds who number about 2 million in Syria would commit a great mistake by siding with the Child-Murderer since it will bite them severely in the azz later since the Child-Murderer's days as a dictator of Syria are numbered.
If I am not mistaken, did not the central government in Baghdad need the approval of KRG for some newly bought heavy armory? In return the KRG asked for a percentage of that heavy armory? I will see if I can find the source

Nahthat was some bs about the f16s like the US selecting iraqi pilots based on their ethnicity\religion. Krg has around 60 t62s as their best heavy weaponry don't believe in some that claim krg having abrams, apache, m2..
How they are middle-finger to Turkey. PYD as for now never done anything against Turkey like KRG.

lol, look who is saying, Your foreign strategy is determined by random bearded mullahs.

Pyd is a part of PKK, ofcourse they are annoying Turkey. A week ago (as I said Turkey has no clear foreign policy) Turkey said that kurdish autonomy is unacceptable and dangerous.

About the bearded guys, you can say whatever you want about them, but their foreign policy is based on long term, they will not change their partners or opinions, at least not in short term.
I am not an expert when it comes to the social structures of Syrian Kurds or the political parties among them but the Kurdish question, once solved in Syria, will impact all the 3 remaining countries (Iraq, Turkey and Iran) that have significant Kurdish minorities and territories. Since all those Kurdish areas are connected across the borders then they will sooner rather than later try to unite. I think that this is a reality that the 4 countries mentioned should learn to live with somehow. At least in terms of autonomy.

I am all fine with that since those areas are inhabited by Kurds only (more or less) so why not let them have autonomy? They already have that in Iraq.

The Syrian Kurds who number about 2 million in Syria would commit a great mistake by siding with the Child-Murderer since it will bite them severely in the azz later since the Child-Murderer's days as a dictator of Syria are numbered.

Kurdish autonomy in all 4 parts of the geopolitical area called Kurdistan is inevitable. The problem is that especially Turkey and Iran have a problem with this. They believe Kurds would start fighting them once they get their autonomy. But the example with KRG ( Kurdish autonomy) in Iraq shows quite the opposite since KRG both has good economical ties with both Turkey and Iran. A Kurdish autonomy in Syria would be no different. Kurds in Syria has yet to fire a single bullet against civilian Turks or Arabs. Their only fight is with the jihadists and other extreme fractions of FSA and with the government forces that try to oppress especially Kurds living in Afrin and Aleppo.

Nahthat was some bs about the f16s like the US selecting iraqi pilots based on their ethnicity\religion. Krg has around 60 t62s as their best heavy weaponry don't believe in some that claim krg having abrams, apache, m2..

Ah okay. Anyways, my only point was that even though KRG has been autonomous for several years now, they have not shown any animosity against Turkey. And I really hope they can settle their problems with the central Baghadidi government in a peaceful way. Especially now since the sectarian war is on the rise again. KRG has been a place that both Kurds and Arabs can live in a rather safe community together. I hope it stays that way.
Kurdish autonomy in all 4 parts of the geopolitical area called Kurdistan is inevitable. The problem is that especially Turkey and Iran have a problem with this. They believe Kurds would start fighting them once they get their autonomy. But the example with KRG ( Kurdish autonomy) in Iraq shows quite the opposite since KRG both has good economical ties with both Turkey and Iran. A Kurdish autonomy in Syria would be no different. Kurds in Syria has yet to fire a single bullet against civilian Turks or Arabs. Their only fight is with the jihadists and other extreme fractions of FSA and with the government forces that try to oppress especially Kurds living in Afrin and Aleppo.

Well, Kurds deserve to get their autonomy and even their own country just as much as the Palestinians do. We Arabs have 22 different countries why can't the Kurds have one? The Turks have a country and the Iranians have a country.

The question is obviously whether regimes who ruled their minorities with an iron fist such as Iran and Iraq/Syria in the past will allow the creation of one big Kurdish state which could be a regional player. Or the world powers for that matter.

I think that it is more realistic to get autonomy first.

In which country do you think that it will be most difficult to obtain autonomy?
Kurdish autonomy in all 4 parts of the geopolitical area called Kurdistan is inevitable. The problem is that especially Turkey and Iran have a problem with this. They believe Kurds would start fighting them once they get their autonomy. But the example with KRG ( Kurdish autonomy) in Iraq shows quite the opposite since KRG both has good economical ties with both Turkey and Iran. A Kurdish autonomy in Syria would be no different. Kurds in Syria has yet to fire a single bullet against civilian Turks or Arabs. Their only fight is with the jihadists and other extreme fractions of FSA and with the government forces that try to oppress especially Kurds living in Afrin and Aleppo.

Ah okay. Anyways, my only point was that even though KRG has been autonomous for several years now, they have not shown any animosity against Turkey. And I really hope they can settle their problems with the central Baghadidi government in a peaceful way. Especially now since the sectarian war is on the rise again. KRG has been a place that both Kurds and Arabs can live in a rather safe community together. I hope it stays that way.

Iran differs from Turkey and Iraq and Syria. We never wiped off Kurdish villages, we never killed thousands of kurds. We always had a province named "kordestan" while the other countries didnt even recognize kurds as a nation. Culturally kurds are closer to rest of Iranians because they are part of Iranian peoples ethnically and by language. Kurds of Iran feel closest to their homeland compared to other kurds. So the problem will be solved politically.
Only them iraqi kurds will be stuck with us, except if you want to lose 19-23% of the budget share + put your economic lifeline in the hands of turkey. ( pipeline turkey)
Pyd is a part of PKK, ofcourse they are annoying for Turkey.

I don't care if they are PKK themselves unless they began terrorist activities. Which would have been a suicide since the terrain is not suitable for a guerrilla warfare against Turkey.

Few weeks ago (as I said Turkey has no clear foreign policy) Turkey said that kurdish autonomy is unacceptable and dangerous.

And a few years ago Turkey said the same things for KRG. Now they are our biggest business partners, Turkey's bilateral trade with KRG is $12 billions. And they are providing us with cheap oil.

What i mean is if the conditions are met and for the favor of Turkey, we can shift our policies in our benefit.

About the bearded guys, you can say whatever you want about them, but their foreign policy is based on long term, they will not change their partners or opinions, at least not in short term.

Well, if you are happy with your isolation, best wishes for you.
Well, Kurds deserve to get their autonomy and even their own country just as much as the Palestinians do. We Arabs have 22 different countries why can't the Kurds have one? The Turks have a country and the Iranians have a country.

The question is obviously whether regimes who ruled their minorities with an iron fist such as Iran and Iraq/Syria in the past will allow the creation of one big Kurdish state which could be a regional player. Or the world powers for that matter.

I think that it is more realistic to get autonomy first.

In which country do you think that it will be most difficult to obtain autonomy?

I dont think there is actually a part of Kurdistan which will become difficult to obtain autonomy. It is almost like a domino effect. As Kurds from the other parts watch their Kurdish people in Iraq obtaining autonomy, so will they strive for it. Autonomy in Syria is already almost there. In Turkey there is a peace process going on and the final step should very well be a Kurdish autonomy within the borders of Turkey, much like the one in Iraq. As for Iran, I hope there will be a likewise peace process that would lead to a peaceful autonomus Kurdish region. But it might take several years, or maybe a war in Iran before that happens.

As for which part that will get it last, I would have to say Turkey as Turkey has the backing of NATO and moral backing of EU and Turkey has been very successful in its psychological campaign to dehumanize PKK. Today, the Turkish government has to paint another picture of PKK, a more positive one, because today the government is in direct negotiations with PKK and its leaders who they called a ''baby killer'' and a ''terror leader'' for 30 years.
Iran differs from Turkey and Iraq and Syria. We never wiped off Kurdish villages, we never killed thousands of kurds. We always had a province named "kordestan" while the other countries didnt even recognize kurds as a nation. Culturally kurds are closer to rest of Iranians because they are part of Iranian peoples ethnically and by language. Kurds of Iran feel closest to their homeland compared to other kurds. So the problem will be solved politically.

That still does not change the fact that Kurds are not Persians nor speaking Persian, that they face political oppression in Iran and that they want their own land including the territories situated inside Iran to be part of Kurdistan. Besides many Iranian Kurds are also Sunnis in the first place.

It's like saying that there should be no problems between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews because both are Semitic, speak a Semitic language and are closer to each other than for example Turks or Iranians if we exclude religion. Besides even Islam and Judaism are fellow Abrahamic religions with A LOT of similarities given that both religions emerged in Semitic lands.....

Once the Kurds will call for more rights then what is going to happen with all the other minorities inside Iran? After all 40% of all Iranians are non-Persians.

Hence why Iran will never be interested in giving the Kurds any autonomy - especially not the current Mullah regime. Your regime even complains about Afghans whom you are the closets too of all Iranian peoples.

Funny iranian mullah shares his concern about the afghan takeover of iran(English subtitles) - YouTube
Iran differs from Turkey and Iraq and Syria. We never wiped off Kurdish villages, we never killed thousands of kurds. We always had a province named "kordestan" while the other countries didnt even recognize kurds as a nation. Culturally kurds are closer to rest of Iranians because they are part of Iranian peoples ethnically and by language. Kurds of Iran feel closest to their homeland compared to other kurds. So the problem will be solved politically.

True. Iran never did a mass murder of Kurds, but let us not start making an angel out of neither the Pahlavi regime nor the Mullah regime. Both of them were ruthless against political Kurds, and the Mullahs still are executing dozens of Kurds on a weekly basis. There is still not Kurdish mother language education ( in fact, Turkey has surpassed Iran in regards to accepting the Kurdish culture and language) and there are still massive cultural oppressions. Back when the Islamic rule came to power, it stated a ruthless fatwa against Kurds which resulted in the death of hundreds of Kurds.

Currently there is a ceasefire between PJAK and Iran because neither of them were able to succeed in their militaris approaches. I hope this will open up for a political solution. And as with any other part of Kurdistan the solution would end with an autonomous Kurdish region. But it is not like the Persians and Azeris are not used to this idea. As you say yourself, there is a Kurdistan county already in Iran.
I don't care if they are PKK themselves unless they began terrorist activities. Which would have been a suicide since the terrain is not suitable for a guerrilla warfare against Turkey.

And a few years ago Turkey said the same things for KRG. Now they are our biggest business partners, Turkey's bilateral trade with KRG is $12 billions. And they are providing us with cheap oil.

What i mean is if the conditions are met and for the favor of Turkey, we can shift our policies in our benefit.

Well, if you are happy with your isolation, best wishes for you.
So you think because you are having some talks it's no problem for PYD to become autonomous. You're even maybe sure that PKK will never come back to Turkey? well don't be suprised if they tomorrow, just like Turkey, also change their opinion. And they you do have a problem.

If it's purely business then Turkey should let kurds of Syria and Turkey get Autonomous.

A dynamic foreign policy is not a problem, but Turkish foreign policy is somehow chaotic. However their domestic policies are respectable.

About isolation, having an indepentent policy means isolation. It has a price. For being puppet, you will be loved by the masters. Who would isolate their puppets? no one
Well, Kurds deserve to get their autonomy and even their own country just as much as the Palestinians do. We Arabs have 22 different countries why can't the Kurds have one? The Turks have a country and the Iranians have a country.

Mate, if you think Turkey is ever going to let anybody or any country to obtain land from Turkey, you are dead wrong. We fought against all star-combination and kicked them from our country.

Let me remind you, Our border didn't drawn by a ruler but by blood, only blood can erase.
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