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Putin Bans Head Scarfs in schools

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Arzamas 16

Mar 30, 2012
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Russian Federation
Russian Federation

MOSCOW -- President Vladimir Putin spoke out Thursday against the wearing of headscarves in Russian schools in his first public comment on a potentially explosive issue.

Putin's statement follows a recent incident in Russia's southern region of Stavropol during which a school principal forbade girls from Muslim families from wearing headscarves to class. Their parents protested and the principal said she was threatened.

Asked to comment on the issue, Putin clearly voiced his opposition to headscarves at schools, saying that Russia is a secular state and must create equal conditions for all its citizens.

At the same time, Putin sought to calm passions raised by the dispute, saying that authorities must show a due respect to followers of all religions.

"We have a secular state, and we must proceed from that," Putin said at a meeting with supporters.

Other countries also have faced debate over the issue.

This month, police in Azerbaijan clashed with citizens protesting a ban on the wearing of headscarves in the mainly Muslim ex-Soviet nation's secondary schools.

In Europe, France and Belgium have banned the wearing of headscarves or face-covering Islamic veils in public, as have some towns in Spain and elsewhere.

Putin said Russia should learn from the decisions of such countries. "We must have a look at how such issues are solved by our neighbors in European countries, and all will become clear," he said.

An estimated 20 million of Russia's 143 million people are Muslims, and they make up the majority of the population in many regions, including the oil-rich province of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, as well as Chechnya and neighboring provinces in the volatile North Caucasus.

Putin said that with Russian Orthodox believers making up a majority, any departure from secular rules in public life could eventually lead to the infringement on the rights of followers of other religions. "It would be better if all people feel equal," he added.

If the dispute over headscarves escalates in Russia, it could fuel tensions between the federal government and Chechnya and other Muslim-dominated provinces.

Chechnya's Kremlin-backed leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, has imposed a tight Islamic dress code on females. Girls and women are strongly advised to wear headscarves in public.

Kadyrov's feared black-clad security forces have used paintball guns, threats and insults against those failing to obey.

The Kremlin has relied on Kadyrov, the ruthless Chechen strongman leader, to stabilize the region after two separatist wars since 1994 and turned a blind eye to his campaign for enforcing Islamic rules as well as massive rights abuses.

Putin said Thursday that one possible way out of the headscarves dispute would be the introduction of school uniforms.

Russia Head Scarf Ban: Putin Opposes Headscarves At Russian School

Good move.
First France then Russia, both with growing muslim population scares the **** out of them...is India next
but I am sure will scare off people from converting to islam and most muslim will even think about changing their religion only because girls cant wear scarf...omg
First France then Russia, both with growing muslim population scares the **** out of them...is India next
but I am sure will scare off people from converting to islam and most muslim will even think about changing their religion only because girls cant wear scarf...omg

No dont worry. India will not implement it. We dont have a strong leader/autocrat of the stature of Putin to enforce secularism.
First France then Russia, both with growing muslim population scares the **** out of them...is India next
but I am sure will scare off people from converting to islam and most muslim will even think about changing their religion only because girls cant wear scarf...omg

Belgium is also in the league. Spain on the other hand is also trying hard to implement this law...
How does wearing Hijab challenges the status of Russian 'secularism' ? Does it effect the performance of student? No. Does it harm anyother person? No.

I don't know..but wearing Hijab is not even an issue...Niqab is a different topic though...

Anyways , I'm in America :yahoo:
This surely will bring russia's glory back. Not reducing the 90% alcoholism in Russia. Or highest heroin addiction in the world. Or the negative fertility rate. Or corruption in virtually every government sector. NO!! Its the girls headscarf problem that needs to be dealt with. Its the new fad now, to look cultured and modern you must pull off girls headscarfs. This dictator is hated by most Russians, if it wasn't for the oil and gas boom in the last decade he would be rotting in the Gulag by now.
Its the new fad now, to look cultured and modern you must pull off girls headscarfs.

What looks cultured to you might not look the same for others and what looks cultured to others may not look the same to you. Diversity, hello.

MOSCOW -- President Vladimir Putin spoke out Thursday against the wearing of headscarves in Russian schools in his first public comment on a potentially explosive issue.

Putin's statement follows a recent incident in Russia's southern region of Stavropol during which a school principal forbade girls from Muslim families from wearing headscarves to class. Their parents protested and the principal said she was threatened.

Asked to comment on the issue, Putin clearly voiced his opposition to headscarves at schools, saying that Russia is a secular state and must create equal conditions for all its citizens.

At the same time, Putin sought to calm passions raised by the dispute, saying that authorities must show a due respect to followers of all religions.

"We have a secular state, and we must proceed from that," Putin said at a meeting with supporters.

Other countries also have faced debate over the issue.

This month, police in Azerbaijan clashed with citizens protesting a ban on the wearing of headscarves in the mainly Muslim ex-Soviet nation's secondary schools.

In Europe, France and Belgium have banned the wearing of headscarves or face-covering Islamic veils in public, as have some towns in Spain and elsewhere.

Putin said Russia should learn from the decisions of such countries. "We must have a look at how such issues are solved by our neighbors in European countries, and all will become clear," he said.

An estimated 20 million of Russia's 143 million people are Muslims, and they make up the majority of the population in many regions, including the oil-rich province of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, as well as Chechnya and neighboring provinces in the volatile North Caucasus.

Putin said that with Russian Orthodox believers making up a majority, any departure from secular rules in public life could eventually lead to the infringement on the rights of followers of other religions. "It would be better if all people feel equal," he added.

If the dispute over headscarves escalates in Russia, it could fuel tensions between the federal government and Chechnya and other Muslim-dominated provinces.

Chechnya's Kremlin-backed leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, has imposed a tight Islamic dress code on females. Girls and women are strongly advised to wear headscarves in public.

Kadyrov's feared black-clad security forces have used paintball guns, threats and insults against those failing to obey.

The Kremlin has relied on Kadyrov, the ruthless Chechen strongman leader, to stabilize the region after two separatist wars since 1994 and turned a blind eye to his campaign for enforcing Islamic rules as well as massive rights abuses.

Putin said Thursday that one possible way out of the headscarves dispute would be the introduction of school uniforms.

Russia Head Scarf Ban: Putin Opposes Headscarves At Russian School

So now putin has gone so crazy that he contradicts his own actions n sayings!:lol:
Typical hypocritical actions!
^^ No problem as long as it doesn't effect us. However, if they side to be part of NATO, (nowadays, strongly rumoured about), then maybe they need to be taught a lesson like the old Afghan War days... ;)
What looks cultured to you might not look the same for others and what looks cultured to others may not look the same to you. Diversity, hello.

As same is for u too!!!
Also its not cultural but its religious!!!!
Its compulsory for Muslim Women to cover herself from head to toe, scarfs r added which covers head n hairs.
If removing your clothes or wearing anything short is 'freedom of expression', then putting on some clothes is also the same. Bad move, Mr. Putin.
As same is for u too!!!
Also its not cultural but its religious!!!!
Its compulsory for Muslim Women to cover herself from head to toe, scarfs r added which covers head n hairs.

If you did not know, Russia is not an Islamic country. Just saying.
Great move. Muslims will have a harder time getting the Chinese and Russians to what they want.
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