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Pushing the Shoal to the brink,the resolve of the mighty Chinese navy

I'd like to note that while Palau is a sovereign country with its own independent government, it is a party to the compact of free association with the US, meaning its defence is the US' responsibility, as well as enforcing its eez. This might be part of the reason China did nothing.

It is my understanding that the US coast guard routinely patrols its waters.

This would also apply to the marshall islands and the federated states of micronesia.

Interestingly enough at a quick glance they are all quite close to the Philippines.
that event is a purely fishing dispute,Palau dosent claim any our islands and sea,it's a completely different story.

Don't know what their obsession is with trying to plot Han Chinese against Manchu. Let me tell you this back in the days where Dynasties existed the different ethnic groups wanted to rule China. After the imperial rule collapsed thanks to Sun Yat Sen and afterwards CCP took power there's no such thing as the one ethnic group ruling the other ethnic groups. It's a one party organization with Han Chinese, Manchus etc. all part of the ruling party.
Remember there's one China, these ethnic groups are part of China and their nationality are Chinese. Together we protect our motherland and crush those who dare to attack us. Your idea of spreading hate among Manchu, Han Chinese and other ethnic groups will not even work, it's even silly.

haha,he is just a clown ,his main job here is to amuse us every now and then.lol..
there is no difference between Han and Man in today's Chinese ,we are all Chinese and we all love China and are ready to do anything to protect her. that's the hard fact and if you tiny Vietnamese dare to mess with us we will send you to hell.

u did not leave any other race as having any influence.. u Hans migrate in millions and chnage demographics like u did in Tibet, Xinxiang, and Mongolia. People other then Hans are discriminated and looted of their resources and made a minority in their own areas and later insignificant.

So first u capture other's terriroty, then terrorise those people, then send millions of hans, and finally the locals culture and race is finished... and Hans move to next territory..
u did not leave any other race as havin gany influence.. u Hans migrate in millions and chnage demographics like u did in Tibet, Xinxiang, and Mongolia. People other then Hans are discriminated and looted of their resources and made a minority in their own areas and later insignificant.

Your version of history is completely wrong.

Xinjiang was founded and claimed two thousand years ago by the Han Dynasty. Uighurs came down the Silk Road and settled in Chinese Xinjiang.

Xinjiang has always been and always will be Han territory. Uighurs are guests in the Han homeland. They are free to return up the Silk Road to Kazakhstan from whence they came if they wish.



"Xinjiang was previously known as Xiyu (西域) or Qurighar (غەربىي دىيار), meaning Western Region, under the Han Dynasty, which drove the Xiongnu empire ..."
u did not leave any other race as havin gany influence.. u Hans migrate in millions and chnage demographics like u did in Tibet, Xinxiang, and Mongolia. People other then Hans are discriminated and looted of their resources and made a minority in their own areas and later insignificant.

practice what you preach,lol,India,how much those problem do you have in your country,you have a notorious insurgency problem,don't you?and what you did in Kashmir is nothing short of atrocity.your insurgent groups even have tanks and airplanes,you should better care more about your own business.lo.
The Vietnamese had guns. They lost the battle. Don't be a sore loser.

This was a military engagement between the PLA Navy and the Vietnamese Navy. If your military technology is decades behind the PLA Navy, your admirals shouldn't send your troops into a hopeless battle. You have dumb admirals and it's your country's fault.

Dirty Chinese aggressor's warships attacked on cargoship with worker-sailors when they working on shoal of Vietnam, which belong to Vietnam from ancient time.

there is no difference between Han and Man in today's Chinese ,we are all Chinese and we all love China and are ready to do anything to protect her. that's the hard fact and if you tiny Vietnamese dare to mess with us we will send you to hell.

Other Manchus, Tibetan, Ujgur, Inner-mongolian don't think so. You are brain washed guys.

This information for you.

The temporary government (of Manchukuo) is based on democracy. The first president of the government is Minbyong Nyugulu. He was also the founder of the temporary government. He led a cabinet with members from Japan, USA, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Europe, etc.
The temporary government also set up branches all over the world, such as Japan, Taiwan, USA, Brazil and Italy. The scale of the government become bigger and bigger.
The government carried out Anti-Communist China policy after 2008. They aimed at defeating the Communist China and build up a democratic China and Manchuria. They also support the Independence of Tibet, East Turkistan and Taiwan.
In April 2011,to strengthen Manchukuo's power, fight against the evil Chinese Communist and support the Chinese Democrats. We have made agreement with the Qing Restoration Organization to merge the two regime. We will make a stronger, more democratic and liberal country. The new Manchuria will remain a democratic country, it consist of more democrats.
The proposal was passed by the cabinet. The result of the Manchu-Qing Merging Plebiscite was also passed.
The Prime Minister Mr. Cheung Siu Bong and the cabinet members have resigned to His Majesty, the sovereign rights and ruling right was handed to the Temporary Administrator Mr. Jason Adam Tonis. He will discuss with the Qing Restoration Organization about the merging matters. The new government will be formed soon.
In May 28, 2011. His Majesty Lee Chee Chuan become our new emperor. Mr. Jason Adam Tonis was elected as the new Prime Minister.
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there is no difference between Han and Man in today's Chinese ,we are all Chinese and we all love China and are ready to do anything to protect her. that's the hard fact and if you tiny Vietnamese dare to mess with us we will send you to hell.

In China, the Forgotten Manchu Seek to Rekindle Their Glory - WSJ.com

In China, the Forgotten Manchu Seek to Rekindle Their Glory

QAPQAL, China -- Hasutai gingerly turns on the tape recorder and places it on a table. Out of it emanates something he thought he'd never hear: his native tongue, Manchu, spoken by a living person.

Hasutai is a Manchu, descendant of a nomadic warrior tribe that conquered China in the 17th century and ruled it for more than 250 years. Generations of persecution have all but eliminated the Manchus' language.

So Hasutai, who in the Manchu tradition goes by the one name, has come to this remote corner of China on a quest. His goal is to connect with members of the Xibe tribe -- a reclusive group who speak a forgotten dialect similar to his people's. Along with a band of like-minded young people in half a dozen Chinese cities, Hasutai has started schools, Web sites, written textbooks and recorded the few remaining Manchu speakers for posterity. "At some point you realize that the first language you're speaking isn't your mother tongue," says Hasutai. "You feel like an orphan. You want to find your mother."

From two million registered Manchus in China's 1980 census, the country now has nine million -- a reflection of people's willingness to ignore stigmas and embrace their true heritage. For Hasutai, the desire to reconnect to his roots flared up when he was 11 and realized that his people's language was all but dead. He decided to teach himself written Manchu, using textbooks and old ethnographic recordings of Manchus.

Over time, he came into contact with other Manchus who shared the same goals. The group launched two Web sites, reprinted old textbooks, made up flashcards and collected recordings of Manchu speakers. Hasutai began holding classes in downtown Beijing. "We want it to be part of our life, a language we speak with our spouses and children," says Ridaikin, who also uses the Chinese name Hu Aibo. The 24-year-old graduate student in mathematics teaches one of the Manchu classes in Beijing.
Manchu dialect has almost died out. Why? There is only the Chinese identity. They are part of Han China and we recognize them as such.

If you assimilate, no one will challenge your Han identity and right to every top job in China. Keep stressing your separatist agenda and you'll get locked up. Only troublemakers and misfits keep agitating.

Visions of the 18th century: The charms of Qing TV | The Economist

"Jun 20, 2012 – Today, only a century later, spoken Manchu is in danger of dying out altogether. But language is not the whole story. In the 1990s, historians in ..."
The Vietnamese had guns. They lost the battle. Don't be a sore loser.

This was a military engagement between the PLA Navy and the Vietnamese Navy. If your military technology is decades behind the PLA Navy, your admirals shouldn't send your troops into a hopeless battle. You have dumb admirals and it's your country's fault.
in 1988, we're busy to kill chinese in VietNam-Laos-Camb like killing chinese in Indonesia, you just killed few VNese when we killed billions of you guys :coffee:
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in 1988, we're busy to kill chinese in VietNam-Laos-Camb like killing chinese in Indonesia, you just killed few VNese when we killed billions of you guys :coffee:

You killed billions of Chinese? When did this happen? Will anyone on this forum believe your ridiculous claim?

Do you have any credibility left?
You killed billions of Chinese? When did this happen? Will anyone on this forum believe your ridiculous claim?

Do you have any credibility left?

Of course they will. As long as it's against China they will believe it 100% no proof necessary. Their minds and thoughts are already controlled, they can't help it.

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