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Punjab: Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy

And people wonder why Pakistan/US relationships are tense and shaky.

Imagine if a Muslim woman in the USA was sentenced to death for debating her faith and declaring "The concept of the Trinity is lunacy and idolatry!"

There'd be 100,000 rallies worldwide screaming bloody murder.

This woman should be immediately freed, and those who abused her family punished.

Pakistan is not a secular country and Pakistanis dont pretend that their country is secular unlike india where nuns were gangraped by a bunch of angry hindu men just 2 years ago and indian police did nothing about it.

I admit that most of United States is secular and freedom is granted to Muslims to practice our Religion but there are some areas of U.S. where its not safe for Muslims such as this place:

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I agree with you on the Mullah part and what you say, however, Disbelieving and committing blasphemy are two different thing my brother. history tells us that majority of muslim rulers allowed people of other faiths to follow their own religion by simply paying Jizya.
However, here, we have a person disgracing our holy prophet.. how could any muslim tolerate that and not beat the hell out of that person.. especially in his own country.

Accha so Jizya is so simple is it??do muslims pay jizya in non muslim countries/or r muslims Ok with jizya systems for muslims in non muslim countries as they regard Jizya to be a fair and just system for minorities??

What laws do u have on disrespecting prophets of other's faiths??well if u question and criticise others prophet be ready to face questions on r muhammed.Remember respect is a 2 way lane give and take...;)
^^ Jizya is a form of tax, you live in UK you pay tax, ever questioned that?
Dont want to pay tax leave the country, same goes for non-muslims.

yeah but the taxes are nit based on personal beliefs or religion. YOu impose those on minorities and you say its perfectly normal?
The Prophet Muhammad used to walk past a woman's house everyday, and that same woman always threw rubbish at him. He did not order her death. Instead, he visited her when she was sick. The Prophet Muhammad went to a nearby village to preach Islam. He came back with his sandals clogged in blood when the villagers threw rocks at him. He did not order them to be hurt.

Brother, someone throwing rubbish could be tolerable. One may even tolerate somebody throwing stones.

But when somebody makes poems ridiculing the Prophet, like Asma bint Marwan did, then it is a very serious crime.

That is why the Prophet had to let the law take its course, and she was killed.
Brother, someone throwing rubbish could be tolerable. One may even tolerate somebody throwing stones.

But when somebody makes poems ridiculing the Prophet, like Asma bint Marwan did, then it is a very serious crime.

That is why the Prophet had to let the law take its course, and she was killed.

No. Please give me a source. I do not believe this happened.
yeah but the taxes are nit based on personal beliefs or religion. YOu impose those on minorities and you say its perfectly normal?

Jizya tax is called protection tax for a reason. When war came, Muslim men were required to fight and defend their land while non-muslms were not required to do so. In other words, minorities were not required to fight. Now, say, both of us are citizens of an Islamic state during the Golden age of Islam and we are attacked by some enemies. Why should I lay my life down to protect you if you are not doing anything for the country?
Jizya tax is called protection tax for a reason. When war came, Muslim men were required to fight and defend their land while non-muslms were not required to do so. In other words, minorities were not required to fight. Now, say, both of us are citizens of an Islamic state during the Golden age of Islam and we are attacked by some enemies. Why should I lay my life down to protect you if you are not doing anything for the country?

Jizya tax is protection tax??from whom??:rofl:protection from the same empire,it mean pay money so that we wont ****/loot/kill u.

Generations and generations of hindus have faced this inhumane treatment and now u guys try to defend Jizya??

Why did the minorities have to pay Jizya to offer prayers then??security for the temple eh??
Golden age of Islam was ever based on the slaughter of non muslims,islam is never just and fair for non muslims and this very attitude is making problems for all in the world.
Pakistan is not a secular country and Pakistanis dont pretend that their country is secular unlike india where nuns were gangraped by a bunch of angry hindu men just 2 years ago and indian police did nothing about it.

I admit that most of United States is secular and freedom is granted to Muslims to practice our Religion but there are some areas of U.S. where its not safe for Muslims such as this place:


Yes Mr Omar ,injustice happened to christians in orissa,justice was delayed to them but then justice was not denied.The murderer of the australian preist is sentenced to dearth,and more recently a ruling MLA was given life term sentence along with many dozens to the kandamal riots.

Now do u see the difference,ur holy country make unholy things a law,depending on which laws minorities can be harassed.Its like minorities in pakistan can be abused but when they abuse back they will be jailed ..this is the justice given to non muslims in islamic countries..Now do u understan why india wont give islamists in kashmir freedom??coz we wont allow unjust treatment to the kashmiri hindus/sikhs/buddhists no matter if entire races are wiped out.
Pakistan is not a secular country and Pakistanis dont pretend that their country is secular unlike india where nuns were gangraped by a bunch of angry hindu men just 2 years ago and indian police did nothing about it.

I admit that most of United States is secular and freedom is granted to Muslims to practice our Religion but there are some areas of U.S. where its not safe for Muslims such as this place:


don't defend this injustice, lets try to better ourselves before we say anything to others.

This woman deserves to be freed and we should get rid of blasphemy laws.
Jizya tax is called protection tax for a reason. When war came, Muslim men were required to fight and defend their land while non-muslms were not required to do so. In other words, minorities were not required to fight. Now, say, both of us are citizens of an Islamic state during the Golden age of Islam and we are attacked by some enemies. Why should I lay my life down to protect you if you are not doing anything for the country?

Are you sure that this interpretation is right ?

Check this out :

The Jizya was mandated by the Quran, Surah 9, verse 29:

" Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold forbidden that which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."


Evidently it was less to protect but more to subdue.
People r mentioning Asma bint Marwan here as example but this hadees is totally fabricated, read below :The False Account of Asma bint Marwan
by Ebrahim Saifuddin

Prophet Muhammad(saw) has been accused of ordering the killing of Asma bint Marwan after she had insulted him(saw) through her poetry. She was a poetess and a mother for whose death our Prophet(saw) is being held responsible.

Any student of Islam knows that the life of Prophet Muhammad(saw) has been described in detail in what he call the “Ahadith”. Ahadith in whole are basically collected stories, events, actions of the Prophet(saw). However not all the stories transmitted down by a chain of narrators are cent percent true. There are many sahih, hasan, da’eef (weak) ahadith. For Muslims it was very important to develop a science of hadith to separate truth from falsehood.

There are two places where this story about the killing of Asma bint Marwan has been reported and those are:

1) Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir


2) Kinz ul Ummal

In Kinz ul Ummal this story is related under number 44131 and has been attributed to three people namely Ibn Asaker, Ibn Sad and Ibn Adiyy.

Ibn Adiyy is also the author of the book Al-Kamel and in that book he has mentioned this incident and on the authority of Jafar Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn As-Sabah on authority of Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Ash-Shami on authority of Muhammad Ibn Al-Hajjaj Al-Lakhmi on authority of Mujalid on authority of Ash-Shu’abi on authority of Ibn ‘Abbas, he has added the following:

this isnad (chain of reporters) is not narrated on authority of Mujalid but by Muhammad Ibn Al-Hajjaj and they all (other reporters in the chain) accuse Muhammad Ibn Al-Hajjaj of forging it. (Al-Kamel Vol 6, pg. 145)

Ibn al-Gawzi in his book Al-Ilal (Vol. 1, pg. 279) mentioned that this report was false. This report is also listed among other flawed reports.

Hence in conclusion this report is nothing but a fabricated lie – a forgery and should be discarded.
what does the pakistani members think how to get rid of blasphmy law? what is the best way to deal with it?
Jizya tax is protection tax??from whom??:rofl:protection from the same empire,it mean pay money so that we wont ****/loot/kill u.

No you fool, from non-muslim armies. Did you even read what you said?

Generations and generations of hindus have faced this inhumane treatment and now u guys try to defend Jizya??

Why did the minorities have to pay Jizya to offer prayers then??security for the temple eh??
Golden age of Islam was ever based on the slaughter of non muslims,islam is never just and fair for non muslims and this very attitude is making problems for all in the world.

Proof please.

I swear, half the people here really did learn about Islam from their parents.
Are you sure that this interpretation is right ?

Check this out :

The Jizya was mandated by the Quran, Surah 9, verse 29:

" Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold forbidden that which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."


Evidently it was less to protect but more to subdue.

It is what we call 'Legal prosecution'. Does it say kill? Does it say harass? Does it say hurt?. 'fought' (bought to court) refers to making them pay state tax.

Now, go to any tax enforcing country, and tell me what happens if you don't pay your tax.

For Muslims, Zakaat tax is compulsory. For non-Muslims, Jizya is.
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