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Punjab: Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy


Aug 3, 2008
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For the first time, a woman is sentenced to death in Pakistan for this kind of “offence”. The blasphemy law was introduced in 1986 by then Pakistani dictator Zia-ul Haq and since then it has become a tool for discrimination and violence. Part of the Pakistan Penal Code, the law imposes life in prison for defiling the Qur’an and death for insulting Muhammad.

Islamabad (AsiaNews/Agencies) – Pakistan has “crossed a line” in sentencing a Christian woman to death for blasphemy. Asia Bibi, a 37-year-old farm worker mother of two, was convicted of committing blasphemy before her fellow workers during a heated discussion about religion in the village of Ittanwali in June last year.

Some of the women workers had reportedly been pressuring Bibi to renounce her Christian faith and accept Islam. During one discussion, Bibi responded by speaking of how Jesus had died on the cross for the sins of humanity and asking the Muslim women what Muhammad had done for them.

The Muslim women took offence and began beating Bibi. Afterwards she was locked in a room. According to Release International, a mob reportedly formed and “violently abused” her and her children.

The charity, which supports persecuted Christians, said that blasphemy charges were brought against Bibi because of pressure from local Muslim leaders.

Release International’s chief executive, Andy Dipper, expressed his shock at Sunday’s ruling.

“Pakistan has crossed a line in passing the death sentence on a woman for blasphemy,” he said.

In addition to the death sentence, Bibi was also fined the equivalent for an unskilled worker of two and a half years’ wages.

Another Christian woman, Martha Bibi (no relation to Asia), is also on trial in Lahore for blasphemy.

According to the National Commission on Justice and Peace (NCJP) of the Catholic Church, between 1986 and August 2009, at least 974 people have been charged for defiling the Qur’an or insulting the Prophet Muhammad. They include 479 Muslims, 340 Ahmadis, 119 Christians, 14 Hindus and 10 from other religions.

The blasphemy law has often been used as a pretext for personal attacks or vendettas as well as extra-judicial murders. Overall, 33 people have died this way at the hands of individuals or crazed mobs.
Well this is just unfortunate. Why the **** do we have blasphemy laws today?
Where is the source?

She should be given warning if it is first offense. Killing isn't justify in this case.
if its the rule of land than she should be killed, right? didn't any one know of this law in the first place? Why was it added to the constitution? And why wasn't it repealed?
can it not be challenged legally??

death is way big punishment for blasphemy.
these laws do not fit in 21st century.
I bet she was winning too.

If Muslims lose a religious debate, they kill the opponent. How sad.

Soo true. I was talking to my Sisters about the killing of Umm Qirfa by the prophet Mohammed, and they both couldn't handle it, they both got up from their seats and starting shouting like crazy.. they kicked me out of our living room... My sisters are not even religious, so i was shocked at their response to me... they are still not speaking to me properly.
This law will not be repealed because of widespread bigotry in the society. Even when Hudood laws were amended very slightly, PML-N along with religious parties and TI voted against it, their excuse was that the amendment implied giving license to fornication.

Regret to say that 11 years of the bigot Zia era has caused bigotry and hypocrisy to dig its roots deep into the society. All proponents for the repeal of Hudood and Blasphemy laws are labeled nonbelievers. No one would therefore dare to try to repeal these inhuman laws.

Personally I am dead against both of these laws because I found no proven incident where anyone was put to death for insulting the holy Prophet (PBUH) during his lifetime and punishment for adultery as mentioned in the holy Quran is 100 lashes, not stoning by death.

Hadd can only be applied upon statement of 4 eye witnesses. We see only women punished because they get pregnant but men go free. This is clearly unjust and no divine law can be unjust.

Alas Taliban and bigots don’t think so.
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