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Christian couple sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan

@waz See man my intention wasn't to malign Pakistan or it's people. But the thing which freaks me out is that some people here. Try to drag others, just to hide some people's wrongdoing. No hard feeling and neither was my post for all Pakistanis. Peace! :-)

Fair enough reviewer. Like i stated before I oppose the law. A rising number of people are beginning to as well.
"an imam that they were sending blasphemous text messages"

Iss harami maulvi ko kaun text messages bhejai ga? Who bhee blasphemous? Stupd Maulvis and all their stupid followers are the bane of Pakistan. They have an iq of below 40 to believe all the crap that the mullas' kafir producing factory churns out. Then these people have the nerve to accuse the world of judging them. I mean, really? Look at your actions.

How could you abuse/accuse someone without knowing him.?Is he your neighbour,classmate or what?
Only those who are dumb enough to abuse majority religion in the country... It is punishable to death in our constitution if proved... than whats wrong with it if disrespect of a religion is a crime and punishable to death in your country than it must be exercised..

Actually the Muslim article of faith : "There is only one God, and Muhammed is his Prophet" is a denial of the Christian (some but not all Christians actually) belief in the Holy Trinity, so just beeing a Muslim, in a Christian society is automatically Blasphemeous, and vice versa. Any laws on Blasphemy would cause the ban of
most religions, unless discrimination vs certain religions is the idea.
Actually the Muslim article of faith : "There is only one God, and Muhammed is his Prophet" is a denial of the Christian (some but not all Christians actually) belief in the Holy Trinity, so just beeing a Muslim, in a Christian society is automatically Blasphemeous, and vice versa. Any laws on Blasphemy would cause the ban of
most religions, unless discrimination vs certain religions is the idea.
Actually it is " there is only one GOD, Mohammad PBUH is His last prophet" We do believe in Jesus and Sir as i said above these strict punishments are to prevent people from doing this or we can say that they are symbolic.. now it is that person's fault to do such a thing knowing of the punishment.
No one is permitted to SAy anything about any of the world's religion that is abusive.. Sure laws should evolve but abusing a religion is not a decent thing to do nd how can u even comment on a religion or make a joke about a religion u dnt even know???.. These punishments are for prevention from such a thing but still people does that.

The most famous "abuse" of religions in recent years was the Danish Muhammed cartoons,
which caused riots all over the Islamic world and boycotts against Danish companies totally
unrelated to the cartoons.
A Danish Imam Abdul Akkari just published a book where he claimed that
a convention of Imams in Bahrain promised those companies to stop boycotts for a fee.

(In Danish unfortunately)
Akkari-bog: Arla betalte sig ud af Muhammed-krise - Nationalt | www.b.dk

Interesting approach.
Nice law to beat the minorities with...

and, a death sentence based on a Mullah's word? there was one Mullah who tore pages off a holy book just to instigate a mentally challenged minority girl child once...didn't he?
The most famous "abuse" of religions in recent years was the Danish Muhammed cartoons,
which caused riots all over the Islamic world and boycotts against Danish companies totally
unrelated to the cartoons.
A Danish Imam Abdul Akkari just published a book where he claimed that
a convention of Imams in Bahrain promised those companies to stop boycotts for a fee.

Interesting approach.
That doesnt make it ethical if some black sheeps and so called imams said a thing like that and those riots were actually for an apology from that cartoonist and publisher
Actually it is " there is only one GOD, Mohammad PBUH is His last prophet" We do believe in Jesus and Sir as i said above these strict punishments are to prevent people from doing this or we can say that they are symbolic.. now it is that person's fault to do such a thing knowing of the punishment.

What is Blasphemous or not is all dependent on the mainstream religion.
Pagan Norsemen would introduce you to the Blood Eagle for denying Odin as the supreme God!
Many Christians were sacrificed due to blasphemy in the Viking era.

In Ancient Greece you would be worse of, since the Gods would intervene personally, LOL.

You can only have laws on Blasphemy, by denying the minorities freedom of religion.
That is inviting discrimination of Muslims in many countries like CAS.

Is that the kind of world you would like to live in?

Death Penalty is medieval, and unworthy of modern society.
That doesnt make it ethical if some black sheeps and so called imams said a thing like that and those riots were actually for an apology from that cartoonist and publisher

It is interesting that absolution has a price. The Catholic Church meddled in such business in the Medieval
times, and this was one of the key triggers for the creation of the Protestant Church.

The message Islam sent to (or at least perceived by) Western Europe regarding cartoons, was:

"If you do not apologize for cartoons, indicating 'Islam comes with a hidden threat', we will kill you!".

Would be interesting to know if Muslims are aware of this...
No one is permitted to SAy anything about any of the world's religion that is abusive.. Sure laws should evolve but abusing a religion is not a decent thing to do nd how can u even comment on a religion or make a joke about a religion u dnt even know???.. These punishments are for prevention from such a thing but still people does that.
I am not justifying their act but critizing barbaric laws/punishments
How could you abuse/accuse someone without knowing him.?Is he your neighbour,classmate or what?

He's lying. He's accused innocent people of blasphemy and the chances are they will be killed, all because a criminal scum labelled himself an Imam and everyone fell on their knees and started to take all his words as divine. Now tell me, are you happy that two more Unpure Pakistanis are about to eliminated?
I am actually quoting you. :)
Guys, if you're unhappy about the death sentence you really should do something about it. Right now you're accepting what is happening with only a peep or two of unorganized protest.

If you and like-minded friends got together to protest, that might be something. Or a crowd surrounding the prison the couple is in, decrying the blasphemy law and demanding the couple's release. The blasphemy law is, after all, a relic of British colonial rule, yes? You know you can't rely on your politicians anymore - not after what happened to Salman Taseer. So if you really care, you're going to have to take action yourselves.
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