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Public hangings in Iran

You are entitled to your opinion and i am of a different opinion. I dont want my tax to be used on keeping these scum in prisons. I want to remove them from society so the world becomes a safer place. I believe having strict laws will make people think twice. If you want to put them in prisons that are already over filling thats fine by me - i however dont agree.
Fair enough. I can see the merits of that, but to make them public, I think would be a step too far.
Regarding that method used in Iran, is it Islamically allowed? Anyone have any ruling on that?

Longbrained keep peoples' sisters out of this discussion pls. Somebody of your type may respond in the same language.

there are punishments for crimes.. there are hanging for some crimes but for rapes i guess it might be death as they deserve it..
Every western news is based on christian propaganda to keep the people away from Islam. We know these games and the most people that do research about Islam, they see a whole diffirent thing because then they know that Media is nothing else but huge lie source to make the Islam bad look.
Public hangings are disgusting. I'm against capital punishment in general, unless for few special crimes, but I'm completely against killing people in public.

Why? You ever thought what could behind this?
Why? You ever thought what could behind this?

Yea, the idea is to show the people of the fate of a wrong-doer and to make them afraid of the same fate if they do the same act. But that idea is outdated to say the least.

may be they should try public beheading.

Yea, to get as democratic as Saudis. LOL.
outdate give an update kill'em and make a cartoon tobe update?
so give us a clue updated ways ! i assume you think islam is outdated too .
btw if watching it in public is wrong ,our children have parents(unlike some secular countries) they will take care of children .
outdate give an update kill'em and make a cartoon tobe update?
so give us a clue updated ways ! i assume you think islam is outdated too .
btw if watching it in public is wrong ,our children have parents(unlike some secular countries) they will take care of children .

The updated version is to hang them in the early morning in a special area in prison. Like they used to do so. That's the updated version.
You want a newer version? Don't kill people, sentence them to life time prison instead.
Iranians have a healthy and just justice system only made possible by the greater implementation of sharia. But beheading should
be the way, not hanging. A swift cut to the neck is much more merciful than hanging. But I think minors should be not allowed
to view it. Maybe it can be done in closed doors and in restricted area. The only reason that Sharia allows for public execution
is to warn possible culprits and criminals for going the wrong path. But this can also be done by allowing adults and people
having criminal records witness it in a restricted area. Off course it should be voluntary for the adults but not for the ones
with criminal records.
Yea, the idea is to show the people of the fate of a wrong-doer and to make them afraid of the same fate if they do the same act. But that idea is outdated to say the least.

Islam doenst have outdate update culture like the Christians do. The reason why Christianity is so weak and corrupt, is because of the outdate update culture. To adjust to laws of God for the time they live in to. Islam is different. Islam is universal and is not revealed for a time period only. Islam is universal and its laws can be apllied on every time period.

Now coming back to the punishment. First of all the punishment is not there because people loving it to do or to watch. The penalty system of Sharia is more to give people a shock and give them fear feelings so they will think twice before they making a mistake. You can prevent corruption within a community with this. But still if you dont like you dont have to watch. The main point is that you learn something about it. If you dont want to live in a Sharia country, then you can go. We dont have to be emotional.
I don't think most people need to watch a public execution to know murdering and rape is wrong.
The updated version is to hang them in the early morning in a special area in prison. Like they used to do so. That's the updated version.
You want a newer version? Don't kill people, sentence them to life time prison instead.

For some crime life imprisonment does not deliver the justice. There are maybe roughly half a dozen such crimes for which death penalty should be retained and exercised after exhaustive investigation and reviews.

The most update version is not hanging. It would be better if the criminal to be executed is done in a special chamber with victims having the option to watch if they are interested. The video of the procedure should be certified by a judge and released publicly.

The best way would be nitrogen or helium inhalation in the chamber filled with the gas along with some kind of anesthetic or sedative. Another option would be xenon gas which is itself a strong anesthetic gas. But xenon is extremely expensive and another option can be its recycling and repeated storage. That is the most painless and humane way. As for the body, I think the convict should be given the choice to donate his organs for which a medical team should be on hand to take over the body once death declared by the judicial staff. The convict can also be given the choice that a certain fixed amount of money would be paid to his/her family or charity of choice. Or alternatively it can be made law that all executions will terminate in organ donation program, regardless of the wishes of the convict. At any rate the organ donation should be anonymous so that the organ recipient would not know about it ever.
I don't think most people need to watch a public execution to know murdering and rape is wrong.
It is not about knowing that rape is wrong. It is about the fear.

Now I doubt after watching this video you(I mean any rapist) would ever think of rape if you were in Iran. :no:
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