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Public hangings in Iran

Yes, it's definitely in Iran. No, it's a prisoner who's hanged by government people.
Using a car and a chair?? Jeez. They should fall, I think it's something like 6-8 foot so their neck snaps instantly.
Good find, pretty barbaric mind.
Even then the hangings in Iran are still barbaric. They don't let the prisonors fall, but they make it so long as possible. Here (warning: graphic):


Do you think this is civilization? We are no better than Arabs or Africans. Iran is a backward country.

When you rape some one you should be ready for even worse than this. A rapist should be hanged and then cut into pieces and fed to dogs. I wonder what school of thought you subscribe to which makes you defending rapists and murderers. It surely is a sick school of thought. Or maybe because you are a man with rape fantasies.
Public hangings are a good way to reduce crime.

Here in Holland we have other (more human) methods which work just well. Public hangings are for degenerated and backward, mostly islamic countries.

When you rape some one you should be ready for even worse than this. A rapist should be hanged and then cut into pieces and fed to dogs. I wonder what school of thought you subscribe to which makes you defending rapists and murderers. It surely is a sick school of thought. Or maybe because you are a man with rape fantasies.

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons”

Here in Holland we have other (more human) methods which work just well. Public hangings are for degenerated and backward, mostly islamic countries.

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons”


Blah, blah, blah. A rapist deserves execution and not imprisonment. As I said, you a male with rape fantasies so you get scared watching these kind of videos. But that is ok. These videos are made to educate exactly you people so that you keep fantasies only in your head.

And how are rapists treated in Holland? Living in clean, safe and educational compounds named prisons, with nice meals and TV. Well they can keep the rapists of your sister there, but in our countries a rapist is suffocated to death for what he has done. Get used to that. And tell your friends in Holland to stop travelling to Thailand for child prostitution and screwing 8 year old girls as is common with white guys.
Here in Holland we have other (more human) methods which work just well. Public hangings are for degenerated and backward, mostly islamic countries.

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons”

Damnit, you beat me to it. I was looking for that quote.
Regarding the claim that public executions deter crime: Iran has a pretty average murder rate, which I guess could be achieved in more humane ways.
Blah, blah, blah. A rapist deserves execution and not imprisonment. As I said, you a male with rape fantasies so you get scared watching these kind of videos. But that is ok. These videos are made to educate exactly you people so that you keep fantasies only in your head.

And how are rapists treated in Holland? Living in clean, safe and educational compounds named prisons, with nice meals and TV. Well they can keep the rapists of your sister there, but in our countries a rapist is suffocated to death for what he has done. Get used to that. And tell your friends in Holland to stop travelling to Thailand for child prostitution and screwing 8 year old girls as is common with white guys.
Take a chill pill mate, you've lost it. Accusing someone of supporting rape? And then being racist? :disagree:
Little Europeans just cant stfu and not try to impose their views.
Blah, blah, blah. A rapist deserves execution and not imprisonment. As I said, you a male with rape fantasies so you get scared watching these kind of videos. But that is ok. These videos are made to educate exactly you people so that you keep fantasies only in your head.

And how are rapists treated in Holland? Living in clean, safe and educational compounds named prisons, with nice meals and TV. Well they can keep the rapists of your sister there, but in our countries a rapist is suffocated to death for what he has done. Get used to that. And tell your friends in Holland to stop travelling to Thailand for child prostitution and screwing 8 year old girls as is common with white guys.

I completely agree - someone that takes the respect of a woman and rapes here deserves the death penalty. Its better to remove them from society than putting them in comfortable surroundings for a few months and then come out to be a potential risk to society. The west tend to hold double standards - if they looked in their own back yard - its embarrassing to see the number of perverts lurking around. I say remove them from society publically and let that be a lesson to anyone else wanting to go down the same road..
I completely agree - someone that takes the respect of a woman and rapes here deserves the death penalty. Its better to remove them from society than putting them in comfortable surroundings for a few months and then come out to be a potential risk to society. The west tend to hold double standards - if they looked in their own back yard - its embarrassing to see the number of perverts lurking around. I say remove them from society publically and let that be a lesson to anyone else wanting to go down the same road..
How about if that same rapist was put in a very basic prison, no amenities or anything, was made to do basic labour for life?
Would that not be a greater punishment?
Sometimes I can't help but feel that death would be the easy way out.
Regarding that method used in Iran, is it Islamically allowed? Anyone have any ruling on that?

Longbrained keep peoples' sisters out of this discussion pls. Somebody of your type may respond in the same language.
How about if that same rapist was put in a very basic prison, no amenities or anything, was made to do basic labour for life?
Would that not be a greater punishment?
Sometimes I can't help but feel that death would be the easy way out.

You are entitled to your opinion and i am of a different opinion. I dont want my tax to be used on keeping these scum in prisons. I want to remove them from society so the world becomes a safer place. I believe having strict laws will make people think twice. If you want to put them in prisons that are already over filling thats fine by me - i however dont agree.
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