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PTI workers and people against IK

So you vote him because you want to get rid of Zardari and Nawaz....

yehi tu haal hey is koom ka!!!
Tae Hoor Hun Aasmaan Toon ALIANS Chuk Key La'aaiyay Toaday Wastaay...!!!

Around the world people vote their leaders on "Policies"
That's what we are doing, support his policies, compounded with his track-record...

I repeat Track-record....

how he or she will control gas, petrol fuel prices, how he/she will boost the economy, how he/she will built infrastructure... etc..

Brother, do u even listen IK carefully...!!! He has given solution to every problem, only if u listen with intension to understand rather to pick faults...!!!

Solution to electricity:-
Just cut-down "Fuzool-Kharchiyaan" of govt. which r in billions & shift that money towards IPPs & they'llm start making "Bijlee" & there we go... No load-shedding...

Solution for fuel prices:-
Remove hegemony of oil companies so that they won't interfere sincere efforts to discover new wells,,, & we'll produce our own... besides Samar Mubarak said they can produce plenty for us for 500 years from Thar Coal... just need sincere leader who'll give them support,,, which is IK...

Solution for boosting economy:-
create trustworthy environment for investors,,, & ppl will forget UAE & Hing-King,,,, Pak is the best located country for all multinationals to set up their plants , right from TOYOTA/HINDA to IBM & Microsoft...

This process will create millions of jobs itself ,,, & there we go, solution to joblessness ....

& with joblessness long-gone, crime rate will go down automatically...

Just need a sincere leader which IK is...
& As to his soft corner for MQM or so-called lotas... Didn't PROPHET also signed treaties with bitter enemies, just for the time being, because they were weak & needed opportunity to strengthen themselves,,, A man who bore the agony of insults, ridicule for 15 years and even separation from wife & kids, just for the sake of his country, could NOT have become power greedy overnight ,,, he's just playing wise & I can read his "HIDDEN" thoughts... once in power he'll nab those killers by their balls,,,

& as for NOT saying anything for May 12 victims,,, again I'll use example of Prophet as my guide, when he had just given word of mouth on "Sulah-e-Hudaibiah" even before it was signed,,, a companion converted to Islam & ran from Makkah to Madinah,,, Since treaty had in it that any who converts & runs from Makkah will be returned to Quairaish , ,, so prophet DID handed that new convert to those oppressors... Apparently it was very painful scene for Muslims,,, but in the long run it turned out to be in their favor, since that new convert & others like him became the source of spreading islam among Makkans...
please offer alternatives to the PTI then, please offer Pakistanis ideas and means to change the direction of the country in a different way.

First and foremost thing We Pakistani should learns is that ruling Pakistan by a Political party is still only a below 50% share of authority…keep aside 90’s era when that %age is more towards Agencies…!! If PTI opt to walk on the footsteps (which its clearly doing right now) of its predecessors than the end result is not any kind better what we have today.

The difference between you and Stealth is…he is opt and suggesting others to first “confirm” and than follows line this time around…while on the other hand some people like you suggesting to follow by the anyone’s “turn” alone…..!!!

If that is the case right now than “JI” more deserves than “PTI” to have its turn this time around….didn’t it?? It’s a far far better alternative than PTI in every case!! Everybody agrees.!!
First and foremost thing We Pakistani should learns is that ruling Pakistan by a Political party is still only a below 50% share of authority…keep aside 90’s era when that %age is more towards Agencies…!! If PTI opt to walk on the footsteps (which its clearly doing right now) of its predecessors than the end result is not any kind better what we have today.

The difference between you and Stealth is…he is opt and suggesting others to first “confirm” and than follows line this time around…while on the other hand some people like you suggesting to follow by the anyone’s “turn” alone…..!!!

If that is the case right now than “JI” more deserves than “PTI” to have its turn this time around….didn’t it?? It’s a far far better alternative than PTI in every case!! Everybody agrees.!!

First and foremost ...your post doesn't even make very much sense but I'll not go there....now coming straight to your points :

If PTI opt to walk on the footsteps (which its clearly doing right now) of its predecessors than the end result is not any kind better what we have today.

PML(N) is the very "predecessor" you are talking about! So take pml n out of the equation,will ya? Oh wait , you are an ardent supporter of pml (n) but telling us not to vote PTI? wow ! Secondly, how do YOU know that PTI would be same as pml(n) or PPP? Just because IK got 'few' old faces from other parties? What about other parties which have not 'few' but ALL old and already tried faces? What a contradiction. You should also support PTI..shouldn't you? Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf WILL give new people a chance..Have a look at some of the people of IK's team and their credentials ...


he is opt and suggesting others to first “confirm” and than follows line this time around…while on the other hand some people like you suggesting to follow by the anyone’s “turn” alone

First thing..how are we suppose to "confirm" anything about IK and his policies when he never even got any chance? Let him come into power and then we'll see if he stands by his promises or not...alright? Secondly, we are not just supporting IK due to his "turn" thingy...we are supporting him because ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ! Status quo should be demolished..these two corrupt , retarded parties (PPP and PML(N) ) are equally corrupt and dangerous for Pakistan.We want an third option and PTI provides that. Personally, JI is a way,way ,way better political party than PPP or PML (N) etc and they also have democracy in their party..but I dislike their "ideology" ...They are too 'strict' ...PTI on the other hand is moderate and hence my support is for PTI....Anything else you wanna know?
and you think Nawaz, Zardari and Musharaf rule this state alone right ? When nawaz comes into power we say above things... when BB comes into power we say above things... when Musharaf comes into power we say above things... now IK chances will come into power we say above things... the problem is we always dependent on PERSONALITIES not POLICIES AND AGENDA!

Nawaz Zardari and all others who rule this nation with the help of all those people who are right now in PTI and coming towards PTI. That what reality!

So we condemn Imran without giving him a chance when we are pathetic enough to give the most corrupt person a chance to become president of the country and ruin its economy and industry?

Think again Stealth.
I really do not think you are spot on here since our rulers actually have been dictators and do not listen to the saner heads in their party.

Musharraf was a dictator and made a lot of bad decisions but few good ones as well.
It was not Kasuri who ordered him around, yet Kasuri is a lot more experienced than Hina Rabbani Khar, he can perform very well under a leader who wants to make choices based on Pakistan's interest.

Nawaz was also from same mold even if under garb of democracy.
The fact that Nawaz was more interested in furthering his business ventures and building a princely dynasty for his family caused a lot of damage.
The "qarz utaro Mulk sanwaro" scheme and freezing of foreign currency accounts really destroyed his credibility.
His stubbornness is legendary.
That is why he lost Hashmi.
Remember that it is Nawaz Sharif's stupidity and hard hardheadedness that he did not ally his party with PML-Q over the presidency election and look what happened?
We have the worst person as our president!

Zardari is playing games to save his seat but when it comes to looking after the country, hardly any decision is being made at all.
This trend of playing games has now seeped down on all levels of his party and you can practically see all of them playing games and giving statements without any work being done at all.

If you think that leaders do not shape the direction their party actually takes then that is not correct, it is because of leaders that party does or does not perform.
Only Jinnah could become Quaid e Azam and had he not come back there would be no Muslim League despite a clear mandate and lots of other big names, you cannot discard the fundamental role a leader plays in taking his followers onwards.

If the leader makes one corrupt decision (Rental Power Plants etc.) he can do a damage of hundreds of million dollars.
If the leader is not corrupt, at least we can save a lot of precious money and use it elsewhere.

The people who have so far joined PTI are mostly the better lot of our politicians and are not abject failures like the ones appointed in key positions in government these days.

If Imran remains strong and cultivates a culture of accountability and performance in his party, do you really care whether Qureshi or Kasuri are the harbingers of change rather than an unknown face?

What I want is to have a political party with an honest and patriotic party head who has a sense of responsibility towards Pakistan and its people.
This criteria currently only Imran fills in my book and that is why he shall have my vote.

What is the agenda of PPP? Roti, Kapra, Makaan...I see all these going down the drain.
What is the agenda of PML-N?
Do they fulfill the agenda that is declared by them?
If yes, then please vote for them...that is your choice.

Otherwise we need to send a message of our dislike for fooling the nation which both these parties are doing under their current leadership.

Actually the problem with our country has been the very convenient resetting of our political system every decade or so, makes accountability zero and this coupled with the amnesia our nation undergoes actually gives a free ticket to exercise extreme corruption.
We oscillate between dictatorship and democracy and therefore have the worst of both these systems and yet the poor performers always cite the problems carried on by the previous system as the bottleneck which they have to overcome.
This constant transition state needs to end.
We need to actually sustain the five year elected governments for 2 decades in order to ensure that this blame game ends and performance is only tied to intention and execution rather than giving a convenient bag of excuses to the leadership in terms of restarting the system from scratch.

If Imran does not perform, then we shall look elsewhere.
However to discard him beforehand will actually inhibit the political growth of Pakistan.

A key thing to remember is that most workers of Muslim league under Quaid e Azam were youth and students.
The energy and zeal of youth is not to be underestimated and if Imran manages to harness this zeal and energy in a positive direction, we certainly have a lot of potential.

I do not need grand slogans and manifestos since sadly the current situation is not due to a lack of manifestos in Pakistan.
The current issue is of very self centered corrupt leaders who take each and every decision based on their own betterment.
I do not count Imran as a corrupt person and as long as he is in charge of PTI, i do not expect it to perpetrate massive corruption without any check.

No body is an angel, but I for one am not failing to see that Imran's biggest strength (honesty) is what Pakistan needs at the moment.
He may not have the solution to every problem, but if elected he may solve our biggest problem these days....namely having a corrupt tareen leader on top of a major political party and our government, calling the shots.
It is not our system which is a failure, it is a deliberate intent to not implement the system from top which results in colossal damage to our country.

I do not expect miracles but i certainly do not want to discard Imran and PTI just yet.
how do YOU know that PTI would be same as pml(n) or PPP? Just because IK got 'few' old faces from other parties?

Bcz not only he welcomes old faces but he himself quite loudly declaring his “own personality” (minusing his party) the true arbitrator of change…likewise Bhuttos & Sharifs doing for decades.

First thing..how are we suppose to "confirm" anything about IK and his policies when he never even got any chance? Let him come into power and then we'll see if he stands by his promises or not...alright?

On what internal election SMQ awarded the Vice Chairmanship of PTI?? Its just one example of his contradictions….!!
Bcz not only he welcomes old faces but he himself quite loudly declaring his “own personality” (minusing his party) the true arbitrator of change…likewise Bhuttos & Sharifs doing for decades.

So you aren't supporting PML (N) ?

Secondly for heaven's sake..don't play with words ..IK says that ALL these old faces would NOT support status quo because he is the LEADER...he would chose the policies and he won't be hijacked and won't compromise on merit etc ...By all accounts, PTI should be given a chance...or else...same old faces again...

On what internal election SMQ awarded the Vice Chairmanship of PTI?? Its just one example of his contradictions….!!

Yeah no elections but experience...Secondly PTI will mature up and start conducting elections...

IK is not gonna make his brother or son as the next chairman (A thing that Pml (N) and PPP does)....Also SMQ is more experience politician than even IK and he is also educated politician. You are just hell bent on bring some 'faults' out of PTI , ignoring ALL the positives that PTI has and no other party has them.
Bcz not only he welcomes old faces but he himself quite loudly declaring his “own personality” (minusing his party) the true arbitrator of change…likewise Bhuttos & Sharifs doing for decades.

On what internal election SMQ awarded the Vice Chairmanship of PTI?? Its just one example of his contradictions….!!
Mr Qurashi is a clean man and also he is a experienced politician so he deserves and also Sir he will have to give 1000 Tickets so most of them will be new faces rather than old and still better than corrupt Nawaz League
First and foremost thing We Pakistani should learns is that ruling Pakistan by a Political party is still only a below 50% share of authority…keep aside 90’s era when that %age is more towards Agencies…!! If PTI opt to walk on the footsteps (which its clearly doing right now) of its predecessors than the end result is not any kind better what we have today.

The difference between you and Stealth is…he is opt and suggesting others to first “confirm” and than follows line this time around…while on the other hand some people like you suggesting to follow by the anyone’s “turn” alone…..!!!

If that is the case right now than “JI” more deserves than “PTI” to have its turn this time around….didn’t it?? It’s a far far better alternative than PTI in every case!! Everybody agrees.!!
JI is not a better alternative to the PTI - the JI had its chance as part of the MMA government in NWFP, and the fact that it wasted its time passing laws against billboards, musicians etc. and allowed people like Mullah FM to go unchecked is testament enough to the fact that Pakistan's major religious parties are even worse than the PPP and PML-N.
ise tarhan PP kay jayalay react kartay hain jab koi against baat karay PPP kay ise tarhan Nawaz kay jialay react kartay hain koi unpe criticize karay... isko b daek leengay kitnay teer maarta hey jitney moo uthni batain .... ye tu waqt batayega jesay 60 saal say bataya hey!

No one said Imran khan should be discard.... question is those who are sitting with him will allow IK for accountability and another question which is important more then IK in power is..... do anyone think what will happen if PTI fail ? what next ?
ise tarhan PP kay jayalay react kartay hain jab koi against baat karay PPP kay ise tarhan Nawaz kay jialay react kartay hain koi unpe criticize karay... isko b daek leengay kitnay teer maarta hey jitney moo uthni batain .... ye tu waqt batayega jesay 60 saal say bataya hey!

No one said Imran khan should be discard.... question is those who are sitting with him will allow IK for ihtesaab ?

We are all bitter but sulking about our grievances shall not get us anywhere.
We cannot ever give up, we can only pick ourselves up and then try to move on...till we get it right.

The road is perilous and there are no guarantees for sure.
Yet there is always a tiny ray of hope which lights our way, without hope we might as well be dead.
do anyone think what will happen if PTI fail ? what next ?
Keep trying ...

No one is suggesting that we give the PTI a pass once (or if) it comes into power - it should be, and will be, held to the same standards the PPP and PML-N are.

It will be asked to answer for its failures.

Of course we should also keep in mind that the PTI's ability to push through reforms depends on the size of its presence in parliament, on both the national and provincial sides.

I believe that LEA's are provincial issues, so the PTI cannot reform the police from the Center (though it could reform the manner in which the IB and FIA function)- the PTI will have to form provincial governments as well and try and reform institutions at the provincial level.

At the moment the PTI appears to have the right ideas and they appear to have some significant leaders beyond Imran Khan (Hashmi, Qureshi, etc.) who should be able to back-up Khan in trying to create coalitions at the Center and provinces and try to push through reforms, but it is certainly not going to be an easy task, and it certainly won't be completed by the end of a five year term in power by the PTI.

The electorate will have to be smart about analyzing the PTI - what did the PTI attempt to reform, and why did its attempts fail?

Did the PTI fail because the opposition refused to support PTI reforms, or did it fail because IK was not able to control his own party?

I would argue that many of us are aware of the complex challenges that Pakistan faces currently, and we are also aware of the complex political landscape and process that have to be navigated in order for any change to be brought about, but what we don't care for is cynicism when the PTI has not even had a chance to do anything.

Look at it this way - there are no guarantees in life, for anything - but that does not mean that every single thing that a person attempts, he/she starts of by saying 'well, this has a good chance of failing, and what next if it fails?'

Yeesh man - you sound like Eeyore from Winnie The Pooh!

He's always glum and depressed and nothing is every going to change and will always be horrible ....
JI is not a better alternative to the PTI - the JI had its chance as part of the MMA government in NWFP, and the fact that it wasted its time passing laws against billboards, musicians etc. and allowed people like Mullah FM to go unchecked is testament enough to the fact that Pakistan's major religious parties are even worse than the PPP and PML-N.

I thought U can differentiate between MMA & JI…..Ok if they possess the same for you than IK/PTI too had their chance in 2002 when they sided with Musharraf and give him a vote of confidence wrongly and now only regrets when talked about that time and action, didn’t it? That support made mess finally with the future of Pakistan for generations to come.!!
I thought U can differentiate between MMA & JI…..Ok if they possess the same for you than IK/PTI too had their chance in 2002 when they sided with Musharraf and give him a vote of confidence wrongly and now only regrets when talked about that time and action, didn’t it? That election made mess finally with the future of Pakistan for generations to come.!!
When was the PTI part of a government in the Center or a Province, as was the case with the JI in the NWFP?

The JI had its chance when it was part of the MMA government in the NWFP, and it showed us that like most Mullahs, it is obsessed with petty and trivial nonsense like 'fahashi'.
New generation stand with Imran Khan against Qureshi Kasoori type people its pure suicide for Imran Khan to allow all these people in his party. I know many people (from my friends) who was pro PTI before Qureshi and new entries. They are against PTI now. Watch 1st second video once again. PTI worker criticizing Imran Khan and Imran Khan have no answer.
New generation stand with Imran Khan against Qureshi Kasoori type people its pure suicide for Imran Khan to allow all these people in his party. I know many people (from my friends) who was pro PTI before Qureshi and new entries. They are against PTI now. Watch 1st second video once again. PTI worker criticize Imran Khan and Imran Khan have no answer.
Your friends need to understand how Pakistan's political system works, especially in the rural areas.

Unfortunately, IK will have to co-opt some 'old faces' in order to win power - that is the sad reality of the situation in Pakistan.

The hope is that even with some of the old faces, he'll be able to push through enough reforms and good governance to bring about change.

Simply having 'Qureshis and kasooris' does not mean that the party is going to become corrupt - what did Qureshi and Kassori do that was so corrupt?
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