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PTI Vs MQM in Karachi Dharna at 5Star Chorangi(critical situation)

He has got millions of followers who hail him as a god figure and will become cannon fodder on him.
This slave mentality of MQM followers is unlikely to change anytime soon.

they think they have millions of followers but they don't. half of the public is there because they're afraid of losing their lives or their loved ones.

MQM terrorists evacuated karachi university a couple of months ago citing earthquake as their reason.
two minutes later a whole bunch of buses pulled at the front door. Turned out they were forcing people to go and listen to psycho altaf blabbing on the phone :rofl:
@Hyperion @Marshmallow @Talon @Armstrong @Leader @jaibi @Jazzbot @Leader @Pukhtoon @Slav Defence @IceCold

الطاف حسین نے لائیو ٹی وی پر عمران خان کو کتے کا پلا کہا اور ذاتی زندگی پر کیچڑ اچھالا

الطاف حسین دعا بھی مانگتے رہے کہ الله انھیں جہنم رسید کرے - الطاف حسین نے اپنی رابطہ کمیٹی کے خلاف کارکنوں کو مشتعل بھی کر دیا جس پر انہوں نے رابطہ کمیٹی کے خالف شدید نعرے بازی کی اور پھر رابطہ کمیٹی کو بار بار الطاف حسین سے معافی کی درخواستیں کرنی پڑیں - ڈرامے سے بھرپور خطاب ضرور سنیں

میڈیا والے ان لوگوں کو ہیرو بنا کر پیش کرتے ہیں جن کے کردار کے بارے میں بخوبی جانتا ہوں - پھر بھی میں ان کے کردار کو سامنے نہیں لایا - لیکن آج وہ لوگ قوم اور اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے ہیرو بنے ہوئے ہیں جنہوں نے لاکھوں لڑکیوں اور بچوں کے ساتھ کیا کیا کچھ نہیں کیا حتی کہ ان کی ایک بیٹی بھی ہے - وہ (عمران خان) کتے کا پلا مجھے گالیاں دے رہا ہے اور میری قوم اوررابطہ کمیٹی سن رہی ہے - الطاف حسین

yes @Mani2020 I am no doubt evident of his uncivilized and non-professional attitude..Mr.Hussein should realize that he is leading a powerful political party,he should be careful while addressing to the public..he isn't realizing that his statements just don't 'sublimate' into the air,infact they are echoed throughout Pakistan and London, Britain!
Instead of refreshing his 'rabta committee' Mr.Hussein must work on himself:hitwall:
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@Pakistani Exile do you want to be listed along side Altaf's name on most annoying idiot in UK?

Kindly give us your name and address plz...

You do bad at job at threatening me though, but truth be told I only support mqms stance against mulla mafia. I have no sympathy for Altaf hussain. Don't be so reactionary now. This is why I hate some Ik fanboys, not everyone who doesn't support ur imam Mahdi is an idiot ok? I have ideological differences, which you as a fanatic IK fan wouldn't know. I don't support politicians on their looks or what they did on a cricket field with a piece of stick. Keep your self righteous nose out of my face.

PS. the Uk government is well aware of who I am and what I do. you don't really need to do anything..
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Everyone knows in Karachi that PTI has won on every polling station but you know BHAI's. But next time it will be 100% clear that PTI will win all the seats from Karachi, Hyderabad, Mirpurkhas as well as from other parts of Sindh.
You do bad at job at threatening me though, but truth be told I only support mqms stance against mulla mafia. I have no sympathy for Altaf hussain. Don't be so reactionary now. This is why I hate some Ik fanboys, not everyone who doesn't support ur imam Mahdi is an idiot ok? I have ideological differences, which you as a fanatic IK fan wouldn't know. I don't support politicians on their looks or what they did on a cricket field with a piece of stick. Keep your self righteous nose out of my face.

PS. the Uk government is well aware of who I am and what I do. you don't really need to do anything..

@Pakistani Exile

Listen here dude

I replied to your post specifically highlighting what you said of threatening MY COUNTRY..

Ager iss bar mqm ke khilaf operation hua to yaad rakhna aag khali Karachi mai nahi lagge gee...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...angi-critical-situation-24.html#ixzz2UFbkieKK

So, my terrorizing freak back off....

1stly, IK FAN boys? I am a girl and I have NEVER declared to be a fan! I say why not try something new, we had given 2 terms to Ganjay 2 terms to PPP...so I welcomed a difference with open heart...If your close minded soul calls it fan be it!

2ndly, What Imam Mahdi?! Man get your facts right before hurling accuses!

3rdly FANATIC FAN again...What made you say that? Blind hatred? Obviously! I speak against MQM and you just want to drag IK in...

Now, you listen here Mr. grouch! Not everyone hating MQM is a IK fanatic! They can also be among those who love their coutnry ...Oh heck! Who am I trying to explain this stuff to...A guy who has pledge his allegiance to UK ...with the very handle Pakistani exile!
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The art of the possible

A fortress built of fear is a deceptively fragile construct. From the outside it seems imposing and impregnable, but once you chip away at the outer layer of stone, it’s all glass from the inside. Once broken, it’s not easily repaired. One such breach was recently witnessed in Karachi, when protestors openly shouted in the streets what many had previously not dared to utter in their own homes.

It was not so much a protest against rigging, but also the bursting of a deep reservoir of rage; one that had been building for years on end. It was inevitable and we should be thankful that, for the most part, it has remained peaceful.

On that point, one must note that while rigging did not take place on a scale large enough to alter the national outcome, it did take place. Asking people, many of whom voted for the first time, to simply ignore that because ‘it happens’ is not good enough. It is, in some ways, the equivalent of the “if rape is inevitable … ” argument. Both are equally disgusting. But in Karachi, at least, rigging was just a trigger to an old anger that found a new outlet.

What was also new is that the threats, later ‘clarified’, hurled at the protestors were confronted not with fear, but with more outrage and what is no doubt a very novel and very lateral method of protest, as the London police can no doubt testify.

In the aftermath of that speech, which caused a degree of consternation in its own camp as well, we saw leaders trying to portray it as being misunderstood and misinterpreted. Watching that display was a stark reminder of why Karachi, despite its massive population, has been unable to produce any serious spin bowling talent.

As for where that speech came from, it’s an observation that expats, by and large, tend to remain stuck in the year of their emigration. Those who left during the Bhutto years will still talk of socialism, those who left during Zia’s era will forever harp on about Islamisation and repression. Thus, those who left Karachi in 1992 will, well am sure you get the picture.

Others are out of touch as well. Most of our usual outrage brigade was also missing in action. You know them, they’re the ones who insist you condemn every outrage from 2000BC onwards, and take you to task if you don’t. During this whole episode, they were silent spectators. Still others mocked the protestors as ‘burgers’, which would be funny if it didn’t come from the same people who routinely decried the ‘elite’ classes for being apoliticial and disinterested in the rough and tumble of street politics. Still others called it a ‘class war’, proving that it’s not just ex-pats who are hopelessly stuck in the past. What this ignored, of course, is that the PTI’s support didn’t just come from one area, as a glance at the Karachi polling results will show.

That this is a challenge of a different nature is beyond doubt. What it means for the future of Karachi is another matter. One hopes that Karachi’s largest party sees that the usual tactics don’t always work, and that there is now a deep and growing resentment that can and will burst forth. The true tragedy here is that if they truly broke with their own past, there would be a real opportunity to move beyond the narrow urban base they are confined to. But every time that’s about to happen, there’s a May 12th, whether its 2007 or 2013. Someone needs to consult a numerologist to figure out the significance of that date. What has also come to light are what are clear cracks in what outwardly appeared to be a monolith, and this was apparent in the aftermath of Zahra Hussain’s killing.

On that note, Imran Khan’s laying of blame at the MQM’s doorstep was premature, regardless of what some may see as circumstantial evidence. In the tinderbox that is Karachi, such statements can be dangerous. Of course, the handling of this by the MQM removed whatever advantage had been handed to them. The smart move would have been to declare a day of mourning and then fill the streets of Azizabad with the MQM cadres praying for her soul. The reaction we saw, however, was also born of fear; a fear of losing what had been an iron grip. That this grip has been shaken is clear. Results show that Arif Alvi would have won regardless of re-polling, which shows exactly in whose interest it was that the May 11 polling be disrupted. That people voted for the PTI in what are considered the MQM’s strongholds set off alarm bells. The response, from a party unused to such challenges, was thus panicked and mismanaged. And now, heads are rolling, though luckily only in a symbolic way.

For the PTI, it’s important not to overplay their newly dealt hand. Passion and protests only go so far, and there comes a time for practical politics. To move forward, they need to consolidate the gains they have made and push for true electoral reform, along with electronic voting and more. With a voice in parliament, the best way to protest Zahra Hussain’s murder is to push for the kind of police and judicial reform no one has been willing to tackle thus far. Let them propose it, and let the people see who opposes it.

For its part, the MQM needs to realise that while it has a huge mandate in Karachi, it also has huge responsibilities, foremost of which is maintaining a peace that had been sorely lacking. It is inevitable that those who ‘own’ Karachi will be held responsible for it. This is not a conspiracy or victimisation, but simple reality. In this new scenario, with a new political force to contend with and a federal leadership whose main priority is the economy, those who use only the tactics of the past will have a bleak future.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 25th, 2013.

The art of the possible – The Express Tribune
@Pakistani Exile

Listen here dude

I replied to your post specifically highlighting what you said of threatening MY COUNTRY..

So, my terrorizing freak back off....

1stly, IK FAN boys? I am a girl and I have NEVER declared to be a fan! I say why not try something new, we had given 2 terms to Ganjay 2 terms to PPP...so I welcomed a difference with open heart...If your close minded soul calls it fan be it!

2ndly, What Imam Mahdi?! Man get your facts right before hurling accuses!

3rdly FANATIC FAN again...What made you say that? Blind hatred? Obviously! I speak against MQM and you just want to drag IK in...

Now, you listen here Mr. grouch! Not everyone hating MQM is a IK fanatic! They can also be among those who love their coutnry ...Oh heck! Who am I trying to explain this stuff to...A guy who has pledge his allegiance to UK ...with the very handle Pakistani exile!

ok w/e idc
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You do bad at job at threatening me though, but truth be told I only support mqms stance against mulla mafia. I have no sympathy for Altaf hussain. Don't be so reactionary now. This is why I hate some Ik fanboys, not everyone who doesn't support ur imam Mahdi is an idiot ok? I have ideological differences, which you as a fanatic IK fan wouldn't know. I don't support politicians on their looks or what they did on a cricket field with a piece of stick. Keep your self righteous nose out of my face.

tidy answer to pti's emotionally imbalanced pti kids .. lol .. they find it so hard to comprehend a simple thing no one in khi cares about altaf's looks its mqm and its ideology .. hamarey liay ugly looking taliban and extremist hating altaf is a lot better than good looking .. taliban / extremist symphetatic or scared of them imran khan
Everyone knows in Karachi that PTI has won on every polling station but you know BHAI's. But next time it will be 100% clear that PTI will win all the seats from Karachi, Hyderabad, Mirpurkhas as well as from other parts of Sindh.

only if the elections are held under Pak.army's supervision with its personnels on duty in both the inside & outside of the entire polling-station , just like on the day of n.a-250's election ... :coffee:
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;4335207 said:
only if the elections are held under Pak.army's supervision with its personnels on duty in both the inside & outside of the entire polling-station , just like on the day of n.a-250's election ... :coffee:

Tell me if I have any ideas related to the development of Pakistan and its cities how can I convey to the PTI???
Tell me if I have any ideas related to the development of Pakistan and its cities how can I convey to the PTI???

sorry to tell you that i simply have got no idea about how you would be able to do what you've just asked ... :undecided:

i say that you should contact any P.T.i. guy on P.d.f. as he/she definitely have something useful to address your urge to contribute to the cause of PakisTan ... :coffee:

by the way if you have got any ideas about how to make arrangements regarding producing household electricity in-house with cheap resources available easily , then do inform me because i am pretty much frustrated with so much freaking loadshedding going on every couple of hours ... :laughcry:
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;4340414 said:
sorry to tell you that i simply have got no idea about how you would be able to do what you've just asked ... :undecided:

i say that you should contact any P.T.i. guy on P.d.f. as he/she definitely have something useful to address your urge to contribute to the cause of PakisTan ... :coffee:

by the way if you have got any ideas about how to make arrangements regarding producing household electricity in-house with cheap resources available easily , then do inform me because i am pretty much frustrated with so much freaking loadshedding going on every couple of hours ... :laughcry:

Where do you live???

Solar and Wind is the best...
lol .. sweeping statements , which delusional world you live on ??

hmm they had won entire karachi(if there had been no rigging) but got badly booted out from punjab nevertheless

reality doesnt seem to wake them up, they have badly fallen to the ground and still they are dreaming that they are flying high

very embarrassing situation if you ask me honestly

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