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PTI refuses to retract letter to British High Commission against Altaf!

not only by establishment but most educated people all over the world love him . BTW best of luck with ur writing against him. If his crime was negociating with taliban , all partical parties should be banned. As it was decided twice in APCs

So anyone who doesn't agree with IK is an uneducated idiot? Great logic, I am an uneducated idiot because my brain refuses to accept that animals like the TTP can be negotiated with?

His crime isn't about negotiating with the terrorists though. It's regularly apologising for them, confusing people with his BS of innocent tribal people's reaction while forgetting the thousands of Pakistanis butchered by the TTP and their allies. His more stupid statements like recalling the army from the tribal areas so the TTP can have a freehand there.

I am not a supporter of any political party in APC, and I firmly believe that they all should be banned.
So anyone who doesn't agree with IK is an uneducated idiot? Great logic, I am an uneducated idiot because my brain refuses to accept that animals like the TTP can be negotiated with?

His crime isn't about negotiating with the terrorists though. It's regularly apologising for them, confusing people with his BS of innocent tribal people's reaction while forgetting the thousands of Pakistanis butchered by the TTP and their allies. His more stupid statements like recalling the army from the tribal areas so the TTP can have a freehand there.

I am not a supporter of any political party in APC, and I firmly believe that they all should be banned.

did i said u r an idiot. I didnt. although most of ur post suggest that. I said educated people like him, where ever there educated people, PTI has massive support. may it be engineering colleges, medical collages, most urban areas or overseas Pakistanis .

show me one apology of imran khan against TTP. everyone has different approach of solving a problem. his approach was negotiating with ttp. AT that time all parties, military establishment and people wanted not to get indulge in american war. Although personally i was pro operation. But majority in our country think what imran khan was thinking.Moreover US is also thinking that dialog is the way forward. so might disagree with his or every Pakistani approach. It not like he came in power saying something or did anything totally different. he suggested a solution, people liked it.. He said it out loud , it was so popular statement that nawaz sharif copied it as well.

i think u r not a Pakistani citizen and u have no right to interfere in our internal affairs and tell us which parties should be banned . Thank you

Zardari is not even a politician; Check your Ex-Baghi now Daghi statements on him.
how did u conclude that? statement on zardari ?
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You can brag about anything you want, no one's gonna stop you. Had PTI retracted the letter to British High Commissioner, you would be going all ballistic against PTI in this same thread by now.
Oh come on did I hit the sensitive Spots of PTI support base????In Karachi we use this slang in such cases "Chounsat(64) pay Lag gai"
I am just trying to Show how Dumb PTI Supporters are in Love for Imran Khan that they Doesnt even Consider Logic of all that Point Scoring PTI Actually do. Sorry if I Hurt you didnt mean that...:cheers:
Oh come on did I hit the sensitive Spots of PTI support base????In Karachi we use this slang in such cases "Chounsat(64) pay Lag gai"
I am just trying to Show how Dumb PTI Supporters are in Love for Imran Khan that they Doesnt even Consider Logic of all that Point Scoring PTI Actually do. Sorry if I Hurt you didnt mean that...:cheers:
u r one twisted guy. U r as smart as altaf bhie .
did i said u r an idiot. I didnt. although most of ur post suggest that. I said educated people like him, where ever there educated people are PTI has massive support. may it be engineering colleges, medical collages, most urban areas or overseas Pakistanis .

What is the criteria used to judge my intelligence? The fact that I do not fall down on my knees and apologise for every single thing IK does or says? If this is why I am an idiot, then I am happy to be an idiot than to blindly follow a political leader.

show me one apology of imran khan against him. everyone has different approach of solving a problem. his approach was negotiating with him. AT that time all parties, militry establishment and people wanted not to get indugle in american war. Although personally i was pro operation. But majority in our country think what imran khan was thinking.Moreover US is also thinking that dialog is the way forward. so might disagree with his or every Pakistani approach. It not like he came in power saying something or did anythng. He said it out loud , it was so popular statement that nawaz sharif copied it as well.

Apology? Are you serious or do you close your eyes and ears whenever IK sprouts his usual rubbish? Did he not say the Taliban attacks are a reaction to the drones, conveniently forgetting that the drone strikes started way after the Taliban started attacking Pakistan?

I don't care what the US or other political party, is IK following them on this issue? No? So don't bring them up, it doesn't justify IK's own stance.

i think u r not a Pakistani citizen and u have no right to interfere in our internal affairs and tell us which parties should be banned . Thank you

Yes forgive me that I was born in a community which is regularly hounded and killed by IK's friends so I had to flee Pakistan. How dare I not lie down and die in Pakistan. How dare I leave Pakistan for fear of being killed. Maybe if you come up on a militant hit list and not leave Pakistan, then you can lecture me. Otherwise keep your mouth shut about who is a Pakistani citizen or not.

And hilariously why does IK come to the UK to ask for money from "foreign" citizens ? AHAHAH @Norwegian how dare you interfere in Pakistani affairs. I think you are not a Pakistani citizen.
I live in Karachi and, gaye katnay se pehley, khal ki parchi kat jati hai :P
What is the criteria used to judge my intelligence? The fact that I do not fall down on my knees and apologise for every single thing IK does or says? If this is why I am an idiot, then I am happy to be an idiot than to blindly follow a political leader.

Apology? Are you serious or do you close your eyes and ears whenever IK sprouts his usual rubbish? Did he not say the Taliban attacks are a reaction to the drones, conveniently forgetting that the drone strikes started way after the Taliban started attacking Pakistan?

I don't care what the US or other political party, is IK following them on this issue? No? So don't bring them up, it doesn't justify IK's own stance.

Yes forgive me that I was born in a community which is regularly hounded and killed by IK's friends so I had to flee Pakistan. How dare I not lie down and die in Pakistan. How dare I leave Pakistan for fear of being killed. Maybe if you come up on a militant hit list and not leave Pakistan, then you can lecture me. Otherwise keep your mouth shut about who is a Pakistani citizen or not.

And hilariously why does IK come to the UK to ask for money from "foreign" citizens ? AHAHAH @Norwegian how dare you interfere in Pakistani affairs. I think you are not a Pakistani citizen.
I will not reply every part as i think it would be a waste of time. But ill tell you few things.

i dnt know why u think that i think u r not intelligent. i never said it. u started saying it your self.

IK said the the drone strike help them recruit more people. which is what Foreign office said many times. i can show u press release. It shows our society that we are with Americans. As i said im pro operation myself. But there have been many survives in Pakistan which Shows Pakistan consider USA enemy number one, taliban was way down the list. so by showing that we allow drones. It helped TTP to show Pakistan is working with USA. same servey about drones is also avaliable. As u havent been to Pakistan from long time so u dont know.

now i dnt think ur an idiot but post sure make u look like one . Taliban was created in 1996. Ahmedis problem origin back to 1958. so u can blame Imran khan all you want but u know deep down neither taliban nor TTP has anythng to do with preception of ahmedis in Pakistan. moreover sunnis and shias are murderer equally by ttp, not only ahmedis . I dont know how someone who seem educated come up with statements like that. BTW did ahmedis were declaeared non muslim in PTI government.It is a shame you dnt even know about ur own people. started blaming imran khan for it .

about @Norwegian . He is a pakistani. U have not been tp Pakistan for long time so you dont know ground realities. First people like u called him jew agenst, then agents of india, then agent of ISI and at the same time agent of taliban. please stick to one statement for sake
about @Norwegian . He is a pakistani. U have not been tp Pakistan for long time so you dont know ground realities. First people like u called him jew agenst, then agents of india, then agent of ISI and at the same time agent of taliban. please stick to one statement for sake
Its funny my opponents can't even Unite on who I truly am. Isn't it funny enough? Btw, you forgot Qadiani-stemple as well :D
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