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PTA bans official Ahmadi website: Report

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Hindu religion is like a children's story book the only thing different that in your religion fools worship cartoon characters.

Hi, moderators are you going to let this type of prejudiced comments on the forum? Moderators are quick in deleting comments that insult Pakistan or Islam, but allow these types of ignorant comments on the forum. What a double standard.

FYI... Mr. Myth_buster_1 if you care to open your mind up and read the Bhagavad Gita like I have, you will notice idols are a simple way of capturing a deity's image and way to reach them at times of worship.

This debate is about the PTA banning the Ahmadi website, a peaceful Muslim sect.
Hi Mr. Thor, what you are too ignorant to realize is that, Ahmadis are free to believe and say whatever they want. If you do not agree with their literature or beliefs, do not listen or read it, it is a simple as that. Freedom of expression, plain and simple. Oh I forgot, they have insulted Islam and they should be persecuted and butchered for that...

Islam is a religion of tolerance and does not need to be defended. Islam is a great religion and strong enough on its own and has survived and grown for over a thousand years.

Maybe you did not read Islamic history very well......

Should I remind you of the episode involving Musailama al-Kazzab: Among the first false claimants to Prophecy was Musailama al-Kazzab, who appeared during the time of Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be blessings and peace) and his Companions and caused numerous troubles among Muslims and had many followers. He eventually surrendered along with his supporters in Al-Yamama battle, led by the first Caliph Abu Bakr, and was killed.


Sajah al-Kahinah: Along with Musailama in falsely claiming Prophethood, was his wife, Sajah al-Kahinah, although she later reversed her position after her husband, Musailama, had been killed.


Aswad al-Ansi: Also during the time of the Prophet and his companions was another false Prophet, named Aswad al-Ansi. He was based in Yemen and was killed by the Companions of the Prophet.

Should I continue.................... when the threat is to Islam by such persons, then tolerance is not a irtue as they spread poison amongst the deen and as such if they do not stop their mischief then clearly action within the context of Sunnah is taken.......

Persecution is a word you give, however please then refer to the Prophet in kind when you do so again..........

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad should have met that fate, nonetheless, 3-4 generations on the followers do not, I repeat DO NOT as they were born it and as such much work must be done by Muslims first in order to debate this issue to wherever they can........

Hi Mr. Thor, what you are too ignorant to realize is that, Ahmadis are free to believe and say whatever they want. If you do not agree with their literature or beliefs, do not listen or read it, it is a simple as that. Freedom of expression, plain and simple. Oh I forgot, they have insulted Islam and they should be persecuted and butchered for that...

Islam is a religion of tolerance and does not need to be defended. Islam is a great religion and strong enough on its own and has survived and grown for over a thousand years.

Maybe you did not read Islamic history very well......

Should I remind you of the episode involving Musailama al-Kazzab: Among the first false claimants to Prophecy was Musailama al-Kazzab, who appeared during the time of Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be blessings and peace) and his Companions and caused numerous troubles among Muslims and had many followers. He eventually surrendered along with his supporters in Al-Yamama battle, led by the first Caliph Abu Bakr, and was killed.


Sajah al-Kahinah: Along with Musailama in falsely claiming Prophethood, was his wife, Sajah al-Kahinah, although she later reversed her position after her husband, Musailama, had been killed.


Aswad al-Ansi: Also during the time of the Prophet and his companions was another false Prophet, named Aswad al-Ansi. He was based in Yemen and was killed by the Companions of the Prophet.

Should I continue.................... when the threat is to Islam by such persons, then tolerance is not a irtue as they spread poison amongst the deen and as such if they do not stop their mischief then clearly action within the context of Sunnah is taken.......

Persecution is a word you give, however please then refer to the Prophet in kind when you do so again..........

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad should have met that fate, nonetheless, 3-4 generations on the followers do not, I repeat DO NOT as they were born it and as such much work must be done by Muslims first in order to debate this issue to wherever they can........

Hi, moderators are you going to let this type of prejudiced comments on the forum? Moderators are quick in deleting comments that insult Pakistan or Islam, but allow these types of ignorant comments on the forum. What a double standard.

FYI... Mr. Myth_buster_1 if you care to open your mind up and read the Bhagavad Gita like I have, you will notice idols are a simple way of capturing a deity's image and way to reach them at times of worship.

This debate is about the PTA banning the Ahmadi website, a peaceful Muslim sect.

Maybe you should have quoted comments started by Indian trolls here about Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) being in hell first.............
because they needed a visual representation of their god. similar to why you guys turn towards the kaabar while praying.
why do christians have a cross.
idols are just a mark of respect.

ahmadis are muslims, they believe in 5 pillars

With all due respect we know what ahmedis believe a lot better than you do which is why it was a unanimous consensus among all our religious scholars to label them heretics.

This should have been done a long time ago...... Ahmadis, like the Bahais can go ahead and practice their faith, as long as they dont associate themselves to Islam and deliberately misguide unsuspecting Muslims. They are a cult and nothing more, and I have on many occasions shown why they are Not Muslims, and by their own writings, all Muslims themselves are not a part of islam hence it is a bit rich coming from Ahmadis that they are being isolated.

They have on many occasions been informed to stop spreading their mischief yet they continue and hence such actions are necessary.......

Freedom of speech goes to a limit, not to a point of insulting the other without evidence otherwise the Kashmiri freedom fighters should be allowed to openly recruit, teach, and openly call for freedom without the fear of being jailed.......as all, everything has its limits and the Ahmadis too have crossed theirs........

Atleast the bahai do not claim to be Muslim. Which is why they are not bothered.

Hi, moderators are you going to let this type of prejudiced comments on the forum? Moderators are quick in deleting comments that insult Pakistan or Islam, but allow these types of ignorant comments on the forum. What a double standard.

FYI... Mr. Myth_buster_1 if you care to open your mind up and read the Bhagavad Gita like I have, you will notice idols are a simple way of capturing a deity's image and way to reach them at times of worship.

This debate is about the PTA banning the Ahmadi website, a heretical sect that claim to be Muslim.

Here I fixed it for you man. :agree:

for bolded part.. your answer lies in the reason you give... brits tried to convert couldnt, muslims did too and partially succceeded that too by force.
mohammad smashed idols which he had no right to, thus showing disrespect to others' religion.. yes or no? in that case he broke his own rules where he says in islam respect other religions. so how can you expect me to respect someone who has one rules for himslef and another for others. that begs the question is he telling the truth about some angel coming and talking to him.. i doubt it. islam is just a copycat of christian and judaism fundas put together. Islam was about building an empire and not about God.

Mohammad PBUH smashed the idols which were in the kaaba which rightfully belonged to all Muslims as it was built by one of our former Prophets. Besides that he never ordered the destruction of any place of worship or idols belonging to any other religion.

i think you asked, why did the whole world start to worship idols ? so i gave an answer.
Also the moment you make an object as relate it to god , it becomes idolatory. Will you be able to take it if someone says he will smash kaaba? no.. you guys even have death penalty when madmen tear quran. this is all idolatory. idolatory doesnt mean only praying to idols. it means that you are respecting an object.

:rofl: :rofl: Okay so the widely accepted definition is wrong but since you stated the above it must be correct and the people who thanked you are just as illiterate as you are.

Idolatry | Define Idolatry at Dictionary.com

Idolatry- the religious worship of idols. <------

Hindus trying to tell Muslims what WE believe take a hike.
Hi Mr. Thor, what you are too ignorant to realize is that, Ahmadis are free to believe and say whatever they want. If you do not agree with their literature or beliefs, do not listen or read it, it is a simple as that. Freedom of expression, plain and simple. Oh I forgot, they have insulted Islam and they should be persecuted and butchered for that...

Islam is a religion of tolerance and does not need to be defended. Islam is a great religion and strong enough on its own and has survived and grown for over a thousand years.

Pakistan was created as a land of Muslims and Islam,and that ideology is at the root of the law of the land..
We were never secular,never will be...Deal with it or give up Pakistani Flag...
Being free to Practice their religion is one thing and making mockery of somebody's religion is another...
Hindus,christians,sikhs are living in Pakistan and they are free to follow their religion..
But if some goon smoke weed one night and claims to be god or prophet he cannot be allowed to make fool of simple people..
Same was done by Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani and they are trying to Replace islam with mockery which cannot be allowed...
Hindus,christians are not doing any of that .. they have their own well established religions..

So there is the difference..
Ever heard of Copyright?Intellectual property? Patent?

Why people go to court if an imposter copies their stuff?
Pakistan was created as a land of Muslims and Islam,and that ideology is at the root of the law of the land..
We were never secular,never will be...Deal with it or give up Pakistani Flag...
Being free to Practice their religion is one thing and making mockery of somebody's religion is another...
Hindus,christians,sikhs are living in Pakistan and they are free to follow their religion..
But if some goon smoke weed one night and claims to be god or prophet he cannot be allowed to make fool of simple people..
Same was done by Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani and they are trying to Replace islam with mockery which cannot be allowed...
Hindus,christians are not doing any of that .. they have their own well established religions..

So there is the difference..
Ever heard of Copyright?Intellectual property? Patent?

Why people go to court if an imposter copies their stuff?

Hi, I got a good laugh out of this comment.
Hi, I am not going to waste my time debating religion. All I will say is, Pakistan is in the sorry state it is because it is wasting time debating the "patent of Islam". Pakistan needs to concentrate on its economy and educating its youth in real schools, not madrassas. I am done with this thread.

Its the other way round.....
We were happy with being a Muslim state "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" and then came western/Indian Influence and we became Confused,and the trouble started..
Every nation on Earth has a Theory,a moto,an ideology and we have ours.

No matter how naked our women become,and how non islamic we become we wont be accepted as brethren by the ones we are now so keen to please...
Better stay whowe are,or supposed to be...

On topic,banning a website is nothing big,deal with it....Qadianis can do what they want in Private,but they cannot be allowed to rub it on our faces...

Hi, I got a good laugh out of this comment.

Thats good for an ABCD
Hi, I am not going to waste my time debating religion. All I will say is, Pakistan is in the sorry state it is because it is wasting time debating the "patent of Islam". Pakistan needs to concentrate on its economy and educating its youth in real schools, not madrassas. Madrassas are festering pools of hate and intolerance, and provide no useful employment skills, other than being a suicide bomber.

I am done with this thread.
Hi, I am not going to waste my time debating religion. All I will say is, Pakistan is in the sorry state it is because it is wasting time debating the "patent of Islam". Pakistan needs to concentrate on its economy and educating its youth in real schools, not madrassas. Madrassas are festering pools of hate and intolerance, and provide no useful employment skills, other than being a suicide bomber.

I am done with this thread.

says the one who never been to a madarsah...
what do you know about a Madarsah? Nothing.
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