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Protestors have sieged the PTV building, taken hostages inside and hijacked transmission

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Hasn't worked for me. Offering proofs doesn't work for them.

Nuances and finesse, as well as diction and intent. These are important. People recognize this and they may disagree, but respect the poster at the end of the day.
Nuances and finesse, as well as diction and intent. These are important. People recognize this and they may disagree, but respect the poster at the end of the day.
You're a mod and likely here for a long time.

I've given up on walls. They come down to calling names, swearing and issuing threats. I don't plan on being here forever. I'm just faregh right now and not in Islamabad, otherwise I would've attended the jalsa.

My institution opens soon and I'll be happy to take argument there and talk to actual intellectual who accept the problem when given proof and accept other's opinion without being offensive or threatening. If they're, which is never, i go to chancellor and they get warning and then get kicked out. Here, reporting posts, they still stay live and the threats continue to come, people get more personal and go about swearing involving your kins. And these people are no "new users."
Kyun @Patriot , kesa diya? The version posted by you was so innocent that it had no sound. It just showed peaceful protesters enjoying themselves in cafeteria and having non-violent fun in general.

I bet @cb4 quickly arranged some fake protesters and had this movie made for propaganda. He even hired PA personnel in addition to renting PTV for a few minutes. You must be right, and he must be wrong. Kesa?

Why should I educate you? Do your homework before asking stupid questions. Musharraf happened kid. He made a deal with them and sent them into exile. Upon return PML-N contested elections and won a number of seats. So, go and blame PA, Musharraf, and PML-N voters. Go sue them.

You know I can just quote my first reply to you and it will do, for any subsequent post of yours, the second would do. You can keep having a conversation in your mind or over here (Hey, PDF is free). That should keep your inner Youthia happy.

Just tell me, why do you keep ignoring my question as to what should be done to these anarchists? Never mind don't bother. I get it. You do not have an answer. You are here only to waste other people's time with your crying. Cry on....
It all depends on judgments you have created by your own?
no one is crying to no one but the utopia, s created by your insufficient judgments &
Definitions against a group of poor peoples has more to impress anyone but your self?
now was the dead ones in model town were the anarchists?
& the thier relatives who were denied justice !anarchists!
why state failed to give them the justice they deserved !
In both cases answer is no!
anyway you have your rights to speak up your mind!
Nuances and finesse, as well as diction and intent. These are important. People recognize this and they may disagree, but respect the poster at the end of the day.
it should be noted that @WishLivePak is not against imran khan for the same reasons you are… this guy is notorious as far as i know for being anti-pakistan… his signature at one point was that i get called an Indian or some crap.
you said you recently stopped supporting IM, this fellow @WishLivePak has been against imran khan for a long time. idk what motivates him for his hatred against pakistan but you should follow his posts a bit more or look at his older posts.

You're a mod and likely here for a long time.

I've given up on walls. They come down to calling names, swearing and issuing threats. I don't plan on being here forever. I'm just faregh right now and not in Islamabad, otherwise I would've attended the jalsa.

My institution opens soon and I'll be happy to take argument there and talk to actual intellectual who accept the problem when given proof and accept other's opinion without being offensive or threatening. If they're, which is never, i go to chancellor and they get warning and then get kicked out. Here, reporting posts, they still stay live and the threats continue to come, people get more personal and go about swearing involving your kins. And these people are no "new users."
calling somebody tarek fatah is not against forum rules.. if you don't like being compared to him then stop behaving like him.
it should be noted that @WishLivePak is not against imran khan for the same reasons you are… this guy is notorious as far as i know for being anti-pakistan… his signature at one point was that i get called an Indian or some crap.
you said you recently stopped supporting IM, this fellow @WishLivePak has been against imran khan for a long time. idk what motivates him for his hatred against pakistan but you should follow his posts a bit more or look at his older posts.

calling somebody tarek fatah is not against forum rules.. if you don't like being compared to him then stop behaving like him.

I get your point. But we can not be too judgmental. I remember earlier posts by @WishLivePak . But I am not going to hold that against him. He had a POV on certain matters and he was assertive about it. One can not fault him for doing that. Many others do the same but on different issues and for different reasons.

We have certain views across the board and when challenged about them, we get defensive. That is why some people called him Indian. people have called me a lot worse :)

I have seen signs of maturity in most posters. I hope I have matured a bit too.
This right here is your problem. You do not believe in constitution. And yet you claim that the anarchists are within it.
i believe in it, but as of right now its worthless in pakistan. nobody follows it, nobody cares. everybody is on their own.
as far as this march goes.. its well within the constitution… everything was fairly peaceful till protestors were viciously attacked by the police. being a pakistani i know that our police is very corrupt and are seen as goons. so keep that in mind, if a protestor got attacked by people who he thinks are goons for no apparent reason other then wanting to protest then what kind of result can we expect?? fighting!!
obviously attacking the police is wrong but you have to keep in mind the mindset of the pakistani people, including me and you.
we don't like the police because they are corrupt and ask for bribes so naturally if i got attacked by them i would fight back.
but when an institution that is well respected came in and asked the protestors to calm down and stop they did, I'm talking about the army.

You do not respect the constitution and yet you want anarchists you support to avail and abuse the liberties guaranteed by this constitution.
i support the constitution and respect but to me its nothing but a piece of paper as of right now… in our great country this piece of paper is made a joke by our very own government… non-of my rights are guaranteed in fact i can also be shot by a high level officer now if he suspects me of terrorism and the questions can be asked later… key word is suspect.
these are not anarchists, they are my fellow pakistanis who are fed up with our government which is run by mafias… literally..
-they can't meet our energy demands,
-they want to rig our elections,
- they beat our bakers because we don't sell them cakes when they closed their shops,
-they block roads even when low level local government officials travel and disrupt public life but when well known
prominent leader in pakistan wants to set up security barricades outside his headquarters they send the police and end
up killing 15 of his unarmed followers ( is it within the constitution to shoot unarmed people?? and send goons to
destroy my fellow pakistanis cars)
- they blocked roads to stop pakistani citizens from protesting against election rigging, 2 elderly people died because
they couldn't get to the hospital on time… who will be held responsible for these 2 deaths??
- tell me what business does najam sethi have in running the PCB?? he is a journalist not a business man or a athlete
so when court of the government of pakistan makes a decision to remove najam sethi and replace zaka ashram as the
chairman of PCB , does the Prime minster have the right to overturn that decision and keep najam sethi??
- for what reason was najam sethi appointed the interim chief minister of punjab?? what was his qualifications??
we are part of a country where a ratass journalist can be appointed chief minister of a whole province!!!
this is just a short list i made for you because I'm busy at work currently… this protest is not against our constitution nor is it unconstitutional for our fellow pakistani to be protesting in islamabad right now…. they are protesting for the sake of our constitution, which has been turned into a joke by the mafias running our country.
we need an institution that will enforce the constitution some which this current government isn't doing.

TuQ/IK partnership do not give a damn about constitution and wish to abuse it to max. Like leader, like follower. Hypocrisy much?
so what do you think they are doing this for?? simple to get in power themselves??
the parties PTI alleged rigging during the election since last year.. they tried to go to court and even asked the government to make it right and recount the votes in certain areas.. the government didn't agree to it. even if they did count them and lets say pti won those seats in dispute! pti still wouldn't have been in power!!
so my friend tell me this what would the government have lost by recounting those seats??
PTI gave the government over a year to make this right.. but the government refused after that what choice do you have left besides protesting?? if they didn't go through all the processes then i would say you guys shouldn't do this march but this was the last resort for justice to our own people.

I wish to keep this system to improve it.
how will it improve?? who will improve it?? nawaz sharif?
I know that once this system is gone, another - much worse one will replace it.
how do you know that?? you think the army will take over? or imran khan will become a dictator??
of course not…. our country will move forward.. even if our army comes in it will be briefly to do a new election.
our constitution will stay. besides the protest is asking the prime minster to resign.. he can choose not to resign but the protest will continue then. so thats why its constitutional because they are protesting and asking… not doing it. they left the final decision to the pm.

You do not see it, because either you do not know, or do not care, and therefore are useful as a free propagandist. Your post clearly shows that you have absolutely no idea about scenario in Pakistan.
well we all aren't blessed with insider information like you… i make judgements simply based on the information available to the average person.

You went to a country with higher GDP, established systems, and you sit there and pontificate about Pakistan. You have no direct knowledge and yet you presume yourself relevant enough to advise anarchy to fix our problems. You would not be saying half the things you say if you had the gift of self-criticism and retrospection.
same can be said of you…
I'm a pakistan citizen i have very right to be involved in the discussions and protests that affect the future of pakistan, just like any other pakistani. me living in a another country doesn't take those rights away. i have dual citizenship.

Again, you do not know me. I have earned plenty foreign exchange as a textile exporter. See how you make claims and fall flat? I also lived, worked, and studied in USA for more than 9 years. Do you feel me now? Are you prepared to say that you've done more for my country than me?
perhaps i might not have done more then you… there is always more i can do. but i know I've done a lot for my country and will continue to do so with what ever resources are available to me.

Sending foreign exchange does not give you ownership rights. It does not give you a justification for assuming that somehow you are more relevant than others. I can safely assume that you earn money because you enjoy doing so and feel the better for it. You do not seem to be the type who would give money to state of Pakistan as charity. You have your reasons, but I doubt they are altogether Platonic or altruistic. You need to come off your high horse for once.
of course it does give me ownership.. i am off my high horse… it was a simple replying to you, a comment you made that you are more relevant..
i would give money to the state of pakistan any day on earth just as long as it doesn't end up in the mafia governments pocket that is.. if someone like imran khan who is honest was in power i would donate money to our country from the best of my ability and resources.

You can not support dictatorship and talk about improvement in Pakistani environment. The biggest shock to the rule of law was Ayub Khan's martial law. It has gone down hill ever since. You just need to read more and expand your horizons.
of course we can…what were the best eras for pakistan so far during our history???
please let me know and you will find your answer that democracy is not necessary for progress.
its all about leadership.
I get your point. But we can not be too judgmental. I remember earlier posts by @WishLivePak . But I am not going to hold that against him. He had a POV on certain matters and he was assertive about it. One can not fault him for doing that. Many others do the same but on different issues and for different reasons.

We have certain views across the board and when challenged about them, we get defensive. That is why some people called him Indian. people have called me a lot worse :)

I have seen signs of maturity in most posters. I hope I have matured a bit too.
thats true.. @FaujHistorian is an example as well
we got @Norwegian who was apologizing to indians for things muslims did hundreds of years ago, though he also claimed to have lost touch with islam at a young age or something like that.
so we got all sorts of characters on this forum thats why its fun to be here.
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One word for all you PTI youthias: Javed Hashmi.

Now talk about my having lost it... Yes I have lost it. :lol:

Javed Hashmi is changing very frequently his own stance ... So what's the credibility......??

Ji bhai ji... Haj karnay aye thay. Phir chalay gai... Haj kar kai. :lol:

Bhai ji aapney video dekhi kiya keh woh kiya kar rahay thay ... Ya ay wayn bharkay marr rahay hain :lol:
This has to be the smartest coup in the history of military takeovers @Syed.Ali.Haider

When is coup not a coup? When you have no idea its happening to you.. its like the country was given a date rape drug.

Our "angels" are smart indeed. They know how to boil a frog very wisely and make some nice soup out of it, on order.
it should be noted that @WishLivePak is not against imran khan for the same reasons you are… this guy is notorious as far as i know for being anti-pakistan… his signature at one point was that i get called an Indian or some crap.
you said you recently stopped supporting IM, this fellow @WishLivePak has been against imran khan for a long time. idk what motivates him for his hatred against pakistan but you should follow his posts a bit more or look at his older posts.

calling somebody tarek fatah is not against forum rules.. if you don't like being compared to him then stop behaving like him.
And if you read, i get called noora slave as well. Basically for potians, either you're with us or against us. They call you all sorts of stuff, as you do too

Also I joined this board recently. I've voiced against Geo here as well as PMLn, MQM and anything or one which is making major news. Right now, as the parliament says, "we're with yiu right now, when the dharnas go away, we will give you opposition again." When this dharna dies, I'll be very loud about pmln. Or at least when pti isn't making the headlines.

I get your point. But we can not be too judgmental. I remember earlier posts by @WishLivePak . But I am not going to hold that against him. He had a POV on certain matters and he was assertive about it. One can not fault him for doing that. Many others do the same but on different issues and for different reasons.

We have certain views across the board and when challenged about them, we get defensive. That is why some people called him Indian. people have called me a lot worse :)

I have seen signs of maturity in most posters. I hope I have matured a bit too.
I still hold my points and I don't care people buy my points or not, so i'm not assertive. I'm not going to be part of the book follower. It's what we're taught here. Books are meant to teach, not to be made a religion. If book says this, so it shall be it. Books shall force us to think why it was rather then this is how it was. I can give you an eye opening quote if you want.

As mentioned, I got called worse and issued threats as well. But that's expected from social wing of PTI. They don't spare any party, who are we.

it should be noted that @WishLivePak is not against imran khan for the same reasons you are… this guy is notorious as far as i know for being anti-pakistan… his signature at one point was that i get called an Indian or some crap.
you said you recently stopped supporting IM, this fellow @WishLivePak has been against imran khan for a long time. idk what motivates him for his hatred against pakistan but you should follow his posts a bit more or look at his older posts.

calling somebody tarek fatah is not against forum rules.. if you don't like being compared to him then stop behaving like him.
what's tarek fatah?
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This has to be the smartest coup in the history of military takeovers @Syed.Ali.Haider

When is coup not a coup? When you have no idea its happening to you.. its like the country was given a date rape drug.
not disappointed at all….. wouldn't mind living under another musharraf.

Our "angels" are smart indeed. They know how to boil a frog very wisely and make some nice soup out of it, on order.
godless our angels… they are the ones who keep us safe…
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not disappointed at all….. wouldn't mind living under another musharraf.

godless our angels… they are the ones who keep us safe… btw r u really on the run from the angels??? i heard rumors
Yup, live under who replaces judges who don't take oath to him, suspend constitution, under whom people die and go on to become matyr, under whom we were on path to losing balochistan.

You only care for Punjab and ignore rest of Pakistan. Punjab isn't Pakistan, nor is punjabi a pakistani. Sindhi, pashtoon and balochi is also Pakistani.

When you talk about bringing another military ruler it just shows how selfish you're and how you want to break apart Pakistan. You shouldn't be a holder of Pakistani passport, but carry an ethnic identity card.

Baloch leaders have said that if democracy derails, Balochistan will be on path from separating from Pakistan. Balochistan is to be goverened under a baloch leader, not a puppet. Baloch seat is not a seat that simply needs to be filled, it's a seat that only a baloch can fill.
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