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Protestors have sieged the PTV building, taken hostages inside and hijacked transmission

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FIR was filed, but it was not to the liking of PAT. So, we see that a Black-mail political party wished for its version to be registered. The first right belonged to the relatives of the people killed, but that was not allowed to happen by PAT. Finally they arm twisted the Punjab Government to register their version.

Read the JIT report. It details everything you need to know about that blasted FIR. They found the PAT version to be wrong. That FIR will go no where, because the people who died are now pawns in a power-politics game, not people but only useful corpses.

So before you decide to cry out loud on PDF, be sure to read up relevant stuff first.

They suffered the consequences.

Now tell us what should happen to these anarchists, if you dare.
FIR was filed, but it was not to the liking of PAT. So, we see that a Black-mail political party wished for its version to be registered. The first right belonged to the relatives of the people killed, but that was not allowed to happen by PAT. Finally they arm twisted the Punjab Government to register their version.

Read the JIT report. It details everything you need to know about that blasted FIR. They found the PAT version to be wrong. That FIR will go no where, because the people who died are now pawns in a power-politics game, not people but only useful corpses.

So before you decide to cry out loud on PDF, be sure to read up relevant stuff first.

They suffered the consequences.

Now tell us what should happen to these anarchists, if you dare.

They suffered what consequences!
Become third time PM of pakistan that is Thier sentence? Right?
That's what was the example set by this croupt system!
Well, Situation is surely getting out of control.

First sign of Inqalab, i guess

Kyun @Patriot , kesa diya? The version posted by you was so innocent that it had no sound. It just showed peaceful protesters enjoying themselves in cafeteria and having non-violent fun in general.

I bet @cb4 quickly arranged some fake protesters and had this movie made for propaganda. He even hired PA personnel in addition to renting PTV for a few minutes. You must be right, and he must be wrong. Kesa?

They suffered what consequences!
Become third time PM of pakistan that is Thier sentence? Right?
That's what was the example set by this croupt system!

Why should I educate you? Do your homework before asking stupid questions. Musharraf happened kid. He made a deal with them and sent them into exile. Upon return PML-N contested elections and won a number of seats. So, go and blame PA, Musharraf, and PML-N voters. Go sue them.

Now once again, tell us what should happen to these anarchists, if you dare.
FIR was filed, but it was not to the liking of PAT. So, we see that a Black-mail political party wished for its version to be registered. The first right belonged to the relatives of the people killed, but that was not allowed to happen by PAT. Finally they arm twisted the Punjab Government to register their version.

Read the JIT report. It details everything you need to know about that blasted FIR. They found the PAT version to be wrong. That FIR will go no where, because the people who died are now pawns in a power-politics game, not people but only useful corpses.

So before you decide to cry out loud on PDF, be sure to read up relevant stuff first.

They suffered the consequences.

Now tell us what should happen to these anarchists, if you dare.
care to tell us what consequences the criminals got by attacking SC?every reaction gets the action it deserves? Nature allways is brutal
Hail dehati politics!!!
Someone got charged up by seeing rang de basanti and their takeover of AIR. :P
care to tell us what consequences the criminals got by attacking SC?every reaction gets the action it deserves? Nature allways is brutal

You know I can just quote my first reply to you and it will do, for any subsequent post of yours, the second would do. You can keep having a conversation in your mind or over here (Hey, PDF is free). That should keep your inner Youthia happy.

Just tell me, why do you keep ignoring my question as to what should be done to these anarchists? Never mind don't bother. I get it. You do not have an answer. You are here only to waste other people's time with your crying. Cry on....
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

Brilliant quote from my favorite philosopher. I own several of his books; 'Beyond Good and Evil' has been a life-changing experience for me since I bought a used copy from a college bookstore in 1992!
You know I can just quote my first reply to you and it will do, for any subsequent post of yours, the second would do. You can keep having a conversation in your mind or over here (Hey, PDF is free). That should keep your inner Youthia happy.

Just tell me, why do you keep ignoring my question as to what should be done to these anarchists? Never mind don't bother. I get it. You do not have an answer. You are here only to waste other people's time with your crying. Cry on....

You can teach a donkey by that time to write a piece of literature that challenges the "Iliad".

Why is Police not responding to this terrorism..? They might be kept silent by putting pressure, but once all this drama stops they will take revenge. These idiots beating a middle aged policemen just made whole police department their sworn enemy. Have seen same thing happening in Bihar in late 90's. Police's revenge was brutal..
Why is Police not responding to this terrorism..? They might be kept silent by putting pressure, but once all this drama stops they will take revenge. These idiots beating a middle aged policemen just made whole police department their sworn enemy. Have seen same thing happening in Bihar in late 90's. Police's revenge was brutal..
Because Imran and Qadri want to play blood politics. They want people to die. Qadri said "i don'r want tears,, I want blood."

Don't you see in India, when a girl was raped and killed, it invited far bigger protest vs a girl who was only raped and not killed? The people who don't agree with Imran.. Well once they see dead bodies, they'll start supporting him. Imran and Qadri have been giving wrong numbers, saying kids and women are dead, which is not true in some cases. But they want the protesters feelings aroused so they take charge and march towards forbidden area, and more bodies fall.

Khoni siyasat.

see this thread

Peaceful protesters brutal attack
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A perfect system does not drop from the sky, neither is it installed by angels.
which is why we have to work for it, by protesting, not letting these mafias eat our country… if we have another term after this by another mafia then we won't have a pakistan never mind a constitution.
You can give corrupt people the best damn system and they would abuse it.
true… but I'm pretty sure we can come up with something better then this. perhaps the population should vote directly for the prime minister. perhaps we should try american style system not british.

I know police, I know justice, I know mafias.
so that gives you the ok to deny people their right of protest??? nobody has toppled NS they simply asked him to resign… everything is within the constitution.
Do not presume to know more than me. Do not presume to have suffered more than me. Do not presume me to have any stake in this system. You do not know me kid. You do not know me at all.
so you have suffered now??? lol
of course chakbamu knows more then anybody since he lives in a delusional world.
it is clear that you have a stake in this system. because i know for a fact that nobody gives a rats *** about the constitution… i have a friend of mine who was a pti supporter but after marrying into a family with pmln connections he licks PMLN *** all day now.

I am contesting a case that my father has left to my charge. Our family has been fighting for its right in various courts at all levels for the last 37 years. And yet the fraudsters keep committing fresh frauds and fresh forgeries to deny my family's right. I deal with police, lawyers, & courts on a weekly basis. I know far more than you can imagine about how bad this system is.
you go through this yet you want to keep this system??? maybe you deserve going through all that hassle and you will keep going through it, it might be fun for you maybe but not the average joe, you might have the resources and wealth but not the average joe in pakistan. so speak for yourself only and only yourself. don't ever speak for the common man.
my family was dirt poor only 25 years ago, my father girl up in a house which only was one room with a door and a window and made of mud. i know the shit my family went through to get where we are. and it was all thanks to god for getting my dad an american visa. if my family was still in pakistan we would still be dirt poor because there is no opportunity in this system for the common man.

I have far far more valid and far far more numerous reasons to criticize this system. But I do not wish for it to be given over to demagogues or military. It does not work that way. It never works that way.
if you chose not to that means you chose to wish that hell on more pakistanis in the years to come.
i don't want another minute of suffering… i trust the army with all my heart and i would gladly live under military dictatorship.. our military is a special case and always has protected our country and brought progress to our country unlike democracy which has so far brought nothing but hardship to the average pakistani.
i'm afraid to live and do business in my own country because its run by mafias who want to charge you taxes.
that was not the problem under musharraf… in fact we got more freedom under musharraf.
The next time you let your itchy fingers pass your faulty judgment on me, do understand that I am under no compulsion to live in Pakistan. I could walk away any time. But unlike you, I stay here and stick with my country. So, while you have similar right to express your opinions, I am far more relevant.
first of all me by staying in america i do more for my country and its economy then you probably do in a decade my friend. you might have choose to stay in pakistan , thats good for you, but what good have you done for pakistan??? pakistan has no shortage of leeches willing to suck its blood. i personally send thousands of dollars to pakistan, money that actually helps our foreign reserves and economy. what have you done for pakistan??? there are or were over 40 people from my family in our army who fought or are fighting for our country… and me and my family here we send thousands and thousands of dollars to help support our families in pakistan , also giving a boast to our economy because there is no opportunity for people in pakistan because of the mafias you want to keep in power.
which is why we have to work for it, by protesting, not letting these mafias eat our country… if we have another term after this by another mafia then we won't have a pakistan never mind a constitution.

so that gives you the ok to deny people their right of protest??? nobody has toppled NS they simply asked him to resign… everything is within the constitution.

it is clear that you have a stake in this system. because i know for a fact that nobody gives a rats *** about the constitution…

This right here is your problem. You do not believe in constitution. And yet you claim that the anarchists are within it.

You do not respect the constitution and yet you want anarchists you support to avail and abuse the liberties guaranteed by this constitution. TuQ/IK partnership do not give a damn about constitution and wish to abuse it to max. Like leader, like follower. Hypocrisy much?

you go through this yet you want to keep this system??? maybe you deserve going through all that hassle and you will keep going through it, it might be fun for you maybe but not the average joe, you might have the resources and wealth but not the average joe in pakistan. so speak for yourself only and only yourself. don't ever speak for the common man.

I wish to keep this system to improve it. I know that once this system is gone, another - much worse one will replace it. You do not see it, because either you do not know, or do not care, and therefore are useful as a free propagandist. Your post clearly shows that you have absolutely no idea about scenario in Pakistan.

my family was dirt poor only 25 years ago, my father girl up in a house which only was one room with a door and a window and made of mud. i know the shit my family went through to get where we are. and it was all thanks to god for getting my dad an american visa. if my family was still in pakistan we would still be dirt poor because there is no opportunity in this system for the common man.

You went to a country with higher GDP, established systems, and you sit there and pontificate about Pakistan. You have no direct knowledge and yet you presume yourself relevant enough to advise anarchy to fix our problems. You would not be saying half the things you say if you had the gift of self-criticism and retrospection.

first of all me by staying in america i do more for my country and its economy then you probably do in a decade my friend. you might have choose to stay in pakistan , thats good for you, but what good have you done for pakistan??? pakistan has no shortage of leeches willing to suck its blood. i personally send thousands of dollars to pakistan, money that actually helps our foreign reserves and economy. what have you done for pakistan??? there are or were over 40 people from my family in our army who fought or are fighting for our country… and me and my family here we send thousands and thousands of dollars to help support our families in pakistan , also giving a boast to our economy because there is no opportunity for people in pakistan because of the mafias you want to keep in power.

Again, you do not know me. I have earned plenty foreign exchange as a textile exporter. See how you make claims and fall flat? I also lived, worked, and studied in USA for more than 9 years. Do you feel me now? Are you prepared to say that you've done more for my country than me?

Sending foreign exchange does not give you ownership rights. It does not give you a justification for assuming that somehow you are more relevant than others. I can safely assume that you earn money because you enjoy doing so and feel the better for it. You do not seem to be the type who would give money to state of Pakistan as charity. You have your reasons, but I doubt they are altogether Platonic or altruistic. You need to come off your high horse for once.

Discuss things on merit and with consistency. It is OK to disagree. But it is not OK to make false assumptions about others and gloat over false premises.

You can not support dictatorship and talk about improvement in Pakistani environment. The biggest shock to the rule of law was Ayub Khan's martial law. It has gone down hill ever since. You just need to read more and expand your horizons.
This right here is your problem. You do not believe in constitution. And yet you claim that the anarchists are within it.

You do not respect the constitution and yet you want anarchists you support to avail and abuse the liberties guaranteed by this constitution. TuQ/IK partnership do not give a damn about constitution and wish to abuse it to max. Like leader, like follower. Hypocrisy much?

I wish to keep this system to improve it. I know that once this system is gone, another - much worse one will replace it. You do not see it, because either you do not know, or do not care, and therefore are useful as a free propagandist. Your post clearly shows that you have absolutely no idea about scenario in Pakistan.

You went to a country with higher GDP, established systems, and you sit there and pontificate about Pakistan. You have no direct knowledge and yet you presume yourself relevant enough to advise anarchy to fix our problems. You would not be saying half the things you say if you had the gift of self-criticism and retrospection.

Again, you do not know me. I have earned plenty foreign exchange as a textile exporter. See how you make claims and fall flat? I also lived, worked, and studied in USA for more than 9 years. Do you feel me now? Are you prepared to say that you've done more for my country than me?

Sending foreign exchange does not give you ownership rights. It does not give you a justification for assuming that somehow you are more relevant than others. I can safely assume that you earn money because you enjoy doing so and feel the better for it. You do not seem to be the type who would give money to state of Pakistan as charity. You have your reasons, but I doubt they are altogether Platonic or altruistic. You need to come off your high horse for once.

Discuss things on merit and with consistency. It is OK to disagree. But it is not OK to make false assumptions about others and gloat over false premises.

You can not support dictatorship and talk about improvement in Pakistani environment. The biggest shock to the rule of law was Ayub Khan's martial law. It has gone down hill ever since. You just need to read more and expand your horizons.
If you are going to speak to walls, don't complain of banging your head on wall.

He's gonna understand NONE of it and waste your time further
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