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Protesters in Antalya

Don't look for justifications, war is war.

Let the politicians talk all they want, no words will bring back the ending lifes if we invade Syria. If you think it's bad in Syria now, imagine how it'll look like after Turkish Army storms the place.

I'd like to read all your posts and I'd probably start mocking a significant number of you guys but unfortunately i don't have the luxury of time as im dealing with my personal life. Pardon me, have a nice day.
You call couple of thousands a rise up? and again if the government are killing people, the whole nation will rise up against Alasad, and Alasad wont last a minute in office, because the power and the will of the people can not be beaten. again Syrians know the truth.

Couple of thousands? I didn't know they are that few. Then there is nothing to worry about mate. We're struggling with couple of thousands terrorists too since 1984, thanks to Assad family.
You'll get used to it...
Couple of thousands? I didn't know they are that few. Then there is nothing to worry about mate. We're struggling with couple of thousands terrorists too since 1984, thanks to Assad family.
You'll get used to it...

Show me millions protesting against Alasad? and if you have personal problem with Alasad, then you support the bloodshed of the Syrian people and you support terrorists?

These millions will answer you here

Syrians Rally - YouTube
Su rezillige bakin. Gelmis gecmis en celiskili basbakan. Yemin ederim bir millet bu kadar aptal olabilir mi?

sana dedik değil mi..bu Devletin işi diye..Tayyibin kafası basmaz bu işlere ..ama sende sapla samanı karıştırıyorsun..
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Show me millions protesting against Alasad? and if you have personal problem with Alasad, then you support the bloodshed of the Syrian people and you support terrorists?

These millions will answer you here

Syrians Rally - YouTube

I support neither Assad nor FSA. The quicker they kill each other without hurting innocent people, the better it will be for Syria.
How can i show you millions protesting againt Assad? You just said they are couple of thousand, remember?

Don't look for justifications, war is war.

Let the politicians talk all they want, no words will bring back the ending lifes if we invade Syria. If you think it's bad in Syria now, imagine how it'll look like after Turkish Army storms the place.

I'd like to read all your posts and I'd probably start mocking a significant number of you guys but unfortunately i don't have the luxury of time as im dealing with my personal life. Pardon me, have a nice day.


Unfortunately, this is me at the moment:
I support neither Assad nor FSA. The quicker they kill each other without hurting innocent people, the better it will be for Syria.
How can i show you millions protesting againt Assad? You just said they are couple of thousand, remember?


Unfortunately, this is me at the moment:

Again you support Bloodshed because you have personal problems with Alasad, why don't you support peace? support dialogue? I dont understand you.
Irak'ta istikrar saglandi mi da adam fazlaligindan dolayi Suriye'ye asker yollandi? Saddam indirilirken Suudlar, Erdogan ve diger sozde Sunni kesimler nerdeydi? Kuzey Irak'ta kurt olusumunun saglanmasi icin iktidar her turlu destegi sagladi. Bugun bile Barzani'yi ayakta tutan Turkiye'dir. Kuzey Irakta bir kurdistan devleti Turkiye bakimindan ne kadar cikarli peki? Hem Irak'in bolunmesine yardim edecen, hemde bu sayede Turkiye'yi tehdit altina sokacan. Simdi ayni politikayi Suriye uzerinde uygulamak istiyorlar. Suriye bolunurse, bu Turkiye icin ne gibi fayda saglayacak? Dis guclu mudahale hic bir zaman demokrasi hic bir zaman istikrar getirmez. Bugun Libya hic gosterilmiyor. Hani Kaddafi gitti ve demokrasi geldi? Orada her gun katliamlar yapiliyor sagolsun Erdogan ve Nato sayesinde. Irak huzura mu kavustu? Irak bugun uce bolundu ve her gun catismalar icinde bogusuyor.

Sen ayni Davutoglunun zihniyetine sahipsin. Yok Essad gitsin bak Rusya cin nasil yola geliyor. Ya sen kac yasindasin? Sifir sorun zihniyeti ile yola cikan adam bugun Turkiye'yi sorunlar icine bogdu :D

al sana Turkiye'nin super pozisyonu :D


Okudugun gazeteyle beni şaşırttın dogru yolu bulmussun :D ismini vermek istemedigim komşu ülkemizin molları kaddafi ve mübarek yıkıldıgında bunu olumlu karşılamıştı fakat ne yazıkki sadece mezhepçi bir yapıdan kurulan suriyeye gelince tavırları degişti. İrakın bugünkü bölünmüş yapısında türkiye kadar molla devleti olan komşumuzunda bir okadar parmagı vardır . Molla devletiyle saddamın savaşında mustafa barzaniye silah ve asker yardımı yapan komsumuz olan molla devletidir. Türkiyenin barzaniyle ilişkilerini tasvip etmiyorum zatende konumuz o değil ırakın 3 bölünmesini kastediyorsan ırakı 3 e bölen amerikan ve komsu molla devletidir ki komsu molla devletinde hocalar vaaz veriyordu saddama karsı amerikayla işbirligi yapın diye ki nitekim bu durum ırakda mezhep savaşını başlattı :) bu durum şimdide suriyeye sıcradı gocunacak bir durum yok yani . Suriyenin bölünmesine gelincede merak etme esad gittikden sonra yiyorsa bagımsızlık ilan etsinler :D

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Again you support Bloodshed because you have personal problems with Alasad, why don't you support peace? support dialogue? I dont understand you.

I was against the AKP's Syria policy, and i did support peace and dialogue. I would still be against it if Assad didn't act stupid, and supported PKK against Turkey.

Unfortunately, now, the only way for peace is thorugh war.
I was against the AKP's Syria policy, and i did support peace and dialogue. I would still be against it if Assad didn't act stupid, and supported PKK against Turkey.

Unfortunately, now, the only way for peace is thorugh war.

I KEEP REPEATING HAFEZ ALASAD IS DEAD, AND HE SUPPORTED THE PKK AND ENDED IN 90's, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT NOW? Bashar Alasad does not support PKK, and if he did its because you supported those terrorists first, so he did an eye for an eye. but again Alasad will not give Turkey a reason to attack Syria, so he wont support PKK.

and peace through war, lol that what Americans and the west say, And Truman said something like that after bombing Japan with atomic bombs.
I KEEP REPEATING HAFEZ ALASAD IS DEAD, AND HE SUPPORTED THE PKK AND ENDED IN 90's, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT NOW? Bashar Alasad does not support PKK, and if he did its because you supported those terrorists first, so he did an eye for an eye. but again Alasad will not give Turkey a reason to attack Syria, so he wont support PKK.

and peace through war, lol that what Americans and the west say, And Truman said something like that after bombing Japan with atomic bombs.

According to you he has never killed a civillian either... So no need to take you seriously. It might be an eye for an eye, but it wasn't a wise decision. You see, the video you posted, people protesting against the AKP's policy... It would be happening in every city of Turkey and even i would participate it, if he haven't supported PKK and didn't kill two of our pilots.

You think after all Assad done, turning back is an option? Seriously?
According to you he has never killed a civillian either... So no need to take you seriously. It might be an eye for an eye, but it wasn't a wise decision. You see, the video you posted, people protesting against the AKP's policy... It would be happening in every city of Turkey and even i would participate it, if he haven't supported PKK and didn't kill two of our pilots.

You think after all Assad done, turning back is an option? Seriously?

lol in your dream and akp dreams that Alasad is done lol. again to prove to you that AKP did all the pilot thing, it purposely sends its pilot to Syrian space so Syrians shoot it down, this way AKP can gain Turkish people support, even thought it was Turkey invading Syrian air space, u know just like bush and the two towers. do i need to explain more?
lol in your dream and akp dreams that Alasad is done lol. again to prove to you that AKP did all the pilot thing, it purposely sends its pilot to Syrian space so Syrians shoot it down, this way AKP can gain Turkish people support, even thought it was Turkey invading Syrian air space, u know just like bush and the two towers. do i need to explain more?

I believe no one could have imagined how idiot Assad can be. I mean, whether it was in Syrian airspace or not, shooting down a Turkish jet without a warning? It was unpredictable.
I believe no one could have imagined how idiot Assad can be. I mean, whether it was in Syrian airspace or not, shooting down a Turkish jet without a warning? It was unpredictable.

:rofl: again when you are under threat from NATO countries and the west, you will shoot anything that flies in your air space without a permission, why didnt Turkey get a permission ? i tell you why, so Syria shoots the plane, and then the AKP achieve its goal of Turkish anger, which is why your angry now, and AKP achieved that goal. again Bush and the Twin Tower 9/11 story. Turkey wants an excuse to go to war, and they then when the jet path report came out Turkey failed.
:rofl: again when you are under threat from NATO countries and the west, you will shoot anything that flies in your air space without a permission, why didnt Turkey get a permission ? i tell you why, so Syria shoots the plane, and then the AKP achieve its goal of Turkish anger, which is why your angry now, and AKP achieved that goal. again Bush and the Twin Tower 9/11 story. Turkey wants an excuse to go to war, and they then when the jet path report came out Turkey failed.

90% of my anger is because of Assad's support for PKK. Why would Turkey involve itself in a war while it can deal with Assad without dangering its people?

And this >:rofl: shall be me when Assad giving his last breath in a painful death.
90% of my anger is because Assad's support for PKK. Why would Turkey involve itself in a war while it can deal with Assad without dangering its people?

And this >:rofl: shall be me when Assad giving his last breath in a painful death.

dude do you understand what im saying, PKK and Syria relations ended in the 90's? and Bashar Alasad has nothing to do with it? man i feel like im talking to myself here.
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