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Protesters in Antalya

no seriously what kind of person are you? where is proofs , you just talk and talk with no source, everything you said is baseless. I'm done here, or at least i will talk to others who know how to debate and stuff.

Seriously pal, the PKK attacks on Turkey has skyrocketed since the beginning of this sht with Syria. Are you really want me to search English articles for you about Assad's support for PKK?
Seriously pal, the PKK attacks on Turkey has skyrocketed since the beginning of this sht with Syria. Are you really want me to search English articles for you about Assad's support for PKK?

there you said it, when you destabilize you neighbor country, you will bring trouble to yourself, now the Syrian Army is busy fighting the terrorists whom you support, so PKK now is moving freely in Turkey and Syria, because no control over the border since turkey wants it that way, now was there trouble with PKK when Syria and Turkey were allies.
Kimyasal silahlari ABD vermistir ve diger AB ulkeleri de silahlandirmada etkin olmustur. Zaten bunu diyoruz baska bisey mi diyoruz? Biz sadece kullaniliyoruz her zaman ki gibi koyun surusu halinde ilerliyoruz. Sen hala sii sunni kafayla gitmektesin. Iplerin her zaman ki gibi emperyalistlerin ellinde. Sen neyi tartisiyorsun o zaman? Ortada bagimsiz lider mi kaldi ki bati'ya karsi strateji uretsin?

Simdi sen mollayi iraki falan birak konuyu durmadan saptiriyor. Gercek meseleye don. Turkiye'nin cikarlarini acikla.. Yurutulen politika hangi faydayi sagliyor ulkemize.. Sifir sorun nasil sifir barisa geldi onu acikla.
Nedense bir türlü ırakın başta rusya tarafından silahlandırıldıgını kabul etmiyorsun neyse bakarsın ırakın eski silah envanterine
sunni şii kafasıyla giden yandaşı oldugun molla yönetimi ve suriye
Akp hükümetinin sıfır sorun politikası beni baglamaz.
Olaya birde şu açıdan bak şimdi iranın ermenistanla ilişkileri nasıl son derece iyi hatta 1998 de adamlar ermeni soykırım meselesini meclislerine getirdiler. İran azerbaycanın iç işlerine karışan ve tehdit eden bir devlet her yerde sii meshepçiligi yapmaktalar. BU meshepçilik durumuna ragmen tajikistanla ve kukla karzai ile iyi ilişkiler kuruyor farsca konuşan devletler birligi diye ama iranda türküm diyen herkes ırkçı ve pan turkist oluyor . Sözde din devletinde sürekli çalan bir sarkıda su sözler var ARYAYİ NEJAD yani aryan ırkı düşünebiliyormusun burası sözde dinci iran :) 1996 yılına kadar pkk ya urmiyede kamp ve hastane açan iran . Türk istihbaratının yerini söyledigi murat karayılana biz operasyon yaparız siz durun deyip adamı 2 gün tuttukdan sonra serbest bırakmak gibi kirli işleri vardır bu ıranin işhte tamda bu durumda safını secen suriye oldu. Reform yapmadı aksine ülkesinde halkı silahla sindirmeye çalıştı. Ülkesindeki yıllardır baskı uyguladıgı halk ayaklandı şimdi yeterli dış destegide buldu. SONUÇ sancılıda olsa esad gidecek bu kurulan devlet turkiyeyle iyi ilişkiler kuracak suriyedeki türkmen azınlık haklarına kavuşacak iranın kendini bilmez artistligi son bulacak azerbaycanın ve türkiyenin iç işlerine karışamayacak saddam gittikden sonra sesleri çok çıkmaya başlamıştı :D Türkiyenin bölgedeki etkinligi dahada artacak .
uğraşma bu kıllıyla..bırak Allah bildiği gibi yapsın.
there you said it, when you destabilize you neighbor country, you will bring trouble to yourself, now the Syrian Army is busy fighting the terrorists whom you support, so PKK now is moving freely in Turkey and Syria, because no control over the border since turkey wants it that way, now was there trouble with PKK when Syria and Turkey were allies.

Hey, i thought they were just couple of thousand people, and you said this was just 20% of the Syrian Army's power... How come Syrian Army lose the control of its borders if they are that strong to couple of thousand people?
Hey, i thought they were just couple of thousand people, and you said this was just 20% of the Syrian Army's power... How come Syrian Army lose the control of its borders if they are that strong to couple of thousand people?

hahah read my previous posts, there are a lot of smuggling, and PKK will take that opportunity to smuggle and stuff, and yes Syria haven't used 20% of its power, and I will let PKK smuggle since you let terrorists smuggle and even give them missiles. But Syrian government is wise enough to not cause more trouble, so it stops an illegal acts.

Correction: PKK Will take the opportunity
hahah read my previous posts, there are a lot of smuggling, and PKK will not take that opportunity to smuggle and stuff, and yes Syria haven't used 20% of its power, and I will let PKK smuggle since you let terrorists smuggle and even give them missiles. But Syrian government is wise enough to not cause more trouble, so it stops an illegal acts.

If you say so man...
Al Assad will soon join his friends Ghaddafi and Sadam in Hell. We Turks can wait the Soviet union also didnt broke in 1 Day......
Ne Iran'i kardesim dellendin mi. Allah'a sukur ehli sunnete bagliyim ama bu demek olmuyor ki koru korune kendine sunni diyen bir kesimi takip edeyim. Tamamda, Irak'ta siilerin eline gucu veren kim kardesim? ABD degil mi? E simdi'de ABD sunnileri destekliyor Suriye'de. Bu ne perhiz ne lahana tursusu boyle?

Kurtler uzerindeki kullanilan kimyasal silahlar ne zamandan beri Rusya'dan geliyor? Bu sayede zaten ortaya kurt sorunu dunya'ya, Turkiye aleyhine propaganda edilmistir.

Tutturmusun molla culla bulla gidiyorsun. Birak bu isleri.

Amerika sunnileri destekledigi yok arkadas! Destek gorduyse arabistan ve turkiyeden gordu! Bunun altini cizelim lutfen. Muhalif guruplarin elinde son model silahlari temin eden arabistandir, stinger fuzeleri ise biz verdik.

Amerikanin bir cikari yok bu konuda, hatta oyunlari bozulacak! amerikanlar siileri guc verip ucgen devlet kurdular, irak suriye ve iran.

Hatta boykot edenn amerikanlar arap emirlerinde sirket kurup bol bol iranla alisverise devam ediyorlar. Iranda suan haril haril mercedes ve peugot fabrikasi calisiyor. Iran petrolu acik denizlerde baska ulkelerin bayraklariyla satiliyor

Oyunlar cok buyuk oynaniyor ve iran destek cikiliyor. Suriyen sunni bir devket kurulmasi Turkiye'nin isine yarar!
Local intelligence sources in Hatay, a province in southern Turkey on the border with Syria, say a terrorist organization named the Turkish Peoples' Liberation Party-Front -- The Urgent Ones (THKP-C Acilciler) is trying to actively recruit Arab Alevi youth in Hatay to fight in Assad's army in Syria.

Some neo-nationalist groups in the province of Hatay support the THKP-C Acilciler, whose leader, Mihraç Ural, is a fugitive wanted by law enforcement. Hatay has a population of 500,000 Alevis, and these groups, local intelligence sources say, are trying to politicize the Alevi community. The purpose is to draw Turkey into a sectarian conflict in Hatay, and at the same time force the Turkish government to abandon its current Syrian policy, which is anti-Assad.

Ural, according to reports from the region, has set up an armed group in Syria called the Revolutionary People's Army. Alevi youths who want to fight against opposition forces alongside Assad's army are referred to this organization, intelligence sources claim. Ural is better known for his “revolutionary” side than his Alevi identity.

Security forces blame the provocative rally in Hatay on Sunday, when about 1,000 protesters gathered in a demonstration to show their support for the Assad regime, on Ural. A security official who asked to be unnamed said: “Mirhaç Ural is trying to create confusion by stirring up the city to end Turkey's Syria policy. But he is not effective. Alevis aren't supporting him. The Mukhabarat is using Mihraç Ural, and Syria is protecting him.”
Turks have only to wait few month and turn blind eye to arms going to FSA and the assad regime will collapse. The regime is doomed as he played the sectarian card by destroying sunni neighborhood and city, and its only a matter of time before he runs out of soldiers.
Look at how the situation is going, the FSA is constantly imporving at all levels
Like i said like always dictator like Assad will die its just a matter of time but what do i know iits not like i know what turkey does.
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