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Protesters at Shahbagh in Bangladesh backed by India

Person like you you tries to taunt using "3 side indian border" teaching int'l politics, that is epic. In your version of narrative being indian sunservient is winning startegy. Sure that is for hindus, Awami League and few communist natiks but for majorty Bangladeshis that is not why Bangladesh got its independence.

I'm sorry, does 4.6% translates to majority in your brain? :lol:
I believe in secularism, i have nothing against hindus, in fact I have a very close Indian hindu friend, a nice chap. My problem is with the Bangladeshi hindus who are a threat to our national security and sovereignty. Hindus as a group cannot be trusted, their alliance can be with India, it is a big risk. So Hindus cannot be given high posts, just a couple of big posts through extensive screening for public relations and ceremonial issues. Just like Indian does with their muslim population.

Discrimination alienate people...good example is east and west Pakistan. Tell something that unite people. Salman Khurshid is currently not on a screening showy position in india. It's always best to employ people neutrally based on qualification. It's true BAL employed many Hindu guys deliberately not based on merit. If they were there on merit, I wouldn't have any objection.
Discrimination alienate people...good example is east and west Pakistan. Tell something that unite people. Salman Khurshid is currently not on a screening showy position in india. It's always best to employ people neutrally based on qualification. It's true BAL employed many Hindu guys deliberately not based on merit. If they were there on merit, I wouldn't have any objection.

Its plain incorrect to say India gives ceremonial positions to Muslims. On top of Khurshid, our current chief justice is a muslim, our intelligence bureau director is a muslim and even attorney general is a muslim and our last chief election commissioner was a muslim. You do know what kind of important posts kalam held in our most sensitive defence establishments before he was elevated to the admittedly ceremonial president's post.

I'm surprised people like aazidane who pretend to be ''secular'' are just the ''same old'' inside.
Its plain incorrect to say India gives ceremonial positions to Muslims. On top of Khurshid, our current chief justice is a muslim, our intelligence bureau director is a muslim and even attorney general is a muslim and our last chief election commissioner was a muslim. You do know what kind of important posts kalam held in our most sensitive defence establishments before he was elevated to the admittedly ceremonial president's post.

I'm surprised people like aazidane who pretend to be ''secular'' are just the ''same old'' inside.

i have no problems with Hindus holding such posts in a secular Bangladesh, just their alliance should be thoroughly screened and with Bangladeshi muslims playing them as puppets just like how they do in India.

we are a nation of 90% muslims, muslims should run this country with bangladeshi nationalism at heart. Hindus can follow this ideology or keep away from politics.Anyone with an indian agenda in Bangladesh is an enemy of the state.
RAW's hand just might reach up to a level(as they are intelligence agency, their work is to mess up stuff) but blaming them about every single thing like some people do here. is insane.

We should focus on local traitors at first, then RAW will be insignificant someday. I fact, I do not care India/RAW, my only target is AL/Communists.

And most importantly we all need to aware of the situation. I am sure, banning Islamic parties are not the demand of mainstream Bangladeshis, but foreign agenda. Can you make a list of issues on how Islamic Parties are threat to BD as long as they are democratic, not extremists? I think the list will not be longer than AL's issues.
It is a matter of national security, for the greater good. Hindus and the extreme secular seem like they have an indian agenda. Indian agenda must be eliminated from the soil of Bangladesh.

Thank God Only 4 % of Bangladeshi population think like you. Your words are like what west pakistan think about east pakistan. Now you know state of Pakistan. Bangladesh should take Turkey, Iran as model not Pakistan as you think.
i have no problems with Hindus holding such posts in a secular Bangladesh, just their alliance should be thoroughly screened and with Bangladeshi muslims playing them as puppets just like how they do in India.

Keep repeating that like a mindless zombie to justify your rotten thinking. Bye.
We should focus on local traitors at first, then RAW will be insignificant someday. I fact, I do not care India/RAW, my only target is AL/Communists.

And most importantly we all need to aware of the situation. I am sure, banning Islamic parties are not the demand of mainstream Bangladeshis, but foreign agenda. Can you make a list of issues on how Islamic Parties are threat to BD as long as they are democratic, not extremists? I think the list will not be longer than AL's issues.

Inshallah if BNP comes to power DGFI will be made stronger, you can be assured than MBI Munshi will also be reinstated in his previous job maybe with a better position. DGFI hierarchy will be handpicked with proper screening. NSA, SB and Rab personals will all be overhauled.
To retaliate we have to be stronger, any foreign tie up is good based on strategic decision....China is such strategic ally for us. Still, I don't think any foreign power can save us, it's our sole responsibility. 160 million peoples' strength is not a joke :).

I meant, them training up and providing us with to-date technologies to make DGFI stronger.

I knew you would object with wiki source, so I put there another source. And it's not my duty actually, you could do the research yourself. There are lots of resources available. What I wanted to say is your stand against people who already did the research. Anyway, believing is everything and it's upto you.
And i did object the words that the other source speak of too. Those research don't make logically sense to me. You and what you researched about is your interpret-ion of the situation, a person who think about India and RAW will always put RAW everywhere, if you need example then @idune is the best bloke. point me out, atleast one of his posts where he mentioned neither of those two while the topic of discussion having no connection to them.
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