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Protest in front of Turkish consulate in USA

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
a letter to Ankara's government to STOP supporting terrorism in Syria like al-Qaeda and Nusra Front, to STOP sending arms and artillery into Syria, and to stop Turkey's government continuous Ottoman Empire persecution of the Syrian minorities.



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I think times were simpler when we all lived in caves.
Politics man.

Anyways both sides have valid points.
Assad needs to go but not at the expense of civilians (fairy tale).
LOL...50 people...Waste of bandwith @SyrianLion my friend..Dont get too excited over this...Even i can find 100 Armenians in USA to protest Turkey for over a half-baked bread
A handfull of peasents, Barrely worth mensioning...
Even i can find 100 Armenians in USA to protest Turkey for over a half-baked bread
What is the dispute between Armenia and Turkey about? Feel free not to reply if you think it will derail the thread completely..
a letter to Ankara's government to STOP supporting terrorism in Syria like al-Qaeda and Nusra Front, to STOP sending arms and artillery into Syria, and to stop Turkey's government continuous Ottoman Empire persecution of the Syrian minorities.


look well at these protestors, you Assadist thugs and their god father killer mollahs...

Democracy is something like that...no mather a few persons or huge masses of people gathered...Every citizen must have freedom expression, right of protesting, oppositions, free elections,politic party, NGOs etc...

When Syrian citizens flow to the streets to protest 42 years of Assads dictatorship without firing even a bullet of pistol but in peace way, Assad thugs must not raked civil people and killed them under savage methots of torture...

If Assad had slightest mercy for Syrians and sense of patriotism for Syria he wouldn be willing to ruin a country and massacre a nation for the sake of his own throne..
The link you provide totally tells so-called genocide is performed by all means, then you expect people to decide themselves...gosh...anyway no offence meant..

You can listen the story from both side, just google these keywords; "armenian genocide" and "so-called armenian genocide"

I heard volunteered armenians, greeks and their cypriots established a group in US just to protest Turkiye on any case, they are organizing on social media... You angry on Turkiye? contact them
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World War One 1914 - 1918
Russian Empire used Russian-Armenians to revolt Ottoman-Armenians
A Russian-Armenian volunteer unit during World War I.
The years between the 1905 Revolution and World War I saw a rapprochement between most Armenians and the Russian authorities. Russia became concerned when her enemy Germany began drawing closer to the Ottoman Empire, which led the Russians to take a renewed interest in the welfare of the Ottoman Armenians.
When World War I broke out in August 1914, the Russians sought to mobilise Armenian patriotic sentiment. Most Armenian troops were transferred to the European theatre of World War I (known as the Eastern Front). The Ottoman Empire did not join the world war until several months had passed and, as the possibility of a Caucasus Campaign come closer, in the summer of 1914, Count Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsov-Dashkov consulted with the Mayor of Tbilisi Alexandre Khatsian, the primate of Tbilisi, Bishop Mesrop, and the prominent civic leader Dr. Hakob Zavriev about the creation of Armenian volunteer detachments.[23] The volunteer units would be made up from Armenians who were not subjects of the empire or not obliged to serve in the army. These units would be employed on the Caucasus Campaign. Many of them were living in the Caucasus and many were impatient to take up arms to liberate their homeland.[23] During the course of the war 150,000 Armenians fought in the Russian Army.


A Russian-Armenian volunteer unit during World War I.

Eventually, the USSR annexed Eastern Armenia and rendered it the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Russian Armenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Armenian volunteer units - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and now Russian 102nd Military Base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Armenian Genocide does not exist

The documents you provide does not have any evidence, even they are government documents, writers of these documents lied to you.Do not believe these lies. Genocide and Turkic cultures cannot be together. Once you know the Turks and the culture, you will realize what horrible blame you make on Turks.

For many centuries you were told the Turks are barbarian, animal because governments did not want to lose their power, they were not respectful for their citizens right, people been abused, killed...Your governments knew very well that where ever Turks go brings human rights, wealth,justice, peace, and modern civilization. These facts made your governments fearful to lose power. During crusades people crusade soldiers saw human rights, wealth,justice, peace, and modern civilization from Turks and realized that they were being scammed by their governments. In conclusion, europe started to be illuminated.

However, wrong thoughts and fear still exist in your unconsciousness, the knowing the truth being lied for centuries makes your unconsciousness suffer. It will take time to accept how good Turks are.

In U.S, there are people that thinks people ride camels in Turkey, what made these people think like that, how do you explain that.There techniques in human psychology to manipulate the human thinking, you are being victimized by manipulation of human thinking.

Just question and think, Who benefits from what, do not believe right away look for evidence, look at evidence more and more it might be manipulated; is it real.

Armenian Genocide does not exist :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

Achaemenid Empire, Roman Empire, Ancient China, the Mongol Empire, the Maurya Empire, the Ottoman Empire and later the British Empire were all hyperpowers.
Ottoman Empire(Turks) was a hyperpower. and Mongol-Empire(Turkic tribes) was. Hyperpower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A hyperpower improves and modernize the world.
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look well at these protestors, you Assadist thugs and their god father killer mollahs...

Democracy is something like that...no mather a few persons or huge masses of people gathered...Every citizen must have freedom expression, right of protesting, oppositions, free elections,politic party, NGOs etc...

When Syrian citizens flow to the streets to protest 42 years of Assads dictatorship without firing even a bullet of pistol but in peace way, Assad thugs must not raked civil people and killed them under savage methots of torture...

If Assad had slightest mercy for Syrians and sense of patriotism for Syria he wouldn be willing to ruin a country and massacre a nation for the sake of his own throne..

answer these questions... maybe you will wake up

World War One 1914 - 1918
Russian Empire used Russian-Armenians to revolt Ottoman-Armenians
A Russian-Armenian volunteer unit during World War I. [...]

Thanks, I will look into this topic more closely.
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